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Sorption Isotherms and Drying Rates of

Jerusalem Artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.)


ABSTRACT fusion, mutual diffusion, Poiseuille flow, evaporation/con-

Moisture sorption propertiesand drying behaviorof Jerusalemarti- densation, capillary flow, liquid diffusion and surface dif-
choke roots were investigated.Sorption isothermsof dehydrated fusion (Bruin and Luyben 1980).
and freeze-driedmaterial,its water insolublecomponents,fructose, Several reviews of drying theories have been presented
glucoseand sucrosewere determinedat 10, 25 and/or 40°C. Ad- recently (Rossen and Hayakawa 1976; Bruin and Luyben
sorption-desorptionisothermsindicated a combination of sorption 1980; Fortes and Okos 1980; Keey, 1980). However,
by soluble sugars,in the crystalline,amorphousand aqueoussolu- because existing mathematical models are complex and
tion state, and sorption by polymeric material such as cellulose, often unreliable, the “theory” behind drier designs is still
inulin and protein. In drying experimentsconducted at 50, 65, based on simple heat and mass balances, drying time and
80, and 95”C, and also at 65°C and four air velocitiesand four bed equilibrium moisture content of the material, which for
depths,it was found that temperatureand drier load conditionsare
of critical importanceto drying behavior,drying time and finished Jerusalem artichoke are not available. Therefore, the
product color. Increasingthe air velocity from 2.0 to 4.2 m/set, purpose of this investigation is to determine the drying
at a temperatureof 65°C and a bed depth of 10.5 cm, did not characteristics of this potentially valuable crop, specifi-
changethe rate for drying 1 cm cubes. cally the equilibrium moisture contents and the rates of
drying at different &r temperatures, air velocities and bed
berosus L.) tubers have been studied extensively for the
manufacturing of high-fructose syrup (Englis and Fiess, Equilibrium moisturecontent
1942; Yabuta et al., 1947; Fleming and Groot Wassink, The Jerusalemartichoke tubers used were from the Columbia
1979; Hoehn et al., 1981), information on the drying cultivar (Chubey and Dorrell, 1982) grown at Agriculture Canada
characteristic of this potentially valuable crop are not. ResearchStation (Morden, Manitoba). Adsorption and desorption
available. This is in spite of the fact that Jerusalem arti- 7sotherms were found by placing fresh dehydrated and freeze-dried
choke tubers have long been known to be a commodity samples in moisture dishes within desiccators containing saturated
salt solutions which give different constant relative humidities
which stores poorly. Difficulties associated with cold (Rockland, 1968). Constant temperatures were maintained by
storage of the tubers are twofold. Firstly, the thin skin placing desiccatorsin Conviron model I24 controlled environment
on the tuber makes them highly susceptible to microbial chambers(Controlled Environments,Winnipeg,Canada)at the set
attack, and secondly, sugar levels and fructose-glucose temperature.Sampleswere weighedtwice a week until therewasno
ratio decrease during the storage period (Bacon and weight loss or gain. The time required for the samples to reach
Loxley 1942; Rutherford and Weston 1968). equilibrium varied with the relative humidity, the temperatureand
A very effective means of overcoming these storage the type of sample. The moisture content of the equilibrated sam-
programs is to dry the tubers artificially with heated air ples was determined by drying the samples in a vacuum oven at
either on individual farms or at centralized dehydration 70°C and 48.8 mm Hg vacuum for 24 hr. Equilibrium moisture
contents were determined over the range ll-100% relative humid-
facilities. In order to design suitable driers, however, cer- ity at 10, 25 and 40°C. Triplicate determinations were made on the
tain basic drying parameters such as moisture sorption equilibrium moisture content of Jerusalemartichoke flour, pre-
properties and drying rates need to be determined. pared by grinding dehydrated or freeze dried material; freshly
Air drying of solid foods involves vaporization of water sliced Jerusalem artichoke; its water insoluble fraction; inulin;
contained by the food, and removal of the vapor in a sucrose;glucose and fructose.
stream of air. The phenomenon is one of simultaneous
heat and mass transfer. Heat transfer is involved in moving Drying rates
the heat from the air to the point at which evaporation To determine drying rates 1 cm Jerusalem artichoke cubes were
occurs, and mass transfer is involved in moving the water dried in a batch fluidized-bed drier (Lab-Line Instruments;Inc.,
vapor produced through the food structure, to the surround- Melrose Park, IL) at 50, 65, 80 or 95°C and also at’65’C at four
ing medium. Heat is transported to the drying food material air velocitiesand four bed depths.The drier consistedof a centri-
by convection, conduction or radiation from the external fugal fan which draws air through a stainless steel mesh inlet filter
surroundings. Mass transfer from the drying material and blows the filtered air through a bank of heaters located in an
occurs by diffusion and convection via the local environ- insulated cast aluminum duct. The heated air passed through a fur-
ment in the drier to the surroundings. The mechanism of ther filter to a drying chamber which locks in position by means of
heat and mass transfer between the immediate surroundings a quick release bayonet fitting. At the base of the drying chamber
of the drying material take place via convection and dis- nylon and stainless steel gauzes further filter the incoming air and
persive mixing of the drying air. Inside the drying food, also support the material being dried. Fluidized material is pre-
vented from escapingfrom the drying chamberby a nylon fflter
heat transfer may take place by conduction and radiation bag which snap fits over the top of the chamber. A thermocouple
and mass transfer may take place by a multitude of trans- placed after the heating unit and connected to a temperature
port mechanisms, including Knudsen diffusion, Stefan dif- controller enables automatic control of the temperature of the hot
air. The air blower is controlled by a solid state “Thyristor” circuit.
The air velocity was measured using a pitot tube connected to
Author Mazza is affiliated with Agriculture Canada Research Station, a Mark 5 Testing Set (Airflow Developements Ltd., High Wycombe,
P.O. Box 3001, Morden, Manitoba ROG lJ0, Canada. England)and it was changedby resettingthe blower speedcontrol.
The dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperatures of the air were measured

384~JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE-Volume 49 (1984)


with thermocouplesconnected to a Honeywell Electronik 15 tem-

perature recorder (Honeywell Ltd., Scarborough,Ontario). Drying
curves(moisture content vs time) were obtained by periodic weigh-
ing of the Jerusalemartichoke samples during dehydration and
confirmed by graphical integration of the thermographs.At the end
of each drying run, the moisture content of each batch was deter-
mined by the vacuum oven method (24 hr at 70°C and 48.8 mm
Hg). Freeze drying was carried out in a Labconco freeze-drier,
model 5 at a condensertemperature of -6O”C, a pressurelessthan
10~ and a shelf temperature of 25°C. Carbohydrates,proteins and
cellulosewere determinedby AOAC (1980) procedures.
Color of the dehydratedJerusalemartichoke was measuredafter
milling (Laboratory Pulverizing Mill, Weber Bros., Metal Works,
Chicago, Ill.) on a Hunter lab Model D25 calorimeter. The Hunter
L, a, b scale gives measurementof color in units of approximate
visual uniformity throughout the solid. “L” measureslightnessand
varies from 100 for perfect white to zero for black; “a” measures
Fig. l-Adsorption isotherms of Jerusalem artichoke products at
rednesswhen positive and greennesswhen negative,and “b” mea-
25” c.
suresyellownesswhen positive and bluenesswhen negative.

Equilibrium moisture contents

The adsorption isotherms at 25’C of Jerusalem arti-
choke flour, from freeze-dried and dehydrated cubes, water
insoluble components and inulin are shown in Fig. 1. Each
point represents the average of at least three determinations.
It can be seen that most points for the flour from freeze-
. Jerusalem artichoke flour
dried and dehydrated samples fall on the same curve. This + Fructore
suggeststhat freeze drying or air drying Jerusalem artichoke x Glucose
. Sucrose
at 50°C has little effect on the equilibrium moisture con-
tents. The equilibrium moisture contents of the water
insoluble components, however, were higher than those
of the flour at low water activity (aw < 0.52), but appre-
ciably lower at higher relative humidity.
On a dry weight basis the Jerusalem artichoke flour
contained 73% carbohydrates, 10% proteins, and 13%
cellulose. The water insoluble fraction, on the other hand,
contained mainly celluclose and proteins. Therefore, the
higher equilibrium moisture content of the flour at water
activity higher than 0.52 reflects the dissolution of sugars
in the water (Audu et al., 1978; Mazza, 1982, 1983).
The curves in Fig. 1 have the typical sigmoid shape of
type II isotherms as indicated by the BET method (Labuza, Fig. 2-Adsorption isotherms of Jerusalem artichoke flour, fructose,
1968). Consequently, they were subjected to the analysis glucose and sucrose.
by the BET method. Least square analysis was used to
obtain the slopes and the intercepts of the BET plots from
which the monolayer was calculated. The calculated values
of the monolayer water content (Xm) were 5.58 kg H,O/ l
3.0 xlO°C
100 kg DM for the water insoluble material, 4.84 kg H,O/kg
DM for the freeze dried flour and 4.60 kg HzO/kg DM for 040%
dehydrated material. The slightly higher adsorptive capacity 2.0.
of the freeze-dried material, as compared to the dehydrated
sample, was probably caused by the more porous structure
of this product.
Fig. 2 shows the adsorption isotherms of fructose,
glucose, sucrose and freeze-dried Jerusalem artichoke at
4O.‘C. It is evident from these isotherms that at low and
intermediate water activities artichoke flour is less hygro-
scopic than fructose, but more so than glucose or sucrose.
This reflects the composition of the flour which contains
significantly more fructose than glucose (Fleming and
Groot Wassink, 1979).
The adsorption isotherms of freeze-dried Jerusalem
artichoke at 10, 25 and 40°C are shown in Fig. 3. As can
be noted at low and intermediate water activity the quan-
tity of adsorbed water at a given relative humidity increased
as the temperature decreased. This signifies that at low
and intermediate relative humidity Jerusalem artichoke Fig. 3-Adsorption isotherms of freeze dried material at 10, 25 and
flour becomes less hygroscopic with an increase of tem- 4o” c.

Volume 49 (1984kJOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE-385

4.6 - form. In this form they are very hygroscopic and unstable.
The adsorption of water imparted mobility to the sugar
3.0. molecules and this mobility resulted in their transforma-
tion from the metastable amorphous state to the more
stable crystalline state. In this form glucose and sucrose
adsorbed very little water until the water activity reached
0.70-0.85 and the sugars began to dissolve (Fig. 2). As the
1.0 ’
solubility of the sugars increased with temperature the equi-
2 0.5. librium moisture content of the artichoke also increased.
s . The monolayer moisture content, which represents the
a . Desorprlon
sa 4. . moisture of the material when the entire surface is covered ~
2 with a unimolecular moisture layer, decreased from 6.15 kg
xO.3. HzO/lOO ‘kg DM for the artichoke equilibrated at 10°C to
4.84 kg HzO/lOO kg DM and 4.05 kg HzO/lOO kg DM for
0.2 .
the material equilibrated at 25 and 40°C, respectively. This
is in agreement with results reported for other food ma-
terials (Iglesias and Chirife, 1976; Iglesias et al., 1975;
Mazza, 1982) and implies that an increase in temperature
increases the water activity at a constant moisture content,
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.9 1.0 making the product more susceptible to microbial, nutri-
Water activity tional and aesthetic degradation (Rockland and Nishi,
Fig. 4-Adsorption-desorption isotherms of freeze-dried material at Fig. 4 shows the adsorption and desorption isotherms of
4ooc. freeze-dried Jerusalem artichoke at 4O’C. As can be noted
the desorption equilibrium moisture content is higher than
5.5 - the adsorption moisture content (hysteresis effect). That is,
the water activity corresponding to a given equilibrium
5.0 - . 95% moisture content is lower along the desorption than the
+ 60’, adsorption branch. The magnitude, shape and extent of
0 65” the hysteresis are comparable to type C hysteresis and
4.5 - x 50”
reflect adsorption of water on cellulosic fibers (Kapsalis,
1981). The presence of hysteresis has important theoreti-
cal and practical implications. The theoretical implications
range from general considerations of irreversibility of the
sorption process to the question of validity of thermody-
namic functions derived therefrom. The practical impli-
cations deal with the effects of hysteresis on chemical and
microbiological deterioration. The greater amount of water
that is held by the food on desorption promotes greater I
chemical reactivity, and increases the viability of micro-
organisms (Kapsalis, 198 1).

Drying rates
Drying runs were conducted at different temperatures,
air velocities, and drier loads. The relative humidities used
were those of the ambient air heated to 50-95OC. Fig. 5
illustrates the effect of air temperature on the rate of
drying of Jerusalem artichoke cubes. It can be observed
that increasing the temperature from 50 to 65, 80 and
95’C at an air velocity of 2.9 m/set substantially increased
the drying rate. The pattern of drying rate curves for
X (kg HzO/ kg DMI
Jerusalem artichoke is similar to that reported for apples
(Labuza and Simon, 1970), potatoes (Saravacos and Charm
Fig. S-Rate of dehydration of 1 cm Jerusalem artichoke cubes at
1962; Islam and Flink 1982) and carrots (Mazza, 1983).
2.9 m/set air velocity and 50, 65, 80 and 95°C. A short constant-rate drying period was observed with
Jerusalem artichoke cubes dried at 5O’C but as the tem-
perature was increased to 65, 80 and 9?C the constant-
perature. Consequently in an atmosphere of constant rela- rate period disappeared. It is well documented (Charm,
tive humidity it can adsorb more moisture at lower tem- 197 1; Heldman and Singh, 198 l), that drying proceeds at
peratures than at higher temperatures. constant rate as long as evaporation from the surface con-
At high relative humidities (a, > 0.75), however, the trols the rate. During the constant-rate period, moisture
material at 40°C adsorbed more moisture than that at 25 from the interior of the piece migrates to the surface by
and 10°C. This behavior reflects the high sugar content of various means and is vaporized. As the moisture content
Jerusalem artichoke flour, as well as the effect of water is lowered, the rate of migration to the surface becomes the
on the physicochemical state of the sugars. It has been re- limiting factor. When drying occurs relatively fast, as it
ported (Berlin et al., 1968; Karel, 1975) that most sugars did for Jerusalem artichoke cubes, the amount of water
I may be present in one of several states: crystalline solid, available at the surface soon becomes inadequate to main-
amorphous solid (bound to other food components) and tain the supply and the rate rapidly declines to a value
aqueous solution. When Jerusalem artichoke slices were controlled by diffusion within the food piece.
freeze-dried, the sugars probably went into the amorphous In the low moisture range the drying is so slow that

386-JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE-Volume 49 (1984)


the cooling effect of evaporation is insignificant and the Hence the total mass transfer resistance is due to the in-
pieces of material assume the dry-bulb temperature of the ternal moisture diffusion within the cube which is an
air. In this phase of drying, nonetheless, the rate of mois- increasing function of temperature (Loncin and Merson,
ture movement to the surface of the piece of material, 1979).
which is the rate-determining factor, increases with tem- Fig. 7 shows that drying occurs more slowly as the
perature. Therefore, even at very low moisture content the drier load increases. This is not surprising since more
drying rate is appreciably greater at higher temperature. moisture must be evaporated for the thicker beds. With
The effect of air velocity on the drying rate is shown in heavy loading of the drier the output per unit time may
Fig. 6. It can be seen that increasing the air velocity from be less and the quality poorer than at moderate or light
2.0 to 4.2 m/set, at a temperature of 65’C, does not loading. Nonetheless, when the drying time to a specific
change the drying rate of Jerusalem artichoke cubes. This moisture ratio (moisture content during drying/original
means that external mass transfer resistance is not a signifi- moisture content) was considered (Fig. 8), it was found
cant proportion of the overall mass transfer resistance. that a quadrupling of the bed depth from 5 to 20 cm gave
less than a doubling of drying time. This result is due to
the improved efficiency of heat utilization in the thicker
80 bed, since the end effects of the top of the bed, which
result in heat losses, are a smaller proportion of the total
heat transferred in the bed throughout the drying.
V This observed drying behavior is important since it
x 29ln,s indicates that bed depth should be as high as possible,
0 29~s
60 + 3.5mjs within the limitation that quality remains acceptable.
w 4.2 m/s The difficulty with ascertaining that quality remains
acceptable, however, is that at the present time, there are
no established markets for dehydrated Jerusalem artichoke
in diced, flaked or powder form. Therefore, it is difficult
even to speculate as to what quality attributes may be
desirable. One quality parameter that may be important
is the final color. Higher prices will likely be paid for de-
hydrated Jerusalem artichoke light in color.
Table 1 gives the Hunter lab color values of 1 cm arti-
20 - +
Moisture ratlo
x 0.19
10 ' L 0 0.39
5 + 0.56

” 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time (hl
g 3
Fig. 6-Influence of air velocity on drying behavior of 10.5 cm beds
i! *
of 1 cm cubes at 65°C. .z
0) 2 j


Bed depth 0' 1

5 10 15 20
x 6.Ocm
0 10,5 cm Bed thickness wn)
+ l!i,Scm
X 20,5cm Fig. 8-Influence of bed thickness of 1 cm cubes on drying time to
given moisture ratios.

Table l-Effect of drying air temperature, air velocity and bed

depth on the color of dehydrated Jerusalem artichoke
Hunter Lab Color
TDB ” Bed depth
("C) (m/set) km) L a b
50 2.9 10.5 81.8 0.1 10.0
65 2.9 10.5 80.3 0.1 10.7
80 2.9 10.5 74.0 -0.1 12.8
95 2.9 10.5 71.3 0.1 14.6
65 2.0 10.5 80.4 0.1 10.7
65 3.5 10.5 80.3 0.1 10.9
0’ 65 4.2 10.5 80.1 0.1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10.7
Time(h) 65 2.9 6 80.2 -0.1 10.6
65 2.9 15.5 79.2 -0.2 11.3
Fig. 7-Effect of bed depth on drying behavior of 1 cm cubes of
65 2.9 20.5 72.6 -0.1 12.8
6s” C and 2.9 m/see air velocity.

Volume 49 (1984)-JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE-387

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388-JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE-Volume 49 (1984)

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