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A 5E’s Detailed Lesson Plan in Teaching English IX

I. Objectives: Throughout the period, with the use of PowerPoint presentation, visual aids and writing
activities, 85% of the students should be able to:
a. define critical reading;

b. use critical reading strategies in materials read; and

c. create inferences based on the evidences found in a given text.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Becoming a Critical Reader
Reference: Reading and Writing Skills Quarter 4 Self-Learning Module: Critical Reading
as Reasoning Retrieved February 28, 2023 from Reading and Writing Skills Module:
Critical Reading as Reasoning • DepEd Tambayan



Materials: Laptop, Visual Aids, PowerPoint Presentation, Sample Texts, Short Story

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Preliminary Activities

a.) Prayer
May I request everyone to stand?
Please, lead the prayer, my dear from the front row.
Okay, Ma’am. Classmates, please stand.
Lord, help us in our work today give us
concentration so that may we listen,
understand, learn and have a peaceful mind
and may we always remember that Jesus
Christ is always with us. Amen.

b.) Greetings
Good morning, students!
Good morning, Ma’am!

I am Nathalie Mora, but you may call me

Teacher Nat and I will be your teacher for today’s lesson
so I hope we get along well with each other as we
proceed with our topic for today.

c.) Classroom Management

Before you take your seats, please pick up any
pieces of trash that you see on the floor and arrange
your chairs properly.

(Students are picking pieces of trash and

d.) Checking of attendance arranging their chairs.)
May I ask the classroom monitor who is absent

That’s great to hear. No one is absent today, Ma’am.

e. ) Reminder of Classroom Rules and Regulations

I have a few rules today that I hope everyone
will be able to follow. Everyone, please read.

1. Listen when somebody is talking.

2. Use polite speech and body language.
3. Raise your hand when you have questions.
4. Cooperate when your name is called or
when assigned to a group.
5. Ask permission when going out.

Thank you for reading together. I hope we can all follow

these rules for our class to go smoothly today.

Yes, Ma’am.


Okay students, before we start our lesson for

today, we are going to have an activity. In this activity, I
will be showing you different issues or opinions and I
want you to share what you think about that particular
issue or topic. Do you agree? Do you disagree? Why do
you think so? I will be open and waiting for volunteers
but if nobody raises their hands, I will be calling out
random names. I would like to add that for this activity,
whoever volunteers will be awarded “reserve points” to
be added to your quiz later. A student may only
volunteer once and each question is worth 3 reserve
points. Are you ready?
Yes, Ma’am.

Alright, so the first statement is:

Social media and computer game addiction are causing
modern families to deteriorate. Who is ready to share
their insights regarding this statement?
Ma’am, I agree. I think social media and
computer game addiction has led to less
conversations within the family and thus
family time is taken away.
Very good! I agree, family time seems to have lessened
because those who are addicted to social media no
longer have time to talk with their families and this has
actually been backed up by some research by an
international journal. You now have 3 points which you
may use later on in the quiz. Please write plus 3 in your

Okay, are you all ready for the next statement?

The next statement is, “Asians are good in Science and
Mathematics.” Any volunteers?

Ma’am, I think this statement is inaccurate

and it shows stereotyping.
Very good and I agree. To some extent, stereotyping is a
form of racism because it puts a certain race inside a
box or gives them a role they have to fulfill. Please don’t
forget to write plus 3 in your quiz paper later on. Alright,
for the last statement.
Divorce should be legalized in the Philippines to give
those who suffer from domestic violence and mental
abuse victims a chance at life.
I agree, Ma’am. I think divorce is not a poison
to marriage. Domestic violence and mental
abuse are the poison and divorce may be the
antidote that can save an individual from
grave situations.
Very good and insightful! I share the same sentiments
with you. Don’t forget to indicate that you have 3
additional points in your quiz later on.

Now, class, I conducted this activity to see where some

of you stand on these issues. These statements that
you’ve read, although you may not have actually read
the exact articles that I’ve shown, still you might have
read some things concerning these things especially
when you’re scrolling through social media. For
example, who here has read a headline about the
Amber Heard and Johnny Depp lawsuit? Right, so at
some point, you were able to be educated about some
of the topics I’ve shown you, such as domestic violence,
through articles you’ve read online. You would not have
been able to reason or to argue against or for these
certain topics if you didn’t know anything about it

Now class, your agreeing and disagreeing to these topics

actually indicate that you are able to think critically
about these certain topics.
 Communication, Ma’am.
EXPLORE  Traditions, Ma’am?
 All about sharing information, Ma’am.
              At this point, class, I will be asking you to read a
short story with me. I want you to read the piece
carefully because I will be asking you some questions
about it later on. I would like to ask a volunteer to read
the first paragraph out loud.

There were two men, both seriously ill, who

shared the same hospital room. One man got
a seat next to the room’s only window. The
man was also allowed to sit up in his bed for
an hour each afternoon to help him drain
fluids from his lungs. The other man spent all
Students, how do you think the man who spent all his his time lying flat on his back.
time lying flat on his back in the hospital felt?

 Probably very bored, Ma’am.

That’s right. He wouldn’t have been able to do anything  He would probably get depressed,
for himself because he was, after all, very ill. Alright let Ma’am.
me read the next part of the story.

The two roommates quickly bonded and started talking

for hours on end. They talked about their lives, their
job,  children and wives. Then, one day the man on the
other side of the window expressed how he envied the
man near the window. Why do you think the man would
envy his friend who had the bed by the room’s only

 He probably wanted to see what was

happening, outside, Ma’am.
 The man was probably fed up with
That’s right. I think so too! Okay, let’s proceed. looking only at the hospital ceiling,
From that day, the man near the window started
describing all the things he could see outside the
The window overlooked a lovely park with a lake. Ducks
played on the lake while children sailed their model
boats. Young lovers walked arm in arm amidst flowers
of every color, and a fine view of the city skyline could
be seen in the distance. The man on the other bed
began to live for those one hour when he could hear
and visualize the world outside the hospital room. The
one hour every day would broaden his world and be
enlivened by all the activity and color of the outside
world. One fine afternoon the man by the window
described a parade passing by. Although the other man
could not hear the band, he could visualize it as vividly
described by the man by the window.

Because of the kind man by the window’s gesture, what

do you think happened between them?

 They probably formed a very close

friendship, Ma’am.
That’s right. They became really great friends because of  Their spirits were probably lifted after
this. And so days and weeks passed by with their gaining a friend.
conversations unfolding endlessly. What do you think
happened next?

 One of them was discharged from the

 One of them had to leave.
Those are all really great guesses! Let’s find out what  They both recovered and went home.
happened next.

Unfortunately, the man who sat by the window passed

away. Can a volunteer read the next part?

The other man grieved the death of his

roommate. But, as the day passed, he started
missing how his roommate described the
view out of the window. In the hope of having
a peek out of the window and the beautiful
world outside, the other man asked if he
could be moved next to the window. The
nurse happily made the switch. As soon as he
was comfortable in his new bed, the man
slowly and painfully propped himself to take
his first look at the world outside. The nurse
delightfully watched as the man attempted to
sit on the bed after weeks. But as he strained
What do you think surprised him after being moved to to turn to look out of the window beside him
the bed by the window, class? slowly, he was stunned.

 He probably saw his friend outside.

 He saw a ghost.
Alright, let’s find out together what happens next. The  It was a gloomy day.
man who was finally moved to the bed by the window
was surprised to see a blank wall outside the window.
So apparently, the lake, the park, the parade, all of the
things his friend described to him didn’t exist.

The agitated man asked the nurse what could have

made his roommate lie about the view outside the
“There is nothing to see from here. Where are all the
wonderful things he saw? He described everything so
vividly. Is this a new and recent wall? Why did he give
me such vivid details that don’t exist?” He asked. So
class, what do you think happened after this?

 The man was probably sad because

his friend lied to him.
Alright, so when the man asked his questions to the  The man probably felt grateful to his
nurse, the nurse shook her head and answered his friend.
questions, “perhaps he just wanted to encourage you
and make you happy. But, you see, your roommate was
Did you like the story, class?

So how did you feel about the ending, class? Yes, Ma’am.

 It’s very touching, Ma’am.

 It’s heartwarming because even
though his dead friend couldn’t see
the things he described, he still
wanted to make the world beautiful
If you were in the blind friend’s position, would you for his friend.
have done the same?

 Yes, Ma’am. I would also try to lift the

sick man’s spirits.
 Probably no, Ma’am. I would have
talked of other things.
 Yes, Ma’am so that we could have
something to talk about.
a. Introducing the lesson
You all did a wonderful job answering my questions a
while ago, which are actually related to our topic for
today. I’m sure you already know what our topic is from
the title of my presentation at the start of the class but
what do you think being a critical reader is about?

 It is about carefully comprehending

what you’re reading.
 It’s about being a reader that tries to
properly understand the text.
b. Discussion

Your answers are all correct! Our lesson is about

carefully understanding a text by being critical or
properly comprehending what you are reading without
making baseless assumptions. So critical reading is an
application of critical thinking in the texts you read.
Class, can you please read our definition? Critical reading is the objective analysis and
evaluation of an issue in order to form a
judgement. It is an advanced form of reading
as opposed to simple reading which simply
recognizes the meaning of a text.
Can I ask a student to make sense of the definition?
 Ma’am, critical reading is basically
reading deeper or between the lines
of a text.
That’s correct! Very well understood! So to better
understand critical reading, let us compare it with
simple reading and apply the meaning in the text or
story we read earlier.

Simple Reading Critical Reading

Recognizes what a text Recognizes what a text
says. says, reflects what a text
does by making
judgments and infers
what the text means.
It gives the basic It makes you know the
definition of a text. author’s purpose in
writing, the tone, and the
bias of the text.
The reader understands. The reader actively
recognizes and analyzes
evidence in the text.

So in simple reading, we simply recognize what a text

says so for example, the story we read a while ago is
simply about two men who were hospitalized but in
critical reading it reflects what a text does by making
judgements and infers what the text means. So what
the text does in the story from the Explore section is it
talks about the loneliness and pain of being ill and

Next, simple reading gives the basic definition of a text

whereas critical reading makes you know the author’s
purpose in writing, its biases, and tone. What do you
think was the author’s purpose when he wrote the
story? Do you think the author wanted to encourage the
readers about the importance of kindness? Friendships?
 I think the author wanted to show the
readers the impact of a simple act of
 I think the author wanted to show us
that being kind is free and helps not
only the person you are being kind to
but also helps to lift your mood.
That’s right. Those are some really great observations.
Finally, simple reading is simply what you understand as
a reader whereas in critical reading, you try to go
beyond what you understand and try to use the context
clues or evidences provided in the text. Do you have any
more questions, class?
No, Ma’am.
Alright, let’s proceed.

When we are trying to become critical readers, it is

important to remember that we must look out for
textual evidences in the text. These are:

 Explicit Evidence: Fully revealed or expressed in

the text without room for confusion.
 Implicit Evidence: The opposite of explicit. The
idea is not openly stated but is merely
suggested or implied.
 Inferences: It is an opinion or conclusion formed
or based on both information (explicit and
implicit) or evidence and reasoning.

So let’s read once again a portion of the story we read a

while ago. Class please read:

When the man asked his questions to the

nurse, the nurse shook her head and
answered his questions, “perhaps he just
wanted to encourage you and make you
So the explicit evidence is that the man is blind. Why is happy. But, you see, your roommate was
it explicit again? blind.”

Next, implicit evidences are those evidences that are

not openly stated but implied. So, what are the Because it is openly stated and implied by the
evidences that are implied? Since the man who died nurse that the man is blind.
was blind, he was only making up the things that he told
his friend. The blind man making up the scenes he
described to his friend was not stated explicitly in the
story but it is implied based on the fact that the man is

Next, we have our inference which is an opinion or

conclusion based on both information. So by these
evidences, we may infer that the blind man who was
making up these scenarios for his ill friend may have
been a warmhearted person because he really went out
of his way to paint a beautiful world for his friend
despite his own struggles. So an inference is what you
conclude based on what we know. What else can you
infer based on these evidences?

 The blind man may have used those

conversations he had with his friend
as a way to cope with his illness.
 The blind man may have wanted to
pretend that there actually was a
beautiful world outside to lift both
Very good, students. I’m glad to see that you’ve all their spirits up.
understood the lesson. Remember, critical reading is
different from simple reading because you have to
actively try to dig deeper into the text that you are
reading. Is that clear?
Do you still have any questions regarding our topic for
Yes, Ma’am.
Okay. That means you are ready for the next activity.
No, Ma’am.

At this time I will group you into 5 for an activity. With

your groupmates, I will be showing you a letter of a son
to his father and I want you to write down two explicit
evidences and two implicit evidences that you can find
from the letter. You will be given 5 minutes for this


Dear Nena,

How are you? I’m glad that your classes will be over
soon. Have you made any plans for this summer?

On the first week of May, Butuan City, our town, will

celebrate its annual fiesta. There will be lots of food. I
heard that the mayor organized variety shows and other
exciting activities. I’m sure it would be fun! Our other
cousins from Manila will be coming to town to celebrate
the festivities with the whole family! I hope you can
visit, too.


Alright, 5 minutes is up. Students, pass your papers.

EVALUATE Yes, Ma’am.

Now that we’re done with the group activity, it’s time
for a short quiz.
Get a 1/4th sheet of paper for a short quiz. Indicate True
is the statement is True and write False if the sentence
is false then write the correct word or phrase to make
the statement right.

1. Critical reading is the subjective analysis and

evaluation of an issue in order to form a
Answer: False, objective
2. In the story, both men being ill was an explicit
evidence that can be found in the text.
Answer: True
3. In the story, it was implicit evidence that the
man died.
Answer: False, explicit

4-6. Create your own inference based on the

evidences you found with your groupmates on the
letter from the previous activity.

Okay, pass your papers now.

For your assignment, read a summary of The Little
Prince and in your notebooks, write at least three
implicit and three explicit evidences that can be found in
the text.

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