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ENGLISH (Compulsory) 2nd Quarter Test INTER PART-II

Time Allowed: 15 minutes (Objective Type) Max. Marks: 11
Note: Four possible answers A, B, C, and D to each question are given. The choice which you think is correct;
fill its circle in front of that question with marker or pen ink. Cutting or filling two or more circles will
result in zero mark in that question.
Q.1(a) Choose the correct option of the following underlined words from Book II
(Modern Prose and Heroes) Part-I: (02)
(i) In my agony of decision, I left the Embankment.
(A) state (B) moment (C) gathering (D) anguish
(ii) The oppressive weight of the knowledge of a full day’s school ahead pressed heavily upon me.
(A) painful (B) great (C) light (D) luxurious
Choose the correct option of the following underlined words from Book II
(Modern Prose and Heroes) Part-II: (02)
(iii) Lister sterilized his instruments with carbolic acid.
(A) pressurized (B) disinfected (C) bought (D) washed
(iv) Injecting carbolic acid was quickly abandoned because it did more harm than good.
(A) emptied (B) wasted (C) adopted (D) forsaken
(b) Choose the correct option of the following underlined words from the novel
“Good-Bye, Mr. Chips”: (02)
(v) I would let them off if I were you.
(A) expel (B) sent (C) pardon (D) beat
(vi) He had already begun to sink into that creeping dry rot of pedagogy.
(A) study of art (B) study of teaching methods
(C) study of sports ((D) study of agriculture
(c) Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions. (02)
(vii) He is addicted __________ smoking.
(A) to (B) by (C) off (D) for
(viii) You are ________ liberty to choose your profession.
(A) onto (B) at (C) into (D) between
(d) Four options A, B, C, and D are given at the end of every sentence. Only one of them is
correct. Choose the correct option: (03)
(ix) You, he and I stole the book.
(A) You, he and I stole the book.
(B) You, I and he stole the book.
(C) I, you and he stole the book.
(D) I, he and you stole the book.
(x) One of these boys were present in the class.
(A) One of these boys were present in the class.
(B) One of these boys was present in the class.
(C) One of these boy was present in the class.
(D) One of these boy were present in the class.
(xi) He came latter than I.
(A) He came latter than I.
(B) He came later than I.
(C) He came latter than mine.
(D) He came later than me.
ENGLISH (Compulsory) 2nd Quarter Test INTER PART-II
Time Allowed: 1:15 hours (Subjective Type) Max. Marks: 39


Q.2 Write short answers (in 3-5 lines) to any THREE questions from Book-II
(Modern Prose and Heroes, Part-I): (06)
(i) How do mistaken ambitions on the part of boys and their parents lead to the failure of the boys?
(ii) How can college authorities solve the problem of financial difficulty?
(iii) What did he do with his pocket money? (End of Term)
(iv) Why was Monday the worst day for the writer? ( End of Term)
(v) Why could not the author burn the unwanted books?
(vi) Why was the writer frightened when the policeman looked at him?
Q.3 Write short answers (in 3-5 lines) to any THREE questions from Book-II
(Modern Prose and Heroes, Part-II): (06)
(i) What are antiseptics and what is the antiseptic method?
(ii) Describe how Fleming discovered penicillin.
(iii) Why couldn’t penicillin have been discovered in the research laboratories of America?
(iv) Fleming’s achievement paved the way for other discoveries in the medical field. What are they?
(v) Who was Metchnikoff? What did he discover?
Q.4 Write short answers (in 3-5 lines) to any FOUR questions from the novel
“Good-Bye, Mr. Chips”: (08)
(i) How did Chips depreciate himself?
(ii) What did Katherine say to Chips on the night before their wedding?
(iii) How did Chips deal with the Lex Canuleia?
(iv) What was general opinion of everyone at school about the boys of East End?
(v) What memories of Katherine haunted Chips?
(vi) What was the April foolery Chips faced?


Q.5 Write an essay (300-400 words) on any ONE of the following topics: (15)
(i) My First Day at College (ii) Village Life (iii) Patriotism
(iv) Place of Women in our Society

Q.6 Use any TWO of the following idioms in sentences of your own: (04)
(i) Dutch courage (ii) To flog a dead horse (iii) Get through

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