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Understand, read, and use the controls and features of an

oscilloscope and function generator.

The screen of an oscilloscope ( or Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
CRC similar to a TV screen It is a vacuum tube with a cathode
(negative electrode) at one end that emits electrons and anodes
(positive electrodes) to accelerate the electron beam and can be
moved up or down and left or right using deflection plates to hit
a phosphor coating at the end of the tube, called the screen to
view the picture on it.

The Average Value:

The average value of a periodic signal f(t) is defined as:
1 area ynder one period
favg= t ∫ f ( t ) dt = period

The Root Mean Square Value:

The rms value of a periodic signal f(t) is defined as:

frms =
√ 1
∫ f ( t ) dt
T 0
= Square root of the average of f 2(t)
For a general sinusoidal signal V(t) - V0 sin( ωt)

Vavg = 0

Vrms= √ 2

Or Vrms= √ 2

¿ Vp
Or Vrms= Vpeak ¿ peak 2 √ 2 = 2 √ 2p
For a signal that consists of a DC and AC parts such as
V(t) = A + V0 sin( ωt ) where , A = constant , it is easy to show
that the average value is equal to the DC part only, namely :
Vavg = A

Oscilloscope in AC Measurements Introduction:

In our life today we depend on electricity to operate all electric
devices are powered by an AC signal. The main reasons for the
AC signal are lower cost of both production and transmission and
convenience of distribution.
alternating current or voltage, periodically changes its magnitude
and direction of flow.
It flows first in one direction and then in the opposite direction.
The most common AC -Stage or current is a sinusoidal function
of time. A sinusoidal voltage may be described an equation of
the form:

V(t) = Vosin(ωt) …(1)

where ω is the angular frequency, ω = 2πf, and f is the frequency

of alternation measured in Hz and equals to the reciprocal of the
period T needed to complete one cycle. Therefore, T = 1/f . The
term Vo, in Equation (1) above, represent the maximum value of
the voltage. The waveform that represents an AC signal
described by equation (1) like shown in Figure:

The Oscilloscope shows how voltage varies with time. The

magnitude of an AC voltage may be characterized by the
amplitude Vo, but a more common practice is to use the
"root-mean-square" voltage, Vrms which can be derived to be:

Vrms = 2 √ 2p

And for the square signal shown in fig. below, it can be derived
to be:

Vp p
Vrms =
Laboratory Experiment:
Materials and Equipments:
a- Analog circuit experiment system (CA-A3).
b- Oscilloscope.
c- Function Generator.
d- Digital Multimeter (DMM).

he oscilloscope controls as follows:
Time/ Div. 0.2 ms Volts/ Div. 0.5 V
Vertical display A coupling DC

2- Connect the output of signal generator to channel A of the


3- Set the signal generator to sinusoid of 2kHz and a peak to

peak voltage
Vp-p= 2 V.

4- Trace the signals shown in Fig. as required.

5- Measure:
a) The average value of the signal with a DMM (set the
voltmeter to DC).
b) b) The rms value of the signal with a DMM (set the
voltmeter to AC).
The period of the signal from the oscilloscope. Then calculate
the corresponding frequency relation (f=1 /T).

6-Repeat steps 3-5 for a square signal with the same Vp-p and
7- Repeat steps 3-5 for a triangular signal with the same Vp-p and
8-Repeat the measurement of the average value for the same
signals as in previous steps with the following changes :
a) Adjust the ground level to the bottom of the screen.
b) Add a DC voltage (offset) by connecting a DC supply in
series with the signal generator, so that the signals start from
zero and reach a peak value of 2V as shown in Fig.
Sine wave:
1- Set the function generator at 1200HZ.
2- Push the SINE wave FUNCTION button.
3- Adjust the AMPLITUDE control to output 3.5 VRMS.
4- Measure the output: VP-P= 5.2v , VP= 2.6v , frequency of
the signal= 1111Hz , time period for one cycle= 0.9*10-3
5- Sketch the wave:

Square wave:
1- set the function generator at 1 kHz.
2- Push the SQUARE wave FUNCTION button.
3- Adjust the AMPLITUDE control to output 2.82 VRMS.
4- Measure the output: VP-P= 5.8v , VP= 2.9v , frequency of
the signal= 1kHz , time period for one cycle= 10-3 (sec).
5- Sketch the wave:

Triangle wave:
1- Set the function generator at 2.3kHZ.
2- Push the triangle wave FUNCTION button.
3- Adjust the AMPLITUDE control to output 1.1 VRMS.
4- Measure the output: VP-P= 4.4v , VP= 2.2v , frequency of
the signal= 2.3kHz , time period for one cycle= 0.44*10-3
5- Sketch the wave:
‫تجربة رقم (‪)5‬‬
‫عمل الطالب‪ :‬ناهد ادو دخيل‬
‫مصطفى وليد عثمان‬
‫مروة زهير ابراهيم‬
‫المرحلة االولى‬
‫الشعبة (‪)B‬‬

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