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Algorithms Design and Programming Techniques Tutorial 2

Tutorial 2

1) Write a C++ program that computes and prints the area of rectangle.
2) Write a C++ program that asks for a temperature in Fahrenheit and
displays it in Celsius. Use the formula:
𝐶 0 = (𝐹 − 32)
3) Write a C++ program that inputs a length value expressed in feet and inches.
The program should then convert and output the length in centimeters.
Assume that the given length in feet and inches are integers, and consider the
conversions (1 foot is equal to 12 inches) and (1 inch is equal to 2.54 cm).
4) Write a C++ program that prints the largest of three numbers entered by the
5) Develop a C++ program that inputs an integer value and prints “WELL
DONE” many times as that value.
6) Write a C++ program that prints the even numbers between 40 and 50.

© Asst. Lect. Wasseem Nahi Ibrahem Page 1

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