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No Question Answer

1 How can you determine the topics? Explain! Because I’m from faculty of pharmacy, so I can
If you are asked to decide the topic of your determine my topic from a specific major. I have
speech, what topic/s will you choose? found an interesting topic about a pineapple that
can kill the fetus that I have heard before when I
was in elementary, but I just found the reason
why pineapple can kill the fetus during 1st-
trimester pregnancy. So, I want to know
more about its mechanism, the compound that
can kill the fetus itself, the effect for the fetus
itself based on research (journal).
2 From Question 1, determine the general and After I find that information, so I would like to
specific purpose of your speech? inform my audience about the bad side of
pineapple during the 1st trimester of pregnancy.
How can pineapple kill the fetus during the 1st-
trimester pregnancy, what nutritions that contain
in pineapple that makes our body health, but
which nutrition that makes the fetus death and
its mechanism?
3 What are the parts of speech? What you For the introduction part, I would like
have to do in each part? to ask my audience a series of rhetorical
questions, such as “have you ever eaten
pineapple? Did you know about pineapple can kill
the fetus?” after that, I would like to tell the
audiences about general information from
pineapple itself, such as where it came from, the
taste of it, the containing nutrients and also tell
the preview body of my speech, such as a
compound that kills the fetus.

For the body of my speech, I would like to inform

the audience about cause-effect, like “what is the
effect if pregnancy mom eating pineapple.” After
that, I would like to inform the chronological/the
mechanism about how can pineapple kill the
fetus. And also the data based on research.

For the ending parts, i would like to tell

the summary/conclusion about my speech.
4 What kind of expressions you can use in the The introduction part:
introduction part? And in the closing part? - for introducing myself, I would like to say “good
afternoon, everyone...” Or “good morning ladies
and gentlemen...”
-for introducing my speech’s topic, i would like to
say “Today, I would like to talk about...” or any
other examples, such as “After that, I’ll say
something about...” or “Next, I’d like to talk a
little about ….” Or maybe “i would like to talk
firstly about...”

-And for the closing part, I would like to say “in

conclusion, I would just like to say that...” or “I
would like to conclude my speech by ….” Or
maybe “Well, that brings me to the end of my
5 Have you ever listened or watched a Yes, i did. When I was in school during the
speech/video of speech? national day, I always listened to the teacher’s
- If yes, what is the speech about? Do you speech about that national day, especially about
think that the speech is interesting or not? national education day. I think it was interesting
Why/why not? because he talked about the Indonesian
- If no, find an example on youTube? Give education system upgraded by the education
the title of the speech. Do you think that the government. Such as when I was in elementary
speech is interesting or not? Why/why not? until middle school, the students always listened
to teachers’ material. But when I was in high
school, we should research by ourselves about
the material, sometimes we made a discussion
group search for the materials. The benefits of
making group discussion are we could get close
to our friends, and also easily understanding the
materials, etc.
My opinion about Meghan Markle’s speech is a good speech. It’s an interesting speech because she
inspire us about what the women emancipation is. She started her opening with her own experience
when she was 11 years old. She started to speak up because she saw a dishwashing liquid’s
advertisement said that “Women all over America are fighting greasy pots and pans.” Until her
classmates said that “yeah, that’s where women belong, in the kitchen.” She felt shock and angry back
then and she decided to wrote letters to some people and a kids’ news came to Markle’s house to shot a
reality show. A month later, that dishwashing liquid advertisement changed its tagline to “People all
over America are fighting greasy pots and pans.” See? An 11 years old girl created a small level of impact
by standing up for equality. When she grew up, she also reminds women that their involvement matters
that they need to become active in their communities, in their local governments, as well as in the
highest parliamentary positions. And the ending of her speech, she gave us spirit to believe ourselves.
“One must believe it. And it isn’t enough to simply believe in it. One must work at it. Let us work at it.
Together. Starting now.” I like the way she spoke in every single words. She spoke casually using
gesture/body language as if she bring us to come into her life. She spoke this speech to persuade
woman all over the world to be brave of making big decision so we can see their value as leaders, and to
support them in these efforts.

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