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Motion Position Stabilization Axis of Rotation Stationary Arm Movable Arm Normal Values

note. Pronate hand during Shoulder

Shoulder Supine
Extension to line up with Lateral
Head of Humerus Bisect Rib Cage Bisect Humerus toward Lateral Epicondyl 0-180
Epicondyl (supination/pronation will not
Flexion/Extension affect extension)

Shoulder Abduction Supine Acromeum Bisect Sternal Notch Bisect Humerus & Antecubital Fossa 0-180

a Shoulder
b Internal/External Supine Need a towel; Palm Down Olecranon Process Perpendicular to Floor/Ceiling Bisect Ulna toward Ulnar Styloid 0-70

Elbow Supine
note. No Overpressure on Extension;
Lateral Epicondyle Mid Humerus to Acromium Radiostyloid 0-140
towel under distal humerus; palm up

Forearm Seated Elbow flexed 90 & Supported Lateral to Ulnar Styloid IN LINE/parrallel to Humerus
Rests on Dorsal Surface of Forearm, Proximal to
Styloid Process

Wrist Elbow flexed 90 & Supported; During

Triquetrum = lateral bump on wrist (proximal to Lateral Border of Ulna; Ulnar Styloid and
Seated Flexion keep fingers straight & Lateral Border of 5th Metacarpal 0-75
5th metacarpal) Olecranon
Flexion/Extension Extension bent

Wrist Radial/Ulnar Neutral Wrist to Start; Overpressure =

Seated grap hand and go through motion only in Capitate = divot off 3rd metacarpal Dorsal Midline of Forearm Midline of 3rd Metacarpal 0-35
Deviation that plane (no flex/ext)

MCP Joint 2-5 Flexion Seated Through MCP Joint Metacarpal Proximal Phalanx 0-90

L MCP Joint 2- 5 Seated Through MCP Joint Metacarpal ?

a Extension
note. Middle Finger = Center, but do
MCP Joint 2-5 Seated not acctually use this during Through MCP Joint Metacarpal Proximal Phalanx 0-20
2 Abduction measurement

Stabilize Proximal Phalanx; Do not

PIP Joint Flexion Seated
usually do extension.
Through PIP Joint Proximal Phalanx Middle Phalanx 0-100

DIP Flexion Seated Stabalize at Middle Phalanx Through DIP Joint Middle Phalanx Distal Phalanx 0-90

DIP Extension Seated Easier on Palmer Side 0 = only have hyperextension

Motion Position Stabilization Axis of Rotation Stationary Arm Movable Arm Normal Values
Seated Elbow Flexed, Palm Up, Wrist &
Elbow Supported; Requires MATH =
1st CMC Flexion* Seated measure beginning angle & measure CMC Joint Through Radius 1st Metacarpal 0-15
when they stop & subtract - - stops
when you have to abduct to go further

Seated Elbow Flexed, Palm Up, Wrist &

Elbow Supported; Requires MATH =
1st CMC Extension* Seated
measure beginning angle & measure
CMC Joint Through Radius 1st Metacarpal 0-20
when they stop & subtract

a 1st CMC Abduction Seated Seated with Wrist in Neutral RadioStyloid for Thumb 2nd Metacarpal 1st Metacarpal 0-70

Finger Tips - to - Finger Tips; Pads - to-

3 Opposition Seated

1st MCP Joint Flexion Seated Stabilize Metacarpal MCP ? ? 0-50

1st IP Flexion Seated IP Joint Proximal Phalanx Distal Phalanx 0-80

Screen Test: Fit 3

Short Sitting with Stabilize back of neck to prevent
TMJ Opening Good Posture patient from extending neck
Knuckles in Mouth - - 35-

Short Sitting with

TMJ Protrusion Good Posture
Ruler flat, starting at top teeth 6-9 mm

Right deviation = mandible

Short Sitting with moving to the R (and vice versa);
TMJ Lateral Deviation Good Posture account for starting position of
10-12 mm
Sitting, with
T&L spine Stabilize to prevent flexion 0-50 (can apply
C-Spine Flexion supported on of T&L spine
External auditory meatus Perpendicular to the floor Align with base of the nose.
L back of chair
b Sitting, with Stabilize to prevent flexion of
T&L spine T&L spine Perpendicular or parallel to the
C-spine Extension supported on
OVERPRESSURE --> for External auditory meatus
Align with base of the nose. 0-70
6 flex/ext can use a tape measure
back of chair from chin to sternal notch

Sitting, with Stabilize to prevent flexion of

T&L spine. Bring patient's head With the spinous processes of the Right & Left 0-
T&L spine Over the spinous process of the
C-spine Sidebending laterally toward the shoulder.
supported on Measure BOTH sides --> measure c7 vertebrae
thoracic spine, so it is Bisecting the Back of the Head 45 (can apply
perpendicular to the ground overpressure)
back of chair from mastoid process to acromion

Stabilize to prevent flexion of

Sitting, with T&L spine. Take pt's chin and Parallel to an imaginary
T&L spine rotate toward a shoulder (In Over the center of the cranial Align with the tip of the 0-70 (can apply
C-spine Rotation supported on horizontal plane). Measure BOTH aspect of the head
line between the two
nose overpressure)
back of chair sides --> measure from chin to acromial processes
Motion Position Stabilization Axis of Rotation Stationary Arm Movable Arm Normal Values
Standing, with
Patient bends to touch floor. Measure distance from tip of
PT's foot inside
Trunk Flexion patient's feet - -
Stop bending when patient patient's middle digit to the
starts to anterior tilt. ground - Block pelvic tilt
NO Shoes
Standing, with Patient should bend as far to one
PT's foot inside
Stop the test when pelvis side as possible. Measure
patient's feet.
Trunk Sidebending Keep arms
begins to laterally tilt or distance from tip of patient's
relaxed -- NO when heel comes off floor. middle digit to the ground - Do
Shoes NOT let hand slide down thigh N/A
Seated with
Parallel to an imaginary line
feet on floor. Stabilize pelvis to prevent
Over the center of the cranial between the two prominent With an imaginary line between
Trunk Rotation No back rotation. Patient's arms
aspect of the head tubercles on ASIS. Need to the two acromial processes.
support -- NO crossed on chest.
Shoes 0-60
Mark a spot directlly For flexion- keep tape measure Flexion:
Standing, with Patient bends forward without
Schober technique inbetween PSIS. Mark directly on skin. For extension, Males = 6.7 cm
PT's foot inside Ant. Tilt. Measure the distance
(Flexion/Extension) another spot 15 cm above just measure the distance, not Females = 5.8 cm
patient's feet between the points.
1st mark necessary on the skin. Extension: 1.6 cm
Forward Bending (PT foot
between pt) N/A
*Use a pencil to mark C7 and S1.
a Standing, with Have patient bend forward The difference between the two
C7-S1 Distance Stabilize the pelvis to Align a tape measure between the
b spine in neutral (Flexion ROM). Record the distances is the amount of flexion
(Flexion/Extension) prevent anterior tilting two processes and note the
position second distance. that is present.
distance N/A
Lumbar Distance N/A

**there should be
Thoracic Distance significantly less thoracic
15cm -x = # Male
Backward Bending & Female 1.6 cm

C7-S1 Distance

Standing; Cervical - Instructions: 1. Place a mark on the 3. At the end ROM, note the distance
Stabilize the pelvis to prevent 2. Align the tape measure between the
Thoracic - Lumbar Right and Left PSIS - use a ruler to locate between the superior and inferior marks.
posterior tilting (the end ROM superior and inferior marks on the spine -
Lumbar Distance Spine in 0-deg of
occurs when the pelvis beings to
and mark a midline point on the sacrum at
ask pt to bend backward as far as they
The ROM is the difference between 15cm N/A
lateral flex & the level of the PSIS & make a mark and the length measure at the end of the
tilt post.) - use tape measure can.
rotation 15cm above the mark on the sacrum. motion.

Thoracic Distance N/A

Motion Position Stabilization Axis of Rotation Stationary Arm Movable Arm Normal Values
Stabilize pelvis with one hand to
Supine; knees
prevent posterior tilting or
extended and hips Lateral aspect of the hip joint - Greater Lateral Midline of the Femur - use lateral
Hip Flexion in 0-deg ABD,
rotation; contralateral LE flat on
Trochanter of the Femur
Lateral Midline of the Pelvis
epicondyle as a reference
table in neutral to provide
ADD, and rot.
additional stabilization

Prone; knees Stabilize pelvis with one hand to

extended and hip in prevent anterior tilt; contralateral Lateral aspect of the hip joint - Greater Lateral Midline of the Femur - use lateral
Hip Extension 0-deg ABD, ADD, LE flat on table in neutral to Trochanter of the Femur
Lateral Midline of the Pelvis
epicondyle as a reference
and rot. provide additional stabilization

L Supine; knees Keep a hand on the pelvis to

a extended and hips prevent lateral tilting and rotation. Align with an imaginary horizontal line Anterior midline of the femor - use
Hip ABD in 0-deg ABD, CAUTION: watch trunk for
extending from one ASIS to the other midline of patella as a reference
ADD, and rot. lateral trunk flexion

Pelvis to prevent lateral Horizontal line across both Anterior midline of femur, using
Hip ADD supine
ASIS’s midline of patella for reference

Sitting with Anterior midline of lower leg,

Distal end of femur to
Hip IR knees hanging
prevent motion
Anterior aspect of patella Perpendicular to floor using crest of tivia and a point bw 0-40
off edge malleoli
Sitting with
Distal end of femur to
knees flexed to Anterior midline of lower leg and
Hip ER 90 and
prevent abduction or further Anterior aspect of patella Perpendicular to floor
a point between malleoli
flexion of the hip
Femur to prevent rotation, Proximal arm with lateral midline Lateral midline of fibula, using
Knee Flexion Supine abduction and adduction of Lateral epicondyle of femur of femur, in line with greater lateral malleolus and fibular head 0-150
hip trochanter as reference

Knee Hyperextension

Sitting with
Stabilize the tibia and fibula
Ankle Dorsiflex with knee flexed to th
Parallel to lateral aspect of 5
to prevent knee motion and Lateral aspect of lateral malleolus Lateral midline of fibula 0-12
Knee Flexed 90 and neutral metatarsal
hip rotation

Ankle Dorsiflex with

Knee Extended

Sitting with Tibia and fibula to prevent

Ankle Plantarflexion knee flexed to knee flexion and hip Lateral aspect of lateral malleolus Lateral midline of fibula Lateral aspect of 5 metatarsal 0-50
90 rotation
L Sitting with
a Tibia and fibula to prevent Anterior midline of lower leg,
Tarsal Joint Inversion knee flexed to Anterior aspect of ankle between
b medial rotation and using tibial tuberosity for Anterior midline of 2nd metatarsal 0-
2nd Metatarsal 90 and leg malleoli
extension of knee reference
Sitting with Stabilize the heel to prevent
1 Tarsal Joint Inversion knee flexed to dorsiflexion of Lateral aspect of 5th metatarsal parallel to anterior midline of Plantar aspect of 1-5 metatarsal
0 0-37
Metatarsal Head Plane 90 and leg ankle/inversion of subtalar head lower leg heads
supported join
Motion Position Stabilization Axis of Rotation Stationary Arm Movable Arm Normal Values
Sitting with
Tibia and fibula to prevent Anterior midline of lower leg,
Tarsal Joint Eversion knee flexed to Anterior aspect of ankle midway Anterior midline of 2
lateral rotation and using tibial tuberosity for 0-
2nd Metatarsal 90 and leg between malleoli metatarsal
adduction of hip reference
Sitting with
Calcaneus and Talus to prevent
Tarsal Joint Eversion knee flexed to Medial aspect of 1st metatarsal Parallel to the anterior midline of the Plantar aspect from the 1st to 5th
plantarflexion and eversion of 0-15
Metatarsal Head Plane 90 and leg head lower leg metatarsal heads
subtalar joint
Prone, foot hanging
Posterior aspect of andle midway between
Subtalar Eversion off the end of the Tibia and fibula
Posterior midline of the lower leg Posterior midline of the calcaneus 0-5

Prone, foot hanging

Posterior aspect of andle midway between
Subtalar Inversion off the end of the Tibia and fibula
Posterior midline of the lower leg Posterior midline of the calcaneus 0-5

Supine or sitting
1st MTP Joint Flexion with knee fleced to metatarsals Dorsal aspect of the MTP joint Dorsal midline of the metatarsal Dorsal midline of the proximal phalinx 0-30

L Supine or sitting
1st MTP Joint
a with knee fleced to metatarsals Dorsal aspect of the MTP joint Dorsal midline of the metatarsal Dorsal midline of the proximal phalinx 0-50
Extension 90

1 Hallux Valgus

Leg Length

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