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MY NAME: JORGE BETANCUR TITLE: AUDIOBOOK 2 Nº:______________________



1) My impressions about the story: 2) Expressions that called my attention: 3) Summarizing important facts:
Did you like what you read? Why or why What are your favorite lines or quotes? Explain Write the most important ideas from the
not? why they caught your attention. story.

I loved it because I like animals over I was struck by the speed that the rhino can To summarize the story, I can say that I

All aquatic and in the video they teach Reach, knowing that it is one of the terrestrial Learned about size, height, weight in

Us about which the tallest, largest and Animals with a great weight, also the polar bear Animals, additionally which are the most

Heaviest, additionally they tell us What At temperatures that manages to survive at the important terrestrial and aquatic and the

Their habitat is and what continent they North pole, the anaconda that is the largest Region where they live, which are the

Belong to. Snake in the world. World and its habitat is in Largest and largest and what is the height

South américa. When they are in four legs and when they

Stop at 2 where they reach a higher

Height, marine and land animals.

4) My glossary: (Write down all new words and expressions you could learn from this book and their definitions. Definitions can be
written in English or Spanish) For example: big= Grande, bigger= mas grande, biggest=mas Grande, las comparaciones entre el
oso grizzly y el oso polar, la diferencia entre la ballena y el Tiburon y las profundidades en las que pueden nadir.

Learning disability: dificultades de aprendizaje.

Or …
Learning disability: a condition that keeps a person from learning information the way most people do.
5) Give a recommendation:

I recommend you read this book because…. or …I would recommend this book to many people if they like a story about…or I don’t/
didn’t like this book because….

I would recommend the book, especially for people who like animals and also for those who keep statistical records on the height, weight

And speed that animals can have, it is a very complete and at the same time specific story detailing mammals according to their habitat.

Remember to set:
- Arial 11 as a default font
- Line and paragraph spacing 1.5

Nota; esta actividad principalmente busca revisar y reforzar su comprensión lectora en Ingles, de tal manera que se pueda poner en
contexto todo lo visto en clase a través de lecturas semanales que se relacionen a las temáticas actuales.
Es importante que la información requerida sea escrita por ti mismo y con tus propias palabras. Recuerda revisar puntuación y ser lo más
explícito posible.
Material designed by
Edwin Alexander Rivera Zapata.
Corporación universitaria Remington

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