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Training: Planning and programming

Mladen Jovanović

Faculty of sport and physical education Finished 12. November 2005.

University in Belgrade Translated 3. March 2006.
Serbia and Montenegro

Planning and programming the exit from athlete preparation system

and compare it with desirable state (feed-
represents integral and unseparatable part
back), and according to these differences,
of menagement/control of athlete
he must create his control decisions.
preparation system (6,9). Training
Nevertheless, coach must also pay
represents only one sub-system of athlete
attention to disturbing effects/actions from
preparation system (picture 1), and it is
environment/periphery, try to minimize
mostly considered as technological process
them acting on the athlete preparation
(9). Other sub-systems are competition and
system or on the environment itself.
Altough the theme of this seminar
work is planning and programming, it was
necessary to make this short explanation of
cybernetical model, because it is imposible
to isolate these two processes from the
wholness of control system.

Picture 1. Athlete preparation system, as a

technological process, consists of three sub-
systems: training, competition and recovery.

To functionate/operate, athlete
preparation system must be controlable
and for this same reason it has to be
controled from some other system (7,8,9).
Coach has a function of control system (9). Picture 2. Cybernetical model of athlete
To describe the relation coach-athlete, or preparation system control. M – Disturbacing
the control-controlled system, we can use actions; U – Controlling actions; EA – Executive
aparatus (method, mean/exercise, load); Y –
cybernetical model (picture 2). system exit (performance); MD – Measuring
One of the numerous tasks of the device (competition, tests, monitoring); Ys –
coach is to define a model that represents Signal which contains informations about system
control goal. These are mostly some exit (performances); Yref – Desirable system
internal and external factors that determine behaviour (performance) and factors that
determine it; Yref’ – Informations about the
success in competition. We will return on model; Ms – Signal which consists of
the modelling process in the folowing text. informations about disturbing actions from the
Coach, before everything else, must system environment; Us – Cotrol signals; Note:
to know what does he want to achieve Altough it isn’t depicted, coach can affect system
(goal), and only then how to achieve it. To environment (school, parents, friends etc) in
certain degree.
achive this, he must continuously control

Training volition and character qualities of athlete
Training, as stated, represents one are formed and perfected, because of
acquirement of maximal results in certain
of the sub-systems of athlete preparation sport branch. Concept of training
system. For better apprehensions of nature comprise conditional (or physical)
of the training phenomenon, it is preparation, technical, tactical, psychical
neccessary to quote variour authors. and theoretical-professional preparation.
In Sport lexicon (2) under term All mentioned types of preparation are
interrelated and interdependent, and
training, it is written: mostly realized with training process, but
„Trening, kompleksni sportsko- also in part with training-competition and
pedagoški proces kojim se odgovarajućim competition. Coach, as a
tjelesnim vježbama sportaš osposobljava menager/controller of this sport-
za viša dostignuća u izabranoj sportskoj pedagogical process evaluates
grani. Trening je specijalni proces capabilities, requirements, rationales and
tjelesnog odgoja pri kojem se formiraju i ratios of different preparations, and
usavršavaju fizičke, psihičke, moralno- according to this, guides contents and
voljne i karakterne kvalitete sportaša radi define methods of work. Concrete content
postizanja maksimalnih rezultata u of training, especially in the usage of
određenoj grani sporta. Pojam treninga different physical exercises, is very
obuhvaća kondicionu (ili fizičku) pripremu, different in various sports, but in general
tehničku, taktičku, psihičku i teorijsko- training periodisation, methodical-
stručnu pripremu. Sve vrste priprema didactical, physiological and psychological
međusobno su vezane i uvjetovane, principles and laws of sport form
međusobno se dopunjuju i pretežno development, there are common
ostvaruju procesom treninga, ali dijelom i characteristics for all sport branches. In
putem trening-natjecanja i natjecanja. the training for all sports, the fundamental
Trener kao rukovodilac ovog sportsko- means for reaching direct goals are
pedagoškog procesa procjenjuje bodily/physical exercises, and their
mogućnosti, potrebe i svrsihodnosti udjela selection, content, sequence, volume and
pojedinih vrsta priprema i prema tome intensity dosage are of crucial importance
usmjerava sadžaj i određuje metodiku for athlete development.“
rada. Konkretni sadržaji treninga, naročito
u pogledu primjene pojedinih vrsta
tjelesnih vježbi, znatno razlikuju po
Altought only a part of training,
pojedinim sportovima, ali se u općoj conditioning training is, according to Jukić
periodizaciji treninga, metodsko- at al (5), defined on following way:
didaktičkim, fiziološkim i psihološkim „Kondicijski trening se može definirati
principima kao i zakonitostima razvoja kao proces unapređenja motoričkih i
sportske forme nalaze zajedničke funkcionalnih sposobnosti, morfoloških
karakteristike za sve sportske grane. U karakteristika, zdravstvenog statusa
treningu svih sportova osnovno sredstvo sportaša te za tu svrhu potrebnih
za ostvarenje neposrednih ciljeva su motoričkih znanja.“ - page 26.
tjelesne vježbe, a njihov izbor, sastav,
redoslijed i doziranje po obujmu i
intenzitetu su od presudne važnosti za
Translation is as follows
razvijanje sportaša“ – page 481.
„Konditioning training can be defined as
Translation is as follows the process of promotion of motorical
and functional abilities, morphological
„Training, is complex sport-pedagogical characteristics, health status of the
process which uses adequate athlete and for this purpose needful
bodily/physical exercises to preparare the motorical knowledges/skills.“
athlete for higher accomplishments in
choosed sport branch. Training is The following, maybe the worth and most
specalized process of physical education general definition of training is given by
under which physical, psychical, moral- Malacko (9):
„Pod sportskim treningom podrazumeva
se specifičan transformacioni proces
The words in this citation and the followings are antropoloških sposobnosti i
purposely bolded by me.

karakteristika sportista, u kome se actions) by which is an athlete (or group of
postizanje sportskih rezultata postiže athletes) from some initial state (Si) changed
kontinuiranom primenom specifičnih to some new-formed state (Sf), or in other
trenažnih sredstava, metoda i words, human is transforemed to human
opterećenja kroz određeno vreme. which is defined in the same way, only the
Shodno napred definisanom pojmu, values of his parameters are different
osnovni zadatak sportskog treninga (higher, better). From this comes, that it has
sastoji se u tome, da se sportista to be find that kind of transformation
prevede iz tzv. polaznog ili inicijanog operators (training contents), by which final
stanja (Si) u neko novoformirano, state is achieved with as much as larger
finalno stanje (Sf), odnosno Si → Sf. aproximation, or to say better, in minimum
Međutim takva transformacija, kao što je time and energy. For this very reasons, the
poznato, ne može se učiniti trenutno, final state must be first defined, because
već se mora proći kroz seriju only when you know what do you want to
sukcesivnih transformacija u određenim achieve, the transformational proces can
vremenskim intervalima.“ - page 37-38. be defined.“

„...Prema tome, formalno se sportski Futhermore, Malacko (9) states that

trening definiše kao operator (kao niz
postupaka) pomoću kojih se čovek (ili „..reč trening (training) je engleskog
grupa ljudi) iz nekog inicijalnog stanja porekla i upotrebljava se kao sinonim za
(Si) menja u neko novoformirano stanje vežbanje, pripremu i učenje, a često se
(Sf), odnosno čovek se pretvara u upotrebljava u vidu neodređenog
čoveka koji je definisan na isti način, termina, koji je preko sporta ušao u
samo su mu vrednosti parametara svakodnevni život za mnoge aktivnosti
drugi (viši, bolji). Iz ovog proizlazi, da se koje nemaju veze sa sportom...“ - page
moraju pronaći takvi operatori (trenažni 37.
sadržaji) transformacije, kojima se
finalno stanje postiže što je moguće
većom aproksimacijom, odnosno što je
Translation is as follows
moguće bolje, a da se pri tome utroši
što je moguće manje vremena i „... word traning have english origin and it
energije. Zbog toga se najpre mora is used as synonim for exercising,
definisati šta je to finalno stanje, jer preparation and learning, and it is used
samo onda kada se zna šta se želi often as undefined termin, which entered
postići, može se definisati via sport in everyday life for various
transformacioni proces.“ – page 38. activities that have no connections with

Translation is as follows If we extract key-words form the

definitions above, we can assemle
„Under sport training, it is implied
specifical transformational process of
following definition:
antropological abilities and
characteristics of the athlete, under Training is a complex transformational
which sport results are achieved by process which qualifies athlete for
continuous application of specific training higher accomplishments/performances
means, methods and loads during
specified time. According to defined
in sport competitions. Besides this,
term/notion, the fundamental task of sport training exert transformation of
training is to bring athlete from initial athlete’s abilities, characteristics and
state (Si) to some new formed state, final skills from some initial state to some
state (Sf), or Si → Sf. However, as new, final state, which represents
already known, this kind of transformation
cannot be done in the instant of time, but
indispesable/vital prerequisite for succes
rather, it has to pass through a series of in his/her sport branch. The way this
succesive transformations in specific time process is run, depends on the selection
intervals.“ of methods, means and loads.
„... According to this, sport training can be
formaly defined as an operator (sequence of

What is ment under term athlete factors are at the beggining, and at the end
state (synonim with system state)? The are those factor with less importance.
athlete state is defined by the set of values Here is the example of linear
(variables, characteristics, abilities, skills) mathematical model:
which determine his behaviour (7,8).
Besides this, not all variables are important Y = f(S)
for success in competition, but only
specific ones. The current athlete state is Where the
allocated in the state-space (7,8) whos Y – succes in some sport,
dimensions are determined by the number f - function,
of coordinates (characteristics, abilities). S – athlete state
The athlete state in the state-space can be
only in allowed zone/space (picture 3). If we know that the athlete
(system) state is determined by n
coordinates (factors, characteristics,
abilties etc.) then it follow
Y = ∑ (ai X i ) + e x
i =1
Where the
Y – success in some sport
n – number of factors
a – weight index
X – factor which determine success
in choosed sport activity
Picture 3. State-space of the system (athlete), in e x - error factor (variance error)
this example, is determined by two coordinates
(X1 and X2) which represents factors of success
in some sport (for example speed and strength). The modelling goal it the finding
The system state can be found only in the of those specific factors which defines
allowed region/zone (which is depends on
success in given sport. This is not an easy
heredity factors and interactions between
factors/abilities). job, because not all factors are discovered,
some of them are very hereditary (picture
The vital prerequisite of training 4), and among gross of factors there is
success is the definition/knowledge of someking interrelation (picture 5).
athlete initial state (Si) and desirable final Situation is more complicated by the
athlete state (Sf). As stated before, the unknown weight index of specific factors.
athlete state is determined by specific
characteristics/factors which determine
success and result in chooses sport branch.
One of numerous tasks of a coach is to find
and define those factors which determine
success in sport competition. This task is
solved during the modeling process (9).
Models are often defined as linear
mathematical model, altough there is more
and more usage of non-linear mathematical
models (9). Model must provide Picture 4. Display of allowed state-space for one
hierarchical struture of factors which highly hereditary X2 and one very low
define success, so does the most important hereditary X1 charactericstic.

negatively infuences SAQ abilties and vice
versa. For this very reason, coach must
find the optimal ratio between these two
abilties, so does their combination brongs
maximum results on the field (and this
depends on the athlete position and tactical
role). When doing this, coach should
remeber these quitations:
„Moderation is merit“
„The truth is allway somewhere in the
Picture 5. Some factors are in interaction, so middle“
does change of one factor induces change of „Everything is a matter of a degree“
other facor(s). These interactions can be very
complex if there are numerous factors involved. After he (coach) has optimized
final state (Sf) and evaluated and
At the moment when coach identified initial state (Si), coach have
indentify factors of success, their numerous/infinite ways to reach this final
interactions, heredity and attainability for state, but under different „prices“. I would
every individual athlete, he must define like to quote Charlie Francis who stated
the final state (Sf) which represents the that „there is a lot of ways to skin a cat“,
training goal. This action represents but I would add if you choose appropriate
optimization of final state (picture 6). one (final state, training goal). Moreover,
coach have to optimize the control process
(8) so does he chooses optimal methods,
means and loads which are going to bring
the athlete in the final state (Sf)
considering various criteriums (picture 7).

Picture 6. Selection of the most optimal final

state for each individual athlete represents key
detail, according to which all control actions of
the coach are guided.

The example of final state Picture 7. Optimization of control process by

optimization is classical case of soccer searching optimal path for reaching final state
player preparation. Namely, for the (Sf) form initial state (Si) according to
success in soccer, athletes must possess, predetermined criteriums.
among high technical-tactical
preparedness and SAQ qualities, the Criteriums may be aviable time,
ability to manifest SAQ qualities over competition calendar, resources, money,
90mins of game, which is mostly energy, effort, objects, paraphernalia,
determined by their level of aerobic instruments, apparatus, knowledge etc.
endurance (which combined with SAQ Every sitiation in training is specific
becomes specific soccer endurance). Too according to criteriums and as a
much increase in aerobic endurance consequence in the quest of optimal
control. This practically means that, there
Speed Agility Quickness is no optimal control for all situations,

athletes, criteriums, initial and final states. Uspešno planiranje trenažnog procesa,
There are no patterns in training! We will kao veoma složene upravljačke akcije,
prvenstveno zavisi od:
return on the issue of patterns and ¾ utvrđivanja željenog stanja u
templates later in the text. skladu sa zahtevima sportske grane
ili discipline, kao realnih mogućnosti
da se sportski rezultat postigne u
Planning of training zadato vreme,
¾ utvrđivanja početnog stanja
Planning represents one osobina, sposobnosti, karakteristika
unseparatable/integral process of control i kretnih znanja sportista ili sportske
of athlete praparation system. According ekipe, i
to Malacko (9), control of athlete ¾ proveravanja operacionalizovanja
preparation consists of following elements plana, te njegovog korigovanja pod
uticajem povratnih informacija o
(processes): postignutim tranzitivnim (stanjima) i
modelling efektima.
planning To konkretno znači, da se na
programming osnovu utvrđivanja relacija između
modela hijerarhijske strukture primarnih
opearacionalization sposobnosti i karakteristika sportista u
(realization) određenoj sportskoj grani (jednačini
registration specifikacije sportova), s jedne strane,i
classification rezultata dijagnostikovanja istih
control (verification) sposobnosti i karakteristika sportista, s
druge strane, određuju konkretne
processing projekcije, ciljevi i zadaci trenažnog
analysis procesa, koji treba da se rešavaju u
correction rezultatu celokupne pripreme u
comparation određenim etapama i ciklusima. Posle
toga određuju se sadržaj trenažnog
procesa, što konkreno znači, da se
It is crutial/vital to note that those sistematizuju sredstva, približna količina
mentioned elements (processes) are not rada, tipična trenažna opterećenja,
discreete actions in specific instant of konkretni normativi i drugi pokazatelji.“ -
time, but rather continuous processes that page 249.
run during every training session (every
moment). Coach must allways pass Translation is as follows
through these elements, to do the
correction of the models, to check current „Under the term of planning in sport
athlete state, his performance, to check training it is considered determination of
criteriums and to do corrections of goals, tasks, terms, reaching of sport
results and training control norms. To plan
beforehand detrmined plan and programm a training proces, that means to beggin
of training. from the analysis of individual or group of
According to Malacko (9): athletes, as with other requirements which
„Pod planiranjem u sportskom treningu determine fundamental indicator of the
podrazumeva se određivanje ciljeva, process of sport preparation and allocate
zadataka, termina, postizanja sportskih them in time.
rezultata i trenažnih kontrolnih normativa. Successful planning of training process,
Planirati trenažni proces, to znači početi as very complex control action, primary
od analize dijagnostikovanja pojedinaca ili depends on:
grupe sportista, kao i drugih uslova koji ¾ Determination of desirable state
označavaju osnovne pokazatelje procesa in compability with the requirements
sportske pripreme i rasporediti ih po of sport branch or discipline, and
vremenu realistic posibilities to achive sport
result at predefined time,

¾ Determination of initial state of general lines defined collection of goals,
attributes, skills, abilties and actions for achieving those goals and
movement knowledges of the
athletes the sport team, and criteriums, which represents the result
¾ Checking of the plan realization, of planning as an integral and
and his corrections under the continuous process of the control of the
influence of feed-back informations athlete praparation system, but in the
about reached transient states and same time the result of coach’s
This concretely means that, according to philosophy, creativity, and the
determinication of relations between experience.
model of hierarchical structure of primary
abilties and characteristics of the athletes What is the purpose of the training
in specific sport branch (equation of plan which must be undertaken by all costs
specification of sports), on one hand, and
results of diagnosis of the same abilties
if it doesn’t drings the desired results?
and characteristics of the athletes, on the Realization of training plan and program
other hand, concreete projections, goals direclty influences (in feed-back manner)
and tasks of training process are the creation and modification of those
determined, which shoud be solved as the same plans and programs.
result of the overall preparations in
defined phases and cycles. After that, the
The ability of the athlete to recover
contents of training proces are defined, from fatigue, ability to adapt on the given
which concretely means that the training stimulus (adaptability), maximal
means/exercises are systematisized, reachable level of abilities (genetically
aproximate amount of work/effort, typical influenced), oscilations in his working
training loads, concrete norms and other
capacity, biorhythms etc, represent key
criteriums in the creation of realistic
From this quotation, it is visible that the training plans and programs. This
border between modelling, diagnosis, practicaly means that, if the athlete is
planning (and programming) is very thin, unable to recover from 5 times a week of
and thus their diferentiation is complicated long ditance runs, then their forced usage
because they all represent an intergral (as common when coping elite athletes
whole in the controling process. programs) can only harm the athlete, to
According to plan length (which induce overtraining and result in injury as
are the results of planning) Malacko (9) a consequence of accumulated fatigue and
differentiate: micro-traumas.
Long term planning Creation of realistic and reachable
ƒ Perspective planning plans, does not only depends on athletes
ƒ Two-olympics planning but also depends on the environment.
Middle term planning Offcourse that part-time athletes make
ƒ Olympic cycles part-time results, but the coach must
ƒ Two year cycles repsect other athlete necessaries beyond
Short term planning training. Some things coach can’t (and
ƒ Macrocycle (year, half must not) control. As stated by Charlie
year) planning Francis (3):
ƒ Macrocycle periodical „You are on planet Earth, like it or leave it!“
(preparation, competition,
transitional period)
planning Programming of training
According to Malacko(9):
„Prilikom programiranja treninga potrebno
It can be said that the plan is not je imati u vidu da ono predstavlja veoma
forced and non-flexible template or složenu upravljačku akciju, u kojoj se na
pattern, but rather flexible and in bazi makrocikličnog (godišnjeg,

polugodišnjeg) i periodičnog (pripremnog, environment on the athlete (but also on the
takmičarskog i prelaznog) plana određuju coach). For the same reasons, training
konkretniji programski postupci, koji
sadrže informacije o trenažnim sadržajima
program must not be too long nor too
(sredstvima), volumenu opterećenja precise, because it (training program)
(ekstenzitetu i intenzitetu) i metodama cannot take into consideration changes in
trenažnog rada i sportskog takmičenja.“ - the environment and oscilations in the
page 253. working capacity of the athlte and his
biorhythm (9). Attempts to develop
Translation is as follows precise training programms for longer time
period, are in start „doomed“ and represent
„During the programming of training, it is mis-spend time and energy. We should
necessary to note that it represents very
complex control action, in which, on the
remember Lofti Zadeh’s quotation:
basis of macrocycle (year, half-year) and
periodical (preparation, competition, „As complexity rises, precise statements
transition) plan, the more concrete lose meaning and meaningful statements
training/program contents are determined, lose precision.“
which have more information about
training content (means), load (volume but also Alberta Einstein’s:
and intensity) and methods of training and
sport competition.“ „So far as the laws of mathematics refer to
reality, they are not certain. And so far as
According to programs length they are certain, they do not refer to reality.“
(which is the result of training
programming) Malacko (9) differentiate: Altought, these words of wisdom
Current/ongoing programming are not in direct relation with the control
ƒ Mezocyclical of athlete preparation system, they are
ƒ Microcyclical related to the control of complex systems,
Operative programming and they are very simmilar in nature, so
ƒ Daily these word ar very usable in the control of
ƒ Individual/singular athlete preparation system.
It is common in today training
If the training plan represents, in practice, to plan and program unloading
general lines, defined training goals, but microcycles/weeks in advance. The
also the actions for achieving those goals example for this is the usage of 3+1
taking into the consideration laws and microcycle in the strength training, by
principles of sport training (6), principles which first 3 weeks are used to
of development of sport form (6,9), progresively increase loads, and in the last
specificity of sport branch/position, week this load is reduced. However, is this
coaching experience and creativity then, approach correct? Is this kind of planning
training program represents, for and programming of strength training
shorter period of time, a precise set of justificated? Naimely, how does the coach
actions defined by the methods, means really knows if the athlete is really going
and loads and their relative durations, to need an unload in the last week?
periods/phases, interelations and their Another posibility is to progresively
ratios to achive short-term goals defined increase the load until the athlete is able to
by training plan. tolerate it (adapt, increase the results), and
For the same reasons as plan, the variations in work capacity are
training program must also be flexible to considered by altering load at particular
adapt on individual athlete reactions on time. In another words, this means that the
training stimuli, but also to adapt to athlete should get the optimal stimulus in
unforseen actions/effects from the optimal time instant, when he need it the
most. But this way of at hoc solving the

variations in working capacity, in most of This is neccessary to achive best results at
athletes, usually leads to injuries and most important competitions. For this
overtraining. Reason for planing of same reason it is vital to allow adaptations
unloading period in advance is justificated in the athlete’s biorhythm to new regime
because of heterochonical development of of work and rest which should provide him
athelete physiological systems, whos ability to perform maximally at particular
differences in functions can lead to instant of time (this is function of rigid-
injuries, so it is important to apply one component). As it is obvious, training plan
short period of unloading to allow these and program affects the athlete, but in the
system to synchronize. The method of same time the athlete affects them, and all
unloading, be it reduction in volume, for the reasons of achieving, in advance
intensity or both, depends on lot of factors planned, optimized goals.
and it will not be considered in this article. This is one complex an non-linear
All this leads to the conclusion that the interelation, which should always be in
training plan and program should be coache’s attention. This means that coach
enough flexible to adapt to natural should have, in advance, prepared training
oscilations in athlete working capacity, his goals, but also the ways of achieving those
ability to adapt and recover, biorhythm goals, generaly implied in the training
and changes in the environment, but they plan, and precise implied, for shorter
should be also optimally rigid to allow the period of time, in the training program
athlete to adapt to them (plan and (mostly using wave-like progression of
program). In other words, training plan training load (6,9)) which should be
should have one rigid-component which optimally flexible to adapt to variability of
is defined by the training goals, oprimal the environment (patha rei – everything
methods of achieving those goals which flows), oscilations in athlte’s working
follows the principles and laws of training capacity and even changes in the coach
and development of sport form, specificity himself. This task is achieved with
of sport branch, coach’s experience, continuously running of controling
philosophy and creativity, but should also processes (modelling, diagnosis,
have one flexible-component which is planning...) over and over again, from one
affected by changes in the environment, training to another, from one moment to
rhythmical oscilations in athlete’s working another.
capacity and biorhythm (picture 8). Malacko (9), also realize
importance of this kind of control:
„... U vezi sa tim, valja naglasiti, da se
obavezno na svakom pojedinačnom
treningu prati ponašanje (reakcija) svakog
sportiste, što konkretno znači, da
pojedinačni treninzi budu podešeni prema
talasima smanjene ili povećane radne
sposobnosti njegovog organizma.
Prilikom programiranja pojedinačnog
treninga moraju se unositi korekcije u
odnosu na količinu i intenzitet trenažnog
rada, koji proističu iz brzine odvijanja
procesa oporavka. Prilikom toga treba
uzimati u obzir i samoosećanje sportiste,
uz objektivne pokazatelje stanja njegovog
organizma. Očigledno da je takav pristup i
Picture 8. The example of rigid and flexible postupak, ondosno takva vrsta
component of training plan and program. Those programiranja pojedinačnog treninga
components are synonims with planned/realized zahteva veliko iskustvo, široko znanje i
aspects of training plan and program.

njihovo kontinuirano produbljivanje“ – endurance and, last but not the least, skill
page X. or technique. Those seven factors make
seven-dimensional space, in which the
Translation is as follows state of the individual athlete is locating.
Coach is making conclusions about
„ relation to this, it should be athlete’s state based on his performances.
emphasized, that on each training session This means that they (state and
coach must monitor behaviour (reaction)
of each individual athlete, which means,
performance) are interrelated and
that individual training session should be interconnected (picture 9).
adapted accordingly to waves of
increased or decreased working ability of
athlete’s organism.
During the process of programming of
individual training sessions, corrections
should be entered in relation to volume
and intesity of training work/load, which
derive from the speed of athlete’s recovery
Picture 9. Interrelation between athlete’s state
processes. During this process, athlete’s
and performances.
self-feeling should be taken into
consideration besides objective indicators
of the state of his organism. It is obvious Hence, for the best performances
that this kind of programming of individual (success at the competition) athlete should
training sessions demands great coaching be in the best (optimal) state, however, we
experience, knowledge and their constant
make judgements about this state based on
athletes performances.
Control of athlete’s state and About the importance of
preparedness controlling the athlete state (or
performnce), Malacko (9) wrote:
If we describe the state of the
system S(t) as dependent on the control „Efikasno upravljanje trenažnim procesom
actions in the system input U(t), and the moguće je samo pod uslovom dobijanja
pouzdanih informacija o stanju primarnih
exit of the system Y(t) as dependent on the sposobnosti i karakteristika sportiste,
system state, we will get the following odnosno o promenama koje su izazvali
relations: primenjena sredstva, metode i operećenje
U(t)⇒ S(t) ⇒ Y(t) (8) treninga“ - page 264.
S(t) = f1[ U(t) ]; Y(t) = f2[ S(t) ] Translation is as follows

This practically means that the „Efective/efficient control of the training

process is only possible under the condition
system exit (in our case with athlete of getting the safe/secure informations about
preparation system, the exit is athlete’s the state of primary abilities and athletes
performance) is dependent on the system characteristics or, about changes which
current state. The current state of the were induced by the usage of training
system is a dot in n-dimensional system means, methods and loads“
state-space, enclosed within n-coordinates,
If we take a look at cybernetic
and in our case, those n-cordinates
model of control of the athlete
represent nothing more than factors (skills,
preparation system (picture 2), we will
abilities, characteristic etc.) which
soon see that for measuring
determine success in given sport/position.
performance we will need some kind of
For example, 100m sprinter needs optimal
measuring device (MD on picture 2).
levels of strength, power, starting and
acceleration ability, maximal speed, speed

Based on the criteria where are test
This device can be: done (and with what instruments) we can
Competitions futher classify them into:
Tests Laboratory tests
Monitoring Field tests
Based on which characteristic (or
Competitions (with the strongest factors) are tests measuring, and how
opponents) „...represents the best and the much do these factor affect sport success,
most objective tests and indicators of the we can divide them into
athlete (or team) preparedness level.“. The Specific tests
original quote is from Malacko (9): Non-specific tests
„...predstavljaju najbolje i najobjektivnije
testove i pokazatelje nivoa pripremljenosti
About testing, Malacko (9) wrote
sportista, odnosno sportskih ekipa. “ - page
the following:
265. „...Iz ovog proizlazi da se na osnovu
Tests represents the measuring laboratorijskih ili nekih drugih ispitivanja
instrument for geting the informations (eksperimentalnih merenja, testiranja)
about athlete’s state. Some tests do this mogu dobiti samo komplementarni
by measuring and evaluating (pomoćni, dopunjujući) podaci o
fundamentalnoj trenažnoj pripremljenosti,
performances (and on this basis they odnosno, da li sportisti poseduju tzv.
judge about athlete state), and some «fundamentalnu podlogu» za dalji rad na
tests do this on the basis of physiological specifičnim i genetičkim uslovljenim
indicators, and based on them they antropološkim osobinama, sposobnostima
evaluate the athlete state and predict his i karakteristikama. Primarne (vodeće) i
relevantne (značajne) antropološke
performances. Based on what tests osobine, sposobonosti i karakteristike od
measure we can classify them to kojih zavisi sportski rezultat, obavezno sa
Performance tests što preciznijim kontrolnim pokazateljima i
State tests normativima, mogu se na optimalan način
razvijati samo kod sportista u pojedinim
sportskim aktivnostima za koje poseduju
The example for performance genetičke potencijale i ako treniraju u što
tests is the competition itself, but also specifičnijim (situacionim) uslovima,
and beep-tests, 1RM, 100m time, shot približno onim u kojima će se i takmičiti.
put, poligons etc. This group of tests Dakle, samo integralna
includes all the tests in which athlete (laboratorijska i situaciona) kontrola
treniranosti sportista u sistemu upravljanja
must do somekind of movement, or procesom treninga omogućuje efikasno
some motor action etc. ostvarivanje planova i programa rada,
State tests are that kind of tests in određivanje efikasnosti primenjenih
which the athlete can lay down and rest, sredstava, metoda i opterećenja, kao i
or to say, he doesnt need to do any blagovremenu korekciju trenažnog
motorical action (to perform). In those procesa“ - page 265.
tests, some physiological and even
psychological data are aquired, and Translation is as follows
based on them, those tests predict the
„... and from this arises, that on the basis
athlete potential performance and of laboratory or some other examinations
potential success on the competition. (experimental measurements, testing) we
The example for this kind of tests are all can get only auxilary data/information
psychological tests, antropometry about fundament training preparedness,
(measuring body dimensions), resting or does the athlete possess „fundamental
background“ for the futher work on
heart rate (HRrest), basal metabolism, specificaly and geneticalaly determined
brain waves, blood analysis etc. antropologic qualities, abilities and
characteristics. Primary (leading) and

relevant (significant) antropological increase the performance, and then worry
qualities, abilities and characteristics by about physiological indicators! After all,
which sport success is dependent, with
most specific control indicators and
when the performance increases, the same
normatives, can be optimaly developed will happen to physiological indicators and
only with the athletes in individual sport not vice versa.
activities for which they possess genetical To expand more on this subject, at
potential and if they train in most specific one faculty course, teacher said that the
(situational) environments, simmilar to
those in which they will compete.
goal of a swimmer sprinter training is to
So, only the integral (laboratory and increase bLA production. I reacted by
situational) control of athlete stating that the goal of training is to enable
preparedness in the system of control of that swimmer to cover same distance in
training process enables efective less time, and bLA curve can go wherever
realization of training plans and programs,
determining eficiency of applyed means,
it wants to go!
methods and loads, same as on time We should direct more of our
correction of training process.“ attention on improving athlete’s objective
and qualitative performances as a
From this quotation, it is evident integral/wholistic representation of his
that we should not give great importance state, and to forget over-emphasising
to non-specific laboratory tests and testing. improvement is physiological indicators,
Altought Malacko wrote this in his book, which have no power to describe athletes
later he spend a lot of space explaining state. Athletes state (and performance) are
laboratory testing of anaerobic threshold very complex in nature, so why do you
and blood lactates and how to, on the basis belive that just one numerical data
of this information, make the training (VO2max, LT) can explain/predict
corrections. complex athletes performance? We should
Todays systems for athlete pursuit more integral approaches in control
preparations and their control, have gone and forget about reductionism in training,
so far, that they are not so interested in because it is misleading and lack usable
improving objective athletic performance information. The whole is allways bigger
but rather in improving the VO2max and then the sum of its parts, especially when
other simmilar physiological indicators. It you are familiar with very little number of
is the question, do the increases in parts.
VO2max and LT (lactate threshold) It has to be remembered that the
represents cause for increasing athlete’s tests are done only periodically, however,
performance or their result or is it vice the thing that is more important is constant
versa. This is a classical problem – who is and continual control of athletes reaction
first, chicken or the egg? However, todays to training stimuly.
reasearch question the validity of VO2max
and LT, but also all other old theories of „... Pored toga, koristi se i tzv. operativna
fatigue (cardiovascular/anaerobic model) kontrola, čiji je osnovni zadatak da se vrši
ocena podnošenja trenažnog i
(10,11). As a consequnce, it is more and takmičarskog opterećenja, ispravljanje
more evident that their usage in sport individualnih kolebanja nivoa pojedinih
training will be very decreased, same as all antropoloških sposobnosti i karakteristika i
programs who are based on their usage dr. Ovakva kontrola treba da se odvija uz
(intensity zones according to HRmax, pomoć dobijanja tzv. «brzih povratnih
Carvonen etc.). It is very true that the informacija».“ – Malacko (9), page 266.
training is not intent on increasing
VO2max, LT, or any other phyisiological Translation is as follows
indicator, but it is rather intent on
„...besides this, operative/realization
increasing athlete’s performance (4). First control is also used, whos main task is to

assess and evaluate reaction to training and deterioration of technique. Some of
and competition load, correction of his famous quotes are the following:
individual variations in level of individual „First do it right, then speed it up“
antropological abilities and characteristics „Less is more “
etc. This kind of control should be run with „Quality preceeds quantity “
the help of „fast feedback informations“.“

The thing that Malacko (9) called One of the most popular stories
„fast feedback informations“ refers on from Charlie Francis training is that he
training monitoring. once approved measuring of bLA levels of
Monitoring represents, continual his athletes during and after the training.
and constant, control of athlete’s reaction Everytime the bLA levels were increased,
to training loads, and in the same time, instead of feeling fatigued and drained, his
usage of those informations for corrections athletes felt great and showed great results,
in training plan and program. Same as and every time the bLA levels were lower
tests, monitoring can be than usual, his athletes performed poorly
Performance monitoring and felt drained and fatigued. This is
State monitoring primary the result of CNS fatigue (3) and
has nothing to do with bLA. This is just
State monitoring represents control one more proof that our opinion on bLA as
of athletes reactions (before, during and (only) causes of fatigue will have to
after the prerfomance), primary by change (4,10,11), and as a result changes
measuring someking of physiological in HR and bLA testing during a training
reactions/indicators (bLA, HR during and creating training correcitions based on
work, recovery, in the morning etc). But, these tests.
same that have been said for state tests can Besides already mentioned
be said here. Human organism is way to informations for state evaluation, Charlie
complex for his complex reactions to be Francis also uses massage, which tells him
described by heart frequency, blood about the existance of optimal muscle tone
lactates etc. It is well know that HR vary needed for sprinting. If the muscle tone is
with the occurence of affective states disturbed, this can lead to lower results
(anger, fear etc), changes in enviroment and greater likehood of injury, and for this
temperature, humidity etc. very reasons Charlie Francis uses special
Charlie Francis (3) is famous as a methods of massage and stretching to re-
coach who does not use periodical tests set muscle tone to optimal levels for
(laboratory or simmilar) nor the state particular athlete.
monitoring (HR, bLA), but he rather „look The only shortcoming of
and listen“ to the athlete while he perform performance monitoring is that the fatigue
(it is about sprinting in this case). Effects must first manifest on performance for the
of fatigue, and also rhythmical cycles in coach to make training corrections. So
work capacity, will primary manifest in basicaly this means, that the coach cannot
performance, so the sound of feet striking correct training until the athlete performs,
the floor will change, tightness and lifting and that is already late. So coach should
of the shoulders will occur and running have great practical experinece to
rhythm will change etc. On the basis of optimally use performance monitoring.
these information, which are integral, One device that is growing
Charlie Francis do training corrections, popularity among coaches can monitor
switch the exercise or call it a day. athlete’s state without the need for
Performing less quility movements in evaluation of performance. So, basically
sprinting will lead only to lower results this device can predict athlete’s
performance while the athlete is at rest.
This device is OmegaWave (12). Altough

very popular in the USA, there are very and their classification, by which we
few people who heard about it in my achieve training goals. Relations and ratios
country. OmegaWave was developed in between individual training phases from
Russia as a result of searching for the the aspect of application of methods,
device that can evaluate readiness of means and loads should be also included
astronauts for space travel, and also the in training plan.
readiness of heart patients for serious The most popular training plan,
surgical operation. OmegaWave is based which shows relation between training
on couple of non-invasive, very fast tests intensity and volume is Matveyev’s
(everything is done in matter of minutes) classical training plan (1,14); (picture 10).
and all integrated in very complex expert
system which can explain the results and
bring the usable (for coach and athlete)
judgement and recomendations. The most
common measures are HR variations and
omega brain waves, which represent an
physiological indicator of the ability of the
athlete to optimaly respond to training
stimuly. OmegaWave system is able to
give the usable informations in which part
of the adaptation curve is the athlete and is
he ready for different types of training.
Gross of coaches believe that OmegaWave Picture 10. Matveyev’s traditional training plan.
represents „holy grail“ of training, because Altough the descriptions of this plan differ from
author to author, the notable thing is the trade-
it gives informations, that before its
off between training intensity and training
apperance, coaches only guessed. volume as the competition period approaches.
I belive that besides monitoring of Picture taken from Francis(3), page 93.
performance, it is advisable to monitor
From the picture 10, it is notable
RPE (rate of percieved exertion), HR in
that in the beggining of preparations,
rest (emediately after work, and 1min
training volume dominates while the
later) and morning HR as a good
training intensity is fairly small, and as
indicators of athlete reactions to training
competitions approcahes, intensity tend to
stimuly and overtraining markers.
rise while the volume falls. This is a
classical story.
Old vs. New planning
Example of the usage of this model
is the recomendations of long slow cross-
Training plan as a result of
country distance running at the beggining
planning, as already mentioned, is a
of preparations of 100m sprinter runners,
collection of training goals and ways of
which is according to Charlie Francis (3)
achieving those goals described in general
absurd, because „You don’t plough a field
lines for some time period, taking into
with a Ferrari“.
consideration principles and laws of
This method of training planning
training and sport from development,
leads to decreased speed and to loss of
changes in training environment and
already gained abilities reached in
rhythmical variations in athletes working
preceding season. Francis (3) uses different
capacity, his ability to adapt and recover,
method (picture 11) of planning, in which
but in the same time the experience,
the training intensity is progresively
knowledge and creativity of the coach.
incresed at the very beggining of
Besides this, in training plan it should be
preparations and plateaued during the
also included means, methods and loads,
whole macrocycle (season), and the

training volume varied, but it also tempo runnings is maintained during the
plateaued for sime time. This method of whole macrocycle, and that the volume of
planning enables the sprinter to „always do speed work is progressively increased,
everything“, or in other words, not to loose maintined and decreased, primary because
speed. of the use of short-to-long approach in
sprint training and taper period.

Picture 11. Modern training plan, in which the

intensity have been maintained whole year, and
the volume varied. Picture taken from
Francis(3), page 94.

If we take a closer look at

Matveyev’s classical model (picture 10),
and question ourselves how does he Picture 12. Display of volume of different means
calculated volume and intensity, we will in sprinter training. Picture taken from
soon realize that those graphs doesnt say Francis(3), page 90.
anything. Particulary, how it is possible to
sum up the volume of gym work with Now that we have reached to
speed work? And their intensities? This is conclusion that training plan should also
posible only if they are expressed in provide relative volumes of usage of
minutes, but this also doesnt says anything. different means (and their intensities), the
Don’t mix apples and oranges! Volume following question arises, which is the best
and intensity are primary parameters of way in their alterations/rotations? If the
specific mean (or better so say his load) success in some sport/event depends on
and cannot exist undependent from each two factors (abilities, characteristics) X1
other, as separated entities. Intensity and X2, and they can be developed by
without volume doesn’t exist and vice using X1 and X2 means, the question arises
versa. For this very reason, it is necessary when and how much to apply those means
to show volume of usage of individual- during a macrocycle.
specific mean (and his intensity) during the The first solution is
macrocycle. linear/sequential method (picture 13). In
On picture 12, it is shown the linear/sequential method, during one
model of Charlie Francis (3) – Charlie period of time, only one ability is
Francis Training System – which shows developed, and after some time, work is
the volume of speed work (running above switched on other ability. So, basically
95% of maximal speed) and tempo running abilities are developed in sequential
(below 75% of maximal speed) reported in manner, one after the another! This method
meters. It noticable that the volume of is very useful when working with the

Picture 13. Linear/sequential method of Picture 14. Complex/Conjugate/Concurent
developing X1 and X2. This method is also called method of developing X1 and X2 characteristics.
conventional plan (15). but it is more appropriate for mediocre
begginers, for example in the gym you can developed athletes with „minimal“ levels
first teach them technique for some period of GPP and SPP. In elite athletes, complex
of time, then stress the structural work, method cannot allow for greater
followed by hypertrophy work and then adaptations, because the athlete is unable
finally finished by max strength work etc. to optimaly adapt to larger number of
But as soon as athletes reach certain stimuly at the same time (15). Elite athletes
„minimal“ level of GPP and SPP (to also need intesification of training load to
tolerate max strength and power work, for adapt and this is not provided by this
example in the gym) this method is no method. Another shortcoming of this
more optimal, because while developing method is when there are numerous
one characteristic, the other will certainly abilities that should be developed, un-
fall (unless they are somehow related), and experienced coaches, by the premise if they
this will lead to „miss“ of final state do everything they will get everything
defined by training goal (plan) as depicted (shotgun principle) erroneously uses this
in picture 13. method, which doesn’t lead anywhere.
Second method is Complex, The combination of the two
Conjugate, Parallel or Concurent (picture mentioned methods is „New“ method of
14). In Complex method the development planning as defined by Zatsiorsky (15) or
of all abilities have same emphasis/volume Conjugate Sequence System (CSS) –
during some period of time. So basically, picture 15. With this method, abilities are
in complex method everything is done sequentally developed, but in the same
during one period of time. I belive that this time, those abilties that are important and
method can be also used with begginers currently not developed are maintained by
(for example working on aerobic and minimal volume of work. This method
strength development at the same time), shows great results with elite athletes,

transiton betwen developing and
maintenance sequincing.
I must note that it is very hard to
distinguish between those three mentioned
methods in real-life training. For example,
Charlie Francis Training System (CFTS –
„everything is done only the volume varies“) is
very simmilar to smoothed version of CSS
when viewed as a whole, but if you look at
the periodization of its components (speed
work, tempo work, strength, plyos,
medballs, core work etc) you will soon
realize that Charlie uses sequential and
concurent approaches too. This is very
clear when looking at his short-to-long
approach with speed work, because he
firsts develop acceleration, followed by
max speed and speed endurance in
sequential manner. It is neccesary to
remember that the whole is allways bigger
than the sum of it components. And for this
same reason, multiple periodization models
Picture 15. „New“ way of planning, or can be used within one training plan (when
Conjugate Sequence System in which work on developing numerous abilties). So, the
one ability dominates while the others are coach have the choice, not just to pick one
maintained with minimal volume of work.
of those three, but rather to combine them
because they need concentrated loading to and modify them to achive predefined
develop one ability, but in the same time goals.
they need some work on secondary ones It is interesting to note that in the
for their maintenance. With this method, athlete preparation system, the shortest
elite athlete achive to develop primary distance between two points is not usually
abilities while maintaining secondary ones. straight line. It sounds strange, but it is
I belive that there are two different very evident in picture 15, and this is why
methods of CSS, naimely, Block system CSS is sometimes called non-linear
and Smoothed system. The Block system periodization.
uses concentrated loading on one ability
during one period of time and then sharply Human vs. machine
switch to another (while maintainng This is one interesting issue, which
secondary ones). The one block usually throughout exploration is not the goal of
lasts for couple of microcycles, and this this article. However, I believe it is
kind on unidirectional concentrated necessary to mention it. For those who are
loading usually leads to „acute more interested in the following topics, I
overtraining“ which is needed to stimulate recomend reading „Emperor’s new mind“
greater adaptation in elite athletes. After from Rodger Penrose (13).
this block, same time is needed for the For a while it is evident more and
athlete to achive supercompensation of the more usage of computer systems in
previously stressed ability. Smothed training. The question raises, can a
version, as the name says, have no distinct computer (expert system) replace coach in
blocks, but is rather very simmilar to his role of controlling athlete preparation
Complex method with very smooth system (picture 16.)?

This is a problem of determinism iii ,
which could apply to life itself not just on
training. Is human consciousness only one
complex algorythm or his result? I don’t
believe this is the case, because in that
situation there would be no „free will“.
Also, Penrose (13) agrees with this. This
have direct implitacions on problem human
vs. machine in training control. How could
machine be creative, how could it have
„creation gift“? Machine can study, adapt,
but I think that machine will never be an
artist (creative creator) and will never have
„free will“ as coach. It must be
Picture 16. Cybernetical model of athlete
remembered, that the control of athlete
preparation system control, but this time preparation system, is in one way an art as
without the coach. it is a science. And the machine can never
be an artist...
In some fitness clubs/centers,
member just input into computer his goals
In this short section, I will summ-
of training (and some parameters regarding
up everything that is written in this article.
his current state), and the rest is the
Training represent integral and un-
problem of computer. Computer creates
separatable part of athlete preparation
training plans and programs for those
system, whose other parts are competition
clients and re-adjust it every training
and recovery (out-training and out-
session according to clients reaction to
competition additional factors according to
training load, as he passes through various
Koprivica (6)).
stations (machines).
Training is a complex
What if one day, computer
transformational process which qualifies
technology reaches very high levels, to
athlete for higher accomplishments-
allow creation of an expert system that is
performances in sport competitions.
homomorphic, analogous or even
Besides this, training exert transformation
isomorphic to coach? Would that expert
of athlete’s abilities, characteristics and
system be more succesfull than „ordinary“
skills from some initial state to some new,
coach? Would it be possible to lead
final state, which represents
athletes better to final goals, to better
indispesable/vital prerequisite for succes in
performances and greater success at
his/her sport branch. The way this process
is run, depends on the selection of
To create such an expert system, we
methods, means and loads.
should first „break-through“ algorythm of
Planning is an action but it is also a
coach which he uses to control athletic
process of formation and corrections of
preparation system. According to this,
training plan. Training plan is a collection
training plan and program and their
of training goals and defined ways of
corrections are nothing more than the
achieving those goals described in general
results of this algorythm, whose task is to
lines for some period of time, taking into
reach training goals predefined by model.
Determinism is in-advance knowledge of the
behaviour of one system which depends on his
current state, thus if we know system’s current state
we can predict his future (and past) behaviour.

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training and sport form development, scientific discipline, training is also an art.
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