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Since 1994-

Class Vil Time : 3 hrs

Marks: 80

Al. Read the the passage given below and answer the following questions.

Bhagat Singh, the great revolutionary and martyr, was only 23 when in 1931 he was
hanged in the Lahore jail for having thrnwn a bomb in the Legislative Assembly Hall in
Delhi on April 8. 1929. This was the culmination of a life devoted to the great task of
first making India free from the British rule and then building India into a strong nation .
Bhagat Singh dreamt of an India where there would be respect for every religion and
where all Indian would get the basic necessities of life. Bhagat Singh was born in 1907
in a well-to-do Sikh family of Punjab full of love for the country. As a child, his ideal
was his uncle Ajit Singh, who was a great freedom fighter.

Two incidents played a major role in shaping Bhagat Singh's life. In Jallianwala Bagh in
Amritsar, a peaceful gathering of Lmarmed people was subjected to indiscriminate firing
at the orders of General Dyer. Bhagat Singh ran away from school to visit the site. He
was greatly moved by the bullet marks in the walls of the Jallianwala Bagh. He brought
back with him some blood-soaked mud in a little bottle to remind him of Brtish cruelty.

The second incident was Lala Lajpat Rai ' s death in 1928. Lala Lajpat Rai ,,vas also
Bhagat Singh 's ideal. He was leading a protest march when he was beaten up with lath is,
and he died soon after. Bhagat Singh felt highl y agitated and he wanted to raise a strong
protest. Bhagat Singh thought of thrmving a bomb in the Assembly Hall as a means of
protest. The idea of so many Englishmen getting killed delighted his friend Chandra
Shek har Azad. But Bhagat Singh said that he did not ,,vant to kill anybody, he only
wa nted to make the British rulers hear. Bhagat Singh and his friends did not try to run
away after throwing the bomb. They were arrested and put to trial. In a statement that
13hagat Si ngh made during his trial. he said, "The bomb was necessary to awaken
England from her dreams. Our sole purpose was to make the deaf hear. and give a timely
wa rn mg . .. "

I. Choose the correct answc1·. I lx3=3J

1. Bhagat Singh has been referred to as a mart yr beca use ..... . .

(i) he built Indi a into a strong nation

(ii ) he was hanged fo r protesting again st the Engli sh

(iii) he threw a bomb in the /\ sscmbl y I !all in Delhi

2. 13h:..ignt Singh brou ght blood-so :..iked mud from Jallian wa la Bagh to . . ..

(i) thro,-\1 in into the Assembl y hall

(ii ) smear hi s fo rehead with

(iii ) remind him o f Briti sh atrociti es

3. Bhagat Singh threw a bo mb in the Assembl y Hall to . . ..

(i) kill the Englishm en present there

(ii) warn the British governm ent

(iii ) get arrested

II Complet e the followin g sentences :

1. Bhagat Singh ' s life was devoted to the cause of . . .

2. Bhagat Singh' s inspiratio n in childhoo d was .... .

3. Bhagat singh wanted to strongly protest against the British after



III Think and answer :

1. Why was Bhagat Singh moved by the Jallianwa la Bagh incident ?

2. What m essage did Bhagat Singh want to convey to the British through the
statemen t made by him during his tiral ?

IV. Find word from the passage which mean the following :
1. very an xio us and restless

A2. Read the passage given below and answer the following questions.

l entered the second class compartm ent and took a comer seat. A few minutes later, a
large , noi sy fa mily rushed in and spread themselv es all over the compartm ent. The
parents arranged and rearranged their belongin gs on the luggage racks. A suitcase fell on
the grandmo ther' s fee t and she shouted at them. The children quarrelle d and the baby
cri ed.

S uddenly the whi stl e blew and with much clanging and gro aning the train moved out of
the stati on. It soon gathered speed and rushed on through the night.
My companio ns opened large tiflin carriers anu si.:ttlcd down to their meal. But the
baby's cries became howl s and the grandmot her hun g a sari rrom the chain o n the side
wall or the carriage. She put the baby in thi s cnid le and th e baby stopped crying a lm ost
at once.

/\ t the same time the train came to a stop . Then; was a great commoti on. I looked o ut of'
the ,,vindow and found that a large crowd had gathered outside and everyone was asking
who had pull ed the chain. Suddenly I saw that the grandmo ther had hun g th e craulc on
the alarm chain.

l. Answer the following question s : It xS=Sl

I. Who were the occupant s of the second class compartm ent ?

2. Why did the grandmot her shout?

3. How did she make a cradle ?

4. Why did the train stop?

5. What two things stopped almost at the same time ?

II Complet e the following statemen ts : [lx4=41

1. The family that entered the compartm ent was ...

2. A great noise was created inside the compartm ent by .... . . .

3. Soon after the train gathered speed, the family . . . . . .

4. As soon as the ba by was put in the cradle . .... . .. .

Ill Find a word from the passage which means 'a lot of noise and confusio n'.
Bl . Write a letter to Novelty Store ordering some stationery items for your class children.
You are the craft teacher of the school.
82 . /\ computer Li terac y Camp is going to be organised in yo ur school for 15 days. As
/\rmaan Qureshi. th e Head Bo y of B.M . Intern ational School , Patna, write a notice informin g
SlU cl cnts o r n
to 8 111 c Iasses . M ent1on
. dates, t11111ngs,
. . i:-
1ees etc. 15 J
B3 . Write a story, begi nning with th e wo rd s given below. It was a dark night. I had go ne
camping wi th my NCC gro up . We camped in a qui et jungle . Suddenly I heard .. . ....... ..
IH . The following 1x1ssagc has lllll hi..: cn cditt..:d. Tlii..:rc is an erro r in eac h Iini..: . Write th i. :
error as \\ell as tht: corrcc tiLrn . 11 x4 =4J
Com.:c ti on

Mohanl al is the most L'X peri cncc teacher in our school. (a)

Ram scored the hi gl1L'st number of goa l in th<.: match. (b ) _

Indi a is larger than any other democrac ies in the World . (c)

Not person in our street is as old as Mr. Sehgal. (d) - - - -

BS. Fill in the blanks below using a suitable word in each. Select the correct an sw<.:r from the
opti ons given [ lx4= -t ]

(a) ... .. . ............. . interviewin g children (b) ....... ... .. ... . . .. .. . .. were candidates
fo r a special pro gramme (c) ..... .... .. . .. ... .. . ... of the questions asked was what life
would be· ( d) ........ . . . ........ . 100 years .

(a) (i) because (ii) while (iii) as (iv) due

(b) (i) which (i i) what (iii) who (iv) whom

(c) (i) one (ii) many (iii) a (iv) several

(d) ( i) after (ii ) like (iii) on (iv) as

B6. Rearrange the following words/phra ses to form meaningfu l sentences : flx4=4 ]

(a) regular/ is adaptable / for/ human body I vigorous exercise / and

(b) beggar / happier / healthy / an/ ailing / a / is / than / king.

( c) yo ur destiny I it / ri ght hand / is said / your / that / is in

(d) than others I can cope / some people / better / hardships / with

B7. Change those sentences from active to passive voice : [hA=-tl

(a) l broke the plate.

(b) Jaya 's father bought a new car.

(c) She sin gs a sweet song.

(d) The ea1ihquake destroyed the entire cit y.


l'lun ~L- lhL' lt)llll\\ in ~ di1n:1 speech intll indirect speec h : Jx4=.t I

(~1) . \nu said Ill , \Ian. "Our sc hool has wo n the 111..i tcli··
\h) Na, L'L'll s:1id. " \\'h at arL~~'lHI doin!,!."?
(c) I kma said Ill lllL'. "Drink thi s medi cine".

(d) Chim said. "PkaSL' gi ve me a hundred rupees".


Cl. RL·:1d thL' extrac t gin·n below and ans,vcr the foll owing questi ons 11 x5=5J
I k said. "Thi s is dan gerous; have you go t a hammer T' I ought to have been firm. but I
thought that perhaps he really did know somethin g about the business. I we nt to the tool
shed to sec what I could find. When 1 came back he was sitting on the ground with the
fw nt ,,·heel between hi s legs .

(a) \Vhat has been referred to as dangerou s in the given lines?

(b) Wh o has been referred as ' he' in the given lines?
(c) What the person intended to do with the hammer ?
(d) The author should have been firm about - -- - --

(e) • \\That was the author' s friend doing with the front wheel?
Ansv;er the follo,,ving in 30 to 40 words : [2x5=10]
C.2 .
(a) How is cri cket di ffe rent from other team games?
(b) What do yo u understand by the ' fl ash point' of a fuel ?
(c) What was the need for Mr. Wonka to invent Vita-Wonk ?
(d) Why did Tilloo ' s father advise him not to try to reach the surface of the planet ?
(e) When and how did Timothy became unfriendl y ?
CJ . Answer the fo llowing in 100 -1 20 words:
(a) How did Chandni fee l on reaching the hills?

(b) What type of a shopkeep er was Mr.Purse ll ?

]I (a) Who do yo u think Mr.Nath is? Write a paragraph ·· ,· ·.about him ?

(b) Fri endshi p is a great relati on. We all must treasure our fri ends. Expbin ?

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