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A mother weeps on earth and a little angel laughs in the sky

Once upon a time there was a girl named Abigail, she lived in the countryside, she was a very
happy girl, full of energy, very friendly, this girl at the end of her primary studies, her parents
decided to send her to study in a school in the city, when she received the news she was too
excited to know that she could continue doing what she liked best, studying.

One day before the start of classes Abigail's parents were preparing to travel to the city where she
was going to study Abigail to facilitate her studies. When they were about to leave the house,
Abigail's grandparents approached her and gave her a big hug and some beautiful words, "take
care, never give up, and above all take care of yourself", at that time Abigail collapsed in tears was
a moment of great sadness for everyone, especially for her parents because they realized that her
daughter, her only daughter was already becoming a real lady of whom they were very proud.

They arrived to the city, Abigail felt very excited, she wanted her first day of classes to be
unforgettable and full of happiness.

The next day Abigail asked her father, whom she loved very much and considered him as her hero,
to leave her at school because it was her first day and she still did not know the city well.

His father agreed to leave her at school, while they were leaving the house he hugged Abigail and
said: "my daughter today is a great day for you, I feel very proud and I ask you never to give up,
never stop fighting for what you want to fulfill it, you are a fighting girl and I want you to always
remain so, I love you my child.

They arrived at school and Abigail was still very excited, sap that new things were going to happen
there, new friendships, finally a new stage in her life had begun. When Abigail was about to go to
class the Pope told Abigail "never forget to smile" and she said goodbye.

That day was very special and unforgettable for her, each day she spent was learning more,
learning new things, and 3 years passed full of happiness for her, characterized by being a good
student, do not be distracted by anything, for her study was paramount.

When she was going to enter the fourth year in the school she had to decide which specialty she
wanted and liked to follow, she decided for the branch of electrical installations in houses and
buildings. When she started classes in her new course or parallel she met new companions, new
friendships and at the same time new challenges and goals to fulfill. Abigail loved to dance folk
music so she decided to join the school's dance group.

One day when they were practicing a choreography, she met a very nice boy who was her partner,
they started to talk, Abigail felt something for him, she loved his smile, they also talked on social
networks and for the same she managed to fall in love with him. The boy was called David at first
was a very tender boy, affectionate, detailed all that I fall in love even more with Abigail. One
afternoon after the review while chatting David told Abigail that if he wanted to be her lover ...,
she already very much in love accepted.

Days went by, months they met every afternoon after school, they went for a walk, they were very
happy, but Abigail's parents didn't accept that relationship since they met David they knew he
wasn't the ideal boy for her, but Abigail, so naive at 16, didn't want to be separated from him she
was so in love that she didn't care about anything, they looked at each other in secret, which was a
risk for Abigail because if her parents discovered her they would take away the support they had
given her.

One day there was a party near Abigail's house and her parents were not in the house so they
decided to go to the party the two of them enjoyed it and it was very late so David told Abigail that
he was going to leave him in the house because it was very dangerous for a girl to walk alone
down the street at that time of night and it was also very important for her and she did not want
anything bad to happen Abigail accepted if at 23:30 they left the party.

They arrived at the house and Abigail invited him to sleep there because his house was too far
away and he didn't want anything bad to happen to him, he started kissing him and kissing him,
the unexpected happened, they had unprotected sex. Days passed, even weeks and David was
very indifferent to her, he did not care about the health problem she had, was dizzy, felt nauseous.
It was very rare and they decided to do a pregnancy test, which gave a "positive" result. They
didn't know what to do they were very confused, and David told her that he didn't want to have it,
he was going to support her as long as she decided to abort, that word destroyed Abigail she
wanted it and in tears she told him: you know something I thought you really loved me and that's
why I gave myself to you so that now you come out with this I don't force you to do anything so go
home and don't worry about anything I will see what to do, and he left.

Abigail came home not sap what to do to whom to go, so out of desperation I warn his mother,
when he found out the mother cried heartbroken was as if he had been stabbed in the back, she
was very disappointed and told him as you are good for that now you will see how you solve him
they took away all support even his father who felt like dying.

She had to look for work in the field doing forced labor, one day while working she felt a
tremendous pain in the stomach, she had fainted and the bosses took her to the hospital, there
they gave her the tremendous news that she had lost the baby for not having taken care of her
She felt die inside, felt that her heart died and did not understand if she wanted to have him
because she had to go through that.

Since that day Abigail has not stopped crying and blaming herself for the death of her little angel
that although it was not intentional, happened and the frame for all her life.

bY Gustavo ROBLES

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