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ICC 0102.

(25 Machine Problems)

Balaba, Axel L.
Co, Khurt
Cantal, Henkepeck
Puno, Eisen
Rivera, Ramyll
Problem Sets
Simple Computation
1. Write a program that calculates the perimeter, area, and volume of
a square with input of its’ side. (axel)
2. Create a C and C++ program that takes two numbers as input and
allows the user to choose between addition and subtraction. After
performing the selected operation, display the result with an
appropriate message. (henke)
3. Write a program that calculates the area of a circle given its radius.
Display the result with two decimal places. (puno)
4. Write a program that computes the surface area and volume of a
cone using user-inputted values for the radius and height (ramyll)
5. Pending… (khurt)
1. Write a program that classifies a given year as a leap year or not.
Display and appropriate message. (puno)
2. Write a program that will determine the lowest integer out of the
three inputted integers. (axel)
3. Write a program that determines the type of triangle based on the
lengths of its sides. (ramyll)
4. Write a program that prompts the user to input a number and
determines whether it is positive, negative, or zero. Additionally,
ask the user for their age and inform them about their eligibility to
vote. If eligible, provide an extra message for senior voters (age 60
and above). Ensure the program includes proper input validation
and follows best practices for structure and readability. (henke)
5. Pending (khurt)
1. Write a program that displays the multiplication table for a given
number entered by user (ramyll)
2. Write a C and C++ program that calculates the factorial of a given
number. The program should prompt the user to enter a number,
then use a loop to iteratively calculate and print the factorial of that
number. (henke)
3. Write a program that will calculate the sum of the first 10 natural
numbers using all three loops (for, while, and do-while) (axel)
4. Write a program to find and display the first 5 prime numbers
using any combination of loops. (puno)
5. Pending (khurt)
1. Write a program that finds the sum of diagonal elements in a 2D
array and display the result. (puno)
2. A program that will print the lower diagonal of a matrix (axel)
3. Write a program where the user inputs 10 numbers, and the
program subsequently shows those numbers in reverse order.
4. Develop a C and C++ program that demonstrates the use of arrays.
Initialize a 1D array with values {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and print its
elements. Next, create a 2D array (2x3 matrix) with values {{1, 2,
3}, {4, 5, 6}}, and print its elements using nested loops. (henke)
5. Pending.. (khurt)
1. Write a program that uses a function to check if a given number is
a palindrom or not. (puno)
2. Write a program that will call a function to get the sum of two
integers. (axel)
3. Write a program that uses a function to determine a user-inputted
number it its even or odd. (ramyll)
4. - Write a Cand C++ program that defines a function add to
calculate the sum of two integers. In the main function, prompt the
user to input two integers, call the add function with the provided
values, and print the result. Ensure the program incorporates
proper input validation and follows best practices for function
declarations. (henke)
5. Pending… (khurt)

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