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Write paragraphs to answer the question: about

video games

Nowadays all the children need to be entertained is videogames

and people have mixed opinions about that, some of them
believe that means the end of imagination and others think
about it in a positive way.

It is true that this caused dependency on how to play on the

mayor part of the children. How? Most of the time they are
playing with someone else, they do it with a videogame in
between and if it is not they get bored and do not know what to

On the other hand, it is also believed by specialist that this

games can improve fine motor skills and enhance critical-thinking

To sum up, we can say that videogames are a good tool for
children but it is still important for the parents to set up
consistent limits on the time spent using any videogame so they
can go out and play outside with friends.

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