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Six Squares – Field/Territory/Invasion game

Principle of play:
With Possession (offence) Without Possession
Move to create, deliver or receive the object Track and pressure the object and receiver
Advance to score Use player to player, zone to zone or mix

Understanding functionality on game play and then build on elements of play ie. decision

Set up:
Play field is a grid of 6 squares, 20 x 20m. This can begin to vary once players begin to
understand the functionality of the game.

Primary rules:

• Teams of 3 / 4/ 5 per side

• Only one player from each team in a square at a time
• Disposal by hand or foot.
• Can swap squares in any direction (diagonally, across or up and down)
• Ball returned to play when out, via a pass for the team that did not put it out
• After score, object played in as per a ‘behind’ score zone
• Cannot deliver over a line of squares (horizontal or vertical)
• Must stay with player

This is a simple method of achieving a goal. The goal will depend of what you want the team
to achieve. i.e. scoring by catching a delivery of an object in an end zone or having to targets
either side of the goal at opposing ends to score in either.

Once players begin to become familiar with the game, changes to primary rules can be made
to achieve an intended purpose of the activity. To progress a game, change a primary rule to
focus on an action rule! This shouldn’t be selected at random. For example, when wanting to
teach students zone marking, changes to the primary rules can include allocating students’
areas ie. defender in the deep zones and allowing to only travel in that zone.

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