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1. Mech. Phys. Solids, 1964, Vol. 12, pp. 199 to 212. Pergamon Press Ltd. Printed in Great Britain.



Departntent of Applied Jlathenmtics and Theoretical Physics, Cambridge

(lkcived 15th .dprii, 1964)

THE main overall elastic moduli of librc composites with transversely isotropic phases are shown
to be connected by simple universal relations which are independent of the geometry at given
concentration. Exact values of the moduli themselves are found when the phases have equal
transverse rigidities. Otherwise, upper and lower bounds are obtained in terms of phase properties
and concentrations. It is proved that these are the best possible without taking account of the
detailed geometry.


sO3lE new, and theoretically rigorous, results for bonded composite materials
with overall elastic isotropy were obtained recently (HILL 1063). A particular
a.elotropic composite of technological interest is now considered, in which the
embedded phase consists of continuous and perfectly aligned cylindrical fibrcs.
Both materials are assumed to be homogeneous and elastically transversrl!,
isotropic about the fibre direction. The cross sections and spatial arrangement
of the fibres are subject merely to a requirement of statistical homogeneity and
transverse isotropy.
Then, under any macroscopically uniform triaxial loading along and perpen-
dicular to the fibre direction (z), the surviving components of stress and strain
averaged through the composite are necessarily connected by relations of type


(a, - By) = ‘ttr1 (6% - +), 7zy = 2/r/ j&. (1.2)

The parameter I appears here twice because of the symmetry of the array of
overall moduli (op. cit., p. 362). Similar relations with bars omitted, and with
added subscripts 1 or 2 to distinguish the moduli of the fibres and matrix respec-
tively, are written for the local stress and strain at a generic point in the composite,
It is apparent that k is the plane-strain bulk modulus for lateral dilatation without
longitudinal extension; 112is the rigidity modulus for shearing in any transverse
direction; n is the modulus for longitudinal uniaxial straining, and 1 is the associated

“00 R. HILL

cross-lnocl~llrls. In the event of complete isotropy- there would be the COI~~XI~IIS

1 --2 1; - I)7 and I/ =~m
li + 1)).
It is analytically convenient to regard the four as the hsic illdcpcnderlt
wt. In terms of thn, for csan~plc, the conventioual Young’s nlodul1~3 and Poisson’s
ratio nnder longitudinal load are given by

E = tt - P/k, Y = l/21<, (1 .3)

011 substituting aZ = D2/ = 0. Cz = ey :mm- vez = -- vbZ/E. The relations (1 .l )

cati now be recast as

This unusual re-arrangement scrvcs a special purpose later.

It may be shown that the local energy density is always positive it’ and only if
k,, I$,, tttl and li,, li:,. tttz are all positive. This is assumed henceforward as our
concern is with real materials.
The phase concentrations by ~olun~c fraction of fibres and matrix will 1~
denoted by c1 and c2 respectively. Frequent use will be made of the clcmcntar~
decomposition formula
j = CJI + CJ2, (‘1 + C2 := 1, (1.5)

for tllc o\,crall md phase averages of any function J’(z, !I).

C’onsider a prismatic specimen containing so many Gbrcs as to be statistically

homogrneous within an accepted tolerance. There is no loss in generality in suppos-
ing that the ends of the specimen are maintained plant aud parallel by frictionless
constraints which are movable longitudinally (cf. OJI. cit.. $ 2 (ii)). Then, by
symmetry, all trans\.erse sections remain plane and the axial strain component
EZ is independent of position (equal to a constant, E say), while the shears yzz
and ylls \.anisll e\-crywhere and the remaining components depend only on ~1, y.
k&n these elementary properties of an idealized fibre-composite llow Sony
notahlc consequences, apparently not mentioned in the literature.
1,et crery a\.eraged quantity in (I .I) be decomposed as in (I.s), and. afterwards
rliminate the phase averages of the stresses in favour of averages of the strains
by means of the local constitutive relations (cf. the procedure in 01). cit., $ 2’).
The result, cau be set down at sight :

is the aj’erage lateral dilatation. If these homogeneous equations in the straits

variables were distinct, they would define the same ratios el : tj2 : l no matte1
what the triaxial loading. Whereas, on the contrary, the ratio C/Ecan obviousI?
b? varied at will or, for instance, any one of e,, t’, and E can be made to vanish
Theory of mechanical properties of fibre-strengthened nlaterials : I. Elastic behaviour 201

separately. In short, the equations must be similar and their corresponding coclli-
cients proportional :

after adjoining the final ratio following trivially from the first pair. [The last
equality could also be obtained separately by considering extension without lateral
dilatation, e = 01. An equivalent though more symmetrical version is

in terms of deviations from the so-called ‘ formula of mixtures’.

The same procedure applied to (1.4) yields, by inspection,


is the arerage of the lateral hydrostatic tension. Since these also must he similar
forms :
11 11 1 1

This derivation is preferable to t,he tedious elimination of 1 and 17 between (1.3)

and (2.2).
By applying the elastic extremum principles to plane transverse dilatation of
the composite, one readily finds bounds of Voigt and Reuss type for the plane-
strain bulk modulus :

in analogy to those for the three-dimensional bulk modulus (op. cit., 3 3 (ii)).
It is precisely the deviations of the exact value and its reciprocal from these bounds
which appear in the preceding connexions between the overall moduli. In passing,
it is of interest to note the intervals

which become small quantities of second order when the phase moduli difler
“02 IX.. HILT

only slightly. Keturning with (2.5) to (2.-L) we derive the important inequahty

E > cr E, + C2 E, (2.7)

with equality only when V, = v2 (cf. the reslllts for a general composite in 011. r*if.,
$ 3 (iii)), together with

v 3 ftl vI + C2 v2 according aS (vl - v2) (X, - k,) 2 0. (2.8)

Tn the latter the simple weighting formula when I, r =T !;2 is associated wit,11 plane
dilatation under microscopically uniform lateral stress and piecewise uniform axial
stress given by (IA). Finally, from (2.2) and (2.5).

)1 < c, HI + C2 H2 (2.9)

with equality only when I, = 1,. In that case a. uniform Irniasial strain, witho~rt
lateral contraction. can exist throughout the rompositf. .\lso,

1 3 r1 2, + c2 1, according as (lir - Ii,) (I, - In) 5 O. (2.10)

When lo, = k, the simple weighting formula here stems from the possibility of a
microscopically uniform plane dilatation with pircewisc imiform axial stress
given by (1.1).
That Young’s modulus of an idealized fibrc composite is not less than thr
‘ law of mixtures ’ estimate can be readily showy in another wa.y. We need onl!
observe that. for prescribed extension E under uniaxial load, the actual energy
+E$ of unit representative volume exceeds that of the iibres and matrix imagined
free from their mutual constraint, namely & (cl Ik:r + (a2E,) t2. The excess is
clearly just the energy of the plane field of internal strain that would be produced
by interfacial dislocat,ions needed t,o close gaps opened by different transverse
linear contractions vI F and v2 E in the two phases. For, in the language of function
space, t.he dislocational state is ‘ ort.hogonal ’ to that in the imagined loose com-
posite, since the latter-s lmiaxial loading e\ does no work in the former’s
discontinuous displacement when superimposed. To be precise.

II: - (‘r 13, - C2 B2 = 2 (VI - V2)2 1’ (2.11)

where U is the overall energy density of the plane dislocational field due to a unit
fractional change in the stress-free linear dimensions of one or other phase-l.
b’rom first principles (for instance, Uapeyron’s theorem) it is easy to show that
L: = CL Is,1 = f!2 1S2\, t 1le means being c\-aluatcd in this auxiliary problem.
Again, for gi\-en lateral pressure s lmder plane strain, the actual energy densit)
$,+/Ic is less than that in the loose composite. $$ (cI/lzI + c2/1:,). The delicit is
the overall energy density in the dislocated statr needed to close gaps opened b!
phase dilatations s//2, and #S/Ii, : the uniaxial loading in this state does no work
in the contimrous plane displacement in the clctual composite. Consequently.

1 (‘1 r2
x - li, - c2 = -
( 2 .I ‘2 )

The (k, E) connexion in (2.4) is recovered by combining the last pair of eqlrations.
Theory of nlechanical propcrtirs of fibrc-strrn@hen?<l rnatcrials : I. Elastic behaviour 203

Duals to these are

11- Cl til - c2 112= - 2 (lL - 2,)2 v. (2.13)

Ii - c1k, - c2k, = - 'I(k, - k,)2 v. (2.14)

lrading again to the (Ii, tt) connexion in (2.2). Here F is the overall energy density
due to unit. layers of body force on and normal to all interfaces. when the entire
specimen surface is rigidly constrained. Since such a body-force state is orthogonal
to each of the considered actual states, the loose cornpositr has the greater energy,
One now has 2F’ = c1 lcll = c2 )e2) m terms of means evaluated in this auxiliary
It will be noticed that relations (1.2) have not been used so far. Consequently the
results in this section remain valid when the fibre composite merely has equivalent
(z. y) axes of symmetry but not transverse isotropy, so that different modlJi
appear in the two parts of (1.2). This happens. for instance, when fibres of circldar
section are placed so tha.t their axes cut transT-erse planes in the nodes of a square
lattice (CHOSSIXY 1962). On the other hand. transverse isotropy is obtained
when the nodal lattice is regular hexagonal (HAS~IS and ROSEN 1964). In both
these papers the mod& h, 2, tt. v, E (among others) are bounded with account
taken of the particular geometry; but the bounds are computed separately witholit
benefit of the exact connexions shown here.

X single fibre with circular section embedded in a matching circular cylindrical

shell of matrix can be considered as a rudimentary composite, albeit inhomogeneous.
Suppose that it is subjected to unz’firttt lateral pressure P and to axial mean tensions
T which act through rigid constraints keeping the ends plane. By a wellknown
theorem in stress analysis the overall average of the hydrostatic part of the local
transverse stress is just P itself. dccordirigly. for the stated loading, a precise
replacement of (1.1) is

- Y = AZ _t le. T F lr _t ttc. (3.1)

Here E is still the axial strain, while the average lateral dilatation c can be reinter-
preted as twice the fractional increase in external radius R, since d(rrR2)/rR2==2dRIR.
Consequently, the preceding theory still holds good for moduli I;, 1 and n de)ned
for the inhomogeneous cylinder by (3.1) for loading only of this restricted kind.
We now illustrate the connexions by independent evaluation of these rnoduli.
The material constants of the fibre and the shell are indieated by subscripts
I and 2 respectively. .4t radius I’ from the central axis the displacement ittwntd
is denoted by u and the cotttyressive radial and hoop stresses by 2, and q; on the
external surface I‘ = R we write 1* = C’, $1 = P. Across the interface r = p,
where p2 = c1 R2, the stipulated bonding demands continuity of both u and p.
but not of q. The required values of k and 1are obtained as P/e and - T/e evaluated
under plane transverse strain ; 1 (again) and n as - P/C and T/E under overall
Imiaxial strain; R and Y as T/c and - e/2E under overall uniaxial stress. .4s a
check the final results should alltornatically satisfy (1.3).
“0 c Ii. Hn.r.

Some hra1.y algebra is sa\.cd hy de\x=loping thr ncedctl solutions indirectly,

\-ia a pair of clcnwntary dual fields of plant strain wnt~aining discontinuities :
(i) an interfacial dislocation in a composite yvlindcr whose srwfacc is free; (ii) an
interfacial layer of body-force in a composite cylinder whose surface is tixed.
Not.ationnlly con\.enicnt choices for the arbitrary magnitndrs of the respective
jrlmlbs irl rntlinl clisplnwtrwnt nnd stress are

(fibrr) (shell) (3.3)

4 (p -(- y)

(fibrc) (shell) (3.4)

uz Cl 4
- P2
T rz

‘1’11~~rigidity modulus wr is absent from these formnlae sinw the transvrrse stress
irr the fibrc is pureI!; hydrostatic.
.Suppose. now. that the actual cylindrical composit,e is deformed in plane
S.. strain
C, If there were no interfacial constraint, we wo~rltl simply have

prr unit reduction in arca. ‘I’0 annihilntc this jrrnip in p, wkhorrt tlisturlring the
o\.wall strain. wc must superimpose

‘L’lie nrt \-n111rs of I’ and - 7’ then yield

iI1 cwirformity with (2.1). The coelficient of c1 is the tlilatational rowentration

Theory of mechanical properties of fibrc-strengthened materials : 1. 13Iastic behaviour 205

factor in the fibre [op. cit., (z.Is)], cc1ua 1 in this case to ‘11//rthere. Other ways of
writing the formulae are


---z li,-2L;_ + i_ _L\;~ )
k + M2 2 2 I 2 J

the latter being in the form of a simple weighting by volume fraction.

By considering the dual operation of loading by unit pressure without extension
we obtain by similar means, this time via (i),


agreeing with (2.3). It is rather striking that the formula for I/Ii is structurall?
identical to the original one for l<. all inoduli being merely replaced by their reci-
Next. for unit extension without lateral contraction. the sohrtion is

11 = q = - I, or - I,, vi = O, T = cln, + cz 11~.

plus (ii) x (2, - I,)/(c, k, + c2 k, -i_ m2).

The net value of - Y gives 1 again, while T leads to


Taken with (3.5) this is in conformity with (2.1) and (2.2).

Ehinlly. the solution for Ilnit estension without lateral constraint is

The net vn111c of - $0 gives v again. while T supplies

With (3.7) this agrees with (2.4).

A%ltrrnatirel~. the explicit esprtssions for Ii. I4 and II follow from the energy
interpreta.tions in 5 2, with
106 li. HII.I>

These are obtained by scaling, in ac~orrla.nce with (:3.3), t,hr energy drnsitics

(i) 6.2np. p [ u]/7~fP. (ii) $ . 2np [p] u/.rrZk?

in the auxiliary states, or equivalentI\- from cI Is1( when [2l]/p =: 1 and from
icI (e,( when [p] = 1. I n assessing the greatest absolute de\-iation of any modulus
from the law-of-mixtllrcs estimate, it is usefrll to obser\-e that. for sarying CY~CW~-
trations subject to (8, {- (x2= I. an esprcssion such as (8, vJ(u~, I hc,) attain? a
maximum value (I/O I ~‘0)-~ when cl/c2 :-- ~1 (/J/cl).
An ?I-phase composite cylinder could now br treated straightforwartll~~ in a
systematic manner. The overall /i, I, )I. V. E for the innermost two phases would
be evaluated first. Then, regarding this s\-st,cm as a single unit. the computed
moduli would go with those of the nest annuhls in anot,hrr application of the
two-phase formulae; and so on outwards throng11 successive shells. This itrrat,i\-c
procedure appears to offer definite advantages. b0t.h of economy and insight,
by comparison with a conventional global anal>+. The coml~lcxitirs or foriml:re

in the latter can be seen in some results of H.\sllis and l<oslC\: (196-L) for I/ - 3.
when the annuli are isotropic and there is no central core.

4. i\ FANII.~. OF I’:s.\vT %3l.I-TloNS FOII FII~IW (‘O\II’OSIWS

When the phases arc isotropic and equally rigid in shra.r. o\crall moduti have
been exactly determined for a statistically homogcneolls composite with arbitrary
concentration (HILL 1963. $ .4, extended in 5 0 below). The geometry is otherwise
without effect and the composite is al~tomatically elastically isot~opic~. In particular
a fibre composite of such a kind has these same overall motluli- more especiall!
in relation to the libre direction. as to any other.
For convenienec wc restate the formulae Ilrre. Some variants are given in the
reference (where p is written for I,,). bILt more concise ~clIliva.lcnts arc to be hatl.
These turn out. to be simple weightings by \.olilmc fraction, the most rtmarli:~‘r~lc
-_>+;. t-c.11
'?1 1

‘I‘hr ot.hers can bc qlGckly generatecl by substitllting the isotropic collncxiolls

li = t/ - 111= ?,!/(I - ‘LV), E = ‘LI)l (1 A- V),

and similarly for the phase moduli. with Ml = ‘2ft2= 311. Whence

immediately. and afterwards

with a little reduction, or at once from

Theory of mechanical properties of fibre-strengthened materials : I. Elastic behaviour 207

1 1 1
__-- 1
f?lL - I2 = Gl(l p-=--rL’
- Y) 712

which is an unfamiliar version of the isotropic connexions.

For a fibre composite we now show how the original analysis can be extended
to transversely isotropic phases with the same rigidity modulus 111. Consider
any irrotational field of displacement with (z, y, x) components

where .f and its gradient are finite and continuous everywhere. By (1.1) and (1.2)
the corresponding stress fields in the phases are such that

These are self-equilibrated if the plane Laplacian is piecewise constant, say

$f + g= e,, p2 respectively. (4.4)

This notation conforms with $2 since the phase dilatations are here uniform.
All second derivatives at a fibre/mat,rix interface are then discontinuous :

where f? is the angle measured anticlockwise from the ;P axis to the local normal
on an interface, and square brackets signify jumps in crossing from fibre to matrix.
The traction vector is continuous provided that

both of which redlIce to

(k, + 771)El + I, e = (k, + 111)6-2 + I, E. (4.5)

It is thereby shown that all displacement fields satisfying (4.1) and (4.5) are possible
elastic states without body force. So far the analysis does not call for any restric-
tion on the geometry.
To obtain a second equation between e, and e2 we suppose the specimen to be
circular cylindrical for convenience, with either axisymmetric or random geometry.
According to the type of lateral constraint, there is given either the fractional
change in sectional area,
c : (‘1 fl -1. (‘2 (‘2.

or the mean normal stress over the curved surface,

s = c1 (A”,e, :m I, 6) + c2 (Ii2e2 + I, E).

Then. after solving (-4.5) and the appropriate constraint, condition for p, a.1~1 c2.
the mean axial tension is folmd as

1: (‘1 (II e1 -‘m)I1 l) + C2 (I, P2 + H2 l),

since the axial stress is piecewise constant.

For example. by taking e = o the mocluli H = t/c and 1 = s/c are obtainable
- PI f2 (4 : !_A 6
1‘2 Cl = Cl /i, + Cg kl + I,;'

.-\nd 1)~ taking .V=. 0 the moduli E: - t/c and v- ~ e/2< are obtainable from

However. this would be to repcat needlessly the procedure in 8 2. It is enough

to compute just the plane bulk modulus. say. With E ~= 0 and Cl/f2 = (/i2 -1 rtl)/
(X, + HI) one finds

which is identical with (-C.‘L), as could be foreseen since other phase moduli arc not
induced. The remaining overall modnli now follow at once from (2.2) and (2. L),
tojiether with

from (2.12) and (2.13).

Such moduli are none other than those for the c!-lindrical composite clement
in 5 3, when ~1 is set equal to the rigidity of the shell (be it matrix or fibre material).
And, since the core rigidity is inoperative? it can be distinct from Tut. In detail,
any continllous field of purely radial displacement satisfying (.&A) is of type

with associated stresses

g (p + q) = Ii, e2 + 1, E
g(p - q) = m (e2 - el) p2/r.

The radial stress at the interface is e\-idently continuous when (4.5) is met.
Returning to the composite with statistical transverse isotropy we completr
the specification of .f (a, y). For present purposes it suffices to take for .f the plane
l’heory of lncchanical properties of fibrc-strengthened nlatcrials : I. Elastic behaviour 209

‘ gravitational potential ’ due entirely to uniform ‘ mass densities ’ - e,/‘Zx and

- e,/2n in the respective phases. This fluctuates, with a wavelength comparable
to the fibre spacing, about the axisymmetric potential due to a uniform mass-
density - ,912~ everywhere. Moreover, the fluctuations at the specimen surface
arise essentially from inhomogeneities to a depth of a few spacings only. Accord-
ingly, we can consider the surface fluctuations made arbitrarily small in propor-
tion to t,he local potential by taking a suitably large sample of composite. Corres-
pondingly, in the elastic state the transverse displacement \.ector fluctuates in a
similar manner about the axisymmetric field of uniform dilatation E. This estab-
lishes that the calculated quantities lt’, 1, /I, V, E are indeed the overall moduli
under macroscopically uniform loading.

By virtue of the monotonic connexions in 4 2 an upper (lower) bound on /I

for a particular fibre composite automatically yields upper (lower) bounds on I
and n together with lower (upper) bounds on E and v. More especially. suppose
that such a bound on 1~ is derived as the actual pla,ne bulk modulus of another
composite that differs only in its phase rigidities ))tl and We and/or in its geometry
at given concentration. Then the other bounds also coincide with actual moduli
of this comparison composite, since the connexions themselves are unaffected.
In particular, a change in either of the rigidities alters /i in the same sense. 121
proof is easily supplied along the lines of a similar theorem gi\-en by HILL 1983,
3 5 (iii). In plane transverse strain the local energy density is by (1.1) the sum of
squared terms with k,. 111~or li,, 7~~ respectively as coefficients].
It follows that k is bracketed by the plane bulk moduli of two comparison
composites, identical with the one under consideration except that the phases
have a common transverse rigidity, either I//~or ~1~. Whence, by the exact solution
(4.6) for just such a structure,

Cl li,(X:2+ 1112)+ C2 Ii,(kl + l/72)< k < Cl Ii1(k, + ,,I,)+ c2 k2 (/Cl+ 17/J

1, (5.1)
Cl(k2 + %!I + c2 (IL.1
+ M Cl (k, + %) t c2 (k, + 7%)

with the phases numbered so that 1~~ 3 ~1~. Variants are

_______~ Cl C2 < _ (/i- Cl h - __c2 k2) <__~'l‘L____

(Cl h, + c2h + 1771) (li1 -I?,)2 (Cl k, + c2 AZ, + 777,)'

where the bounded quantities are 2V and $U, as defined in $ 2. This form of the
inequalities reflects the fact that changing a phase rigidity alters U in the same
sense and 1’ in the opposite sense, as would obviously be expected from their
respective interpretations as energy densities. From $ 2 we now have, among
210 H. HILL


All such bounds are best-possible when no regard is paid to the geometry at
any given concentration. In fact, as already seen, each is exact for a cylindrical
composite element whose shell has the rigidity appearing in the considered deno-

To put the analysis of 3 4 in perspective it is worthwhile recapitulating the

analogous solution for any composite, not necessarily fibrous. An improved version
of the writer’s original treatment (1963, 0 3 (ii)) is now presented.
Both phases are supposed isotropic, with three-dimensional bulk moduli
K~ and ICYand a common rigidity cc. In terms of tlie two-dimensional bulk moduli
used previously,
/il ~- K1 = tiz -- K2 = +y.

We consider displacement and strain fields of type


where C/Jis a continuous and continuously differentiable function of the Cartesian

coordinates x:Z(i = I, ‘2, 3). Then


are the respective fields of stress. These are self-equilibrated if the Laplacian is
piecewise constant :
C2 + = e,, 8, respecti\-ely, (ti.8)

where the introduced parameters are interpretable as uniform phase dilatations.

Across interfaces there are now jumps

324 z (e2 -
i m 3xj I1
= 8,) hi xj
where Aais the local unit normal. The interfacial traction can nevertheless be made
continuous by choosing
k, + P
4-zI__~------. Kz+ b
6, 12, + IL Kli- 3P

Define, next, the overall moduli

Theory of nlcchanical properties of fibre-strengthened tnatvrials: I. Elastic behaviour “I 1

satisfying fi - K = &L,

where B -= cl 8, + ~2 B,

is the dilatational component & of the o\.erall strain Cjj. Then, by averaging
(6.2) through the composite. we obtain relations between the ox-era11 stress and
strain :
Dij L tJ/_lcLiij
+ (li - p) c/& &j. (‘3.6)

These are tensorially is&kq3ic, notwithstanding that the phase geometry rnay
not be random (for instance. regular arrays of inclusions). Actually. such elastic
isotropy could easily ha\-e been foreseen : it is an immediate consequence of the
possibility of having tt~ic~oscopically uniform shear strain in ar/,q direction in the
composite when the phase rigidities are the same.
We can now recognize k and K as con~x~tional bulk nloduli, and compute
all others automatically, for example as in (4.3).
For macroscopically uniform loading an appropriate solution of (6.3) is


for prescribed o\-era11 strain, where 4 is the ‘ gravitational potential ’ of imagined

‘ densities ’ - Q1/&r and - 8,/-CT distributed uniformly through the re-
spective phases, such that

Since the average Laplacian of this $I is the mean dilatation. the last term in
(6.7) is harmonic. It gives rise to a uniform solenoidal distortion which accounts
precisely for any difference between the imposed and ‘ grax+tational ’ strains.
The term is absent when, for instance, a random composite is subjected to pure
For a composite of aligned fibres we return to the analysis in 5 4 by setting

with the original notation and particular choice of,f. From (6.1) and (6.7) the trans-
verse components of displacement become

which are valid for any geometry.

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