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E.C.G or E.K.G

An electrocardiogram abbreviated as
EKG or ECG - is a test that measures the
electrical activity of the heartbeat. With
each beat, an electrical impulse (or
“wave”) travels through the heart. This
wave causes the muscle to squeeze and
pump blood from the heart. A normal
heartbeat on ECG will show the timing of
the top and lower chambers

 Electrical of the heart

Sinoaterial node (SA node)

Aterioventrical node (AV node)

Right bundle branch
Bundle of His
Left bundle of branch

Purkinje fibers
 Heart beats may be regular or irregular throughout

 Calculation of heart rate through E.C.G

If regular heart beats
Number of large Squares between R-R intervals

If irregular heart beats

QRS in 10 large squares x 30

E.C.G lads

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