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Palestine Technical College – Deir El-Balah,

Computer Systems Engineering

Engineering Professions Department

Assets and Keys Management System Using NFC Technology


Graduation Project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for

the degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Systems Engineering at the
Palestine Technical College – Deir El-Balah


1. Asmaa Younis Shaheen. (1349011005)

2. Adnan Jamal Alloh. (1349011001)

Supervisor: Dr. Ezzaldeen Edwan.



This is to certify that we are responsible for the work submitted in this
project, that the original work is my own except as specified in the
references and acknowledgements, and that original work contained herein
have not been taken or done by unspecified source, or person.

Name Signature Data

Asmaa Y. Shaheen Jun 20th, 2018

Adnan J. Alloh Jun 20th, 2018


Praise and thanks to Allah first and foremost, whose blessing enabled me to
accomplish this project.

We wish to express our deepest appreciation to our supervisor Dr.

Ezzaldeen Edwan for relentless guidance, helpful suggestion, close
supervision and moral encouragement to complete this project.

Special thanks to our parents and to all our teachers we have had.
Our sincere thanks to all those whom directly or indirectly helped us to
complete this project.


With the increasing number of companies, universities and institutions it is necessary to

preserve them and their equipment and machines that they contain inside their rooms
and labs. Managing and protecting assets is an important issue in our life and a
dedicated person at the institute usually does it in a bureaucratic way. In this project, we
find an innovative technological solution to the problem of the management of using
traditional mechanical keys used for doors locks. Based on this problem, the aim of this
project is to design and implement an automated assets and keys management system.
In the proposed system, we can keep the keys in a key-cabinet, which can be locked or
opened automatically.

We will rely on Near field communication (NFC) technology which exists in the smart
phone to tackle this problem. Our main controller will be an Android based smart phone
interfaced through its headphone jack to control the key-cabinet lock. The smart phone
contains all needed hardware and software components to achieve our goal.

The employees can borrow the keys easily using NFC tags to identify keys and
employees without using paper records and the borrow keys process is restricted to the
employees who work in the company to open and close the door of the key-cabinet by
using a dedicated smart phone mounted near the key-cabinet. Moreover, employees will
be able to borrow and return keys in any time and keep their track recorded in a mobile

LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................................... VII

LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................................... IX

LIST OF ACRONYMS/ABBREVIATIONS .......................................................................................... X

1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Problem Statement ........................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Objectives ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.4 Important of Project ......................................................................................................... 2
1.5 Scope and Limitation ....................................................................................................... 2
1.6 Project Elements ............................................................................................................... 3
1.7 Related Work ..................................................................................................................... 3
1.8 Overview of Thesis ............................................................................................................ 3

2 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................................. 5
2.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................5
2.2 Smartphone....................................................................................................................5
2.2.1 Sensors in Smartphone .............................................................................................5
2.3 Mobile Application as A Microcontroller ..................................................................7
2.3.1 Comparison between Locking/Unlocking Systems .................................................7
2.4 Keys and Employees .....................................................................................................8
2.4.1 The Near Field Communication ...............................................................................8
2.4.2 How NFC Works......................................................................................................8
2.4.3 Limitations of NFC ..................................................................................................9
2.4.4 NFC Tags .................................................................................................................9
2.5 Internet of Thing .........................................................................................................12

3 SYSTEM ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................................... 13

3.1 Software Development Life Cycle .............................................................................13
3.2 Task Management ............................................................................................................14
3.3 Class Diagram and Database .........................................................................................14
3.4 User Interface Sketch ......................................................................................................15
3.5 User Cases .........................................................................................................................16
3.5.1 User Cases List .......................................................................................................16
3.5.2 Scenarios ................................................................................................................16
3.5.3 Actor List ................................................................................................................20
3.5.4 User Cases Details..................................................................................................20
3.6 Data Flow Diagram ..........................................................................................................20
3.7 Sequence Diagram ...........................................................................................................25

4 IMPLEMENTION AND TESTING ............................................................................................... 32

4.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................32
4.2 Link between Android Application And Database .................................................33
4.3 Connect between Project Element ............................................................................34
4.4 Graphical User Interface ...........................................................................................34
4.5 Hardware System .....................................................................................................39
4.5.1 Dual Tone Multi Frequency Signalling ..................................................................40

4.6 Testing and Results .....................................................................................................41
4.6.1 Identifying Employees ...........................................................................................41
4.6.2 Unlock/Lock the Door............................................................................................42
4.6.3 Identifying the Key ................................................................................................44
4.6.4 Results ....................................................................................................................44

5 CONCLUSION AND FUTUREWORK ......................................................................................... 46

5.1 Conclusion .........................................................................................................................46
5.2 Future Work .....................................................................................................................46

Figure 1-1: Structure of project and elements ................................................................................3
Figure 2-1: NFC working using electromagnetic. [7] ....................................................................9
Figure 2-2: NFC tag example.......................................................................................................10
Figure 2-3: How to turn NFC.......................................................................................................10
Figure 2-4:Screen Shot of writing to NFC tag. ............................................................................11
Figure 2-5: Screen Shot reading from NFC tag. ..........................................................................12
Figure 3-1: Water Full model diagram. [10] ................................................................................13
Figure 3-2:Gantt chart to phase of project ...................................................................................14
Figure 3-3: Class diagram for the application project ..................................................................15
Figure 3-4: User interface wireframe ...........................................................................................16
Figure 3-5:Flow chart for the application ....................................................................................18
Figure 3-6: Uses case diagram of the project ...............................................................................19
Figure 3-7: Mobile application context diagram..........................................................................24
Figure 3-8:System function context diagram ...............................................................................24
Figure 3-9:Data flow diagram-level 0 ..........................................................................................25
Figure 3-10: Sequence diagram for UI1. .....................................................................................25
Figure 3-11: Sequence diagram for UI2 ......................................................................................26
Figure 3-12: Sequence diagram for UI3 ......................................................................................26
Figure 3-13: Sequence diagram for UI4 ......................................................................................27
Figure 3-14: Sequence diagram for UI5 ......................................................................................27
Figure 3-15: Sequence diagram for UI6 ......................................................................................28
Figure 3-16: Sequence diagram for UI7 ......................................................................................28
Figure 3-17: Sequence diagram for UI8 ......................................................................................29
Figure 3-18: Sequence diagram for UI9 ......................................................................................29
Figure 3-19: Sequence diagram for UI10 ....................................................................................30
Figure 3-20: Sequence diagram for UI11 ....................................................................................30
Figure 3-21: Sequence diagram for UI12 ....................................................................................31
Figure 3-22: Sequence diagram for UI13. ...................................................................................31
Figure 4-1: Main steps of implementation the project. ................................................................32
Figure 4-2: : Structure of the Application Communication with SQLite database[14] ..............34
Figure 4-3: Main interfaces UI mobile application .....................................................................35
Figure 4-4: Addition interfaces UI mobile application ...............................................................35
Figure 4-5: Main interfaces UI mobile application for admin ....................................................36
Figure 4-6: Main Function interfaces UI mobile application......................................................36
Figure 4-7: Admin interfaces UI mobile app for management employee...................................37

Figure 4-8: Admin interfaces UI mobile app for management key ............................................37
Figure 4-9: Main interfaces UI mobile application .....................................................................38
Figure 4-10: Main interfaces UI website ....................................................................................38
Figure 4-11: Decoder circuit schematic using M8870 .................................................................39
Figure 4-12: H Bridge circuit to control locks door automatically[16] .......................................40
Figure 4-13: H Bridge circuit to control unlocks door automatically[16]. ..................................40
Figure 4-14: Testing identify employees. ....................................................................................42
Figure 4-15: Main process to testing Unlock/lock the door automatically. .................................43
Figure 4-16: A prototype implementation to locks door..............................................................43
Figure 4-17: Testing identifying key. ..........................................................................................44
Figure 4-18: The result of Borrow Process Mobile App..............................................................44
Figure 4-19: The result of Borrow Process Website. ...................................................................45


Table 2-1: Comparison between unlocking existing system..........................................................7

Table 3-1: Estimating time to phase of the project ..................................................................14
Table 4-1: Example of frequencies of a DTMF keypad. .............................................................40
Table 5-1: List the smartphones and tablets support NFC ...........................................................49


AMIN Assets and Key Management System Using NFC Technology

NFC Near Field Communication

ADT Android Development Tool

API Android Application Interface

UI User Interface

JDK Java Development Kit

RFID Radio Frequency

IoT Internet of Thing

PV Photo Voltaic

Wi fi Wireless Fidelity

SQL Structured Query Language

RDBMS Relational Database Management System

DTMF Dual Tone Multi Frequency

App Application

DB Database

JSON Java Script Objective Notation

MySQL My Structured Query Language.

GPS Global Positioning System

Chapter one


1.1 Overview

NFC is a wireless communication technology tag that we use in our project to transfer
and exchange data at a very high speed and at the same time secure. Where it is placed
on each key and when the contact with the smart phone to know the key that was taken
and the person who took it and are recorded in the records for reference when needed.

1.2 Problem Statement

The most serious issue faced by most governmental and academic institutions are
pirates and thefts. It is necessary to identify the persons who use these keys in an easy
way that save time, efforts and keep an electronic record of all the necessary
information such as time, day, key, name… etc. without referring to paper documents.
With the increasing number of companies, universities and institutions it is necessary to
preserve them and their equipment and machines that they contain inside their rooms
and labs. Managing and protecting assets is an important issue in our life and a
dedicated person at the institute usually does it in a bureaucratic way. In this project, we
find an innovative technological solution to the problem of the management of using
traditional mechanical keys used for doors locks. Based on this problem, the aim of this
project is to design and implement an automated assets and keys management system.
In the proposed system, we can keep the keys in a key-cabinet, which can be locked or
opened automatically for authorized persons who own access card. This problem is will
be solved by employing smart phones supported with NFC technology to provide access
management for the keys accurately, safely and efficiently. In addition, we seek an
interactive web application, which features the tracking of keys with a web browser
(Internet of things).

1.3 Objectives

The objectives of this graduation project can be summarized as:

• Develop an android-based NFC-supported application to manages keys
especially at Palestine Technical College campus.
• Securing of assets in scientific laboratories.
• Saving time and effort to prevent using paper records.
• Keep the necessary information and document it in secure records using a
mobile application for reference at the time of emergency.
• Ensuring commitment of staff to their lectures in place and on time.
• To give tracking of employees access to assets.
• Allow only authorized employees to borrow keys.
• Control opening and closing of the key-cabinet using the smart phone mobile
application in an easy way.

1.4 Important of Project

This project introduces a mobile application which can support both Arabic and English
languages for the employees who work in different companies and institutions.

The achievement of this project will target the following beneficiaries:

1. Help companies and institutions to keep their own assets from being lost and

2. Keep track of employees during their work and know their presence and

3. Protect keys from loss and not rely on paper use to record data when used.

4. The capability of the application to work on the Android operating system.

The project also includes the design and construction of a simple circuit to control the
opening and closing of the keys board door for employees who have the authority to
borrow keys and connect them to the same application in the mobile phone.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

There are some considerations that must be taken during the development of this project
at the following:

1. Using the NFC application, we will not be able to read more than one key at the
same moment.

2. This application is developed for Android smart phones.

3. No presence of the NFC tags in the Gaza Strip.

4. NFC technology not supported for all types the smartphone and tablets.

1.6 Project Elements

Most institutions around the world own a lot of assets and they want to keep a record of
their use. This project protects the keys of rooms that contain many important things
inside. Basic parts of the application are shown in the Figure below.

Figure 1-1: Structure of project and elements

1.7 Related Work

In this section, we discuss the most important works and researches related to control
through NFC-based smartphones. The use of NFC technology is not new and one can

find few publications covering this issue. Firstly, Nikhil Shetty proposed and
implemented the NFC-based mobile asset management solution for medical equipment.
The solution provides a unique security feature that allows immediate detection of
tampering with any equipment’s description. And review existing works and compare
them to the solution and show its efficiency [1]. Coskun surveyed all the application
based NFC technology in [2]. He concludes that the NFC has become an attractive
research area for many researchers and practitioners due to its exponential growth and
its promising applications and related services. He covered all aspects of the NFC and
put special stress on the academic and innovative issues providing a comprehensive, up-
to-date review of NFC technology, including academic studies as well as some valuable
white papers of industry pioneers within the NFC ecosystem. The survey study provides
a beneficial source to understand the status of NFC research. There is a clear need for
more rigorous publications to address the issues that have been highlighted in the
research opportunities sections [2].

1.8 Overview of Thesis

This thesis presents 5 chapters: the first chapter “Introduction” which contains the
problem that we about to solve, an overview glance of the project system, and the
benefits of this project in terms of employees, keys, and the company. The second
chapter “Methodology” presents the background information that helps the reader to
understand the basics of our project, it includes the definition of the smartphones, Near
Field Communication (NFC) and its concept and limitations. The third chapter “System
Analysis” includes techniques that used to analysis and design this project such as
making database, the user interfaces sketch of mobile application, and the use cases.
The fourth chapter “Implementation and Testing” includes methods and techniques that
used to make this project such as tools used to implement this project, the user
interfaces of mobile application, and the connection between a database and the mobile

The fifth chapter “Conclusion and future work” includes the result of the conclusion and
what the developers need in future in this project.

Chapter Two


2.1 Overview

This system allows employees in educational institutes and companies to borrow the
keys of laboratories and rooms by using mobile application based NFC technology and
return the key with storing all information about this process automatically in electronic
record without using paper record to store this information by written hand. In addition,
before any borrowing process we identify the employees who are allowing to borrow a
key by open the door of keys cabinet by a lock interfaced to a smart phone. The mobile
application is linked to a web site to track employees and keys in everywhere and save
information in the server for future use. We divided this system scenario into many
parts e.g. identifying the employee, identifying the keys based to what, storing the
information, connect the mobile application to website and make a mobile application
as a microcontroller to locks/unlocks the door automatically.

2.2 Smartphone

It is a handheld personal computer with a mobile operating system and

an integrated mobile broadband cellular network connection for voice, SMS,
and Internet data communication; most, if not all, smartphones also support Wi-Fi.
Smartphones are typically pocket-sized, as opposed to tablet computers, which are
much larger. They are able to run a variety of software components, known as

2.2.1 Sensors in Smartphone

Smartphones today come with a wealth of sensors to facilitate a better user experience,
provide apps with enhanced information about the world around the phone and provide
robust and increased battery life [3].

• Proximity: Detects when an object is near to the phone. Most commonly used to
sense when a phone is held up to the user’s ear to turn off the display.

• Accelerometer and gyroscope: Accelerometers in mobile phones are used to

detect the orientation of the phone. The gyroscope, or gyro for short, adds an
additional dimension to the information supplied by the accelerometer by
tracking rotation or twist.

• Digital compass: The digital compass that's usually based on a sensor called the
magnetometer and provides mobile phones with a simple orientation in relation
to the Earth's magnetic field.

• Barometer: The barometer assists the GPS chip inside the device to get a faster
lock by instantly delivering altitude data.

• Biometrics: Biometric related sensors provide levels of enhanced security by

capturing and validating human related metrics. Including Finger Print
recognition, IRIS (eye) scanning and full facial recognition.

• GPS: Location sensors detect the location of the smartphone using either.

• Magnetometer: Measures the strength of earth’s magnetic field.

• Cameras: Helps capture the world around us.

• Touch Screen: is an input and output device normally layered on the top of
an electronic visual display of an information processing system.

• Switches: Contact switches, power switches, etc.

• RFIDs: Cheap identification (not so secure).

• Bluetooth/WiFi/WiDi /NFC (communications): Not really a sensor in the

traditional sense, but often related, particularly when talking about cell phones.

• Humidity: is the presence of water in air. The amount of water vapor in air can
affect human comfort as well as many manufacturing processes in industries.

• Temperature: Monitoring temperatures.

• Light: photoelectric devices that convert light energy (photons) whether visible
or infra-red light into an electrical (electrons) signal.

2.3 Mobile Application as A Microcontroller

A mobile application is a type of application software designed to run on a mobile

device, such as a smartphone or tablet. Mobile applications frequently serve to provide
users with similar services to those accessed on PCs[4]. As mobile use continues to
grow worldwide, the “app vs. web” question will remain a very real consideration for
organizations seeking to establish a mobile presence.

In this project, we used the Android application to control the opening and closing of
the door of a locker, which contains the keys of the various laboratories where they
open and close in a way when the employee is identified. Is he a person who has the
authority to borrow the appropriate key and its return and so is used as a controller using
headphone without using any existing microcontrollers such as Arduino and Raspberry
pi... etc.

In [5], christian schus and Timo Rahkonen described the use of mobile phones as
microcontrollers for control application such as maximum power point tracking which
is usually carried out by microcontroller. They presented a mobile application using a
simple interface to increase the energy gained from PV cells without the need for an
additional microcontroller.

2.3.1 Comparison between Locking/Unlocking Systems

Table 2-1: Comparison between unlocking existing system
System Advantage Disadvantage
Physical key door locks system• Cheaper • Not security
• High reliability
Key card door lock system • Very speed • Lost key card
• Very reliability
• Good security

Fingerprint door locks system • authorized people • Poor security
• reliability
Smart door lock system • High speed • Poor reliability
• authorized people • Not good security
Keyless door locks system • Don’t need key • Forget the pin code

The advantage of the system is not expensive cost comparing the other system in the
above table, high reliability, speed, and good security.

2.4 Keys and Employees

Every employees and keys have NFC tag to identifying ID by scanning the tag on
application and store the information in a mobile app to make it easier to borrow and
return keys based on the NFC technology. The Near Field Communication (NFC) is a
set of communication protocols that enable two electronic devices, one of which is
usually a portable device such as a smartphone, to establish communication by bringing
them within 4 cm of each other [6].

2.4.1 The Near Field Communication

The Near Field Communication (NFC) is a set of communication protocols that enable
two electronic devices, one of which is usually a portable device such as a smartphone,
to establish communication by bringing them within 4 cm (1.6 in) of each other[6].

2.4.2 How NFC Works

NFC allow wireless communication and data exchange between digital devices like
smartphones. Yet near field communication utilizes electromagnetic radio fields while
technologies such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi focus on radio transmissions instead. Near
field communication, or NFC for short, is an offshoot of radio-frequency identification
(RFID) with the exception that NFC is designed for use by devices within proximity to
each other. Devices using NFC may be active or passive. A passive device, such as an
NFC tag, contains information that other devices can read but does not read any
information itself [6].To ensure security, NFC often establishes a secure channel and

uses encryption when sending sensitive information such as credit card numbers. Details
are given in Figure below.

Figure 2-1: NFC working using electromagnetic. [7]

2.4.3 Limitations of NFC

• Lack of information about NFC is another challenge which needs to make

people aware about how to use by their mobile phones[6].

• As NFC uses radio waves for data transfer there can be many possible security
attacks while transmission or transaction which can be categorized as
Eavesdropping, Data corruption, Data modification, Imposter attacks (man in the
middle), and Theft (NFC device is stolen)[6].

• Using NFC devices can affect personal privacy as someone could read the UID
of an NFC tag from a distance and identify the person’s in and out time when the
same phone passes later[7].

• NFC’s operating range is just 10 cm as inductive coupling works for short

distances, compared to Bluetooth’s 10 meters and Wi-Fi’s 100 meters[7].

2.4.4 NFC Tags

The tags themselves are small discs of plastic, around the same size as a ten pence
piece. Although they require no power source, they're able to use the NFC tech to
draw a small amount of juice from your phone, thereby passing on information that
can be interpreted by the chip inside your device.

Figure 2-2: NFC tag example

Make sure your device supports NFC. You can confirm this by Settings -> More ->

Figure 2-3: How to turn NFC

❖ Writing information to the tag

NXP TagWriter is a general NFC reader/writer application that is highly

recommended and available on Google Play App store. It only has a few main
features such as reading, writing, erasing, and protecting tags which makes it
easy-to-use and understand even for first-time NFC users[8].

Figure 2-4:Screen Shot of writing to NFC tag.

❖ Reading information from the tag

NFC tags do not require any app, you just have to bring your NFC-enabled phone
10 cm from the tag and it will automatically read and decode the tag.
If nothing happens, make sure your smartphone is compatible with NFC and that the
NFC feature is activated[8].

Figure 2-5: Screen Shot reading from NFC tag.

2.5 Internet of Thing

By developing a mobile application connected to the internet via a website, we can track
employees record and keys at any time and place we can have an internet of thing (IoT)
system. We aim to store the records at the server for the following reasons:
• Avoid losses of data.
• Keep ubiquitous access to record files.
• Get unlimited storage.
• Allow sharing of record file with administration.

Chapter Three


3.1 Software Development Life Cycle

Software development lifecycle process is the kind of structure or framework used in

the development of any software product. There is many different model’s specific
lifecycle such as Waterfall model, spiral model, prototyping model are a few such
models. Each model is described through a series of activities. The development steps
or the activities may vary in each model but all the models will include planning,
requirement, analysis, design etc. [9]

Although there are many different methods used in the field of software development,
we consider the waterfall model. The waterfall model is the classical model of software
engineering. This model is one of the oldest models and is widely used in government
projects. This model includes requirement gathering, planning, analysis & design,
implementation, deployment.

Figure 3-1: Water Full model diagram. [10]

3.2 Task Management

Project management is a methodical approach to planning and guiding project processes

from start to finish. Project management can be applied to almost any type of project
and is widely used to control the complex processes of software development projects.
Gantt chart of the phases of the project and their corresponding estimated time.

Table 3-1:: Estimating time to phase of the project

Task Name Start End Duration
Project Planning 25/9/17 28/10/17 33
Project Analysis 28/10/17 20/11/17 22
Project Design 20/11/17 30/01/18 70
Project implementation 30/01/18 20/04/18 80
Documentation 20/04/18 25/05/18 35

6/14/17 8/3/17 9/22/17 11/11/17 12/31/17 2/19/18 4/10/18 5/30/18

Project Planning

Project Analysis

Project Design

Project implemntion


Figure 3-2:Gantt chart to phase of project

3.3 Class Diagram and Database

Class diagram of date used in the application mobile as shown in the figure 3-3:

Figure 3-3: Class diagram for the application project

3.4 User Interface Sketch

The interfaces of mobile designed by using wirefram (photoshop program) to allow

design easy by Android studio shown as in the figure 3-4:

Figure 3-4: User interface wireframe

3.5 User cases

3.5.1 User Cases List

1. The student installs the application: The student downloads the application from
the play store.

2. View the employee information: the students and employees can see the
employee information without interacting.

3. Display the key information: the students and employees can see all the key

4. The admin edits his information: the administer can edit all information about
employees and keys through the website.

5. Admin adds new employee: the admin can add new employees to use the

6. Admin adds new key: the admin adds new key to the application.

7. The admin removes the employee from the app: the admin can remove the
employee from his application for many reasons.

8. The admin removes the key from the app: the admin can remove the key from
his application for many reasons.

9. Employee borrows the key: the employee can borrow any key.

10. The employee returns the key: the employee returns the key when finished

3.5.2 Scenarios

This system allows employees to borrow the keys of the laboratories by taking the
appropriate key of the NFC tag kept on the record of this information, where the return
only returns the key to the appropriate place to recognize the application directly to the
receiver. The system flow chart is shown in figure 3-5 how the application work.

Figure 3-5:Flow chart for the application

Figure 3-6: Uses case diagram of the project

3.5.3 Actor List

1. Visitor: the student who installs our application and interest to show the
information about employees and keys only.

2. Employee: the user who borrows the key and return, he interacts with the
application easily.

3. Administers: the user who is updating, delete, remove the information, and allow
to interact with all app interfaces.

3.5.4 User Cases Details

1) The student installs the application.


• Have a network access to the device to visit the store.

• The student who interested in our app seeks to install it.


• None.

2) View the employee information


• Already install the application.

• Search the employee we needed.


• The result appears.

3) Display the key information


• Already install the application.

• Search the key we needed.


• The result appears.

4) The admin edits his information


• The admin should have signed in through the website.

• Click on employee list.

• Display the all employee information.

• Click on the employee need to edit his information.


• His information will be edited.

5) Admin adds new employee


• The admin should have signed in through the website.

• Click on add employee icon.

• Enter all employee information needed.

• Click on the add button.


• His information will be added.

6) Admin adds new key


• The admin should have signed in through the website.

• Click on add key icon.

• Enter all key information needed.

• Click on the add button.


• His information will be added.

7) Admin removes employee


• The admin should have signed in through the website.

• Click on employee list icon.

• Select the employee need to remove.

• Click on the delete icon.


• The admin removes the employee from a list.

8) Admin removes the key


• The admin should have signed in through the website.

• Click on keys list icon.

• Select the key need to remove.

• Click on the delete icon.


• The admin removes the key from a list.

9) Employee borrows the key


• The employee opens the application.

• Click on borrow icon.

• Select the key from the board.

• Select your name.

• Click on the ok button.


• The employee borrowed the key successfully and the information save in

10) Employee return the key


• The employee opens the application.

• Click on return icon.

• Put the key in the appropriate place on the board.

• Click on the ok button.


• The employee is return the key and record the information from a record list.

11) Employee view recorded day and allow to contact another employee.


• The employee opens the application.

• Click on record icon.


• The employee shows the employee borrowed the key wit time borrow and time

3.6 Data Flow Diagram

Figure below illustrates the system context diagram and operation, the employee opens
the application on public tablet and take appropriate key need, the application use the
NFC technology to identify employee and key and after identification employee open
the door of board keys automatically and save all data and information about borrow
operation in the database. Also, the system data flow explained shown below.

Figure 3-7: Mobile application context diagram

Figure 3-8:System function context diagram

Figure 3-9:Data flow diagram-level 0

3.7 Sequence Diagram

UI1: The Employee Borrow the key

Figure 3-10: Sequence diagram for UI1.

UI2: The Admin Add New Employee information.

Figure 3-11: Sequence diagram for UI2

UI3: The Admin Add new key information

Figure 3-12: Sequence diagram for UI3

UI4: The visitors install the Application.

Figure 3-13: Sequence diagram for UI4

UI5: The Admin Login into Main Control Panel

Figure 3-14: Sequence diagram for UI5

UI6: The Admin Delete key information.

Figure 3-15: Sequence diagram for UI6

UI7: The Admin Delete Employee information

Figure 3-16: Sequence diagram for UI7

UI8: The Admin write Key and Employee ID into NFC Tag by NFC Reader

Figure 3-17: Sequence diagram for UI8

UI9: The Admin update the key information

Figure 3-18: Sequence diagram for UI9

UI10: The Admin Update Employee information

Figure 3-19: Sequence diagram for UI10

UI11: The users view Borrowers record with general information

Figure 3-20: Sequence diagram for UI11

UI12: The User view all keys available in the board keys

Figure 3-21: Sequence diagram for UI12

UI13: The User view all Employees available in the department.

Figure 3-22: Sequence diagram for UI13.

Chapter Four


4.1 Overview

When an employee at a scientific institution needs a key of a closed room to give his
lecture, he runs the application and takes the needed key, which contains an
identification NFC tag. The application records his attendance by going to the borrow
interface to keep all the information updated in the database. When he returns the key,
the system knows the employee who took the key and the time it was took and returned
through the return interface.

In this thesis, we proposed the following main steps for implementing the system as
shown in Figure 4-1.

Figure 4-1: Main steps of implementation the project.

4.2 Link Between Android Application and Database

Android provides several ways to store user and app data. SQLite is one way of storing
user data. SQLite is a very light weight database which comes with Android OS. SQLite
is a opensource SQL database that stores data to a text file on a device and SQLite is a
relational database management system (RDBMS). If most RDBMSs such as MySQL,
Oracle, etc. are standalone server processes, then SQLite is embedded because it is
provided in the form of a library that is linked in applications. Like other RDBMSs, data
is accessed in a SQLite database by using Structured Query Language (SQL). [11]

The main package is 'android.database.sqlite ' that contains the classes to manage your
own databases, In order to create a database you just need to call this method
openOrCreateDatabase with your database name and mode as a parameter. It returns an
instance of SQLite database which you must receive in your own object.[12] Its syntax
is given below:

We can create table or insert data into table using execSQL method defined in
SQLiteDatabase class and we can retrieve anything from database using an object of the
Cursor class. We will call a method of this class called rawQuery and it will return a
resultset with the cursor pointing to the table. We can move the cursor forward and
retrieve the data [13].

For managing all the operations related to the database, a helper class has been given
and is called SQLiteOpenHelper. It automatically manages the creation and update of
the database.

Figure 4-2: : Structure of the Application Communication with SQLite database[14]

4.3 Connect between Project Element

We need some communication techniques to link the project elements together so the
employee needs to have a NFC tag code to allow him to process the borrow and be
among the people who have access to the key locker. On the other hand, the application
must be open and connected to the Internet so that the process of lending successfully
and recording the necessary information in the electronic records available on the
website and if the application is offline The Internet does not store information on the

4.4 Graphical User Interface

Figure 4-3: Main interfaces UI mobile application

Figure 4-4: Addition interfaces UI mobile application

Figure 4-5: Main interfaces UI mobile application for admin

Figure 4-6: Main Function interfaces UI mobile application

Figure 4-7: Admin interfaces UI mobile app for management employee

Figure 4-8: Admin interfaces UI mobile app for management key

Figure 4-9: Main interfaces UI mobile application

Figure 4-10: Main interfaces UI website

4.5 Hardware System

In our system we lock/unlock the door of keys board after identifying authorized
employees by NFC tags based on a smart phone as a microcontroller interfaced via
headphone jack. We developed a simple circuit as shown in Figure below:

Figure 4-11: Decoder circuit schematic using M8870

This circuit identifies the dial tone from the telephone line and decodes the key pressed
on the remote telephone. Here for the detection of DTMF signalling, we are using
the IC MT8870DE, which is a touch tone decoder IC. It decodes the input DTMF to 5
digital outputs. The M-8870 DTMF (Dual Tone Multi Frequency) decoder IC uses a
digital counting technique to determine the frequencies of the limited tones and to verify
that they correspond to standard DTMF frequencies[15]. We combined this circuit with
another circuit to open and close the door automatically as shown in figure below in two

Figure 4-12: H Bridge circuit to control locks door automatically[16]

Figure 4-13: H Bridge circuit to control unlocks door automatically[16].

4.5.1 Dual Tone Multi Frequency Signalling

The main principle used in this circuit is DTMF communication. DTMF is acronym for
Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency. When you make a call to customer care service they will
ask you to press the numbers to provide the appropriate services. If you think about how
they are recognizing the pressed number then DTMF comes on the picture [8].

If you press the button in your mobile phone then a tone is generated with 2 frequencies.
These 2 frequencies of the tone are row and column frequencies of that particular
button. For example if you press the button 1 then a tone generated with the sum of 697

Hz and 1209 Hz. The below table show you the row and column frequencies of a
DTMF keypad[8].

Table 4-1: Example of frequencies of a DTMF keypad.

1209HZ 1336HZ 1477HZ 1663HZ
697HZ 1 2 3 A
770HZ 4 5 6 B
852HZ 7 8 9 C
941HZ * 0 # D

These generated tones are decoded at switching centre to determine which button is
pressed. Now we must use this DTMF tones to control the devices from remote area. To
decode these DTMF tones at receiver we need to use a DTMF decoder. Decoder IC
converts these tones into the digital form. For example, if you press number ‘5’ in
mobile keypad then the output of DTMF decoder is ‘0101’[8].

4.6 Testing and Results

4.6.1 Identifying Employees

Identifying employees in two methods, the first is Select your name is available in list,
then enter the password is different for everyone to identifying as show in figure:

Figure 4-14: Testing identify employees.

Or in second way to identify employee by scan NFC tag directly more security and
easier than first method when NFC tags is available.

4.6.2 Unlock/Lock the Door

Figure 4-15: Main process to testing Unlock/lock the door automatically.

Figure 4-16: A prototype implementation to locks door

4.6.3 Identifying the Key

Identify keys by using NFC tag, all keys are connected using an extension Cable.
The employee takes the key very easily and automatically to saves the information
in record and returns process the same thing.

Figure 4-17: Testing identifying key.

4.6.4 Results

After passing the identification phase, the mobile application saves the login
information automatically at its records and sends it to the website records as shown in
figures below:

Figure 4-18: The result of Borrow Process Mobile App.

Also, save records of borrow and return long time more mobile application into server
website to back when needed any time and any place.

Figure 4-19: The result of Borrow Process Website.

Chapter Five


5.1 Conclusion
In this thesis, we proposed a new NFC-based key management system for labs and
rooms at universities. The system helps employees to easily record them borrow
information to protect the laboratory and keys from theft and misuse, so we can replace
the paper records that are lost easily. We discussed some similar works and showed
their security flaws that could allow malicious individuals to modify equipment
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first proposal for using NFC tags for key
management in company and colleges. Certainly, much improvement can be done after
getting feedback from users.

5.2 Future Work

Future work can be detecting the borrowed key automatically so the user does not need
to scan it. In addition, we seek an interactive web application, which shows a tracking of
keys and employee via a web browser (IoT) very responsive in a secure way. It’s better
to connect this system with identification cards of the staff at universities. This idea
becomes a future for the using NFC also represents countless opportunities for
governments to improve public services and enhance transit systems, among other
things. The NFC management system can be used in medicine and healthcare activities
as well. NFC offers greater accuracy and convenience in prescribing medicine, easier
check-in, payments, checking status of patients, tracking records by embedding NFC
tags to patient’s charts. We can use this project concept in another application e.g.
“Book Borrowers System” in Libraries.


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13. Android SQLite Database Tutorial. [Accessed: 2018 10-03]; Available from:

14. Learning SQLite databases in Xamarin for Android [Accessed: 2018 10-03]; Available
from: <

15. [Accessed: 2018 29-04]; Available from:

16. [Accessed: 2018 05-02]; Available from:

17. Table of Mobiles and Tablets support NFC Technology. [Accessed: 2018 10-03];
Available from:

18. Android Development Tool [Accessed: 2018 19-01]; Available from:

Appendix A
The List of all NFC-enabled Smartphones and Tablets, and their Compatibility with
the different types of NFC tags are show in the following table. [17]

5-1: List the smartphones and tablets support NFC

Manufacturer Smartphone model Operating System
Acer Liquid S2 Android
Alcatel 922 Android
Alcatel 996 Android
Alcatel HERO 2 Android
Alcatel Idol 2 Android
Alcatel IDOL 2 MINI S Android
Alcatel Idol 2S Android
Alcatel OneTouch Idol 3 4.7 Android
Alcatel Pop 2 Premium Android
Alcatel POP S3 Android
Alcatel POP S7 Android
Alcatel POP S9 Android
Allview V1 Viper S Android
Allview X1 Xtreme Android
Apple iPhone 6 iOS
Apple iPhone 6 Plus iOS
Asus MeMO Pad 8 Android
BBK Vivo Xplay 3S Android
BLU Life Pure XL Android
BenQ F52 Android
BlackBerry Bold 9790 BlackBerry OS
BlackBerry Bold 9900 BlackBerry OS
BlackBerry Curve 9360 BlackBerry OS
BlackBerry Curve 9370 BlackBerry OS
BlackBerry Curve 9380 BlackBerry OS
BlackBerry Passport BlackBerry OS
BlackBerry Porsche Design P'9981 BlackBerry OS
BlackBerry Porsche Design P’9982 BlackBerry OS
BlackBerry Porsche Design P’9983 BlackBerry OS
BlackBerry Q10 BlackBerry OS
BlackBerry Q5 BlackBerry OS
BlackBerry Z10 BlackBerry OS
BlackBerry Z30 BlackBerry OS
Bluboo C100 Android
Casio G'zOne CA201L Android
Cherry Mobile Axis Android
Cherry Mobile Cosmos One Plus Android
Cherry Mobile Flare X Android
Coolpad 8860U Android
Coolpad S6 Android
Dell Venue 11 Pro -
Elephone P8000 Android
Elephone P9000 Android
Elephone Precious G7 Android
FAMOCO FX100 Android

Fujitsu Arrows M305/KA4 Android
Fujitsu Arrows NX Android
Fujitsu Smartphone Arrows M01 Android
Gaba A666 Android
Gionee Elife E7 LTE Android
Gionee Elife E7 mini Android
Gionee Elife E8 Android
Google Nexus 10 Android
Google Nexus 4 Android
Google Nexus 5 Android
Google Nexus 6 Android
Google Nexus 7 Android
Google Nexus 9 Android
HTC 8XT Windows Phone
HTC Amaze 4G Android
HTC Butterfly Android
HTC Butterfly 2 Android
HTC Butterfly S Android
HTC Desire 501 Android
HTC Desire 600 Android
HTC Desire 608t Android
HTC Desire 610 Android
HTC Desire 816 Android
HTC Desire C Android
HTC Desire Eye Android
HTC E1 Android
HTC Evo 4G LTE Android
HTC First Android
HTC J Butterfly Android
HTC One E8 Android
HTC One E9+ Android
HTC One M7 Android
HTC One M8 Android
HTC One M8 for Windows Windows Phone
HTC One M8s Android
HTC One M8si Android
HTC One M9 Android
HTC One M9+ Android
HTC One Max Android
HTC One ME Android
HTC One Mini 2 Android
HTC One remix Android
HTC One SV Android
HTC One VX Android
HTC One X Android
HTC One X+ Android
HTC One XL Android
HTC Windows Phone 8X Windows Phone
Haier Voyage V5 Android
Hisense HS-H910 Android
Hisense HS-L681 Android
Hisense HS-L690 Android
Hisense HS-L696 Android

Hisense Sero 5 Android
Huawei Ascend G510 Android
Huawei Ascend G6 Android
Huawei Ascend G6 4G Android
Huawei Ascend G600 Android
Huawei Ascend G620s Android
Huawei Ascend G620S-L02 Android
Huawei Ascend G630 Android
Huawei Ascend G7 Android
Huawei Ascend G740 Android
Huawei Ascend GX1 Android
Huawei Ascend Mate Android
Huawei Ascend P7 Android
Huawei Ascend P7 mini Android
Huawei Honor 4 Play Android
Huawei Honor 6 Android
Huawei Mulan Android
Huawei P8 Android
Huawei P8 Lite Android
Huawei P8 Max Android
InFocus M330 Android
InFocus M512 Android
Intel AZ210 Android
Kuoziro FT701W NFC Tablet -
Kyocera Brigadier Android
Kyocera Digno M Android
Kyocera Hydro Elite Android
Kyocera Hydro Icon Android
Kyocera Hydro Vibe Android
Kyocera Torque LTE Android
Kyocera Torque XT Android
LG AKA Android
LG Escape 2 Android
LG F60 Android
LG F70 Android
LG G Flex Android
LG G Flex 2 Android
LG G Pro 2 Android
LG G Pro Lite Android
LG G Stylo Android
LG G Vista Android
LG G2 Android
LG G2 mini Android
LG G3 Android
LG G3 DUAL LTE Android
LG G3 Beat Android
LG G3 S Android
LG G4 Android
LG G4 Dual LTE Android
LG G4 Beat Android
LG G4 Stylus Android
LG G4 C Android
LG L90 Android

LG Lucid 3 Android
LG Nexus 4 Android
LG Nexus 5 Android
LG Optimus F3 Android
LG Optimus G Android
LG Optimus G Pro Android
LG Prada 3.0 Android
LG Spectrum 2 Android
LG Spirit 4G LTE Android
LG T530 Ego Android
LG Viper 4G LTE Android
LG Volt Android
Lenovo A805e Android
Lenovo K800 -
Lenovo Vibe Shot Android
Lenovo Vibe Z2 Pro Android
Lenovo Vibe Z3 Android
Linshof i8 Android
Lumigon T2 Android
Lumigon T2 HD Android
Marshall London Android
Meizu MX3 Android
Meizu MX4 Android
Meizu MX4 Pro Android
Microsoft Lumia 640 Windows Phone
Microsoft Lumia 640 XL Windows Phone
Motorola Droid Kinzie Android
Motorola Droid Razr M HD Android
Motorola Droid Razr Maxx Android
Motorola Droid Razr Maxx HD Android
Motorola Droid Turbo Android
Motorola Droid Ultra Android
Motorola Electrify M Android
Motorola Moto Maxx Android
Motorola Moto X Android
Motorola Moto X Pro Android
Motorola Nexus 6 Android
Motorola Photon Q Android
Motorola Photon Q 4G Android
Motorola Razr D3 Android
Motorola Razr HD Android
Motorola Razr I Android
Motorola Razr M Android
Motorola X Android
NEC Terrain Android
Nikcron NQ610 Android
Nokia 603 Symbian
Nokia 700 Symbian
Nokia 701 Symbian
Nokia 6131 NFC Nokia OS
Nokia 6212 Classic Nokia OS
Nokia 6216 Classic Nokia OS
Nokia 801T Nokia OS

Nokia 808 PureView Symbian
Nokia Lumia 610 NFC Windows Phone
Nokia Lumia 730 Dual SIM Windows Phone
Nokia Lumia 810 Windows Phone
Nokia Lumia 820 Windows Phone
Nokia Lumia 822 Windows Phone
Nokia Lumia 920 Windows Phone
Nokia Lumia 928 Windows Phone
Nokia Lumia Icon Windows Phone
Nokia Lumia 925 Windows Phone
Nokia Lumia 930 Windows Phone
Nokia Lumia 640 XL LTE Windows Phone
Nokia Lumia 640 LTE Windows Phone
Nokia Lumia 640 LTE double SIM Windows Phone
O2 Super K1 Android
OnePlus One Android
OnePlus Two -
Oppo 3000 Android
Oppo Find 5 Android
Oppo Find 7 Android
Oppo Find 7a Android
Oppo N1 Android
Oppo N3 Android
Oppo R1C Android
Oppo R1L Android
Oppo R1S Android
Oppo U3 Android
Orange Nura Android
Orange San Diego Android
Panasonic Eluga Android
Panasonic ELUGA power Android
Panasonic FZ-X1 Toughpad Android
Pantech Discover Android
Pantech Perception Android
Pantech Vega Iron 2(IM-A910) Android
Pantech Vega Q Android
PhiComm Passion P660 Android
Philips i999 Android
Philips Xenium W8555 Android
SKK Mobile Marian S1 Android
Samsung ATIV Odyssey Windows Phone
Samsung Ativ S Neo Windows Phone
Samsung ATIV SE Windows Phone
Samsung Galaxy A3 Android
Samsung Galaxy A5 Android
Samsung Galaxy A7 Android
Samsung Galaxy Light Android
Samsung Galaxy Mega Android
Samsung Galaxy Mega 2 AT&T Android
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Android
Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Android
Samsung Galaxy Note Edge Android
Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Android

Samsung Galaxy S2 GT-i9100P Android
Samsung Galaxy S3 Android
Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini Android
Samsung Galaxy S3 Prepaid Android
Samsung Galaxy S4 Android
Samsung Galaxy S4 Active Android
Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini Android
Samsung Galaxy S4 zoom Android
Samsung Galaxy S5 Android
Samsung Galaxy S6 Android
Samsung Galaxy Xcover 3 Android
Saygus V2 Android
Sharp Aquos Crystal 2 Android
Sharp Aquos Crystal X Android
Sharp Aquos K Android
Sharp Aquos Mini Android
Sharp Aquos Phone Serie SHL22 Android
Sharp RW-T107 NFC Tablet -
Sharp RW-T110 NFC Tablet -
Sonim XP1301 Core NFC -
Sony SmartWatch 2 Android
Sony SmartWatch 3 SWR50 Android Wear
Sony Sony Z Ultra Google Play edition Android
Sony Xperia A2 Android
Sony Xperia A4 Android
Sony Xperia acro S Android
Sony Xperia AX Android
Sony Xperia C3 Android
Sony Xperia C4 Android
Sony Xperia E3 Android
Sony Xperia E3 Dual Android
Sony Xperia ion Android
Sony Xperia J1 Compact Android
Sony Xperia L Android
Sony Xperia SL Android
Sony Xperia sola Android
Sony Xperia SP Android
Sony Xperia T Android
Sony Xperia T2 Ultra Android
Sony Xperia T2 Ultra Dual Android
Sony Xperia T3 Android
Sony Xperia Tablet Z Android
Sony Xperia TL Android
Sony Xperia TX Android
Sony Xperia U Android
Sony Xperia UL Android
Sony Xperia V Android
Sony Xperia VL Android
Sony Xperia Z Android
Sony Xperia Z Ultra Android
Sony Xperia Z1 Android
Sony Xperia Z1 Compact Android
Sony Xperia Z1F Android

Sony Xperia Z2a Android
Sony Xperia Z3 Android
Sony Xperia Z3 Compact Android
Sony Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact Android
Sony Xperia Z3+ Android
Sony Xperia Z4 Compact Android
Sony Xperia Z4 Tablet Android
Sony Xperia Z4v Android
Sony Xperia ZL Android
Sony Xperia ZR Android
Starmobile Knight X Android
Starmobile Octa Android
TCL M2L Android
TCL M2T Android
TCL P688L Android
THL 2015 Android
THL T100 Monkey King 2 Android
THL T11 Android
THL W11 Monkey King Android
Turkcell Turkcell MaxiPlus5 Android
Turkcell Turkcell MaxiPro5 Android
Turkcell Turkcell T11 Android
Turkcell Turkcell T20 Android
Turkcell Turkcell T40 Android
UMI Cross Android
Uniscope Uniscope XC2S Android
Vertu Aster Android
Vertu Signature Touch Android
Vodafone 985N Smart 4 Power Android
Vodafone Smart 4 Max Android
Vodafone Smart 4 Turbo Android
Vodafone Smart III NFC Android
Vodafone Smart Prime 6 Android
Wicked Leak Wammy Note 4 Android
XOLO X900 Android
Xiaomi Mi 3S Android
Xiaomi Mi 4 Android
Xiaomi Mi 5 Android
Xiaomi Mi 5 Plus Android
Xiaomi Xiaomi 2A Android
Xiaomi Xiaomi 3 TD-SDCMA Android
Xiaomi Xiaomi 3 WCDMA/CDMA2000 Android
ZTE Axon Android
ZTE Axon Lux Android
ZTE Boost Force Android
ZTE Boost Warp 4G Android
ZTE Grand Era Android
ZTE N800 Android
ZTE Nubia 5S Android
ZTE Nubia W5 Windows Phone
ZTE Nubia X6 Android
ZTE Nubia Z5 Android
ZTE Nubia Z7 mini Android

Appendix B

We describe the programs and websites used to complete this project:

1. Android Studio
Android studio is the official integrated development environment (IDE) for android
platform development and provides the fastest tools for building apps on every type of
android device[18].

2. Proteus
Proteus is a software package for computer-aided design, simulation and design of
electronic circuits, consist of two main parts, the ISIS, the circuit design environment
that even the simulator VSM includes, and the ARES, the PCB designer.

3. Microsoft Office Word 2007

Microsoft office word 2007 is a word processor developed by Microsoft It was first
released in 1983 under the name multi-tool word for Xenix systems and offer enchained
feature to create professional-quality documents, easier ways to work together with
people and almost, anywhere access to your files.

4. End Note
End Note is a software program that works with Microsoft word to automatically format
in text citation and end of paper references list with your chosen style (APA, MLA,
Chicago, etc.…).

5. PhpStorm
provides an editor for PHP, HTML and JavaScript with on-the-fly code analysis, error
prevention and automated refactoring’s for PHP and JavaScript code.

6. Brackets
is an open-source editor written in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with a primary focus
on web development. It was created by Adobe System.

is a free and open source cross-platform web server solution stack package developed
by Apache Friends,[2] consisting mainly of the Apache HTTP
Server, MariaDB database, and interpreters for scripts written in
the PHP and Perl programming languages.

is free online diagram software. You can use it as a flowchart maker, network diagram
software, to create UML online, as an ER diagram tool, to design database schema, to
build BPMN online, as a circuit diagram maker, and more.

Make software and system diagram e.g. flow chart, sequence diagram, use case, etc.
online website used or offline desktop application.

10. Dream Weaver
is a proprietary web development tool from Adobe Systems. It was created
by Macromedia in 1997 and developed by them until Macromedia was acquired by
Adobe Systems in 2005.

11. Photoshop
Photoshop was created in 1988 by Thomas and John Knoll. Since then, it has become
the de facto industry standard in raster graphics editing, such that the word "photoshop"
has become a verb as in "to Photoshop an image," "photoshopping" and "photoshop
contest", though Adobe discourages such use.

12. DB Browser for SQLite

SQLite Database browser is a light GUI editor for SQLite databases, built on top of Qt.
The main goal of the project is to allow non-technical users to create, modify and edit
SQLite databases using a set of wizards and a spreadsheet-like interface.


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