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A. Research Types

This research is a Quasi-Experimental research because the

researcher can’t control or manipulate to all variable relevant except that

the variables researched. The research involved two groups, that is the

treatment group and the comparison group. Furthermore, the treatment I

group was given teaching with Course Review Horay (CRH) cooperative

learning model (A1), while the treatment II group was given teaching with

Numbered Head Together (NHT) cooperative learning model (A2).

Treatment I group and treatment II group measured the motivation level of

student mathematics learning (B) so that the data of student obtained have

the high category motivation of mathematics learning (B1) and student

have the low category motivation of mathematics learning (B2).

B. Place and Time of Research

This research was conducted in SMPN 1 Pallangga and SMPN 3

Sungguminasa. Both of school included in category a school. This research

was conducted in even semester of academic year 2017/2018.


C. Population and Sample

1. Population

The population in this research was all student of class VIII SMPN

1 Pallangga and SMPN 3 Sungguminasa academic year 2017/2018.

2. Sample

Sampling in this research consisted of two classes of experimental

class I and experimental class II. In this research the sampling was

done by using cluster double random sampling technique. As for the

steps as follows:

a) Create a sampling framework with Cluster technique that consist

of all classes of VIII SMPN 1 Pallangga and SMPN 3

Sungguminasa, according to the number of classes ( 20 classes)

b) Choose randomly one class respectvely from each all of class VIII

SMPN 1 Pallangga and SMPN 3 Sungguminasa, according step a

with assumption all of classes are homogeneus.

c) The selected two classes are treated as the experiment classes. The

class will be taught by applying Course Review Horay (CRH) and

Numbered Head Together (NHT) type of cooperative learning


d) Choose randomly one school will be taught by applying Course

Review Horay (CRH) type of cooperative learning model as

experimental class I

e) The other unselected school will be taught by applying Numbered

Head Together (NHT) type of cooperative learning model as

experimental class II

f) The students involved in the experiment classes were samples of


D. Variable and Definition of Operational Variable

Variable in this research is:

1. Independent Variable

The independent variable in this research was cooperative learning


a. Definition of operational : Cooperative learning model is a

learning model in which the learning system and work on small

groups of 4-6 people in a collaborative way that can stimulate

students more passionate in learning

b. Measurement scale : Nominal with two categories, namely:

1. Course Review Horay (CRH) type of Cooperative Learning


2. Numbered Head Together (NHT) type of Cooperative

Learning Model

2. Moderator Variable

The moderator variable in this research was student mathematics

motivation who are grouped into the motivation to learn high category

mathematics and motivation to learn low category mathematics

a. Definition of operational: Student learning motivation which is

intended in this research is scores obtained by students on student's

attention to learning, relevance of learning to the needs of students,

students' beliefs about their ability in doing learning tasks, and

student satisfaction on the value or learning achievement of the

learning process which has been implemented which is measured

using a motivational questionnaire to study mathematics.

b. Measurement scale: interval (by weighting)

3. Dependent Variable

The dependent variable in this research was student mathematics

learning achievement.

a. Learning achievement mathematics is the mastery of teaching

materials that students have after following the learning process

shown by the test scores from post-test results. In other words, the

result of mathematics learning is the score obtained by students in

answering post-test problem after going through math learning

using CRH type cooperative learning model in treatment group,

and NHT type cooperative learning model in comparison group.

b. Measurement scale: interval


E. Research Design

This research used factorial design 2 x 2. The factorial design

referred to in this research is as follows :

Table 3.1.

ANAVA Design 2 x 2 Factorial

Cooperative Learning Model

Course Review Numbered Head
Horay (CRH) Together (NHT)
(A1) (A2)
Student High (B1) A2 B1
Motivation of A 1 B1
Learning Low (B2)
(B) A 1 B2 A2 B2


a. A1 B1 : Student group of high motivation given treatment of


Review Horay learning model

b. A2 B1 : Student group of high motivation given treatment of

Numbered Head Together learning model

c. A1 B2 : Student group of low motivation given treatment of


Review Horay learning model

d. A2 B2 : Student group of low motivation given treatment of

Numbered Head Together learning model


F. Data Collection Technique

In this research the method used to collect data that was test and no

test. The test method (post test) was used to collect data on students

mathematics learning achievement. It’s agree with the opinion of Hudojo

(1990: 139) who said that "The method of evaluate mathematics learning

achievement usually use the test." Meanwhile non-test use to collect data

about student motivation of mathematics learning.

1. Test of Student Mathematics Learning Achievement

To obtain data about learning achievement, the instrument was a

test of learning achievement developed by the author. Before use to

get research data, the first instrument must tested to test the validity

and reliability of test items. The learning achievement test use in this

research is in the form of multiple choice. The test aims to measure

the level of mastery of students to the material obtained after

experience the learning process within a certain time.

2. Questionnaire About Student Motivation of Mathematics


To obtain the data of student motivation of mathematics learning,

the instrument that use was questionnaire student motivation of

mathematics learning. The procedure of preparing the questionnaire

motivation to learn mathematics students are:

a. Determine indicator

b. Determine the lattice questionnaire learning activity

c. Make a pronouncement item

Questionnaire was compiled based on motivation indicator

developed by the researcher into 20 point pronouncement. The

pronouncement in the questionnaire consist of the items of positive

pronouncement (Favorable) and negative (Infavorable).

Questionnaire that is used based on Likert scale, where the

pronouncement of opinion is presented to the respondent giving an

indication of the statement agree or disagree. Usually respondent

mark on a scale of 1 to 5, whether they very agree, agree, hesitate,

disagree, or very disagree with that statement (Sevilla, ConsueloG,

and all my friends, 1993: 25).

Before giving a questionnaire motivation to student then the

first this questionnaire tested to know the validity and reliability of

the item.

G. Implementation Procedures Research

The procedure of implementation of this research is divided into

three stages, namely:

1. The preparation stage, including :

a. Submission of thesis title

b. Adviser Application

c. Proposal Production

d. School-to-school survey, research permit applications, curriculum

and instructional tools

2. Research Phase, including:

a. Test the instrument

b. Analyze the instrument test result data

c. Revision of the instrument based on test results

d. Distributing of motivation questionnaire of mathematics learning

in both sample groups

e. Analyzing the questionnaire data of motivation that has been

disseminated, and for the purposes of sampling hence done rank

average score of data motivation learn mathematics student to

determine student motivation category by taking 50% top rank as

high learning category motivation and also taken 50% students

with low learning motivation

f. Presentation of the material, in the treatment I group was done with

Course Review Horay (CRH) learning model and treatment II

group conducted Numbered Head Together (NHT)

g. Giving of multiple-choice learning achievement in both class

h. Data collection

3. Arrangement Stages, including :

a. Analysis of research data

b. Preparation of research reports


H. Data Analysis Technique

The collected data is processed by using two kinds of statistical

analysis that is descriptive statistics analysis and inferential statistics

analysis. Descriptive statistics are use to describe the characteristics of

respondent scores for each variable while inferential statistics are use to

test the research hypothesis.

1. Descriptive Statistics

Descriptive statistics are statistics use to analyze data by way of

description or describing data that has been collected as is, without

intending to make general conclusions (Sugiyono, 2012: 169). The

results of the research will be analyzed descriptive is learning

implementation, student activities, learning motivation and student

learning achievement in mathematics learning with using CRH and

NHT type of cooperative learning model. This aspect is analyzed by

the following techniques:

a. Learning Implementation

Data analysis techniques on the implementation of learning using the

average analysis, in this case the level of teacher ability is calculated

by summing the value of each aspect and then dividing it with many

aspects assessed. The categorization of the ability of teachers in

managing learning are as follows:

Table 3.2 Learning Conversion Level of CRH and NHT Type of

Cooperative Learning Model

No. Respond Percentage Categories

1. 0% - 25% Not done

2. 26% - 50% Less done

3. 51% - 75% Simply done

4. 76% - 100% Well done

b. Student Activity

Data of Student activity is obtained based on average score of

observation aspect. The observation sheet of the student activity

consists of several aspects of observation based on the characteristics

of each learning model summarized at the end of each meeting. Based

on the observer observation, the students 'activity is divided into two

parts: students' activity in the class that is taught by CRH type of

cooperative learning model and student activity in the class which is

taught by NHT type of cooperative learning model. As for the

categorization in the activity of the students as follows:


Table 3.3 Category Aspects of Student Activity

No. Average Category

1. 80 % ≤ x ≤ 100 % Very Active

2. 60 % ≤ x <80 % Active

3. 40 % ≤ x <60 % Enough Active

4. 20 % ≤ x< 40 % Less Active

5 0 % ≤ x <20 % Not Active

c. Student Motivation

Data on student learning motivation is obtained from questionnaire

of learning motivation. Questionnaires are given to students who

follow the learning by using CRH type of cooperative learning model

and students who follow the learning by using NHT type of

cooperative learning model. The goal is to know how far the level of

student motivation to the implementation of the teachers in learning.

Learning motivation scale in this research is designed based on

Likert model scale which contains a number of statements that state

the object to be revealed. To measure the motivation of learning

provided five choices of answers are Very Frequent (SS) given a score

of 5, often (S) score 4, Rarely (J) score 3, Ever (P) score 2, and

Never (TP) score 1.

d. Mathematics Learning Achievement

In this research, descriptive statistical analysis is used to describe

the characteristics of students' mathematics learning achievement. This

analysis includes average value, standard deviation, maximum value,

minimum value and frequency distribution table.

The types of data in the form of learning results are further

categorized qualitatively based on categorization techniques according

to methods of grading in Summative Evaluation from Bloom, Madaus

& Hastings (Gerson, 2003) are:

Table 3.4 Categories Learning Achievement

Value of Learning
90 ≤ x Very High
75 ≤ x < 90 High
60 ≤ x < 75 Medium
40 ≤ x < 60 Low
x < 40 Very Low

For the purposes of the analysis, a Minimize Completed Criterion

(KKM) of the students is determined in the learning set by the school


in which the research is conducted. Criteria of a student said to be

complete learning if it has a value of at least 75.

2. Inferential statistics

Inferential statistics is statistical technique use to analyze sample

data and the results are applied to the population (Sugiyono, 2012:

170). This statistical technique is examine to the research hypothesis.

To examine the hypothesis, beforehand should be tested prerequisite

analysis that is homogeneity test.

Homogeneity test was performed by using Levene's test which

aims to investigate the variance of both samples the same or not. In

this study used 5% significance level or 0.05. As for the criterion

based testing (probability / significance) is the data is normally

distributed if

p>α = 0.05.

Hypothesis testing in this research using Analysis of variance

(ANAVA) two way or Anova Kontras test. In addition to using

statistical software assistance Pacakge For Social Science (SPSS)

version 20.0.

According to Agung (2006), the general equation of ANAVA

model with factorial x factorial design can be presented as follows:

Y ijk =μ+ A i + B j +¿ with i = 1, 2 and j = 1, 2


Y : The result value of the k-mathematical learning in cells


From variable

µ : Parameter average of population or general mean

(grand mean)

Ai : Parameter of influence of i-th teaching method

Bj : Parameter of influence of i-th teaching method

(AB)ij : Parameter of interaction of method of teaching i-th, and

and j-motivation

ɛijk : random error rate

I. Statistical Hypothesis

With design of research as follows:

Table 3.5 Design of Research Data

Cooperative Learning Model

Course Review Numbered Head
Horay (CRH) Together (NHT)
(A1) (A2)
Student High (B1) μ11 μ12
Motivation of
Learning Low (B2) μ21 μ22

So for the purposes of examine statistics , can be formulated

research hypothesis as follows:


a) Hypothesis 1

H0: μAxB = 0 versus H1: μAxB ≠ 0


μAxB: The average parameter the result of interaction between student

mathematics learning with motivation.

b) Hypothesis 2

H0: μ11 = μ21 versus H1: μ11 ≠ μ21


μ11 : The average parameter of student learning achievement with

high motivation category that teach with Course Review Horay

(CRH) type of cooperative learning model

μ21 : The average parameter of student learning achievement with

high motivation category that teach Numbered Head Together

type of cooperative learning model

c) Hypothesis 3

H0: μ12 = μ22 versus H1: μ21 ≠ μ22


μ12 : The average parameter of student learning achievement with

low motivation category that teach with Course Review Horay

(CRH) type of cooperative learning model

μ22 : The average parameter of student learning achievement with low

motivation category that teach Numbered Head Together type of

cooperative learning model.

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