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This people who have the most successful in Indian history despite of having so many different

difficulties in life and hundred hundred of other inspirational thinker From Surdas Gandhiji Ratan
Tata Dhirubhai Ambani Rajinikanth and Amitabh Bachchan
They all had essentially the same message
” you are what you think” 
 and if we truly are what we think then attitude is everything

This is stuart smaulli get comedian from Saturday night live And it is one of the famous line is I
am good enough and gordh darne iit, people like me
But how often we look at ourselves in mirror and voice our daily defamation oh my God I am
getting So fat and started to look like father i am such failure and i am such an iidiot we say
these things to ourself and the thing is 

It is congitive and affective evaluation that may disposes persons behaviour

Congitive is related with logical or mind, and affective related with heart ie the way i think and
wat i feel affects our behaviour the way we do
Suppose i think it is difficult and feel it is difficult i say i cant do it what i do i sit
And if i think even it is difficult i can i feel yes can i am confident enough then i going to do it
And that is positive attitude

All we heard the story of two seeds

Two seeds lay side by side in fertile spring soil, the first seed say I want to grow I want to send
my little roots deep into the soil and spread them I want to thrust my sprout by cutting the earth
layer and want to take the blessing of morning dew on my petal and warmth of sun on my
leaves and seed grew
Second seed say I am afraid if I grow my root into the ground below, I don’t know what will
encounter into the dark, if I push my way through the hard soil above that will damage my
delicated sprout, if I spread my blossom children may take it with them I am going to wait till it is
nothing wrong
And one day yard hencatching early spring ground for food found the waiting seed and promptl
ate it
Here the moral of story is those who have positive approach to achieve their goal & dream will
grow and prosper. The those who refused to risk and remain in negativity swallowed by life.

Positive attitude is to find out out something positive out of everything there is always scope to
see positive in any situatio there is nothing which is 100% negative its our skill to find out

Choice of attitude decide outcome of the life

E+R = O
Events+response = outcomes
Every success every failure every joy can be explained by this
One of the most standard response when we dont like outcome what we do we blame the event
for outcome for example athlete might not like the official and the calls they made and athlete
might say you khow why we lost the game because the official 
Lets say  you don’t like your job and your boss give you feedback you knoe what i am so
unmotivated because my boss always nagging bullying me 
So these are our standard response but mentally strong people do is they step it up and they
own their response they realize they don’t like their outcome they change their respone.
And three things that we can control are our thoughts our emotion and our actions and what
mentally strong people do they are creative with that they dont like their outcome they chage
their thoughts,their actions or their emotions. They change their negative thoughts to positive
thought they change their outcomes 
 When you own your response when you own it you step it up as job official or athlete or as
1. Change your focus look for positive
Everyone has goal the question we have to ask ask everytime to ourself is how i achieve my
goal. If i have a problem how can i overcome that problem, if i have a obstacle how can i
overcome that obstacle.thinking about our goal and thinking about action we can take every
single minute to get our goal faster we feel happier and in greater control of our life
And become a digger for gold. If you are looking for what is wrong with people or with
things, you will find many. There is something positive in every person and every situation.
Remember when you go looking for gold you have to move tond of dirt to get to an ounce of
gold. But when you go looking, you don’t go looking for the dirt you go looking for gold that turns
you to be positive thinker

2. Be Optimistic
 E Due to certain sort of problems, it is quite sure that it is quite sure that whenever we
start some good with sincere motivation obstacles bound to happen then there is the
danger of loosing hope & becoming pessimistic. So there is real failure if we loss our
hope & conviction and remain i can’t do ican’t do this is real sort of failure. So no matter
how difficulties, we should have more optimistic attitude
Optimistics seem to have different ways of dealing with thingswhich set them
apart from average person.
1. They keep their mind on what they want
2. They keep looking for ways to get it
3. They are clear about their goals
4. And they are confident that they accomplish them
5. Seek the valuable lesson from every feedbackor reversal rather than
getting upset and blaiming someone else for what is happen they take
control by their emotion by saying what can i learned from this situation.

3. Accept responsibility
 Almost all negative emotion depend upon blaming someone or something else for
negative situation that happens in your life. The problem here then is people hold on to
those emotion. If even they cant not change the outcome what has happened they are
still angry about it they hold on to angry emotion, the key to eliminate negative emotion
is take responsiblity for yourself your reaction and your response
Stop always blaming others 
 I dint get a nice job, ididnt get a nice car i didnt get girlfriend what change i change and i
stopped being a victim i stop saying i hve gotta wait for good things gonna happens to
me & i have said i am gonna grind i am gonna to fight, i am going to to work, i am gonna
to press forward i am going to learn i am going to do everything in my power every single
day to become a vector & not a victim.
So start accepting full responsibility for your actions and behaviour it is very
important you should be in control of your life and not life having a control over you.


Feeling and expressing gratitude of saying thank you to people and thank you to life in
general for all things in your life that you should be gratefull for what you have create
wonderfull effect on your personlity
There are many people in the world that seemingly have it all. They have the
money,success,the looks, the friends, the family, the body yet they are still unhappy
because they are unappreciative of all that they have. At the same time these people
that live in village or on street that are homeless,they are poor they are disable,they are
seek, they don’t have all the giftsthat many other people have in world & yet they are
appreciate and they are grateful for what they have and so therefore they are happy in
their rich and they are wealthy
You know so it doesn’t matter what you have outside world what matters is inside . what
you focus on what you think about what you appreciate when you are grateful for your
lifethats what going to determine quality of your life

Attitude of gratitude makes you a warmer  friendlier and more genial person an attitude
of grattitude cause you to be more sensitive and aware of people around you and your
environment an attitude of gratitude gives you great sense of happiness and inner

Life is only 10% of what happens to you & 90% of what you actually make out of it
Attitude make a foundation of every person Change happens personaaly inside out
Express the better and more positive is your personality higher will be your self  esteem
and more popular and light you will be by all the people around you 


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