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Yeoh Lim Fang S-PM 0023/19

Tutorial Chi Square

Question 1

Null hypothesis - New admission to mental health unit and phase of the moon are independent
in the population sampled

Altenative hypothesis - New admission to mental health unit and phase of the moon are related
in the population sampled
Test Statistics
lunar lunar
Chi-Square 12.800a
Observed N N Residual df 3
full moon 18 10.0 8.0 Asymp. .005
new moon 2 10.0 -8.0
first quarter 10 10.0 .0
a. 0 cells (0.0%) have
third 10 10.0 .0
expected frequencies
less than 5. The
Total 40
minimum expected
cell frequency is 10.0.


The results present the observed and expected frequencies for mental health unit and phase of the
moon. With alpha equal to 0.05, a chi square test on these frequencies was statistically not
significant, X² (3, N=40) = 12.80 , p = .005. Reject the null hypotheses because (p<0.05). Thus,
new admission to mental health unit and phase of the moon are related in the population
Question 2

Null hypothesis : Children gender and types of toys are independent in the population

Alternative hypothesis : Children gender and types of toys are related in the population sampled

Observed N N Residual Test Statistics
boy 25 25.0 .0 Pemilihan
girl 25 25.0 .0 jenis alat
Total 50 Jantina permainan
Chi-Square .000 .720a
df 1 1
Pemilihan jenis alat permainan Asymp. 1.000 .396
Expected Sig.
Observed N N Residual a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected
mechanical 22 25.0 -3.0 frequencies less than 5. The
non mechanical 28 25.0 3.0 minimum expected cell frequency is
Total 50 25.0.


The results present the observed and expected frequencies for Children gender and types of toys.
With alpha equal to 0.05, a chi square test on these frequencies was statistically not significant,
X² (1, N=50) = .720 , p = .396. Fail to reject the null hypotheses because (p >0.05). Thus,
children gender and types of toys are related in the population sampled

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