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Reading 8

First Part
1. End a fight and still be friends

2. Fun and excitement

3. They talk about many issues and problems with their teenage classmates

4. Loyal friends who can help them at school or in their neighborhood

5. They provide stability

Second part






6. T

7. F


Reading 9
First Part
A) 1. What
2. What
3. Who
B) *Today * addicted
*culture *expressions
1. The society today is so different that even what it was 1 years ago.
2. Today, teenagers have the hardest time handling with the pressures.
3. Let us first talk about how a teen can experience loneliness.
4. Teenagers strive and live for acceptance by their pears.
5.Society itself is a harsh thing and it can isolate a person of any age.
6. They are weird or using discrimination against them by putting.
7. The cell phone is a big symbol thar all young people can relate to.
8.Different communities with people from different background should come together
and work to build up the humanity and tear down the discrimination and cliques.

1. The humanity lived discrimination

2. It was difficult
3. Not exactly
4. When the person i do not have friends
5. Friendship provide teens with opportunities to develop conflict resolution skills
6. No because technology is of course important
7. No
8. Rejection, Unpopularity, and depression
9. The technology
10. They feel lonely
11. You cannot hug them or look into their eyes
12. Advantage: It is possible to feel lonely
Dis-advantage: Addicted

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