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To, Date:- 06-July-2019

CHC Govt. Hospital

Ramgarh (Alwar)

Advisory Report

As we visited the site of X-Ray machine find that according to AERB rule guideline-
radiographer and patient safety is first but there is no sufficient space between X-Ray
tube & control. As well as lead barrier does not contain lead of 1.5mm. It contain
0.5mm and there are Number of X-Rays are upto 10 and more than a day. So the
radiographer not in safe zone because lead barrier does not able to block radiation
completely. Radiographer is also recommended to use radiation safety badge to
monitoring radiation doze. As per rule of AERB lead barrier should be atleast 1.5mm
of thick lead to give radiation safety to radiographer.

Advised:- Lead barrier should be replaced 1.5mm lead thickness. Radiographer

should use personal monitoring system instantly.

For:- Solution X

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