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NBA Accreditation and Teaching-Learning in Engineering (NATE)

N J Rao and K Rajanikanth

Module 1: NBA and OBE Framework

Week 3: Cognitive and Knowledge dimensions of the taxonomy, and other Learning
Domains (Key Words: Categories of Knowledge, Metacognitive Knowledge, Categories of
Engineering Knowledge, Vincenti, Affective Domain, Psychomotor Domain, and Taxonomy Table)
M1U10: Cognitive Processes - I

 Understood need for a taxonomy of learning, the structure of Bloom’s Taxonomy and the
elements of Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy.

M1U10 Outcomes
 Understand the cognitive processes - Remember, Understand, and Apply of Revised Bloom’s

Cognitive Processes of Revised Taxonomy

 Remember
 Understand
 Apply
 Analyse
 Evaluate
 Create

 Remembering is retrieving relevant knowledge from long-term memory
 The relevant knowledge may be factual, conceptual, procedural, or some combination of these
 Remembering knowledge is essential for meaningful learning and problem solving
 Sub-Processes:

o Recognizing
o Recalling
 Action verbs: Recognize, recall, list, tell, locate, write, find, mention, state, draw, label, define,

Sample Activities and Questions

 State the condition for maximum efficiency of a transformer.

 State the assumptions of “Working Stress Method” and “Limit State Method” in connection with
design of concrete structures.
 Draw the stress-strain curves for concrete in compression under ideal test conditions and
laboratory test conditions.
 Name the...?
 How many...?

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 Understanding is constructing meaning from instructional messages

 Instructional messages can be verbal, pictorial / graphic or symbolic
 Instructional messages are received during lectures, demonstrations, field trips, performances,
or simulations, in books or on computer monitors

Understand: Sub-Processes

 Has 7 sub-processes: Interpret; Exemplify; Classify; Summarize; Infer; Compare; Explain

(Interpreting; Exemplifying; Classifying; Summarizing; Inferring; Comparing; Explaining)
 Interpreting: Changing from one representation to another; Translating.
 Exemplifying: Giving a specific example or instance of a general concept or principle.
 Classifying: Recognizing that a specific instance belongs to a certain category. Complementary
process to exemplifying!
 Summarizing: Abstracting, Generalizing
 Inferring: Abstracting a concept or principle from a set of examples. A related process is to use
this inferred principle to create a new instance, an example of executing, a cognitive process
associated with Apply! Inferring and executing are often used together on cognitive tasks.
 Comparing: Detecting similarities and differences between two or more ideas, concepts, events
etc. Can contribute to reasoning by analogy.
 Explaining: A student is able to construct and use a cause-and-effect model of a system to
explain a phenomenon or to determine how a change in one part of the system affects the other
parts. The model may be derived from a formal theory or it may be an empirical model.
Assessment could include: Reasoning, Troubleshooting, Redesigning, and Predicting.

Understand: Action Verbs

 Interpreting: Translate, Paraphrase, Represent, Clarify

 Exemplifying: Illustrate, Instantiate
 Classifying: Categorize, Subsume
 Summarizing: Generalize, Abstract
 Inferring: Find a pattern, Extrapolate, Predict
 Comparing: Contrast, Match, Distinguish, Differentiate
 Explaining: Construct a model, Explain

Sample Activities and Questions

 Explain why in a DC machine flux per pole decreases with increase in load.
 Compare memory mapped I/O and peripheral mapped I/O techniques.
 Explain the use of virtual base class.
 What would happen to the performance of searching using Binary Search Tree as the number of
insertions and deletions keeps increasing?
 Write a brief outline...?
 Distinguish between...?
 Provide an example of ...?

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 Use procedures to perform exercises or solve problems
 Closely linked with procedural knowledge
 Executing: Solving a task for which the right procedure is already known; produces “clear”
solution. Routinely carries out the procedure, clearly indicated in the problem or the context;
Familiar context!
 Implementing: Solving a problem that has features which have not been encountered in that
form earlier. Student has to select a procedure, may have to even modify it, to solve the task. It
may be necessary to use other cognitive processes like Understand.
 Apply category is a spectrum! At one end, we have the narrow, highly structured execute; as we
move to the other end, we may have to select a procedure to tackle a new situation. As we keep
moving to the other end of implement, we may have to modify a procedure – then we may have
to devise a new procedure based on our conceptual knowledge! The move is towards create!!
Action verbs:
 Executing/Implementing: determine, calculate, compute, estimate, solve, draw, modify, etc.

Sample Activities and Questions

 Calculate time taken by a 200 ton motor coach to attain speed of 50kmph when it starts on an up
gradient of 30 in 1000. The motor coach has 4 motors with each motor developing 6000Nm
torque during acceleration when it starts from rest, and has a gear ratio 4. The gear transmission
efficiency 90%, wheel radius is 45cm, train resistance 50N/ton, and rotational inertia10%.
 The primary and secondary windings of a 40kVA, 6600V/250V single phase transformer has
resistance 10W and 0.02W respectively. The total leakage reactance is 35W as referred to the
primary winding. Find full-load voltage regulation at a lagging power factor of 0.8.
 Determine …
 Compute …

 Give two examples of activities from the courses you taught or learnt, that belong to the cognitive
levels of Remember, Understand, and Apply.
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 Understand the cognitive processes Analyse, Evaluate and Create of Revised Bloom’s taxonomy.

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M1U11: Cognitive Processes -II
 Understood the cognitive processes Remember, Understand, and Apply of Revised Bloom’s

M1U11 Outcomes
 Understand the cognitive processes Analyse, Evaluate and Create of Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy

 Involves breaking given material into its constituent parts and determining how the parts are
related to one another and to an overall structure.
 Useful to consider it as an extension of “Understand” and as a prelude to “Evaluate” / “Create”.
 Differentiating
 Organizing
 Attributing

Analyse: Sub-Processes
 Differentiating: Distinguishing relevant parts or important parts from unimportant parts of
presented material. Different from comparing in that the larger context is used to determine
relevance or importance!
 Organizing: Building systematic and coherent connections among pieces of presented
 Attributing: Determining a point of view, bias, values, or ntent underlying presented material.

Analyse: Action Verbs

 Differentiating: discriminate, select, focus, distinguish.
 Organizing: structure, integrate, find coherence, outline, parse.
 Attributing: Deconstruct

Sample Activities and Questions

 Examining assumptions
 Distinguishing relevant from irrelevant facts
 Recognizing contradictions
 Questioning deeply
 Analyze the assumptions made in the SRG model of ...

“Analyse” in Engineering
 Use of the verb ‘analyse’ in engineering is bit tricky in spite of its extensive usage.
 It is not easy to design any questions in this category in limited time written examinations.
 Analyse activities can be included in assignments related to case studies, projects, term papers
and field studies.

 Make judgments based on criteria and standards.

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 Criteria can be related to quality, effectiveness, efficiency or/and consistency.
 The standards may be either quantitative or qualitative.
 Checking: Judgment about consistency
 Critiquing: Judgment based on criteria and standards

Evaluate: Action Verbs

 Checking: Test, detect, monitor, coordinate
 Critiquing: Judge (accuracy, adequacy, appropriateness, clarity, cohesiveness, completeness,
correctness, reasonableness, reliability, validity,...)

Evaluate: Activities and Assessment

 Possible but relatively difficult to have activities that can be completed in a fixed-time session.
 More common to use Assignments for “Evaluate” activities.
Possible Questions:
 Check if the given requirements are consistent.
 Is implementation A more efficient than implementation B in terms of .......

 Involves putting elements together to form a coherent or functional whole.
 It includes outcomes that call for unique production as well as outcomes indicating productions
that students can and will do.
 Generating: Divergent phase; multiple representations, alternative solutions
 Planning: Start of convergent phase, often implicitly carried out; devising a plan for solving the
 Producing: Carrying out the plan for solving the given problem; constructing

Create: Action Verbs

 Generating: Develop alternative hypotheses, theories, explanations

 Planning: Plan, Design
 Producing: Construct

Create: Activities and Assessment

 “Design” exercises that we typically use in Engineering courses are applications of well-defined
procedures and thus are at “Apply” level rather than at “Create” level.
 Difficult to have activities that can be completed in a fixed-time session.
 Assignments, Mini-Projects and Major-Projects permit Create activities.
 Possible questions:

o What are the possible consequences when ....

o How would you determine the factors that influence the ....
o Design a system to meet the ....
It is necessary that the context is not a replication of any earlier instructional context.

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Critical Thinking

 Critical thinking refers to the deep, intentional and structured thinking process that is aimed at
analysing and conceptualizing information, experiences, observation, and existing knowledge for
the purpose of developing original and creative solutions for the challenges encountered.
 Critical thinking involves analysing, evaluating, and thinking with a view to improving it.

Problem Solving
 Problem solving would involve several cognitive processes. We may need conceptual knowledge
to analyze the issue. Then, one can Evaluate different approaches and then finally Create a valid
 The order in which specific cognitive processes and knowledge subtypes get used would depend
to a great extent on the particular type of problem being solved and/or the subject matter within
which the problem was posed.
 Thus, Problem solving involves Understand, Apply, Analyse, Evaluate and Create processes.

Higher Orders of Learning/ Deep Learning/ Meaningful Learning

 Apply (Implement)
 Analyse
 Evaluate
 Create

Nature of Courses in an Engineering Program

 Most of the courses offered in engineering programs are designed and offered in well defined
 Solution of open ended problems is attempted in engineering programs mostly through projects
and sometimes through assignments where time for solving is not a major limitation.
 Assessment items in class tests and semester end examinations dominantly belong to the
Remember, Understand and Apply cognitive levels.
 When the assessment context is identical to instructional context, intended higher level cognitive
processes may get reduced to Remember level!

 Give two examples of activities from the courses you taught or learnt, that belong to the cognitive
levels of analyse, evaluate and create.
 Give an example of critical thinking in any of the courses you are familiar with. (maximum 500
 Give an example of problem solving in any of the courses you are familiar with. (maximum 500
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 Understand the Knowledge categories of Revised Bloom’s taxonomy.

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M1U12: Knowledge Categories

 Explored the nature of activities at cognitive levels including Analyse, Evaluate and Create.
 The word “Analyze” is to be used as defined in Revised Bloom taxonomy.
 Most of the engineering courses deal with cognitive processes Remember, Understand and Apply
in view of the nature of assessment actually in use.

M1U12 Outcomes

 Understand the nature of the four general categories of knowledge including Factual, Conceptual,
Procedural and Metacognitive.


 The problem of characterizing knowledge is an enduring question of philosophy and psychology

 Knowledge is organized and structured by the learner in line with a cognitivist-constructivist
 Knowledge is domain specific and contextualized.

Categories of Knowledge

General Categories
 Factual
 Conceptual
 Procedural
 Metacognitive
Categories specific to Engineering
 Fundamental Design Principles
 Criteria and Specifications
 Practical Constraints
 Design Instrumentalities

Factual Knowledge

 basic elements students must know if they are to be acquainted with the discipline or solve any
of the problems in it
 exists at a relatively low level of abstraction
Subtypes of Factual Knowledge
 Knowledge of terminology (e.g., words, numerals, signs, pictures)
 Knowledge of specific details (including descriptive and prescriptive data) and elements

Samples of Factual Knowledge

 Terminology: Signal-to-noise ratio, low-pass filter, VCVS, CCCS, power factor etc.
Specific details:
 Power supply frequency in India is 50 Hz
 Semiconductor devices fail above 120OC

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 Ball grid array packaging can provide for more than 200 input-output pins
 TI and Analog Devices are two semiconductor manufacturers making a wide variety of analog ICs

Conceptual Knowledge

 A concept denotes all the entities, phenomena, and/or relations in a given category or class by
using definitions.
 Concepts are abstract in that they omit the differences of the things in their extension
 Concepts are also the basic elements of propositions, much the same way a word is the basic
semantic element of a sentence.

Conceptual Knowledge includes

 knowledge of categories and classifications, and the relationships between and among them
 schemas, mental models, or implicit or explicit theories
Schemas and models, and theories represent
 how a particular subject matter is organized and structured
 how the different parts or bits of information are interconnected and interrelated in a more
systematic manner
 how these parts function together

Samples of Conceptual Knowledge

 Force, acceleration, velocity, mass, voltage, current, temperature, entropy, stress, strain
 Kirchoff’s laws
 Laws of thermodynamics

Procedural Knowledge

 is the “knowledge of how” to do something

 it often takes the form of a series or sequence of steps to be followed.
 includes knowledge of skills, algorithms, techniques, and methods, collectively known as
 also includes knowledge of the criteria used to determine when to use various procedures.
 is specific or germane to particular subject matters or academic disciplines

Samples of Procedural Knowledge

 Solving matrix differential equation

 Preparing a truth-table from a logic expression
 Drawing a Bode plot
 Designing a filter as per specifications


Metacognition is
 thinking about one’s own thinking
 the ability to assess our own skills, knowledge, or learning

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 a person's awareness of his or her own level of knowledge and thought processes (Stephen
Metacognitive ability affects
 how well and how long a student studies
 how much and how deeply students learn
 is knowledge about cognition in general as well as awareness of and knowledge about one’s own

Why should we be concerned?

 High performing students have better metacognitive skills.

 Weaker students typically have poor metacognition besides other things.
 Poor metacognition is a big part of incompetence.
Students with poor metacognition skills will often
 shorten their study time prematurely, thinking that they have mastered course material that they
barely know
 are grossly overconfident in their level of understanding
 underestimate or overestimate their performance in tests
 make poor study decisions

Categories of Metacognitive knowledge

 Assessing the task at hand

 Evaluating one’s own strengths and weaknesses
 Planning an appropriate approach
 Applying strategies and monitoring performance
 Reflecting and adjusting one’s own approach
 Beliefs about intelligence and learning


 Metacognition can increase student engagement.

 Metacognition “has the potential to empower students to take charge of their own learning and to
increase the meaningfulness of students’ learning.”

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Taxonomy of Cognitive Domain General

When learning

 You are not dealing with knowledge elements belonging to only one category.
One may be dealing with
 Factual knowledge elements
 Factual, conceptual and metacognitive elements
 Factual, conceptual, procedural and metacognitive elements
While the learner may not be directly dealing with metacognitive elements, the instructor has to
deal with metacognitive aspects in designing instruction.


 List 5 each of the following from the courses you taught or familiar with:

o factual knowledge elements

o concepts
o principles
o procedures

 List 2 metacognitive issues from the courses you taught or familiar with.
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 Understand the nature of engineering knowledge.

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M1U13: Categories of Engineering Knowledge
 Understood the nature of the four categories of knowledge
 Understood the nature of metacognitive knowledge and its importance

M1U13 Outcomes
 Understand the nature of categories of engineering knowledge.

Engineers need to ask

 What is engineering?
 Is engineering different from science?
 Do the four general categories of knowledge address the key aspects of engineering?
 If engineering is different from science in what ways it is different?
 Who is a good engineer?

What is engineering?
 There are several descriptions and definitions of engineering.
 Engineering refers to the practice of organizing the design, construction and operation of any
artifice which transforms the physical world around us to meet some recognized need. (G.F.C.
Rogers 1983)
 Engineering is a profession in which a knowledge of the mathematical and natural sciences
gained by study, experience, and practice is applied with judgment to develop ways to utilize,
economically, the materials and forces of nature for the benefit of mankind. (ABET)
 Many more variants

Science and Engineering

 Science is the process of investigation of physical, chemical, biological, behavioural, social,
economic, and political phenomena. Process is used in the collective sense to include everything
the investigator does from the selection of the phenomena to be investigated to the assessment
of the validity of the results.
 Engineering is the process of investigation of how to solve problems and includes everything the
investigator does from the acceptance of the problem to the proof of the validity and sometimes
preferability of the solution.

Engineering as Applied Science

 If engineering is applied science then studying the epistemology of science should automatically
subsume the knowledge content of engineering.
Engineering and Science

 If one accepts this relationship of Science and Engineering it becomes necessary to identify the
nature of knowledge of Engineering which is outside Science.

W. G. Vincenti

 Prof. Vincenti attempted to identify the nature of engineering knowledge.

 Attempts by many others also lead to similar categories of knowledge.
Vincenti, W. G., What Engineers Know and How They Know It, Johns Hopkins University Press,

Categories of Knowledge as per Vincenti

 Fundamental Design Concepts

 Criteria and Specifications
 Theoretical Tools
 Quantitative Data
 Practical Constraints
 Design Instrumentalities
Of these the knowledge categories including Theoretical Tools and Quantitative Data can be
considered addressed by Factual, Conceptual and Procedural knowledge categories

Categories of knowledge specific to Engineering

 Fundamental Design Concepts

 Criteria and Specifications
 Practical Constraints
 Design Instrumentalities

Fundamental Design Concepts

Operational principles of devices, and components within a device.

 A device can perform a variety of tasks by incorporating memory into it.
 A device that has two well defined states can be used as a memory unit.
 Stepping movement can be created through interaction between two salient magnetic fields.
 An airfoil, by virtue of it shape, in particular its sharp trailing edge, generates lift when inclined at
an angle to the air stream.
Criteria and Specifications

It is necessary to translate the qualitative goals for the device into specific, quantitative goals.
 Any power converter should have efficiency above 95%.
 The speed control unit for the dc motor should not create harmonic distortion on the power line
above FCC regulations.
 The SMPS output should have an output regulation of 0.5%.
 The speed of the dc motor should be controlled over a speed range of 1 to 300 RPM with an
accuracy of 0.05%.

Practical Constraints

An array of less sharply defined considerations derived from experience in practice, considerations
that frequently do not lend themselves to theorizing, tabulation, or programming into a computer.
 The indicator lamp should be above the switch
 The clearances that must be allowed between physical parts in equipment for tools and hands to
reach different parts
 The design should be completed within two months

Design Instrumentalities

Procedural knowledge including the procedures, way of thinking, and judgmental skills by which it is
 Top-down approach to the design of a product
 Phasing of development of a product
 Structuring of an electronic product
 Design walkthroughs.
 Identify all members of the team early on and include every member in the group
communications from the outset.


 Identify at least four examples of knowledge elements from the four categories of engineering
knowledge from the engineering courses you are familiar with.
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 Understand the importance of taxonomy table in achieving alignment among outcomes,

assessment and instruction.

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M1U14: Taxonomy Table

 Understood the nature of categories of engineering knowledge.

M1U14 Outcomes
 Understand the importance of taxonomy table in achieving alignment among outcomes,
assessment and instruction

Revised Bloom Taxonomy

Cognitive Domain has two dimensions:

 Cognitive Processes (Levels)

 Knowledge Categories

 There are six cognitive processes and four general categories of knowledge.
 Courses in Sciences, Mathematics, Humanities, Social Sciences and Management in engineering
programs are concerned with only four categories of knowledge.
 A table with the six rows of cognitive processes and four categories of knowledge can serve as an
excellent tool to deal with several issues of teaching and learning.

Revised Bloom (RB) Taxonomy Table

Knowledge Categories
Factual Conceptual Procedural Metacognitive







Features of RB Taxonomy Table

 A cell of the Taxonomy Table can be numbered by its cognitive process (1 to 6) and its knowledge
category (1to 4).
 The cell (4,3) represents Analyze-Procedure outcome, instructional activity and/or assessment.
 As there is hierarchy among cognitive processes the cell (4,*) represents more complex (higher
level) cognitive activity than the cell (3,*), but not necessarily more difficult activity.
 The cell (4,*) implies all activities in (3,*), (2,*) and (1,*) cells.

Revised Bloom-Vincenti Taxonomy Table

 In case of Engineering courses there are additional four categories of knowledge.
 RBV (Revised Bloom-Vincenti) taxonomy table will be 6x8 table.
 The features of RBV table are the same as those of RB table.

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Revised Bloom-Vincenti Taxonomy Table

Knowledge Categories

Cognitive Design
Processes Factua Conceptua Procedur Meta- Criteria & Practical instrumenta
al Design - lities
l l al cognitive Specifications Constraints







Engineering Science Courses

 Majority of engineering science courses as offered at present (Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics,

Electromagnetic Theory, Network Theory etc.) do not address the four categories of engineering
 However, a teacher may choose to address some categories of engineering knowledge in his/her
engineering science course.
 6x8 RBV taxonomy table can be made applicable to engineering science courses.

Elements of a Course

Three elements of a Course

 Course Outcomes representing what the students should be able to do at the end of the course
 Assessment of the course outcomes through assignments, tests and examinations
 Instructional Activities to facilitate the learners attaining the course outcomes


 Assessment should be in alignment with the course outcomes.

 Instruction should be in alignment with the assessment.
 An element of a course can be tagged by its cognitive level (action verb) and knowledge
categories (can be more than one).
 Based on the tagging an element can be located in one or more cells of the taxonomy table.
 Alignment among the elements of a course means being in the same cell of the taxonomy table.

Alignment in RBV Taxonomy Table

Knowledge Categories

Cognitive Design
Processes Fundamental instrumenta-
Meta- Criteria & Practical
Factual Conceptual Procedural Design lities
cognitive Specifications Constraints


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AI3, IA3





CO-Course Outcome; AI-Assessment Items; IA-Instructional Activities

Less Alignment Still Relevant

Knowledge Categories

Cognitive Design
Processes Factua Conceptua Procedur Meta- Criteria & Practical instrumenta
al Design - lities
l l al cognitive Specifications Constraints

AI5, AI4

Understand AI5, IA5 AI4

Apply AI5, IA5

Analyze CO5



CO-Course Outcome; AI-Assessment Items; IA-Instructional Activities

Alignment Issues

 CO4 is in Apply-Procedure Cell, Instructional Activity is also in the cell (3,3), but AI4 items are
either in the cell (3,1) or (3,2). Absence of Assessment Items in the cell (3,3) is unacceptable.
 CO5 is in Analyze-Conceptual cell, but AI5 and IA5 are not in (4,2) cell at all. This is totally

Proper Alignment requires

 Course Outcome and related Instructional Activities should be in complete alignment (locatable in
the same cells)
 While some (small percentage) assessment items can be in cells representing lower cognitive
levels less than that of CO, significant percentage of Assessment Items should be in the same cell
as that of CO.

Taxonomy Table
 Can facilitate achieving a specified alignment among the three elements of a course and eliminate
chance occurrences.
 Can help in the design of well structured Test Item Banks, and consequently validity and

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reliability, two important properties, of assessment can be achieved.
 Can serve as an effective tool for organizing direct or automatic intelligent tutoring.


 Understand the nature of affective and psychomotor domains of learning.

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M1U15: Affective and Psychomotor Domains

 Understood the nature and usefulness of taxonomy tables.

M1U15 Outcomes

M1U15-1. Understand the nature and importance of affective domain in learning.

M1U15-2. Understand the nature of psychomotor domain.

Non-cognitive Factors

 Researchers firmly believe that non-cognitive factors and skills are equally or even more
important than cognitive aspects in educative process and employment.
 Grit, tenacity, curiosity, attitudes, self-concept, self-efficacy, anxiety coping strategies,
motivation, perseverance, confidence are among those frequently referred to as non-cognitive
 Many of these factors fall into the affective domain.

Affective Domain

 is most commonly associated with feelings and emotions

 is usually displayed in the form of positive or negative reaction to given events, objects,
behaviours, policies or situations
 affective behaviours are accompanied by varying degrees of feelings and reflect distinct
“approach” or “avoidance” predispositions
 person’s past experience in interacting with environment shapes the nature and scope of
affective responses
(Pierce and Gray, 1981)

Affective domain

relates to
 emotions
 attitudes
 appreciations
 values such as enjoying, conserving, respecting, and supporting

Affective Behaviours
are demonstrated by
 indicating attitudes of awareness, interest, attention, concern, and responsibility
 ability to listen and respond in interactions with others
 ability to demonstrate those attitudinal characteristics or values which are appropriate to the test
situation and the field of study
are identified by words such as
 like, dislike, attitude, value, belief, feeling, interest, appreciation and characterization

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Pierce-Gray Taxonomy of Affective Domain
1) Perceive 4) Validate
o Emotive Implanting o Examining Values
o Response Setting o Accepting Values
2) React 5) Affective Judge
o Emoting o Establishing Value Criteria
o Recognizing o Value Judging
o Controlling 6) Affective Create
3) Conform o Integrating Values
o Artificial Attitude o Inspirational Insight
o Consistent Attitude
o Rationalized Attitude
Taxonomy as per Emotional Intelligence
 Knowing one's emotions
 Managing emotions
 Motivating oneself
 Recognizing emotions in others
 Handling relations

Some Action Verbs (AD)

 Accept  Judge
 Attempt  Praise
 Challenge  Question
 Defend  Share
 Dispute  Support
 Join  Volunteer
Psychomotor Domain

 It includes physical movement, coordination, and use of the motor-skill areas. (Simpson, 1972)
 Development of these skills requires practice and is measured in terms of speed, precision,
distance, procedures, or techniques in execution.
 The role of psychomotor activities is limited in engineering programs as offered at present.
 The psychomotor activities become important and even dominant in courses in programs in
Theatre, Music, Painting, Sports, Medicine, Nursing, Dentistry, Emergency Medical Services etc.

Pierce and Gray Taxonomy of PD

1) Psychomotor Perceiving 3) Executing
o Sensory Transmission o Task Execution
o Physio Functional Maintenance o Operational Execution
2) Activating o Skilled Execution
o Physical Outputs 4) Maneuvering
o Mimicry o Inspecting Skills
o Deliberate Modelling o Selecting Skills

NATE-Module 1-Week-3 N J Rao & K Rajanikanth 19

5) Psychomotor Judging 6) Psychomotor Creating
o Establishing Performance Criteria o Combining Skills
o Performance Judging o Performance Insight
Sample Action Verbs (PD)
 Bend  Shorten
 Grasp  Stretch
 Handle  Write
 Operate  Differentiate (by touch)
 Reach  Express (facially)
 Relax  Perform (skillfully)
Three Domains of Learning

 Cognitive, affective and psychomotor activities are not independent of one another
 Higher levels of affective and psychomotor activities involve more and more cognitive activities
 Instruction needs to pay attention to these dependencies, especially to integrating affective
elements into cognitive activities in engineering courses.


 Give at least one example from each one of the six affective levels from the courses you are
familiar with.
 Give at least one example from each one of the six psychomotor levels from the courses you are
familiar with.
We Thank you for sharing the results of the exercise at


 Write Course Outcomes of a course in the framework provided by Revised Bloom/Revised Bloom
Vincenti taxonomy of learning.

NATE-Module 1-Week-3 N J Rao & K Rajanikanth 20

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