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Yana Yatsenko 2057

should people be judged by their social media posting ?

People have become dependent on social nets considerably. The

Internet nowadays is a very attractive platform for people who don’t
have time to communicate face to face. Several social media on the
Internet provide a splendid opportunity to express themselves, gives
the ability to create their personal world with images both real and
Of course, people should not be judged by their social media post
because this is not the right way to judge them. People, however, are
by nature inclined to judge other people.
Sometimes what they post and what they are in real life is totally
different. Some are just the opposite reflection of their social media.
So, people can't be judged by a post.
People have social media accounts for different reasons; some
connect with friends, some boast of their experiences, some post
about questions they care about, some love words and quotes and
will post things they consider clever. All choices that people make
are indications of how they look at the world, they select particular
pictures, pieces of music, public figures they admire, politics they
follow. some people use social media to promote their business,
while others simply to keep in touch with friends and family. I think
people want to fake happiness and success so their friends and
family are envious of them.
Children are usually taught not to judge books by their covers. This is
likely because people can’t change how they look and it has no
bearing on what they are like as people. However, we judge people
based on their social media accounts and profiles. The reason that
judging people based on their social media accounts is completely
acceptable is that they have the ability to choose every single thing
that appears on their account.
If you use social media the right way you can help others, inspire and
motivate them. Social media is an amazing tool but make sure to use
it for good, not bad.

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