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What is the relationship between the amount spent per week on recreation and the size of the family?

Do larger families sp

Family Size (x) Amount Spent (y) Regression Analysis

3 99
3 111 r²
6 104 r
4 74 Std. Error
5 151
4 91 ANOVA table
6 129 Source SS
5 119 Regression 1,843.6034
6 142 Residual 3,467.2966
3 91 Total 5,310.9000

(a) Correlation coefficient is R = 0.589

Regression output
(b) Coefficient of determination is R^2 = 0.347 variables coefficients
Intercept 60.3586
(c) Since the p- value for Family Size (x) is 0.0731 Family Size (x) 11.2759
and this is greater than α (0.05), there is no sufficient
evidence of a positive association between the
amount spent on recreation and family size.

Observation Amount Spent (y)

1 99.0
2 111.0
3 104.0
4 74.0
5 151.0
6 91.0
7 129.0
8 119.0
9 142.0
10 91.0
he family? Do larger families spend more on recreation? A sample of 10 families in the Chicago area revealed the following figures for fa

0.347 n 10
0.589 k 1
20.819 Dep. Var. Amount Spent (y)

df MS F p-value
1 1,843.6034 4.25 .0731
8 433.4121

confidence interval
std. error t (df=8) p-value 95% lower 95% upper std. coeff.
25.4681 2.370 .0452 1.6291 119.0881 0.000
5.4672 2.062 .0731 -1.3316 23.8833 0.589

Predicted Residual
94.2 4.8
94.2 16.8
128.0 -24.0
105.5 -31.5
116.7 34.3
105.5 -14.5
128.0 1.0
116.7 2.3
128.0 14.0
94.2 -3.2
he following figures for family size and the amount spent on recreation per week. Family Amount Spent Family Amount Spent Size on R
y Amount Spent Size on Recreation Size on Recreation 3 $ 99 3 $111 6 104 4 74 5 151 4 91 6 129 5 119 6 142 3 91 a. Compute the co
42 3 91 a. Compute the coefficient of correlation. b. Determine the coefficient of determination. c. Can we conclude that there is a posit
nclude that there is a positive association between the amount spent on recreation and family size? Use the .05 significance level.
05 significance level.
Regression Analysis

r² 0.347 n 10
r 0.589 k 1
Std. Error 20.819 Dep. Var. Amount Spent (y)

ANOVA table
Source SS df MS F p-value
Regression 1,843.6034 1 1,843.6034 4.25 .0731
Residual 3,467.2966 8 433.4121
Total 5,310.9000 9

Regression output confidence interval

variables coefficients std. error t (df=8) p-value 95% lower 95% upper std. coeff.
Intercept 60.3586 25.4681 2.370 .0452 1.6291 119.0881 0.000
Family Size (x) 11.2759 5.4672 2.062 .0731 -1.3316 23.8833 0.589

Observation Amount Spent (y) Predicted Residual

1 99.0 94.2 4.8
2 111.0 94.2 16.8
3 104.0 128.0 -24.0
4 74.0 105.5 -31.5
5 151.0 116.7 34.3
6 91.0 105.5 -14.5
7 129.0 128.0 1.0
8 119.0 116.7 2.3
9 142.0 128.0 14.0
10 91.0 94.2 -3.2

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