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NAME MOHAMED ZAID (2018298144)


1. To reduce the relative reduction potentials for number of half cell (redox) couples in
a galvanic cell
2. To develop an understanding of the movement of electrons, anions and cations in a
galvanic cell.
3. To study factors affecting cell potentials
4. To estimate the concentration of ions in solution using Nernst Equation

In any electrochemical process, electrons flow from one chemical substance to
another, driven by an oxidation–reduction (redox) reaction. A redox reaction occurs when
electrons are transferred from a substance that is oxidized to one that is being reduced.
The reductant is the substance that loses electrons and is oxidized in the process;
the oxidant is the species that gains electrons and is reduced in the process. The associated
potential energy is determined by the potential difference between the valence electrons in
atoms of different elements. The fundamental measurement in electrochemistry is the
voltage (V) of an electrochemical cell. The voltage describes the relative energies of
electrons on different atoms and/or ions. The potential difference between two electrons is
measured in volts(joules/coulomb). The electrons can be on two ends of a wire, on two
atoms or on the cathode and anode of a battery having a potential difference. An oxidation-
reduction or redox reaction is a chemical reaction in which one or more electrons from one
molecule or atom are transferred to another. Thermodynamics can predict if electrons
would prefer to be transferred from one species to another based on the free energy
change of the system. An electrochemical cell is produced when a redox reaction occurs.
The resulting electron transfer between the reactions runs through an external wire. The
oxidation and reduction reactions are physically separated from each other, so they are
called half-cell reactions. A half-cell can be prepared with most any metal in contact with a
solution of its ions. Each element own unique electron configuration means that each
element has a different electrical potential, so different combinations of oxidation and
reduction half-cells result in different voltages for the completed electrochemical cell.
Moreover, the main function of the Nernst equation is to calculate the ion's equilibrium
potential at a given concentration gradient. The equilibrium potential is the theoretical
intracellular electrical potential that would be equal in magnitude but opposite in direction
to the concentration force. Electric work done by a galvanic cell is mainly due to the Gibbs
energy of spontaneous redox reaction in the voltaic cell. It generally consists of two half
cells and a salt bridge. Each half cell further consists of a metallic electrode dipped into an
electrolyte. These two half-cells are connected to a voltmeter and a switch externally with
the help of metallic wires. In some cases, when both the electrodes are dipped in the same
electrolyte, a salt bridge is not required.

Sand paper or steel wool
Electrical wire
Crocodile clips
Filter paper
100 ml Volumetric flask

Deionized water
strips of copper, zinc, and ion metals
1.1 M solutions
Zn(NO3)2 solution
1M CuSO4
0.001M CuSO4
5mL of 6M NH3


A. Galvanic cells-reduction Potentials of several redox couples

1. Collect the Electrodes, Solution and Equipment.

Four small beakers was obtained and 0.1 M solutions filled them. These solution
was share with other groups of students in the laboratory.
Strips of copper, zinc and iron metal was polish with emery/sand paper or steel
wool, rinse briefly with deionized water.
These polished metals was used as electrodes and put in their respective beaker.
Potentiometer (voltmeter) was check out with attached the two electrical wire
( different colour ) to crocodile clips.

2. Set up the copper/zinc cells

A Cu strips (electrode) was placed in the Cu¿ ¿ solution and a Zn strip (electrode)
in the Zn( NO 3 ¿2 solution. A piece of filter paper was roll and flatten; the filter
paper was wet with a 0.1M KNO3 solution. The filter paper was fold and insert
the ends into solutions in the two beakers, this is the salt bridge. One electrode
was connect to the negative terminal of the potentiometer and other to the
positive terminal.

3. Determine the copper/zinc cell potential

Reverse the connections if the voltmeter reading is a negative potential. Positive

cell potentials was read and recorded. The metal strips that serve as the cathode
( positive terminal and the anode was identified). Write an equation for the half-
reaction occurring at each electrode. Combine the two half-reactions to write the
equation for the cell reaction.

4. Repeat for the Remaining Cells

The cell potentials was determined for all possible galvanic cells that can be
constructed from the other redox couples. A ‘new’ salt bridge was prepared for
the each galvanic cell.

5. Determine the Relative Reduction Potentials

Assumed the reduction potentials of the Zn2+¿¿ (0.1 M) / Zn redox couple is –

0.79 V, the reduction potentials was determine of all other redox couples.

B. Effect of Concentration Changes on Cell Potential.


A. Effect of Concentration Changes on Cell Potential

1. Effect of Different Molar Concentrations

The galvanic cells was set up, 1 M Cu SO 4 and 0.001 M Cu sO4 solutions.
A polished copper electrode was immersed in each solution. a salt bridge
was prepared to connect the two redox couples. The cell potentials was
measured, the anode and cathode was determine. Write an equation for the
reaction occurring at each electrode.

2. Effect of Complex Formation

5 mL of 6M NH 3 was added to the 0.001 M Cu SO4 solutions, until any

precipitate redissolves (Cooper ions forms a complex with ammonia; Cu2+¿ ¿
(aq) + 4 NH 3 (aq) [ Cu(NH 3 ¿ 4 ¿2+¿¿ (aq) ). Observed any changes in the
half-cell and the cell potential.

C. The Nernst Equation and an Unknown Concentration

1. Prepare the Diluted Solutions

Solution 1 was prepared through 4 as outline 1 mL pipet was used and 100
ml volumetric flasks. Before making the transfer, rinse the pipet with the
more concentrated solution. Deionized water was used for dilution to the
mark in the volumetric flasks. Calculate the molar concentration of each
2. Measure and Calculate the cell potentials for Solution 4.

The experiment was set up using small beaker. The Zn2+¿¿/ Zn redox couple
was the reference half-cell for this part of the experiment. The two half-cells
was connected with a new salt bridge. The electrodes was connected to the
potentiometer and was recorded the potentials difference, Ecell . Calculate
the theoretical cell potentials.

3. Measure and Calculate the Cell Potentials for the Solution 3 and 2.

Part C2 was repeated with solution 3 and 2, respectively. Prepared a freshly

salt bridge was required for each cell.

4. Plot the Data

Plot Ecell (measured ) and Ecell (calculated ) versus log [Cu2+¿ ¿] on the graph paper for
the four concentrations of Cu( NO 3 ¿2.

5. Determine the Concentration of the Unknown

A Cu( NO 3 ¿2 solution was obtained with an ‘unknown’ copper ion

concentration from the lab technician and set up a galvanic cell. Ecell was
determine as in part C2. Using the graph, the unknown copper ion
concentration was determined in the solution.

A: Galvanic Cell - Reduction Potentials of Several Half Cell Couples

Galvanic Measured Anode Equation for Cathode Equation for

Cell Ecell Anode Reaction Cathode Reaction
Cu - Zn +0.95 V Zn Zn → Zn + 2e Cu Cu2+ + 2e → Cu
Cu - Fe +0.53 V Fe Fe → Fe2+ + 2e Cu Cu2+ + 2e → Cu
Zn - Fe +0.17 V Zn Zn → Zn2+ + 2e Fe Fe2+ + 2e → Fe
Table 1: The interpretations from the galvanic cells

The overall equations for the three cell reactions.

Overall Cu-Zn Cell : Zn(s) + Cu2+(aq) → Zn2+(aq) + Cu(s)

Overall Cu-Fe Cell: Fe(s) + Cu2+(aq) → Fe2+(aq) + Cu(s)

Overall Zn-Fe Cell: Zn(s) + Fe2+(aq) → Zn2+(aq) + Fe(s)

Redox Couple Reduction Potential Reduction Potential % Error

(Measured) (Calculated)
Cu-Zn 0.95 V 1.13 V 15.93%
Cu-Fe 0.53 V 0.79 V 32.91%
Zn-Fe 0.17 V 0.34 V 50.00%
Table 2: Results of Reduction Potential and calculate using Nernst equation.


1st Redox Couple ( Cu-Zn )

Q = [Product]
= [0.10]
Ecell = EoCell – RT ln Q
= [(0.34V) - (-0.79V)] - (8.314 JK-1mol-1 x 298K) ln (1)
2 mol x 96500 Cmol-1
= 1.13 V
% Error = 1.13V - 0.95V x 100
= 15.93 %

2nd Redox Couple (Cu-Fe)

Q = [Product]
= [0.10]
Ecell = EoCell – RT ln Q
= [(0.34V) - (-0.45V)] - (8.314 JK-1mol-1 x 298K) ln (1)
2 mol x 96500 Cmol-1
= 0.79 V

% Error = 0.79V - 0.53V x 100

= 32.91 %

3rd Redox Couple (Zn-Fe)

Q = [Product]
= [0.10]
Ecell = EoCell – RT ln Q
= [(-0.45) - (-0.79V)] - (8.314 JK-1mol-1 x 298K) ln (1)
2 mol x 96500 Cmol-1
= 0.34 V

% Error = 0.34V - 0.17V x 100

= 50.00 %
B: Effect of Concentration Changes on Cell Potential

1. Cell potential of ‘concentration cell’: 0.10 V

Anode reaction : Cu2+ + 2e → Cu

Cathode reaction: Cu → Cu2+ + 2e

Explain why a potential/voltage was recorded.

To observed if there is different concentration and movement of electrons between


2. Cell potential from complex formation: 0.05V

Explain why the potential changes with the addition of NH 3 (aq).

A light blue solution is formed at 0.001 M CuSO 4 solution half-cell. Adding ammonia solution
causes the complex [Cu(NH 3)4]2+ to form in the cathode half-cell. (0.001M solution). This
therefore changes the potential of the cell. As the concentration of Cu 2+ ions in the half-cell
decreases, the overall cell potential will increase. This is due to the increasingly widening
gap between concentrations of the two half-cell solutions.

3. How would the cell potential have been affected if the NH 3 (aq) had been added to the
1 M CuSO4 solution instead of the 0.0010 M CuSO4 solution of the cell? Explain.

The potential changes as concentration of the solution decreases. NH 3 is used to reduce the
Cu2+ into a complex ion, therefore decreases the ionic Cu concentration and create potential
C: The Nernst Equation and an Unknown Concentration

Solution Ecell measured Ecell

Number Concentration of Cu(NO3)2 log [Cu2+] (V) calculated (V)
1 0.1 mol/L -1 0.0 1.13
2 0.001 mol/L -3 0.1 1.07
3 0.0001 mol/L -5 0.2 1.04
4 0.0000001 mol/L -7 0.1 0.95
Table 3: Table of standard reduction potentials and the Nernst equation to calculate the


1st solution
Q = [Zn2+]
= [0.10]
Ecell = EoCell – RT ln Q
= [(0.34V) - (-0.79V)] - (8.314 JK-1mol-1 x 298K) ln (1)
2 mol x 96500 Cmol-1
= 1.13 V

2nd solution
Q = [Zn2+]
= [0.10]
= 100
Ecell = EoCell – RT ln Q
= 1.13V - (8.314 JK-1mol-1 x 298K) ln (100)
2 mol x 96500 Cmol-1
= 1.07V

3rd Solution
Q = [Zn2+]
= [0.10]
= 1000

Ecell = EoCell – RT ln Q
= 1.13V - (8.314 JK-1mol-1 x 298K) ln (1000)
2 mol x 96500 Cmol-1
= 1.04V

4th solution
Q = [Zn2+]
= __[0.10]___
= 100
Ecell = EoCell – RT ln Q
= 1.13V - (8.314 JK-1mol-1 x 298K) ln (1000000)
2 mol x 96500 Cmol-1
= 0.95V

2. Ecell for the solution of unknown concentration: 0.05V

Molar concentration of Cu2+ in unknown (based on graph): Log [Cu2+] unknown is -1.5.
Therefore, 10(-1.5) = 0.032M

3. How would you adjust the concentrations of Cu 2+ and Zn2+ for the Cu-Zn cell to
maximize the cell potential? Explain.
The concentration Zn(NO 3)2 needs to be decrease while the concentration of Cu(NO 3)2
needs to decrease. This will give a lower value of Q and based on Nernst value the decrease
the Q will increase the E cell (V).

In any electrochemical process, electrons flow from one chemical substance to

another, driven by an oxidation–reduction (redox) reaction. A redox reaction occurs when
electrons are transferred from a substance that is oxidized to one that is being reduced.
The reductant is the substance that loses electrons and is oxidized in the process;
the oxidant is the species that gains electrons and is reduced in the process. The associated
potential energy is determined by the potential difference between the valence electrons in
atoms of different elements. In this experiment divides to 3 components which are different
types of techniques.

A. Galvanic Cell - Reduction Potentials of Several Half Cell Couples

For the galvanic cell, the redox reactions took place and the standard reduction potential
was measured using the voltmeter. The salt bridge, KNO 3 is used to connect the whole
circuit between the electrolyte solutions which is to allow the electron flows. The reduction
process was occurred at cathode while oxidation at anode. The oxidation means that a
process which the reactant is loss electron and electron is gain by the reduction process.
Basically, electrons will flow from anode (negative terminal) to cathode (positive terminal).
The overall equations for the three cell reactions.

Overall Cu-Zn Cell : Zn(s) + Cu2+(aq) → Zn2+(aq) + Cu(s)

Overall Cu-Fe Cell: Fe(s) + Cu2+(aq) → Fe2+(aq) + Cu(s)

Overall Zn-Fe Cell: Zn(s) + Fe2+(aq) → Zn2+(aq) + Fe(s)

From the first table at the results section shows that the reduction potential (measured) is
compared with the standard reduction potential (calculated). The measured reduction
potential for the three redox couple was arranged in in order of decreasing (measured)
reduction potentials. For the Cu-Zn the measured reduction potential was the higher among
the other couples. The errors had occurred during the experiment was conducted. The error
maybe is cause by connection of circuit that not connected properly during the experiment
and the apparatus that being used was broke. For the precaution step must be followed is
to be ensure the connection is connected properly. Another error is about polished the
electrodes. Electrodes must be polished to avoid any impurities that can cause the
connection of electricity. After polished the electrodes are rinsed with distilled water
because to remove any coated element that still on the electrodes

B. Effect of Concentration Changes on Cell Potential

 A concentration cell is an electrolytic cell that comprised of two half cells with the same
electrode, but different in concentration. A concentration cell acts to dilute the more
concentrated solution and concentrate the more dilute solution, creating a voltage as the
cell reaches an equilibrium. This is achieving by transfer the electrons from cell with lower
concentration to higher concentration. In this experiment, we are test the electrode
potentials create in voltmeter with the same electrode but differ of electrolyte
concentration. We measure the movement of electron between 1.0 M CuS0 4 and 0.001M
CuSO4. It is because the ion concentrations are different between them, there is a potential
difference between the two half-cells even though electrodes used are the same and the
result is 0.05V. The 0.001M CuSO 4 solution is undergoes oxidation (anode) while 1.0M CuSO 4
(cathode) is undergoing reduction as electron moves from low concentration to higher
concentration. Then, we are tested the effect of complex formation by adding the 5 ml of
NH3 into 0.001M CuSO4. Ammonia solution is colourless liquid, but after added into one of
the CuSO4 the solution turns light blue as Cu2+ ion will reduce into a complex ammonia
ion which gives colour into blue. The Cu2+ solution will undergoes reduction in 0.001M
solution (gain electrons) and the result will increasing as the potential differences of both
solution to reach equilibrium. In equation, the solution produces the complex ion of
Equation: Cu2+ + 4NH3 → [Cu(NH3)4]2+

  C. The Nernst Equation and an Unknown Concentration

We conducted to the second experiment with objectives to calculate the concentration
of unknown CuSO4 using the graph plot. During this experiment, Zn(NO3)2 is the references
which stay the same as the half-cell solution. The variables is only the concentration of the
Cu(NO3)2 solution. In making the solution, we used serial dilution technique from the stock
solution of 0.10 M Cu(NO3)2. As the Zinc has lower standard reduction potential than
Copper in table, therefore Zinc (Zn2+) always occur oxidation while Copper (Cu2+) will
undergoes reduction process. Based on the graph, we can conclude that the graph should
be decreasing of the log [Cu 2+] will decrease the E cell but due to the apparatus error that
makes the line graph is not the same like the theory itself. Then, we can find the
concentration of the unknown from the E cell that has measured from the graph. We found
that the unknown concentration is 0.032M. Then to know the theoretical E cell value we
used the Nernst Equation. From, the Nernst Equation, E cell decrease as concentration
From this experiment, to reduce the relative reduction potentials for number of half cell
(redox) couples in a galvanic cell, we need to make sure the position or the distance
between the atom is closer to get the smaller value of measured and calculated reduction
potential. Then, we had develop our understanding of the movement of electrons, anions
and cations in galvanic cell. Besides, in galvanic cell we can identify the reactions that
occurred at the anode and cathode during electrolysis. Next, the concentration of ions in
solutions can be decrease by formation of complex ion. The unknown concentrations can be
known by using a serial dilution and graph between E cell measured and log [Cu2+]. E cell
can be calculated by using Nernst Equation was 0.05V and the concentration is 0.032M. The
decrease of concentration of Cu2+ will decrease the cell potential.



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