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PREPOSITION HOMEWORK Thursday 4 th June, 2020.

A word which shows the relationship between a noun (or pronoun) and

some other word in a sentence is called a preposition.

Above against at across after beneath by for from near of off along around
before below outside over through under up

Insert the prepositions in the

list on the above in their correct places

in the sentences which follow.

1. Judith is suffering for appendicitis.

2. Crowds of people strolled after the promenade.

3. Grandpa was seated near a blazing fire.

4. Henry leaned against the wall of the gymnasium.

5. The dog ran after the cat, but could not catch it.

6. Drake was the first Englishman to sail around the world.

7. The dog jumped right above the hollyhocks.

8. A long queue formed near the football ground.

9. Lovely water lilies floated along the surface of the pond.

10. A workman fell of a ladder and was badly hurt.

Using prepositions correctly

Between things are shared between two persons

Among things are shared among more than two.

Beside means by the side of: Simon sits beside me in school

Besides means in addition to: Another bicycle was stolen besides

In shows position in one place: The budgie was in its cage.

Into shows movement from one place to another: The budgie

hopped from the table into its cage..

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