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Muhammad Qasim
Submitted to:
Sir Inam Waris
Pakistan Studies


Culture of Pakistan

Dress of Pakistan:
Dress is the identity of any nation. It is the thing which tells you the nationality
of a person without even asking. Every country has its own traditional dress. So is the case with Pakistan.
Our traditional dress is the shalwar kameez. This is good for all men, women and children of Pakistan. It
is worn and is equally popular in all the provinces, cities and villages of Pakistan. The shalwar kameez
holds equal importance in both ceremonial wear and casual wear. Pakistani women like to dress up in
shalwar kameez most of the time and also during different ceremonies. Same holds true for men and
children of the country.

Pakistani clothes express the culture of Pakistan, the demographics of Pakistan and cultures from

the Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan , Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Pashtun) and Kashmir regions of the country.

Dress of Balochistan:
A Baloch wears a long jama (robe) like a smock-frock down to the heels, loose
shalwar, a long chadar or scarf, a pagri of cotton cloth, and mostly shoes that nanow at the toe.  The
material is thick cloth with very wide shalwar to protect against the hot wind of the dry  Sulaiman
Range and Kharan Desert. A typical dress of a Baloch woman consists of a long frock and shalwar with a
headscarf. Balochi women wear heavy embroidered shalwar kameez and dupatta with the embroidery
utilising Shisha work.
Dress of Balochistan.
Dress of Sindh:
Sindhi people wear a version of the shalwar called a suthan with a kameez called
cholo. Other traditional clothing includes the Sindhi cap and Ajrak of beautiful designs which are made
locally. Men also traditionally wear the dhoti and the long angerkho. Sindhi women wear the lehenga
and choli known as the gaji which is a pullover shirt worn in the mountain areas of Sindh. The gaji is
composed of small, square panels, embroidered on silk and sequins. The neck line of the gaji is cut high,
and round on one side, with a slit opening extending the other. Unmarried girls wear the opening to the
back and married women, to the front. Sindhi clothing displays embroidery using mirrors.

Sindhi Ajrak Sindhi cap

Dress of Punjab:
Punjabi men wear the straight cut Punjabi shalwar kameez, kurta and
shalwar, dhoti, lungi or tehmat and kurta. Other Punjabi shalwar styles include the Pothohari shalwar,
Multani shalwar, Dhoti shalwar and the Bahawalpuri shalwar which is very wide and baggy with many
folds. Turban of a thin cloth is also worn especially in rural areas of Punjab where it is called pagri.
Footwear include the khussa. Punjabi women wear the straight cut Punjabi shalwar kameez, [22], which is
most frequently worn. Punjabi women, in villages, also wear the Pothohari shalwar, the Patiala shalwar,
the laacha (tehmat), kurti, ghagra, lehenga and phulkari.
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa:
In Pashtun dress, people wear traditional Peshawari chappal as footwear. The traditional male Pashtun
dress includes the Khet partug, Peshawari shalwar and the Perahan wa tunban. Males usually
wear kufi, Peshawari cap, turban, or pakul as traditional headgear. In urban areas women typically wear
the shalwar kameez. Pashtun women commonly wear shalwar kameez, and in some regions, particularly
in Tribal areas women wear firaq partug which is also worn 

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