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Epidermis, the outer skin layer

1. Derm is, the true skin
2. Blood and lymphatic systems of the skin
3. Neuro-receptor apparatus of the skin
4. Function of the skin: protective, sensitive, termoregulating, respiratory.
5. Function of the skin: metabolic, immune.
6. Primary infiltrative morphological lesions
7. Primary exudative morphological lesions
8. Secondary morphological lesions
10. Staphylococcal pyodermas: ostial folliculitis, deep folliculitis, sycosis
11. Furuncle, carbuncle
12. Hidradenitis, pyodermas in childhood
13. Streptococcal pyodermas: impetigo bullosa, angulus infectiosus, perleche
14. Pityriasis simplex, tourniole ( impetigo of the nail folds ).
15. Mixed strepto-staphilococcal pyodermas
16. Mycoses: classification
17. Keratomycoses: pityriasis versicolor
18. Erythrasma
19. Epidermophytosis inguinalis
20. Epidermophytosis of the feet, hands, nail plates
21. Rubromycosis: lesion of the feet, hands, nail plates
22. Superficial trichophytosis
23. Chronic trichophytosis
24. Infiltrative - suppurative (zoophilic) form of trichophytosis
25. Micosporosis
26. Favus
27. Treatment of mycoses
28. Dermatozoonoses: Soabies
29. Dermatozoonoses: Pediculosis
30. Herpes simplex
31. Herpes Zoster
32. Warts
33. Condyloma acuminatum
35. Eczema: general information, classification, clinical forms, treatment
36. Microbial eczema, seborrhoeic eczema
37. True eczema, infantile eczema
38. Neurodermatoses: skin pruritus
39. Neurodermitis
40. Urticaria
41. Psoriasis: aethiology, clinical forms, diagnosis, treatment
42. Lichen rubber planus
43. Bullous dermatoses: pemphigus vulgaris
44. Pemphigus vegetans
45. Pemphigus foliaceus
46. Pemphigus seborrhoicus
47. During's Disease
48. Some s k i n diseases of warm countries: pinta, bejel,
framboesia tropica
49. Acne vulgaris
50. Acne rosacea
51. Syphilis: h r i e f historical outline, the aethiology of syphilis
52. Laboratory identification of Treponema Pallidum
53. Conditions and routes of infection with syphilis
55. Classification of syphilis
56. Hard chancre
57. Secondary fresh period of syphilis - macular and popular
58. Atypical chancres
59. Regional scleradenitis
61. Secondary recidiva period - macular and popular syphilid
62. Pustular syphilid, classification
63. Secondary syphilids of the mucous membranes
64. Sy ph i l i ti c alopecia and leucoderma
65. Tertiary period of syphilis: tubercular syphilis
66. Syphilitic gumma
67. Latent syphilis, affection of bones andjoints in syphilis
68. Syphilis of the internal organs, neurosyphilis
69. Gonorrhoea
70. Trichomoniasis
71. Chlamidiosis, Reitef s diseases.

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