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During this stage, I had to plan about the website, the final product and how I am going to start
going about my research. This was tough as I did not have any prior experience in website building,
holding a virtual event and I only had minimal experience with cooking. So, I started with creating a
checklist for the things that I should do. I will refer to this checklist every time I feel lost or unsure of
what to do. This checklist will also help me gauge if I am on schedule for the different items.
Furthermore, I also added a timeline to the schedule, this meant that I allocated a certain amount of
time in each work for the researching. This allowed me to stay on track and know if I have enough
time in order to produce the deliverables on time. By creating a schedule, I found it beneficial to me
as normally, I do not have the habit of planning things ahead of time. I decided to create a schedule
as GL is such a self-directed project, I needed something to follow so I can finish the project on time.
I realised that a schedule was helpful as it allowed me to be more disciplined. After GL, I will create a
schedule for more things on hand as I procrastinated less as compared to other times when I had a
project at hand. I was also able to prioritize what was important and what had less importance so I
would not spend too much time on the latter. From the schedule, I managed to plan on how to start
my research. I decided to start on the different regions in Korea, followed by their regional foods. I
will then research on the different types of kimchi that can be found in South Korea and methods of
cooking used in Korean cuisines and how it differs from other Asian countries. Lastly, I will choose 2
recipes (Army Stew and Korean Pan-fried Fish) and record myself cooking them. After that I will edit
the videos and upload it onto the website that I will create in May.

During this phase, the planning of the flow of the research went well as I was able to know what I
should prioritise after creating the schedule. I went online to search about the different methods of
scheduling. I did so to understand which method will be able to work best for me. I found out that
there are many ways to do scheduling. Some examples are task list, Gantt Chart and using of
calendar (showing timeline). I decided to go with a combination of task list and calendar to create a
checklist for every week. I also learnt how to allocate enough time for major actions like recording
and editing the videos as they are hard to accomplish within a short period of time. This benefitted
me as I became more aware of the amount of time I had on my hands and made me more
productive as I try to complete every deliverable on time.

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