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« tn»«*tlne. If
you l o ~ . Th*n th*
*dr«rUse* tor yon.

May 10, 1887. TEN PAGES.

Much colder and generally fair to-
nisht and Tuesday; cold w*?«; high
northwest wind*.
34: Mln. 1».

Two Oenti a Copy, S5 a Year.


Number of Society Hear Locates Relatives of Man Who
Hn. Florence Kelly, Consum- His Stirring Talks at Wat- It Crashes Life Blood Out of Died in Spokane, Washing- Letter Carriers Association at
er*.' League Secretary, De- . Men and Women Declares Banquet Have Chief as Crescent Avenne Men's Olnb Opposed to Granting More Per-
chnng Ave. Edifice, ton, Hospital.
livers Interesting Talk. Rev. Mr. Broek. Guest of Honor. mits and Starts Movement for Sounding Public Senti-
Members of the Plainfleld meeting A week ago. Mra. Julia Belue, of :
of the Religious Society of Friends Somerville. mother of Roy Belue, for- ment t _i ,
COLBY iTCHAIRMAN and others had the privilege yester-
day morning and afternoon of bear- CHURCH GIVES BATTLE merly of this city, who went to Spo-
kane, Wash., three years ago. remark- BAUERSACHTPRESIDES
ing Edward Fen nock, of Chatham.
Former Senator Introduces Speaker Pa., a member of the London Grove Trinity Reformed t'hunii Past or A<- pock, an employe of the Children's Head of Local Department Gets
Uho Tell* Ahout Worki/ig Condi- Meeting. He is a prominent minister wrti* "You Can't Make Vice Ke- Home Association here, "I wonder
ed to her daughter, Mrs. Ella Hop-
Great Applause and If> Deeply Af-
Unni. <>f Women Who Toil Mr*. of the sect and his presence here serv-
HrdP awl Mrs. Me»d Entertain. ed to at^-act quite a
ple to the meeting-house on Watch-
number of peo-
»I>ectal»le"—Hope Lie* In the Ivilu- why Roy does not write to ua. I won-
cntlon of the Young. der if anythiug has
be may be dead lcr all we know."
happened to him;
fected—Others Give Brief Talk*—
Jaine* Bailey Committee Head. THE CHURCH FIELD Van Herwerdea and Martin Censored
>|r». Kranclw Del^acey Hyde and ung avenue, where he spoke at both "The Saloon." was the Fubject of I Neither mother nor sister of the The efficiency of the Plainfleld —Calkins, Claybrook and Uylan
Mrt. Frderif'k (loodhue Mead acted .services. a discourse by Rev. J. V. Broek at v o u t Q n a d beard from him since Postofflce employes wag commended Rev. Dr. H. K. Carroll Prepar- Present At Remarkable Meeting,
M hoste«<e« to a large number of j At the 11 o'clock service in the Trinity Reformed church, yesterday i | a 8 t August. Yesterday the local po- and Postmaster Eli&s S. Bird, who has and Calkins Make* Great Speech.
ta etr friend* at Mrs. M -ad's home on |morning. Mr. Pennock preached a I morning, In which he reviewed s o m e j ]lce rece i v e d a telegram from the au- held that position for sixteen years, ing to Open Fedenu Coun-
Ewt Front street on Saturday night, forceful sermon, in wtiich h<> tooklof the more recent efforts made to j thoritles of that city, saying that a was spoke of in words of praise b> As was exclusively predicted in the
wken Mrs. Florence Kelly, the na- for his subject, "The Spirit." as it j minimize the influence of th- liquor JROy Belue had died in the Sacred the speakers at the annual banquet cil Office. I Dally Press of Saturday, the license
ilonal secretary
s of the Consumers relates to the five senses, showing | traffic. Among other things. Mr. j Heart Hospital and requesting that of the Plainfleld branch, No. 3*6, | question has again become a very live
. talked on "Women In Indus-j how a ll of them are affected by the! Broek said: [[the yyouth's relatives be notified. The National Association of Letter Car-! Interest is being directed to the < issue tn PlalnOeld, and there gives'
The gathering was attended by [Spirit. i "The great movement cf t e m p e r -j j e f f o r t s o f the police to locate either riefs. held Saturday night in Jr. O. work of the new office at Washington I promise of being as much publicity
number of out-of-town people, j, James Stringham. „ of. . Brooklyn,
. . . . I ance is spreading . over th? land and t n_e boy's __. _ mother or ,. listed ._ proved
. IT. A. M. Hall. The excellent menujopened this month by the Federal, given to It as was the caw last year,
prominent in civic and suffrage move-j was also present and both he and Mr. j th* world. The whole world Is fight-1| futile, but a Daily Press reporter sue-1 was prepared under the direction of Council of the Churches oi Christ in! when a great meeting of protekt by
ments. Former Senator E v r e t t Col-j Pennock offered prayer during the J ing the wris«y and beer business .j c e eded at 3 o'clock this afternoon in John McCormack, night collector of America. Rev. Dr. Henry K. Carroll; the men of the city was held in th*
by, of Orange, introduced the speak- service. Between the morning and ! The saloonkeeper recognizes that h e l f l D ( j l n K them. ! malls, who was chairman of the ar- of ah is city, who is the chosen sec-;High School auditorium, before th*
lafternoon service, the latter was en-> must keep within the HmilB of thel FriendB of Roy Belu? said lie was rangement committee. W. A. I retary of the Washington bureau, i members of tbe Council.
Kelly proved & be a highly Pertained at "Tin; Margaret," thejlaw, as this is his only salvation. I f l a plumber, and lived with bis sister Bauersachs. forwarding clerk. was 1 ha* had a varied experience (a Members of the- executive commit-
BtertainlnK speak r and kept the;Frlends' Home, at Arlington avenue)) we take the limits of the law a w a yjj l n j j e w street. He was an active i toastmaster. J church department work. He has tee of the Federation of Men s Club*
close attention of her audience for j and Arlington place. (from him, he has nothing on which! m e m ber of Hope Chapel and took a! Words of regret at being unauie to corresponding secretary of the J and Bible Classes held an enthusiastic
over an hour during her addressj Mr. Pennock devoted hl« talk in to stand. I prominent part in atbl?tiea as a mem-1^.^pj t n e invitation to be present missionary society of the Methodist session >esterday otternoon ai .the
u d nearly as long when she answ?r-j the afternoon at 2 o'clock to a de-! "The Wom?n's Christian Temper- i ber of the Boys' Club of that church, jw e r e received from United States Episcopal Church; secretary of the Young Men's Christian Association,
«d * large number of questions in a scrlption of a trip takon last summer j anre Union deserves more credit tbanlxhree years ago, he left Plainfleld 1 3 e n a l James E. Martine, Congress- Western section of the \i orld Mis- and decided to bold a meeting on the
ptefellarly dry and amunl.ig manner.,by himself, wife an.l two daughters to'they have received in awakening peo- for a city in tbe upper part of New men Tuttle and Hammlll, Postoffice sionary Conference at Edinburgh; wholesale license question at the Y.
At Ihe outset of her talk she told of|the Woodbrook Settlement in Eng- pie to tb? evils of intemperance. York State. He later w?nt out to Inspector Gallagher, of Jersey City; j chief seer.:ary of the last Kcumental M. C. A. Hall on Friday evening, Jan-
th« ctmln und-r which HO many ofjiand. They spent two months at the I They are pioneers in this vork. They Spokane, Wash., and corresponded jA~ __ president of the Civil Conference and is now sec- uary 23, to which they will extend a
tie young women with whom she j settlement and the speaker s re-1 have been at It for forty years. Other quite frequently with his mother gervfee" "Retirement"" A s s o c i a t i o n ' ! r e u r * o f t h e Western section of the public invitation to all who may
in contact on the Hast Side of marks covered somewhat In detail organizations have taken the glory and sister, until last sui-amer, W B « n l j l | a y o r p e r c y H Stewart and Mayor Ecumenical Methodist Commission, either favor or oppose more _
Sew York urn worMOK, some to Hiil>-|the dally routine there. This eettle- for the work th -y have accomplished. letters cam • from him less frequent. J n O D e r t Clark Jr of the borough Dr. Carroll was special go\ -rnment to come and be beard. At the meet-
pcrt large familifs; others to raise'ment, although attended by friends. Many other societies have sprung At noon today the polta? gave ont i congressman' H.mmiii i. i h . i.h« m l » « e n t f o r the census of religious bod- Ing were many active and Influential
laon y to bring relatives from abroad ,|g non-sectarian, and people go there from this organization. What a won- the information about tbe telegram.' of the retirement bill for post- lea in 1890 and was sent by Presi-Jmen of the city. Yesterday morning;
u d itill others to "keep the wolf I from all part* of the world to get tho derful meeting was the recent in- i Through •* information
— — received from — employes. ' dent McKlnley as commissioner to.the Men's Club of the Crescent Ave-
from the door." She explained the!benefit of the lectures by prominent ternatlonal convention held in | Walter First brook, a meniber of j Toastmaster Ba lersachs was t n c j Porto Rico'to Investigate conditions' nue Presbyterian church held one of
tfrt^ment between a largo number,men and to <-nJoy the recreation fea- Brooklyn, wher? I formulate a system of civil!the largest business meetings ever
st foreign nations, by which theltures. tries were represented to fight a! ?5 lived in
i first speaker. He cpoke on the
* n * *»•"••' fulness of the postofflce employes and government. He was also for years held by that organization, and not
working conditions for women had Mr. Pennock was entertained dur- common foe. It only goes to show Hoppock was found and notified at! the growth of the department in this a member of tbe editorial staff of only went on record as .1 to
been greatly Improved in tueir coun- ing a part of his stay in Plainfleld by that Europe, too, is alcohol sick. 'he borough institution. She became city. When he called upon Postmas- tbe New York Independent. At more wholesale licenses, but "on-
tries, and toJd of how comp&rativ >ly Mr. and Mrs. Clarence B. Vail, of "The church is taking up tbe hysterical when n«wi was told ter Bird for an address, the latter Washington be is to represent the demned the two councllmen who re-
f»w Slates In the I'ntU'd StHtea have!Norwood avenue, and he also had an fight In earnest. Several denomina- but later communicated with the was prevented from speaking.for sev- inter .sts of tbe Federal Council, suchjeently voted In favor of more retail
done as much as these foreign na-1 opportunity of meeting a majority of tions have appointed t'-raperance police and will make preparations to eral minutes as the diners apnlauded as the increase in army and navy | licenses, and commended the nine
tioDH for their working wot.en the members of the Plalnfiold meet- secretaries, just as the various take charge of the body. He was deeply touch 3d r>7 tbe recep- chaplains, matters concerning Indian!who voted against them,
The way in which women have \ ing. "boards appoint missionary secreta- tion. After thanking those present missions and other objects. It Is I The meeting ye*t)-rday afir.noon
b*n gradually drawn in'.o industry! Arrangements are now being made j ries. This method of th- church in for the tribute they paid to him, be said that he is to secure by act of I was hastily organized during t i e day.
tirough the introducfioa of sewing for the "Fellowship" meeting of both ! action against the saloon has been
marblnes, telephones an'l similar;branches of the Society of Friends, to adopted by the Federal Council. REV. EDWARD KELDER said in part:
"After sixteen years In the depart-
Congress the incorporation of thel with President Walter H. P. Veysey
Fed ral Council. Through tbe Wasb- in the chair. Councllmen Calkins,
modern Inventions was described, un- be held at the local meeting-house on "These secretaries go to the Leg- ington office Protestant churches will Claybrook and Hy'an, the latter two
til, the eptiaker d'-clared, there are at I Sunday, February ,i. There will be islatures In the various States and
th* present Urn* 8,000,000 working services both morning and afternoon, say with authority that they repre-
DECLINES THE CALL ment, giving you every chance to
know me as you do, I am somewhat be invited to take part in the celebra- members of the Federation exe< utlve
woman in this country. and a number of visitors from New sent so many Christian people, and surprised that you should call on me tlon of the centenary of the Ghent I committee and the Council Uoetwe
Rev. Edward Holder, of Coytes- for an address when you hare others tr:aty of peace at the close of this committee, were present, and they
Washington, Arizona and Califor- York arc- expected. ban declined year and in February, 1915. left no doubt as to where they stand
nia, in all of which women vote, the able legislation. I the call to the pastorate of the Neth- here, who can be called real speak- on the license question. Mr. Veysey
•peak r declared are the oply States "Tbe hope of this cause lies in the er wood Reformed church, to succeed ers. I have never made a speech In
called, upon Samuel T. Carter. Jr.,
education of the young p«jople. Much Rev. Royal A. Stout, nov of Phila- my life and now I feel rather old to
in which an eight hour dny is pro-
vided for the women, but lu Oregon
they art limited to fifty hours in a
IT WAS HONOR DAY emphasis is given to temperance edu- delphia, and tbe church is now try- even try. However, as this may be.
cation In the Bible schools. In coun- ing to find a successor to Mr. Stout. the last time 1 will have the privilege
of meeting with you as
your postfias-
who read the resolution adorned by
the Crescent Avenu? club, yesterday
morning, and then Mr. Calkins waa
week, and not longer than eight
hours and twenty minutes in on? day,
»nd are not permitted to work In
AT SUNDAY SCHOOL ty, 8tate and national conventions, Mr. Kelder, alter preacaiug at the
temperance Instruction is one of tbe church several times, was extended
points of excellence. The signing of a call , but after due deliberation,
I should
all for
called upon.
The councilman said that the re-1
tall question had been settle! once
any store or similar business after tne pledge by so many young people d.clined to accept. Rev. C. W. F. At- the loyal support given me during my and for all, but thai in his mind, und
•ix o'clock at night. In Oregon there Some Pupils at Congregational is another hopeful sign. Some of tlee, of this city, is temporarily fill- term of office. The success of an of- j
flee depends considerably on the em- Colored Thief Pursued by in that of some at the other members
IK also a minimum wage for women the strongest speakers I e v r heard of the Council there seemed to bt
Af 19.25 per wo>k, or $4i> per month. Bible School Receive Their were made by young people on the ing the pulpit. ployes, for no one man can make a
success of anv business without work- Angry Mob of West End some question as to whether or no:
( • . o f which was brought about after temperance question. there should be at least one more
W» women were given the power to Awards. MONROE AVENLE REVIVAL. in? in harmonv with those around Residents. wholesale license. He said that per-
Vote. (Continued on Page Five.) The services held last night at the haps the argument was not sound,
Monroe Avenue M. E. church. In con- (Continued on Pnee Five )
The speaker contrasted conditions Honor Day exercises were held in After he had examined the con- bat that he had heard a number of
la Btatec vhere the worn on have not tbe Congregational
the right to vote, and said' that in the jesterday, following the nioming ser-
Sflnday-scaooi MRS. RAPAUE ENGAGES nection with the revival which has
been in progress for the past week, MRS. LESTER TO SPEAK tents of three ben coops in the West pe->ple say that In their opinion t'lere
was largely attended and full of in- End, selected nine choice specimens 1B too much monopoly in the
suffrage States they are counted vices and records established by the
more as human beings wh:n indus- vurious branches of school work dur- IN SETTLEMENT WORK terest. Thus far there
about twenty-five converts, about ten
beeu of the feathered tribe and shaken ofl' 8 "'* f a m l l y t r a d « - »« ""hough there
half a dozen pursuers. Robt-rt Wilson, are two licenses to dispense bottled
trial conditions are considered. She ing the past year were read and dis-
urged her hearers to aid the suffage cussed. Prizes were distributed lor MISB Winifred Rapalje, daughter of which were the result of last [colored, of 444 West Second street. goods, only one of them really han-
cause and thus help to put on women punctuality in attendance and tidelit> of Rev. and MTB. Daniel Rtipalje, of night's service, when Harry Gee spoke Under the auspices of the Wom-| was apprehended by Roundsman Sal- dles a general line. He said that he
on the subject. "Choosing the Best. ' en's Home and Foreign Missionary I fron and Patrolman Wicht as be was believed that some concrete expres-
the full Industrial, moral rod polltl- t 0 d U t y and numerous pupils snared,1 Carlton avenue, has engaged in set- Rev. John Bovenizer, of Prospect Societies of the First Baptist, Park attempting to dispose of bis loot to sion should be, made by tbe residents
cal responsibility which win permit' permit in - the - various awards - given
- out at tlement work in New York, under the Street M. E. church. Paterson, will Avenu? and Temple Baptist churches a Hebrew butcher. Taken to the po- ol the city, an 4 that he hoped a meet-
taem t*_better their ^ that time. Honor Day is a feature of direction of Rev. Dr. Merrill, pastor be t h e speaker tonight. of this city, a meeting wlil be held! lice headquarters Saturday nlgat and ing of some kind would be arranged
Mr*. Kelly answered a number of the work in the Congregational Sun- oi the Brick Presbyterian church. In
question* about specif)-" cases in day-school which no Sucouy-school that city. This work wa3 established In the First Baptist church, on Tues- remanded for a hearing this niom- it which both sides would be asked
which those present were interested, has and tile novelty is looked forward by the Brick church some time ago. MRS. C. MILTON MEEKER. day, January 20, at 3 o'clock. An, Ing, Wilson was arraigned in court to appear.
Following Mr. Calkins' talk there
told about the rours of labor in some to by all members during the year and this opportunity afforded Miss Mrs. Elizabeth Meeker, ag.d 39 address will be made by Mrs. A. G. today and waa held in $.".00 bail to Tas miir-?i discussion in which Mr.
years, wife of C. Milton Meeker, the Lester, of Chicago, president of the await the action of the srand Jur\
of the Stau-s, and sa|d that there and the awards arc zealously striven Rapalje is cousld red an exceptional
one. She began her duties today. contractor, died last night at her Woman's American Baptist Home and in default of bonds w i s taken to Veysev, Mr. Carter. Samuel Blngs-
were no statistics to prove that the for. man. Herbert E. Parker, W. L. Glen-
minimum wage increased efficiency The following awards were made Miss Rapalje has always been home, 34 Randolph road, following Missionary Society. Elizabeth this afternoon.
nev. Councilman Ciavbrook. Alexan-
an illness of one month with a com- Mrs. Lester has travelled exten- Shortly after 6 o'clock Saturday
but that it was said to do so abroad yesterday: Perfect attendance for deeply nterested in missions and set- plication of diseases. Sh-i was the night, Mrs. John Galbraith, of 4 27 der Millar, Secretary George B. Zlm-
sively throughout the We3t and Mex-
Md In Australia. four years, four year bar to pin, Har- tlement work, and she outers upon ico In the interest of the National j West Third street, heard a disturb- raer, of the Federation, and a num-
Among those present from out-of- old C. Mundy; perfect attendance for the work with much enthusiasm. daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Hom? Missionary Society and has ance in her chicken coop and glanced ber of others participated, as to just
town were Mist Connolly, o' Summit; three years, three year bar to pin. Her father, for many years was 'en- Charles Greader, of North Plainfleld.
much to say that Is well worth the out of the window just in time to see what form of meeting should be held.
Mrs, C. B* Alexander. .>f Hoboken; Leslie AUene: lHTt'ect attendance for gaged in foreign missionary work She 1B survived by a husband and sev- hearing on the subject of home mis-j the culprit scale the fence with a bas The general tenor of the conversation
Mrs. E. F. Feickert, of Dunellen: two years, two year wreath to pin, and she has had an unusual train- eral childr?n. The funeral, which slons. The regular sewing meeting'of "squakkers." Mrs. Galbr.iith in- was that those who favored licenso
HU» Pope and Mrs.. Binn'nger, of Ruth Fuller; perfect attendance for ing for the work she is about to un- will be private, will be conducted by of the women of the church will pre-| formed several neighbors of her dis- could not show any strength or pro-
J City. Mrs Philip Me Kim Gar- one year, pins, Gladys Wiltsie. Rob- dertake. • Rev. J. Y. Broek, of Trinity Reform-
ed church. ced? the meeting. The public Is cor-1povery and they gave chase bat the luce any men of standing in the com-
of Orange: Former Senator ert Fuller and Eugene Martin: pt-r- Miss Rapalje is a member of Trin- dlally invited to attend the meeting fleet-footed thief sprinted far ahead munity who were on their side, but
t Colby and Senator ~Au»ten fect collection for one year, books, ity Reformed church, ana Is now at 3 o'clock. of them. (hat a meeting be held on January
Collate, of Orange: Senator Charles Elisabeth Martin. Katherln? Martin. president of the Young Women's IX XEK0 OF REPAIR. 23, called by tbe Federation, and to
The trolley tracks at West Front Trace of the offender was lost un-
Heanessy. of Hackensack: O b e r - | E a n a Mundy .Isabel Mundjr .Florences Mission Band, as well as being in- which would be invited any one who
til John Gallagher, of 415 West Third wished to state the case for those
street and Grant avenue arc In bad
8autB. of Brldgton: g Major
j ho- vnitsie Harold Wlltsle and Carter ">r«Hed l»» »» departments pf. church condition, especially in one place, 8EXT TO ASYLUM. Street, heard several of his roosters seeking licenses.
Y k andd Winston
« « . of New York, Wit P a l IG o o d r U ::h ; present every Sunday but work. Sbe
Paul. ~ has
"" always been ' a stu- Albert Grleb, of 132 Johnston
where the Grant avenue tracks con- avenue, who was arrested Saturday crying for help and he too hi\d the
oi j«r*ty citr. About 1M> attended oone, - i a
Laura nrower. flac awarded
U r a Brower: flag awarded to to dent of home and foreign missions. Mr. Zlmmer cau«ed some amuse-
Roundsman Saffron and . . displeasure of seeing someone make ment by referring to published state-
*- KaUerlng. Miss Winckler's clurs with an attend- nect with the main line. Some time j
,a get-away with a bag of "chlckun."
ance of 98 per cent. ago a similar condition existed a n d , ^ , ^ M u l f o n c o m p l a l n t o f n l B ments In which Messrs. vanHerwer-
KEOOXD DIXXKR OF MEN'S CLUB. it was repaired, but it is now as bad . . . . . . . . . i. < w I Gallagher and his neighbors joined den and Martin said they favored
ITS PROKIP \VASYT\sZVX. At a meeting of the Executive as before if not worse. The P. S. C. wife, who charged that he beat h-r. IM f g G a I b r a j t n . g ^mpathizers. but more licenses because their constitu-
a»k*d the nam>< of a man PARCEL POST 1XHOKMAT1OX. Committee of the Men's Club of the was given permission to pave this has been examined b Clty P1
as to his mental a g a l n t h e c o l o r e d V on
who had been "arrested by Patrolman! T h e State Trust Company bas bad Crescent Av nue Presbyterian corner some time ago. but nothing
rie. It has
'been ,decided!^ l "^^:r:7h;
to have him
darkne;sand;nt^c; "" l
'o7'h7m ents wanted them, and suggested that
if such was tbe case, tbe two council-
Hendennot. charged with stealing a a c*r<l prepared giving the new par- ^ ^ 7 which which was wa71eld^es7erdaTlt
held* yesterday. It has ever been done outside of making. was lost until he was discovered men would perhaps produce the con-
belonging to Lother G. Hen- post rates effective j n n u a r y 1. w a 8 d e c l d e d t o h o i d the'second dln- a survey. committed to th? Morris Plains1 asy- coming out of a third coop.
The revere lum. stituents to whom they referred.
H O UtH-rty.
t r t y . street. S rgeant
gea r e v e r e side -)f this card BB ee rr oo ff tt hh ee ww ll nn tt ee rr oo nn FF ee bb rr uu uu rr y 1122>> ii nn Several posses had been formed by
HHKins. squinted his eye- bear, a colored map of ;he United t n e c n u r c n p , r , o r 8 . T h e cluDer . this time and manv Innocent colored Flnallv, after much discussion, on
a lltUe. uttered several queer, SUtes with the various parcel post m l t u < s consisting of Samuel T. Car- CHANGE PLACE OF REHEARSAL. persons were hailed and queried by motion of Mr. Gleaney. it was decided
WANT MORE OOPS. to bold the public meeting under tbe
h *ne ted mdd then h « » ? • de»rly
clearly Indicated.
Indicated Copies of t e r J r G s t u a r t S l m o n g a n d W | U . Owing to the fact that the Parent- At the meeting of the Common the excited chicken owners and their
aU head. The prisoner is this card may be obtained by apply-; U m A b b e w l n Teacber Association is to meet at the Monday night, January 19,'neighbors. Someone stopped running
Wasytyayn, and said he '*«« at The State Trust Company, and f o r i p e a k e r 8 # t h e arr Franklin School, tonight, the weekly men who wished to come, re-
of be taken to make provis- long enough to notify the police a,nd
came tnao Nasaretb, Pa. Ht was ar- 'will be found useful by everyone rehearsal of the Municipal Orchestra ions for tb? addition of new mem- Saffron and Wicht "bagged" Wilson gardless of how they felt on the mat-
mad . pubUc i ater will be held at the Washington School bers to the local police department, and bis prey as he was trying to din- ter, and to invite tiie members of the
raign*4 be for*- City' Judge DeMeia'who has occasion at one time or an-
tais morning and held tn $300 ball other to use the facilities tow o«f»r- Instead of the Franklin. Members All candidates should apply to Police pose of the latter to tbe Hebrew Council to be present In an unofficial
of • •be Grand ed by the Post Office Department for Th« Christ max d a b . of the orchestra, as well as fnends c h , e f P a t r i c k s . Klely, at headquar- butcher. Before belns captured by capacity. It was also voted to thank
-rry. the transmission of packages. For the benefit ot those ¥ h o have | who like to attend the rehearsals, are i application blanks and other the guardians of the law the Illusive i tbe "•• °' nine councjlmen who voted ^^
not had an opportunity of joining the ; requested q to note tbe change of place | Z ? ^ **»"** W l l s o n h a d r u n a R a U ntlet of angry • * * **' «rtenaion of the present
(he Time
THE TEMPKRATVRK. 1914 Christmas Club, The Plainfleld'of meeting. West End residents but had success- number of retail licenses.
to save. The temperature report from The Trust Company decided to keep fully eluded all up to the time the Men's f i n b Condemns.
Take out some State Trust Company today is as rol-1 t h e club open for another week «o RASORES' MEETIXG. Vigorous protest against granting
g t inn the V
tomlght Vnlon Building lows: 9 a. m.. 27 degree*; l l a . m . I that anyone who wishes to join may TOWER WER XEARIXG XEAR COMFLETIOX. cops appeared in the meat shop.
Loan Association, offlce. 146 The work of reconstructing the The Rasores wtil meet tomorrow anv more liquor licenses In Plain-
3« degrees: 1 P- m . 26 degree*. I do so before the close of business on towe,r at the First BaptUt church U morning with Mrs. John Sheridan BAXISHED FROM TOWS. field, either wholesale or retail: con-
area tie.—Adv. • •• George Ross, colored, lit years old. demnation of th* two ronnrilmen
Saturday. January IT, without losing now nearing completion. This work Zelie. of Park avenne.
A New Series interest.—Adr. 1 10 8 w summer, but tbe con-1 and Russell Williams, colored. IS who voted last Mondav night in fa-
—Xeaman Brothers are calling at- will be opened tonight by the Cnlon aa Btarted
dition of the tower was found to be. T o o i l Xeter Mian It. years old. of Pottstown, Pa., who vor of more licenses and commenda-
•lotlon to their unusually fine line of Building and Loan Association, of- —Bargain. 1912 Flanders 20 road- much worse than anticipated hence i Pat a few dollars a month in the were arrested Saturday night by Pa-., tlon of tb« nine « b o voted against
W'iclous coffee, at their well known fice. 14S Park avenue.—Adv. • • • ster: new tires, fine condttlon. Ap- the delay In completing the Job. The; Union Building an* Loan Association j trolman Muir for vagrancy, were or-; them. ocrt»pl«*1 the time of a
W tehung avenue grocery.—Adv. ply Thompson Garage.—Adv. contractor Is now engaged in put. 1 and watch It grow. OfBce, 14« Parkldered to leav- town this morning by[attended t - e n » l meeting of the Wen *
—AtfrertlM tn ttm Dalt? T1—i 1 10 3 tins on th* finishing toucbe*. arena*.—Adv. i City Judge DeMes*.
J (Continued *•)

AUni (lock* 4»c.

On Ml* ID bft«enient, good
alarm rlorV*. Kii«r»otr*<J for on«
IVf id-Winter Clean-Up Sale •A"V I., .to,- ttihtxm* 17«- a Yard.
About a*« piece* of plal naud
far"-y ribbon.- up to •» ln< hw wide,
in plain taffeta, raorie and fanry
year. ecm\ u* In 1.»0* l o u 52fcc:
:hln *al»- only , . , . 40c eacto ^BEGINS TUESDAY MORNING WHEN THE STORE OPENS AT 8:30 silk*, a l l K O :i t h i s s a l . -a . i-'_

Sweeping Reductions in All Departments .Vk lMoal* W. .

W amrm-m 91JM 1
This i s not u splash of merely printer's ink, but a genuine sal** of new and s^awMiablr iih>rchan«lJ!* that must 1M- solil regardless i»t cost— nr' Bun: fir••
Women t wblte silk aod wool for w<« carry no merchandise from one season to another. Impossible t o tell entire story of the irreat savings advantages. Following partial li>t. how
I -
oti<lerwe«r at only TSe eve»\ will help you to certain satisfaction and substantial tfain.

SI.5I> Klankets 91.2O a I'uin
WASH GOODS. First quality hose for womeu at HI.OO Sheet". 79c. ETC. full fizf. h e a v y c o t i o n b l a n k e t s CHILDREN—COATS, SUITS, DRESSES. SKIRTS
a big reduction of regular prices. 2.1 dozen fine sheets, equal to l«c Turkish Towels "c. w h i t e o o l y w i t h pink o r b l u e
Mr A|«-«>II OinKliatiiK .V' a Yard. dwight Anchor; siie 90x90. deep Fine bleached and unbleached T h e v a l u a t i o n s q u o t e d below art- ;n inan> .1.stain ••« ' , . . . r than
I Hi- H o w 12c. • r.i. limit 4 to a customer: at
b o r d e r s , at nnlv 9 1 . 2 5 a |>air
^ hat i h i * ' p a r r a c r ' f wt-re m:idc t o »»'ll f o r r«-euLaily This. »«• want
2.<*M> yarda of nne apron ging- Women'* feet black hoso with towels. 7c each or 8»c Vs clojwn «K.>W Bbtnkf-tx 9 5 . 4 O a I'air.
ham*,' In »M the desirable checks1, 4-thread heel and toe. garter hem only 7»r each l.V Torkiih Towels Kk. >ou t o k u o » . i s a g r e a t , b i g r a r e f u l l y p i a n n e ' l . 15 pica! A Y. Von-,- *•
F i n e s t all «<>ol blai:k»-;s. full t "t> r!»*aran<-<- * • ' ^ a t A:i o r r a c l o n that n r i»th«"T s : o r » - mt-a^urt-
to krown, (blue *nd black. rtt only I2r » |Milr Good size bleached Turkisii
7Wr Hbeeth «3c. ">i7f »ith p i n k . b l u e or yellow
SI Silk Ho«e 53r. In dozen same as above in sizes Towels, hemmed, etc.. at UK- each b->r<l»T!«. at .»-<lv >*.-».»» n | m i r W O M K V S A N D MISSKV S I IT^. » O.\T>. \ O \ \ ftilMMI
H*"«< Heal •ilnahar.i- Mr Yd.
Fine "Gordon" ailk boa«, in ~2x'"i: liniit 4 to a ruitomer, at or 55c a \i dozen :l I ' K U K LOTS. \ ..lufS I I S ' . v , ; , . . ' I -,.,
<» yfrds of thf-w fine dr—» * l . i 5 ( o m f . i M - \>H,.
Kir.Kham«. Mn » IP"*""' variety of • an. pink un<1 blue color*, at only. oniy • * • «u-h SOc Turkish Towels :Mc. F o r t h i s pal'.- a s !ot i; a s t h e No ti<>t'ii t o tell yi'ii tht« c l e a n -
»'l»%Ts \ « » > \ 91.1.i.d.
•tries andj patterns. a pair *•«• About .10 dozen of fine bleached l o l latiH riill uizr ouifdTts with up inchiiie? :!ll of iln< season's
2ttr Pillun Cmnr* l.V Karh. > ; i h l « - . - * ' J ' , T . , j ; •-, , , , ,
towelt*—a manufacturer*' clear- llglil o r dark «>>\ertnj;» Ht o n l y . most p o p u l a r .-tyien aril m a t e r i a l s .
:<Mr Hime 2 5 c . .*. >i dozen fine pillow caw*, ex- ance: a saving of 17r on each
l.V Urntm (<loj(liauii> t* a Yanl. Hc-hT w o r k m a n s h i p or i | < » they < Mil KiW V > CtMTx.
3,000 yarda of tbls well known Women's imported black ho»e tra <|.i<ility of muslin: sizp 42x36: towel.
t-H< !i »««•
\vonld nev**r h a v e b^-^i: h r n - s|/K." « TO I ! \y. M{».
brand of dreaa ginghama in all with split sole, broken Bizet); at limit V- dozen to ono customer, rtttr B a b y K l a n k r l s : « , .
<*5c 75c Turkish Towel* 4(>c. (MK- Ml $1<> S u i t s n e w . *."».<">
only 23c a | » l r at only 1.1c «M-h P i n k a ; i ( i ^li^|o ficur^d crib
the nio»t wanted style*. 30 dozen in this lot ot extra All Sir> t o S I TS u i t s i i i i v $H.tMI
." ••' •>,•!•. :tv i-nch (HII.imK.N-. H U T S «imi
12< HU] Miwilin * . large siz*-; a manufacturers' sur- Ml $ 1 1 * t o %•'•> 5 u < i s r,i>« *
I.V l>rc«M Gingham* itk a Yard. plus lot. ' . • ; ' ' ' i . •• t o % \ <**
lli'J pieces, a total of 4.500 NOTION DEPARTMENT. Not more than 20 yards to one
2<lr to 25c Towels I5r. WAISTS. CORSETS, ETC. Wcnien's a n d \Jiss<-«* ( .uits.
( and only then with an- •- uil.i>Ki-:\'«- < I » \ T S #:i.tHt.
yards, of fine 32-Inch drwts jsinK- 5(1 dozen fine hurk towels in a T h o m o f ! drriStK- c l e a r a n c e w•<_•
hamii. In • > I K Tari-ty of ncwwtt • I.SO Hand BagM » 8 C . i (her purchase a» Domestic De- Women'- s I .Mi Waistt Kir v aili*-- t o $ 1 K • i
pattern* and colorlnp* Women's fine hand bags in all partment. Every woman knows big asxortment of kinds and sizes, Women'- S:I..*>O Waists. . 91.USe v e r heard of - a m i t l u r e 11* s e v - UOMKN'S AMI \1I*SK.V
sizes and styles; were 11. to $1 5» wrat ;hiH muslin 1B. at . . . l.V- each itr 91.."M) a dozen Women's $.i.i;o W.iots #2.03 eral months <<( cold weather
-*!l.K AMI s K I U . t IlKKSSKS.
—Ko at 9f*c each :ITH- to 4Or Toui'Li 25c. ah**:!il.
. , r Hr a Yanl. lOr Miuilin 8c.
*!..•>< I C u r w t o 7»«-. To i-U'aii .ip m a hurry about
r(,ot>o yard* of these, fine dress 54lc Hair Brushes 2.V. 25 dozen of extra tine all linen I F r o n t l a r o cor-<>'». o d d l o t s o f • ' O A T S NOW 92.541
C inrh nnblea<heii muslin, line huc-k towels, extra large and guest I I'll' Bilk a n t ) sort;*' lire****'*. ^|;
charnbrnys to navy, pink, blue, VariouB sizes and styles; all go \\ * i i V ' l o . r t 'ivil< f \'- i n o n l y . TM~ V a l u e s $ 7 T,U t o $ In <><i !• v -.tjles.
tan. jtnpy, .cadet and other colors. at only 2 5 c til? pad sizes, at only 2.V- each I «•"> t o S<( W o m e n ' s ttntlt !{<>)••>••
5Oc Table Linen 89c u Vartl. ( O A T S NOW" 95.OO. AT O \ L Y #'i.-HI
.fir ami 5Wr Belts 2Or. tile Cambric He. t * •••»'.•• •
lOr Outing HanncK 7r Yard. 64 inches wide, choice of vari- V a l u e s t o $1:'. !»S
Cbolco of Htyle and colors in- Yard wide, Rne bleached cara- l ' o r ; n e r i ' n r . - s ?."• t o $ l i i " O
3,0Mi yards of fine outing flan- Lric. sale priced He a. yartl ous patterns. <"hiMr-\ Mini k n i ' f o n u e s •-.,• • O A T S .NOW 9 7 . 5 O .
cluding black. W ( t M K \ S - . K I K T S *I.(M).
nels in stripes, chc< ks and plaids, 75c Table Linen* 55»- a Vartl. ska'iif .it only l.V- e a d i V a l u e s t o % 1". mt.
also 1,000 yarda plain colors, all F u r t i i e r Hri< »T> HO I D i' a"
2.V- Writing Paper i'tc. 68 inches wide, half lintn dam- >•;>•: <'<ials 7 » c .
iro at only 7c yard Fine linen finish paper a t . . 1.V
DOLLS. ask, full bleached, choice of pat- 'Vllil: i - •I'a'.s. 4 a n d 5 y e o r
2Oc Wtiftff O e p e 1 2 4 e a Yard. l.V Willing Paper lOc. Many Half Price and
91.25 Table Linen M.h:
I... s • : . i: " 7 9 c IN THE BASEMENT
l,0"u yards of 30 to 36 Inch H.\I>' THICK \ Three I'rlce Lot*.
72 inches wide, pure linen table
•wide fine white pebble cloth, BO All Holiday Braas and Nickel •2T»r to .XV Dolls at
damask, e.'.tru heavy. :uil bleach- WOMEN'S NECKWEAR BARGAIN TABLES AT 2c, 5c, 8c AND 15c. used now for dresses and Novelties at half price. On Bale r,iU- to T!)c Dolls at 29c
under* car, at o n l y . . 12'4c yard at Notion counter. *!.<»<) J.IKI S1.SK Dolls at . 5Oc
ed, various patterns, napkins to
TWO PIIH'K LOTS. Values 10c to 50c.
lAtt. \<>. I ,V.
91.5O \.->I>kins .Sl.Ht a Dozen. Former prices L'Oc a id 2^c. .Space d o e s not permit t o m e n t i o n a l l t h e v a r i o u s item.-- but eiuiuuh
Size 20x20, all hemmed, cotton
Mid-Winter Clean-up Sale of Shoes in Shoe Dept. mercerized napkins, at only, a
dozen 91.19
Lot \ o . li—lOc.
Farmer Price T>oc
b.,id — don't fail t o visit t h e b a s e m e n t d u r i n g t h i s s a l e

Cor. West Front St. and Madison Ave. 91.25 -Napkins 85c a Dozen.
18x18 size, unbleached cotton-
About l.innt pieces of plain col-
ored ribbons, from >4 to 3 in- FOR THIS SALE AT 25c.
damask napkins, in various pat-
chijs wide in satin and taffeta; ull
s o at half reyuiar prices. " pieces Satin Ulosa. 1 piece P. & il.. - pieces Lenox, 1 Washing
Powder, all for ' 25c
Cost has not been considered -Shoes at sale prices—will be sold for cash only—none exchanged.
He sure to get titled. MILLINERY. EMBROIDERIES
WOMKNs SHOKS 02.98. MISSKS' *.'i.OO SHOES 92.60. Triiumen & Intriinined Hats UOc. 1 2 ' 2 c Knibroitleric* 4c n Yard. *!.£.'> I inhrellus 8 5 c . II'HOLSTKKY DKIT.
Tan button mlf. shoes, Goodyear welted, and High cut style, tan willow calf leather; sale Were up to %?, 00. FinP embroidery edging and in- (Second Floor i.
Triinnidl & I'ntriniinefl Hats 9 1 . sertions Men's and uomen's line fast
with the smart Cuban heels; sale price 92.98 price «2.«9
Were up to $4 uo. 2<»c Km broideries JV a Yanl. < olor umbrellas: choice of various l.V to 2Or Cretonnes lOr
WOMKX'S-ltn.ftO SHOKS # 4 4 * . WOMK.VS *a.<K> SHOKS 92.48. Kdgings and insertions in var- ••'IK- to 2.V Scrims 9c a yard
SoroHis make, taji calf, lace skating shoe; Hale { Women's high cut tan grain blucher, medium Insluding white felt and boaver
h:is. io is patterns and styles. handles at oniy 85c each 2.V figured Scrims. 18c a yard
prlc? ! M.4H weight sole, etc.; sale price 92.48
Childrem'K Hata 5Oc.
(ilHI^S- *3.5O SHOKS *2.M8. \VOMK.VS 95.U«> SHOKS 93.98. Wire $1.25.
For erowinn RlrU, low hocls, tan lotus calf.
bluriier cut. Goodyear welted, heavy sole,
price . . j.
! MK.V'S <LV<Mt SHOKS 94.48.
Womtn'B tan Storm Shoes, high cut blucher
sale style, etc.: sale price
Will slip out at great reductions.
McnN heavy double sole shoes, Kun metal, I assortment of sizes and Btyles; two prke lots:

A good
S\VE.\TK11S 9J.OO.
Values to $2.9s.
Infants' Va\ts S5c.
Values to $1.00.
l)lu<iler *ty!e. Goodyear welted, etc.; sale price.'
t»»'y $4.481
1»1 .-»<> Sli|i|K-r» at 91.1O.
$1.0(1 Sli|.|K>is at 85c.
i'hihlren'x 25c IVttic(«Us 19c. "The White Store"
Flannelctlo Pctticoata and
Night Gowns: all go at 19c We Give the Eamou* &>C Green Trading Stamps

Voorhees. who resigned at the lnst Field, of Fourth street laid u p wit:; a sevei<. a t t a c k of . i;ou- H. Johnston, who wished a hotel li- Bingbaimon. N. Y., ar • suetts of the Trinity ( church. Burial w a s in St.
meeting of that body. Follov. ing his inarrii-'- on Wed- matism. cens» to conduct an inn in Front latter's u:< ther. Mrs. David N. Sniitn.| Mary's c e m e t e r y . P l a l n l i e l d .
IjDtmeMen & Vicinity Five thousand paper drinking cups' nesday. January 2 1. ro Miss Violet Mr. a n d >lrs. O t t o R i d e a r e being street, was unsuccessful as was Raf-
have Ofi-u purchased fur the New Tii us, William Kcaedy will live wish c o n g r a t u l a t e d liv ti.e'.r i.ian\ f;ieu-"-.< fllio Venizia. who applied for a
of Chester.
Mr. and M.S. Frank Hawkins, of
I Gilbert K. H o w e , of New York. dl»-
• is-sed woman 'tiffrage Saturday
Market schools. his bride in a new house he is hav-on t h e Mrth of ;» nahv b i> . wholesale liquor license. There was Califon. are visiting Mr and Mr .• l i e ' " rit t h e a u d i t o r i u m of t h e Wash-
iiiK erectttl in Duuellen avenue. considerable opposition cuainst the WiTTTain Barke.-. of I'!:' •:>•! j • :. .-' >IO<I|. T h e l e c t u r e was un-
The u{j(>oiii!mtntB tuado ; u d <-ou- The Publlt Servile (las Co. nas re- T h e .'nnual b u s i n e s s n i e o t i n g of t h e
granting of the last two lie nses. the
fused to ex^e'nd mis service to. the Sis. candidates *!ll l;e initiated First B a p t i s t c h u r c h , of V e w Market. Mr. and Mrs. Charles h Wa(k.».l j - : t!i" a . y i i i T s of t h e Board o ' Bd-
flrmed by the Miudlcsex Borough township attorney aud several others
Council : ; rt a.s follows: Clerli. Stew- homes of Pafricli J. Tarpey and Har- Thursday nieht at the rnecttnn of thi? will be held W e d n e s d a y a l i e r n o o n :;i appearing before Judge Connolly to Jersey City, and Mr and Mis. Fren-i
i • • : i " i .

art S. Crutisv. recordL-r. Frtd li. ry Giddes unless these citizens pa;. local camp, P. O. S. of A. 2::[0 o ' c l o c k . Officers will br e l e c t - erick C Frost, of Newark. ;ne «p nii- I F e r i n e . <\, ,n<-ilnian a n d .ilrs. E.
Stti'heiiMui: m>i:shal». A. C. Katuse. . * ! 00 toward the cost of laying the New Market por.d i* the drawing ed a n d reportu for t h e v e i r 1 !M :: u i i i ing a few days with Mrs. l.ilax Wa<•'<. ii' K!o; il sail il for Cuba. Saturday,
T. W. Sisty, H. Naylor. D. Jones and mains. I They promised to refund the spot these cold days for many lover? l>e s u b m i t t e d . The Kanwood Townsfc'p Hoard of who lives near Chigter to t,«. aw:'\ I v. ii m o n t h s
P. McDonald, street ~ coainiifcMom r. money when scvei;.l more houses ate of ice skating. F r a n k O. N e l s o n nnd Harry Pi,l- Kducation has engaged M's. C.eorge J<IM '<h Coliu p r e a d i e d !n t h e Bap-
J. H. Sebring. counsel. W. A. t'od- erected in that vi< inity. however. dington. members of Frii m l s h i p W. Anderson, of W-stfield. to till the
A. B. Mebard, of North avonue. is vacancy as teacher of the 3B class at
'.-.t i .'•lii-i-li y e s t e r d a y m o r n i n g and inj
diiif-'toi;. of I'lainfl. Id. engine^'. T. An effort Is being made to have C o u n c i l . .Ir. O. I'. A. M.. iiave |. e --n
entertaining his mother. M-s. J 11 •'•••* i':i -i-> tv-ri;»n c h u r c h in t h e after-
W. t!. Davidson. The i o:ii!ultces: the Watchung Water Co. to extend Hebard. cf Three BrldKes. a p p o i n t e d S t a t e d p u t l e s ,if t h e o r d e r Public School No. 1. caused by the
r o-.. '• "Im--r nt r e l i g i o u s c o n d i t i o n ^
Audit and liuaure. Poul^on. Stout and Its mains along Warrenville road.
Cam|ibell, btr«et» and HiJpv..ilki. The Women's Home and Foreign
George Voehl is enjoying a hunt-
for tiiis d i s t r i c t .
Mr*. Carrie Miliard. of New Mar-place.
death of Miiui Laura Bent, of this Westfield. r
i: \'j-;r:.i ..mi l l u . i g a r t .
ing tri:> in the South. R< v r. Fr.itiUIin Ri-utu spoke on
Stout, Uofiistein and Sisty: police. Missionary Society of the Presbyte- k e t , is r e p o r t e d a s s l i g h t l v in-.|.roved The Woman's Auxiliary of the All
rian church will hold a meeting to- A blue rock shooting contest was ii-.e life ;tn;l work of Martin Luther
light anr. lict-nie; Campbell. Poulson af the Ronnie Burn Sanitarium Saints" Episcopal church at the
held Saturday afternoon at the hoifie ::i t h e M«-t!--»dist c m r c h last night.
and Wild, law and^ ordinance. Wild, morrow afternoon at the home of of L. G Haight. horn- of Mrs. Hudson Thompson, of T h e funeral of Miss Marie O'N"il !
Poulson auJ Caiupbell; printing and Mrs. Theodore Apgar. Oi»orge F. Giles is detained at his
Martin« avenue, at 3 o'clock this af- i u u g h t e r of Chief <>1 P o l i c e Tho.'
stationery, Hertsteln, Stout and Sis- Series No. S in the Dunelien Build- home ternoon. O ' N e i l l , w a s hold '-"riilny from l i o i . — A d v e r t i s e in T h e D a l l y F r e w .
l u g a n d Loan Association wll! mature with illness
The death of Wellington Moore-
*y- " i on Monday, jamta'y 1!) l":aiik Sniallt y \ILA taken a iiosiiion
house, of Westflold, last week, leaves
An elev'tric light is being installed in a pool i>arlor in Nort'.i avenue.
The bowling alleys owued by the th • Fanwood Township Sunday-
In PoMumtown road, near the home local Presbyterian church will bo Harry L. Watt has been elected as-
school Association without a head.
of Mr. Fornian, closed every nlsht this week, when bistant manager of the KIH»:ITS Col-
At the first meeting of »he associa-
^Ilss KlUaheth E. Frank,-' iias of- prayer services will be held. ' The al- lego track team. Miss Harriet Iteeder was in charg •
tion, which was held in the Baptist
fered IHM- aei vices as singing instrui leys will be open in the afternoons, The local lodge. A. O. H has r.nt- of an interesting meeting oi the Ep-
church several wi^eks ago. Mr. Moore-
tor in the Middlesex schools free of however, except on Wednesday. e j th,. Horoimh liall for the first worth League, lielj last ni^hl in th.-
Tuesday nisht of OM h n.oiuh. In IM. K. church. house waa elect >d president He was
chnrge ' Former Mayo.- William S:iU<Hor>l well known locally ahd will l>n
David Jojit-s lias signed a contract »as in the boruusn Sttturd:1.* in 'hv»hl'<h lo hold its meeflngs
to transporting puiiilM of the Grcen- interest of the You:is America Sav- Mrs. I.. Q. Treirhle-. of Thiid
A meeting of the Parish
council v. as held Saturday
Hous •
greatly missed by ivis many friend*.
Saturday night's basketball game
brook section to the Middlesex school. ing Stamp Co . oi which he is at thestreet, is steadily improving from a:! John Selfel was amoffs the many
lxiuis PotiUoh h i s been appointed head. attack of illness, v, iiii-h has del;iine<l visitors at the automobile show in was the first time this season that
her at her home fo. several weeks. New York the Parish House s -cond team have
a member of tfto Middlesex Hoard ot .Mrs. W. ('. Yat.-s. of W^sbiiiglOii. played without Maurice Hnll captain-
K i l ' i » : i t i o n t a t u k e t h e l>!:"i-e o f K. 1..D. <'.. is tile vilest of Mrs. Knies; .\!rs. Albert Blirnbrauer has re- H. U Hand, of the Fanwood Lum-
turned from a lengthy visit with rela- ber fc Supply Co.. was a business ing them. Hall twisted his ankle
tives in Kast f'crlii!. Conn. badly in a game about a week ago,
visitor In New York today.
Mrs William Yoemnns has return- but insisted on playing untii the doc-
Rev. R. A. Klliott. pallor of th
fil hoirc after vUltins relatives in Church of the Holy Comforter, of tor gave orders to the contrary. Al-

Popular Prices Prevail at Stuart's Rahway. was in charge of the com-though Hall's aggr s^ivenes:- at cen-
I Mrs Emma Ulackford has been vis- munion services held
itinp friends in Yar1<\.
>esterday tre » a s sorely missed at times, the
iiioruing at 11 o'clock, in All Saints' team pulled through a winner. FAITH
Shoe Shop J The pupils of the local public Kpiscopal church.
schools will take p ri in the tri-coun- Miss S. Kyte .ntertained girls of
Maurice Hall is one of the leading
players on the basketball t am of thej
As there is a science of stars called astronomy; a
The Packard Special Tor Men ; ty musical festival to be held the ear- the All Saints' Episcop«l Sunday- Berkeley School, in New York, which
*4.OO. ly part of February in Somerville. school Sunday ruornng. They spent he attends. science cf quantities cahed Diathematics; a science of
The all-lmpo tant q u o t u m befor • I Henry C Vogel. of Dewey Park, Is i on^iderable time sewing l o t a. Ne» qualities called chemistry; so there is a science of bus-
this store in Shoe Selling is not— ^ detained at his with a sprain- York mission, afteT »ti'. n luncheon iness—as yet unnamed—wuich will illumine and clari-
' ed left ankle. was served. fy the value of Honesty and Fair-dealing.
"How lunch can we get for a i The Crescent Tennis Club has com-
Mr and Mrs. Walsachi. of Hobo- German 'Valley,
pU-ted arranjreinon's for a reception ken, were we -k-end guests of Mrs.
Quite the Opixwite. U it'> Stuart's. and dance to be held Friday uiglit io Wilbur Hine= and Chester Altho Benjamin Franklin said that "to see thing's by
it i s — Wiiliam G. Holton Hall. Frank Lee » a s in Plainneld Sat- faith is to close the eye of reason," we are buying
! Mrs. Paul Ratti recently underwent urday night, where he saw t h - bas- Morris Chamberlain has purchas d
How low can we pri«-e this shot>
an operation In Munienberg Hospital. ketball teams of the Plalnfitld Y Mthe ' F*lynn property In Main street. things on faith today more than we ever did before.
and make a living profli?"
,P!alnfleId <'• A. and Hone Chapel clash In aChester. He will take possession In
Whether your pri-e is | Tiw Ladies' Aid Society of the M.contest for the championship of thethe spring Our pre-eminence in selling "Most Things Men Wear"
•S.SO. ta.oo <>r E church held a cake and candy sa'.f city. The church boys woi. by thel
Friday afternoon ia the parlors of Iscore of 40 to 20. Kug ne Lidgate' G. Gardner, of Chest r. who has been
The condition of Rev.-Dr. Edward is not the result of our patrons' understanding of the
You » i l l M1-.UI>- tind oe he»t for
t that edifice. v»a« scheduled to act as reieree. but Iill for several months, is improved.
merchandise, tyit of their faith in the Eothberg Store.
the ntiney at-;"
-Miss Helen Hazlin was a week-end he waa unable to be present and Mr. I The engagement ha£ been an-
visitor with friends in New York. Kimtiier performed in his s t a d nounced of Miss Mae S. Dee. of Ches- They know what we stand for—what we have stood
Miss Minnie C. Weaver will enter- Mias Alice McCormack is detained; ter to Ralph Carlisle, of Sti.nhope. for—and they know that we would rather retire from
tain th.» members of the G E Club at her* home with a se?e»~ attack of Lloyd B. Tredway. of C h e t e r . end- business than violate one little whit of that confidence.
Boston Boston tomorrow afternoon.
j The list giTvke of a "weeV of
the grippe.
lnstrurtor Batterson has not a*
ed a visit Griday In Washington. D.

! prayer r-ieetings" wa» hold la*t niahi yet arrang<*d for the appearance of
Hob- Hub in the First Baptist church, of New the St. James Triangle Five, of New ill.
Charles Rockafeller. of (heater is

V>rk. on 'he Ujcai iouri James Larison. of Chester, it able

Mark Mark I Mr. and Mf«. Lester Nelson have Vila*
commenced housekeeping in a dwelJ- friends from Xew York oi: Saturday
Helen Jahn er.lert*Lne.l to b«. about again after an Illness.
Adrian Blanchard. pi G -rman .Val-
Robbers 215 WEST FRONT ST. Robbers • ing in Brouvcer place
| Mrs H. L Poland, wife of the Rev
Of the three applicants from This Newark
ley, is spending several v. ecks :n STEIN BLOCH SMART CLOTHES
W« Ci*< mai
, Mr Poland, is detained at her home pbvee for liquor licenses oniy James Miss Martha Bunn. of German Val- ' 'Most Things Men Wear.
Surtrv Coupooj
with illne««. B. Guttridge. Sr.. who applied for aley, has taken a position with the
A E. Smith, aa employe of t a e P.license for the Hot»l Maples, of whica Dover Trust Company.
S. C , h u resumed work after being he U owner, was successful. George
214 West Front Street
Rev. and Mrs Alvin S&wtelle, of
Right Next to Proctor'*.
•boot it. He •tx>t the dog on Elm

The Second Week of This January

•tre«t. The owner of the dog U un-
V. G. Thomas, president of the I j Old Kentocky Home EX-BANDIT SEEKS
Clearance Sale
Somerville Merchants' Association, lg
receiving conirratuUtlo".s over the ar-
rival of a young son. Jan. 13 marks tbe -"ftietb unniver-J
aary of t b e d««tii of Stephen Collins'
Engineer Herman Hahn h'as ao far
recovered from his fall sustained six Foster, t b e American sous writer. I
"My Old Kentucky Home." one of his'
firtd« tiH-ntill j»r«-pan*il to scrvf tin* public with hundreds of seasonable wear
things f«»r pn-wnt and future use. In tiiis spac- we mention but a few.
weeks ago as to be able to get out
on the streets.
most famous cotuptwitlcins. is here-j
with given: j
Al Jennings Tells Why He
KPIII'-IIIIKT then*, an- always more un;'<lv<-rtise«l bargains displayed at
TKPPKTTS. A walk through the stun- will prove this assertion.
In accordance with a resolution
j passed last year, the borough rnar-
|Shals will receive *""> per month this
The sun'ohiBes brtcbt lo the oW Kentucky t
Wants to Rule Oklahoma.
Tl» Rummer, th* darker* are *ay.
i A QUICK CLEARANCE OF I year, an Increase of >5 per month. Th« curn top « ripe. »nd the meoJoir"» in
COAT SUITS AT HALF PRICE. I Next year they will get an additional the b'.ourii.
None bav»» been spared at this slaugh-
< »t a garment has been remarked,
Tak<- your choice of any untrinimed
'increase of $"> per month.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Alward left this
While the btr<i» make music aU the day.
The M-UTIK folks roll on the iittle cabin
t'-r floor.
U)H"*i"i|»ly divide tl»- former price by two, colored shape in the house including the | morning for an extended trip through AU merry, all happy aad bright *
By an' by hard time* cnjne a-knocking at Man Who Waa a Train Robbap Sym-
yon pay exactly half of the original priee finest'silk ]>lush hats that .sold up to )the South and \\>st. They exi>c<-i
the door.
to opend some time in California aud Then, my old Kentucky home, good pathizes With First Offender*—Ex-
I—there are some swell suit* in the lot, $4.(1(1. at. each to sail to Honolulu. . ni*hf plains Why He Quit Life of Crim*
niad»- of medium weight materials suitable LOT OF EXTRA HEAVY COATS and Scores Respected Rogues L»—1
for early. Spring wear; they are selling fast DO more, my lady;
OF BOUCLE. O^i. weep no more today! Crude Than He Was.
letter not delay for your size may be 44 inches long, splendid tailoring, no FEDERATIONS MASS MEETING We: will *inK one song (or the old Ken-
tucky home, Al J. Jennings, ex-train, robber aad
HOI<I first warmer or more satisfactory woolen coat (Continued from patK l.> F#r tbe old Kentucky home far away
fol.'ral prisuner. who won the Demo-
$18.50 SPORT COAT NOW $8.98. on the market; Q CA They hunt no more the p o m m and tb« crat U- nomination for county attortoey
Club of the Crescent Avenue c h i n r V coon
1- 4i inche- ionuJ ruaile of Duvyti'iie, a ('Icarance price OiwU whifh was held yesterday morning. On I'M- meadow, the hlil and the ihore; of (iklaboma count?. Ok la., in 1912, H
( Samuel T. Carter. Jr., » ho *•. as one Tli«-y fin^ no more by the glimmer of th« about to announce his candidacy (of
IH*W closfking this M-a>oii; for this clear $2.98 SILK PETTICOAT AT $1.50. moon th. govoruorxhip of the stnte ot OU«-
;of t h e lenders in t h e movement last
jiiic- th-jy arc marked to sell 0 QQ Made oi K<IO<I ' | u u ' ' ' . v chiffon taffeta; i y e a r , i n t r o d u c e d t h e resolution o1
On the benca by the old cabin door.
The Jn.- K»e* by like a shadow o'er the liuiua.


yon <-an 't Ix-inn to lniy t h e silk for
tlie p r i c e ; while t h e last 1.59 i condemnation and commendation as-
j soon as-the president. Dr. William H.
Murray, h c l called l i e meeting to or-
i cut.
V\ Ith sorrow, where all was delieht
••I am eiiteiing the race.- said iCr.
The time has ?ome when the darkeys have Jonuiup3 lo New York recently, "as a

1.15 I
tr. purt. j I>ftntH-r-it. Many of fcy friends hare
Tliese .in- iitiitU- <>i t h e g e n u i n e VYroni- $1.50 COSTUME VELVET; der. It was ado'tit'l unanimously, a- TtlC.l. HI) Kentucky home, good , l r p p j , I l e t 0 an Independent uoin-
Im Chin<:hilUi; w o r k m a n s h i p is t h o r o u g h l y YARD | follows: nlRhf
iiiiition. but have always been a
reliahle;jactunlly sold in o u r store t h i s sea- Is the best $1 .">(> a yard velvet in th.- "A year a s o t h e qucs'.ton ot tlifc. V\*eep no more, my la<l>, etc ?><>u>ucrat. My object la to clean up
••ranting oi lurther licenses in thit-
son ii) *!.'•">, a n d were a s good a s t h e best L-'nitcd States; JS inches wide, following it > ramp tin before t!:e Common The nnj^t how, and the back will
the pnrty In OWIabotna. I Intend to
$•'.-> <MI i-liiMcliilla <-<tat in a n y m a r - colors: Black, navy. Wistaria, Marine Hhve to beml.
double dealing, political thieves,
M : n..w " 18. lilue, ruby, Havana brown and golden
'ourcil, and a hearing was given b..
hat t.:>-!y to I Ii _• men ot [''a'afl^m, at
•viiich hearing, very largely attencied.
Wherever the tlnrkey may whom no self respecting outlaw
A few more days and the trouble all will j ,,f f . , n n e r y e u r s c a n a s s o c i a t e .
• "!.d « , ,
TWO PIECE WOMEN'S SUITS t ' "All I want I.H to'sce absolutely boo-
Skirt and vest made of ail unii! plaid
2,38 $15.00 DRESSES AT $8.98.
TIICM*dresses are made of the season's
he sentiment was
igalnst t h e Brantius of such furthe;
licenses, but o n e voice, that of the
in the flelds where where the nugar
the fugar canw canw i
few more tluya tor to tote lhe weary es-t men nt tbo head of the Koverniufnt.
m .

aud nfter 1 have announced my candi-


mor-t popular materials in the lot are ittorney retained to represent SOUK No n..itter; 'twill never b« light.
—jrood tailoriug;'a bargain worth looking if the liquor interests, beins raised in V few mor» d.iya t:!l we toller on the dacy If some innn whoso Integrity ami
after. many choice models suitable for evening avor thereof. Des;.ite this fact and roatl. iipriKhtnesi are unquestioned becomes
and street wear; good line of colors Then, my old Kentucky home. IOOJ : :i c-.mdltlate I shall withdraw and sup-
$25.00 VELVET COATS AT $16.50. tie fiii'iher faL*. that the Common
to ><•!(•(•* from; choice of the l o t . . . 'ouni'il of last year voterl against iH.n him with all of my ability.
In \\\\> Int arc several very beautifully uch licenses, al a m t v i i n g of ihe
»Veop no m y lac!> i - t r I Why Jennings Reformed.
tailored1'brocaded Velvet and brocaded $1.98 NET WAISTS AT $1.49. "ointiion Council held on the fiftli oi ' "Some pe>i|ilt!kdo not seem to be able
Corduroy Coats";-our regular Sfl'5.00 gar Made of good quality net over net; January last t w o members thereof. It'i uuilerstnnri how nn outlaw, an ex-
FOUND ODD WAYS OF j train roblwr nnd federal primmer can
lias low neck, trimmed in niching Messrs. "• anHerwerden and Martii.
Hunt-: on sale during our Janu- j£J Kfl
ary < learance . . . . " ' UiwU and ribbon, during Clearance rsale. 1.49 votod against a resolution fh.d nc
new retail licenses be Kranted. Tlu EARN1NG AN EDUCATION. !r»n>er in politi"s, but t M explanation
• become sincerely law abiding and a re-

ssiie thns created was a moral issue \U .--'.mole. 1 niade a mistake nnd de-
tlu>t to niak' 1 tl>e .-al<* more interesting
ANGORA SET, AT 349 )n that issue, as s'utetl. t h e lonimu-
lity has piven no uncertain sound.
Columbia Student Group Made $57,705. j tii'<l the law. I w a s caujrht and pun-
One Worked as a Bootblack. ; ished-kept live yenrs in prison—and
then saw bow 1 had lx*eu wrong to be-
w«' havej marked a lot of black sateen T«'t- < 'otir-i -tiii*.r of Sweater. Leggins, Cap On such an issue it is felt that th'
and Mitf'-'is, al! lo match; reds and whites •lub should not remain silent, there- '•o:i>e an enemy of society. I decided
ticonts, inadc of good material, T i l e i|Ue*t l o r fiiti'N w i t u w h i c h fo lo reclaim my placf in Hoclety and aet
only. fore be l! ,iay his way through college brmu-ht ' ilMiiit 'li'inc It. Ax m>on as I oecnro«> a
"Resolved, that tlrfe Men's Club oi :i student of t.'oluuibla university. New I fre- man. livins In a free community,
the Crescent Avenue church registers- Vork. to hi.s knees last summer as a I1 U"_MU to nppret-la^e the ditfereuces
jits hearty approval of t h e action ol j t-ootblack. Iu two weeks hi- s i , e ! in lawbrejikin^' and the consequencea
M M * V*» ! he nine members of the Council who >2". Then h" turned unison ami *tive.l { thereof, and that made me a political
'. .oted against t h e KrantinK of any S15 in another t w o weeks. Next, be .i reformer.
( further retail licenses, and protest took up farm labor .i::d s a v c l iiin>tiie.r ); -I had been a train robber, a crude.
j icainst the action of tlie two niem- $2il. The tot".! gave him a g<» ! start i ,.., ,,, Her of society, and I bad been
icrs named in voting for B'.ich license. on the w i n t e r s tnition bill. i and pnnished. I saw all about
uid that t h e secretary be requested Other neeily I'ulumbia meu -ipf-iit tln» j men who wore the best clot lien and
0 send to each of tlie members of the hot summer months in much liie >;!::>• j !'li- «1 hisli in society robbing- the peo-
j "'otincll a copy of this preamble and «vay and, while their wetiltlih-r • -i:.?-s riirtit and left und not getting
esolutio;i." mates were li'ling, e:iruitl sr.T.Tnr. ',<;. ; • aiiu'iit or beins punished. They were
In his renlarks on the resolution, an increase ol almost -<"_;ti.« K« t o v - r ! not MM primitive as 1 hail been in the
THE BUSY STORE. •Ir. Carter stated that he felt that 1912. iievordii.-: to the report given out i ;>ieiho<l they clio-<e. They did things
he action of tlie ty.o i-ount-llnien wa? by the appointments co'.umitu-t.1. whii h i in the dark mid only appeared In t h e
1 direct slap in t h e face of the mon for the first time in yeui^ was re "•wii when they h:id o n their Sunday
<f t h e city. In viev.- of t h e action o' sponsible for praclically lmlf of the clothes. <jo ?n speak."
this evening of the New Povidence T h e n e x t i i i . - < t i " . g t,f t h < A s p o c i i i t t n tuoi!"V e:irueil bv tllo tOluVuls, or .S'JS. ! Mr. Jennings J-ays he will carry o n
ast year, and that a vicorous protesi
Firemen's Relief Association. will lx- held at North Star Council, ;i ! tbe same kind of agfrressive.
vas needed. He stated that he knew 312.ri;;, which N .Sli'.iMi more than for , <-:ir;iiK>lcrn f o r tin* g n h e r n n t o r l n l n o m - '
Whitehouse. R-v. George H. Trull,
York, preached yesterday morning in
of New- Peanut, k, on February i •'.
St. Joseiih's Holy Naric
if other organizations which were so
Sociel} nc to pass similar resolutions. an<'
the preceding year.
One hustling youth of the third year I iy ntforneyslifp.
' '.''iilion as he carried on for the coun-
He claims be baa
the Presbyterian church. has e'ecjed die following officers fo old of a protest which has beer class .coii'lucled a party through Ku i no money Ix-hlnd him and will not be
Rev. William H. Evana. raator of ike ensuing year' P r e s : l . n t , Join ramed to go to Mr. vanHerw-erden r o p e . « l i i ' !i i w t t e < l h i m a l l l i i s i ' S | i r t i \ e i ' •it '.f t" e«it:!Mi-h headquarters.
lain.:* N . f i i i c . x k . "i ; v • : - . > : - : . - i - - . ; l . the MethodiMt church, preached yes- .1. Shea: vi'-e-'ir.-sident. I,; a A. Kirk e'lnesting an explanation of his vote and a little pocket money besi.lcs. An ' '•1 will stump the state." be said.
Station, returned Friday from Mot:i- terday morning on "Thu Cnalterabl • dins :-erretar;.. Robert K. S. C'a Phis protest was largely signed b; other eiirne.l ?'_'."» writing si^-iis jiuil j "find s[ienk from the street c o r n e n
trie, Ua., wjhere lit spent li'e holi- Record." His evening subject was sev. fin.ui'ial socrelar;.. ihur> .1 esidetits of the Second ward dniini triimniug windows ami then n:rn<-l 1:U ';:tid 'i.ills wherever I can."
"The Law oi Heredity.'* haiwl at faking at country fairs, which i Mr. Jer.niii!;i s:ii<1 Hint If he is elect-
days Kiel iTOisurvr, David .1 Tes'.on. tie meeting, and was also signed at
Anthony 'Freioli, infant fcon of Mr nut toil him # 1<«> -\vA exp» ! • d governor he will make it his chief
The Chri-n i:i:i Kr.iouvnr Soci.-t;. nr jther chnr'h organizations yesterday
An engineering student -oli! real «f- j .ilijcet to enforce the luw without n-
the Presbyterian church :it'- and Mt*&. Thomas Foioli. of Marlsii Councilman I.eigiiton Calkins, win tate and ut night clerked :'t a s'"ta | *\ e t f.> [>;-r>"n-<. hut that fn>m le-sous
'n hag elected the- faUowini; officeis: avenue, Murray Hill, w'.io died- Fri- was present at tlie niepiing, was call fountain for a gross gain of SlTiit A if- i •>rived during bis own prison experl-
resident, Walter K. Scott': vie-.- pres- day, was buried Saturday morning in d upon b\ Dr.-.Murray, and he said other worked at night as an autom-i | "n.-p he will iiiy.'t apply himself to piia-
ident. Clarence Gulii k; recording s e - the Methodist cemetery.
retary. Miss: Klizaueth Dertr. : corre- Mrs. Louis B. High, of Passaie
V Somervffle hat lie-would like to hive pres
'lit express their senfinients on tht
bile Mli-stiuu .•unl <-!rned .S.'"-"*' in tii.- 'ii reform in Oklahoma.
f o u t n i i n t h s . One eiitliierrliig stmlent j
BiHindinK sei-et:»r>. Miss Bertha An- stre t, retunied home Friday from a jurstion of more wholesale licenses earned $1.V) :\« :i iiluininiclst aii-l an j Pledges Aid lo First Offender*.
thony; tread'..rer, It'in J.~:'.e. * visit to Mr.jand Mrs Edward Hickey. •s the numbers of the Council. !,e be- other put In (he -tunuier s>.-» :i m: te on i '•I favor, the adoption of a reforma-
Person.-- itnte rested in establishing of Brooklyn. Kev. Dr. Willian: S. Cranmer ieved, were in sonif v.h.jt of a quan ad tory I'arol" system," hesnld. "by which
a sailing yaebt and netted .S.V>
an undergarment factory at White Miss Haz^l Johnson, of LOIII; HIM. of tile First .i church lary as to what to do. He reviewed first ofTemler* c:in be given n chance
ditloli to e.\l>en--.i s.
house. Station met iu Hoffman's Hall. C h a t h a m t p w n s h l p , r e t u r n e d h o m e | is sufff-rini; f r o m a ?• u " ' ••• o l d . v t i l t i iis effort to try to put the Cotin-i to redeem themselves. 1 think that a
Saturday night, to discuss ways ;:iui Friday F r i d a y frorii t h e H o m e o p a t h i c Ho.spl-1 jirim i p a l j y a f f e ' t s l u s ir . A: >n record last year on t';rpe ques ."• ting in:-ii who K convicted for tlie
means. tal. Newark. l l ) c t h s e r v i c e s a: t h e F i r t R e f o r n i e i 'ions, namely, that no license whicl CHAMBERLAIN. VETERAN M. P. ' r»t time should IK? allowed to stay
.; rn.ine ami work under the watchful
Frederick Huvler. who has moved] A son was born recently tc Mr and ' c h u r c h >esteril:'.y, ' ! i e r.< v Dr. .loiit. 'las ever been revoked be renewed:
from the borough of Peapack andiM"'- David FltzinRer. of Murray Hill. S. ( l a i d n e r p r e a c h < d . Id a r s e of thi hat all licensees who conduct theli Summary of the Activities of tKe Fa- i-je of the state Instead of neing locked
illnc.-s of t h e p a s t o r . tiie reguliit ulaces proi>erly be given assuranci mous Statesman About to Retire. up in a prison where. In all probability.
Gladstone, bas* resigned from the
w e e k l y p r a y e r m e o l ' n i ; o n \<"ejii"»daj hat so lone as the> sp conduct thei J o s e p h Cliambcrlaiii. w lio jit se'.uiii> lie r-lll li- made :i conllrmed criminal.
Itorough Council, and at t h e next.
meetlnK th^i Mayor will appoint ln» c v e n i n p will tie o m i t t e d . ilaces thpy nt>ed no fear of los >eveu has aunounee*! I bat be will re Tin-re will be no wholesale release of
O n ^A'etincsda\ e v e n i n g K c \ . ! t o . lire from tile Kutilisli iurlinCK-11: 't ' ! ' r I
rs If 1 become governor, but 1
successor. | :ig their licenses, &nd las' that posl
Th«» Veapack Vailey Fire Coinpan.
will sive tin annual ban in Alleu'n
Hall, February 2 1 .
K. \ ' a l e will !>»> i n s t a l l e d ;:s , a.^t-jr o l , Ive!\ no few licetiTs iie granted
t h e S e c o n d R e f o r m e d h. Th<
arranRements n a d r for ihis o<casior. '\ins said thut ho felt that a fire:1,
On the wholesale ni'.estiou Mr. Cal H Ibe n e x t g e n e r a l e i i ' t M I i , lias i v p l e
si'tite*l HiriuiuahHUi iu the IICIUM- ol
commons s i m e l>>~0. l i e is in po>r
j will exercise the power of pardon and
: parole with the view of reclaiming for
j society every man 1 can. As long an
11 here IH a chance of making a good
Miss Cnrrie Brown, returned hotix- tiy t h e Ctassis of Karitan. ;.-, as fol '.lany |'oo|)le thoughi there was en health and h-is beeu allinc s i m e 1"> [citizen of a man we should try to do
Frlday, after a visit to Miss Charlotte Tlu> funeral ser»i<-es of Steji.-M'ii (j. lows: To preside and read tile fomi: tirelv too much monopoly in that lin> resignation from the J'ni"iiist c::bjn»-t
l'omt>ton. in East Whitehouse.
William Dempsev. of KeudiuKton. home on Klizabi ih street.
Staats will be held from hi.- i;.te of installation, th,. president ol Clas

Bound lirook. tomorrow ai

Sui;ii sis, Kev. Henry T Junes, of \S'hii<-
: . house: lo preach l!ic sermon. Kev
n to'vn. which cre<.*.eil some fee'.in?
n favor of having one more whole
3 ,n l'.lO'!. His last api-earan..- in the j ' " j o n u . , , K S w a s a l r a l n r o b b e r , „ O k .
bonse of i-oiumons w a s at tbe opening I!nI ,, ( . 1];1 , 1IMl l h < . sonthwaut for rt^CTttl
who has been ill a long time, is a aie jilac- doing a genera] trade, l i t of the ses.siuu in 11*11- He was assist^ | bis final capture In 1897
suest of h i s brother, Alvah Dempsey, o'clock. 'Int'-rnient >vlll In- ::•: !i :• : \V J. l-onsdale. with thi- p r i \ : > ^ e o: 'or one, would like to see t h e ques- ed lut.» the chamber, took his 0.1th and ; '. , , a sl ,ts4»im.-nt conviction ta a federal
Neshanlc. .r.viiiiiK Rov. 1. (1. Renneti, oi Kev Na* • v»ent away again. H e has not inaile'a i, ,, u r t ] • ' • served a few years in the
in East Whitehouse. inn settled, once and for all. and i'
Willian: E. .lohn.-on. of N-^ai.v. Dean Newton Dolison: to charge the he people do not wan* to have an' spe-vli iu tut- house for el-jut yeai-v | Iir | S ,,,, nt r.jluinbii!!. O.. before being
Mrs. Jane Teats, of New Germnn-
was a we''k-ei:il v'sitor with his iiiotli- p a s t o r . Hi v. Or. K. <• iit-ail, o r R e v nore wholesale 'licenses hp felt thai After oue defeat fur p.-irli.iiuent Jn j pnrluned by President JlcKlnley. Hla
town, has sone to East Hish Uridpe
to visit Mr. and Mrs. Charles Slater.
Mrs. Anna Robbias. or New York.
er. Mrs.'Pott'r Johnson, of Heeciiwood B. V. D W ' c k o f f : t o c h a r g e t h e \>*<> I meeting similar to that of last joai
Ilelshts. v •']o. K e v . (" K. r o r w i n , » i Ji i h e i>riv ie called, to let t h e councilnieu
0Q 1S7:1 Mr. Chambfrlain was elevted Iu j rltizenshj,, later restored by Pre»-
18TtJ. He was returned In 1KS<». :iml .'dent Urxi-erelt, nnd he began the prflc-
Mrs. Minnie Kiueliart, of M(uiiit in l i e g e o f i n v i l i n j ? R e v . l o h n S. Hard- '.now how *hev feel about it. Mr when Mr. Clatlstoue funned i i:e.v ti e of if law In Oki:ihr.ujn
Oki:ihoujn City.
Pity. In 1912
is spending * week with Mr and Mrs.
Home. Pa... ha> bei n en^c^ed to t n e r : t o c-ondu?'t t h e d e v o t i o n : : I . - \ e r - Calkins, in answer to a query, said cabinet immediately after w;inl M: »•• run for tbe Democratic nomination
Ed**rd 1. HoiUenbury. m .Centio-
charge of t h e ex -a primar; < • it. s. Ki-v. W i l l i a n , S. C r a n n i p r that he heard it s l i d that t h e pres- Chamberlain beeume president f the ! as couiity attorney UX Oklahoma COUD-
Mr. and ^Irs. Raymond Hashes ami made necessarj by The in; rva T h e a n n u a l '-Dui-•!>. S u p p e r " !•;. thr ent wholesale licensee took advant- board of tTJdc. :i !>o<l which c:irrii*s -; aa ' ty atsiiust >;x other candidate*. Ba-
fore thi- i»-ii:i:irle«i Bve of the candi-
•laughter, Irene HttRhes. of High nunvber of scholar*. w o m e n o ' :Y.v F i r s : H - f o r m . 1 - a i r t ! age of bnvin«r that license, ;>ud that portfolio with it.
'd«e. are » h l i Mr. H u s h e s fathor. Somerset i.odge. So.. 'C Hni«!i!
James Hughes, who is ill at hie home Pythias.will meet in HamiUouHall at e v e n i n g
" i l l l>e s e r v e d i n tl. r-tini o! o n F r i d a y if another was granted it would be b>
taking t h e pick of t h e five men who O G Mr. <;ind.stone him for presj e^ij j »!*if«s withdrew to coocentrate t h e rote
dent »f the local jfovernment I.-•«.nl ib agiiliist hu. . but i.i spite of thlfl be ob-
near Bissell. S o'clock this evening.
V S Newberrv
T i l e r e c n l a r >»"<-'• i> n . >-i HE of t h e are seeking t h e permit and after look-
oi Ka*[ Hi^h W. C. T. I", v.iil l,e iield At .!:•> >i«'.:: Ing his record up thoroughly grant ** to the cabinet of 1SST.. but S.M.,I jiTict
] t..iiiil t h e uoiuination. At t!m^j/"neral
' e l w i i o u be w a s defeateil bj: j^parrow

Mrs. Adrian Van Fleet, of C-ntre- that be differed with the p:.:iii,r .; margin by n RepuWk-nh w h o waa anp-
'U*. is visjtins reliMives »t T'.nee street, has gone on >i Soiiiiieiu 1111*1- of Mrs J a m e s T e r « i H i c r. nn Ka.-i the license to him. tbe home rv>!e •tii'-itim ami n>i.:i:i-j i parted by "lxiLh tUe HepOblican and
Bridges ncss trip. He ex*«*>-t* to t o a* far a» Main s t r e e t , o n T n u r s J a ; a l t e r u u o n l i e wat» returned to parliament, n - ;: DeuuKTiitic organlnitloua.
Augustus V. lively suggested that
Texas T h i s w i l l b e a spc- ial mectma oi •i protest he made i)y t h e club in the j memlHT of the l'nlt<ni»t party. « h;. b
The January meeting of t-iie Somer- p r a y e r f o r t h e t e m p e r a n c e c a n i i i a i ^ n . matter, and Deuse VanVllet made a he formed our of tli<* Conservat'- ••'ei'i-
set County Past Councilors' A s ^ ^ i a - w h i c h is *ltles.irp.tii o v e r t h e co'in- •motion that the Crescent Avenue Club ments It w a s to this party t!.:;t Mr Daniels Lauds Naval Heroes.
•tion w a s held in the council ihambor try. Olad.«tODe later owwl ills tiefeut. ; Th.- «- retury of tbe navy has hlgb-
request the Federation of Men's Club? !-.- <-ni!:nien'1e»l '>scar B. Petemon, oll-
'of Hiawatha Council. No. 110. ,n
New Providence. Kast Millstone, on Saturday
Borouch Collet-or J. K Broka.. ro hold a meeting at which tbe ques-
night has returned horn? from B;-lu:'.ior"
From 1S»5 to VMS', Mr. CLamlx-:-Ini'n •r. on duty on board the C. 8. 8 .
was secretary of state for the e,.lo Boston at Portland. Ore., for risklns
tion of more wholesale licenses b«
The following Councils were rep:e- where he ha* been at'endine ar.- nies and f-houldered great rv?*»w>nsiti;'. i !ii< life to save a man from drowta-
sented: Raritan Vallev. S o i . ' i . of mini ponltr> show •horoitfjMy dlscuir-ed. Councilman
His famous Inn Ity in the cotidui.t <•! the Boer war. f
irg in the Columbia rfrer. Chatlea
K»tb»ni«l Boanell. of Xeuark. r.»- Rarilaii. two members. Ivanhoc. No. tarns captured the follow Ins. Fir, 1 ^alkins suggested that haste was net- Z'blcy. *enrn;iri. and Albert 1>. IttiaaeU,
turned home Friday from a visit toJT;, of Sooierville, «r»> nierntH:*. I"- |K n. v.ith r, in . la,-.- fivs; and fourl j "Siiar; in the matter, and It was de-
ai» gister. 'VlrtL Pho-be Kent, of onoer. Xo. 3*. of found Brook. «ev- cockerel. 12 in 'lass fourth hen. 1 -1I -ide1 that a large representation from Shootiny Galleries In Public Schools. 1 tiretnnn. sei'ond claim, bare also beea
^•rtegfeid; avenue. ! he club would att"T»d the meeting of Because of the ••asualiy V\%t cosimended by the secretary. An en-
en members: Oakland. No. *•• In clas* secrnj . nd ti:;td i c V f i l j hunters thv Kacine County 'Wbti ; UMftl man fell overboard a t Porte-
BofouKb Council veil Headington. three members. 'he Federation of Men's Club when
V i j e 10 In class, ar.j • T ' 1 . vl r.nirt'i pul- !
Ufld nert week. There wait dl*rus- Farmers' Protective aKM>cl:iti<>n wll i mouth. X. H.. and Zettler jumped o»«r-
Awake, of Xe«hann . ' one <me: fet. 10 In class • iv-tliion the legislature for l;tw« to i>r* ! board. The water waa toy cold a n d

"*>od .- Command to '",., Forward" j HranrMxire. Xo. '.';. of Xorth -ion bv a half dozen or more others.
The Board of V holder* h o l . l j in<i then Mr. Heel> moved that the ride that nbootiiiK sallerleM l>e e«tat> ; the curreat mi Ktrunj; that both were
• »a» th. tcplf renteTdft.v morning of ( one m«.'tnb«r. Thire nienilifrs it* first regular monthly nieeinig at ;M u b wo nD r e , . o r d M },eing opposed to ' I'eariy lout. noxufll started to HD-
lUbetl in every ' i t y whoo! for ~!rl*
""« ifrmotj by Rer. W. K. L. Jett. of t Hiawatha No n o , j | ilre** -J;:<! Jau:[> ufTpr the men. bat was
^ r ;)!l r! ho-.,e tomorrow. ! .cy More wholesale llcen«-«. H nit h and r.-ors between f«mrteen and ell-
St. I-uke, Reformed Kplseopal; the Association at this time I rentralued. The t w o men were IW-
Sonierrllle hud :. slight tr.jd dog | %vas , ; , r r , e d unanimousl) teen: that no liceoa<' be instied to IUIJ; by n boat. —,:- ^J .
t>f. South ateet. e. Murray
My Hill. | vine-Councilor | vineCouncilor # von # MinJen.
on MinJen. of Ne-v Ne-v •are on Saturday. A strange doc I ice who <-:iui:->t r»-a«i ;ind uudentaud i t
Miss Her Jes*up. kindergarten i j Market. * w present uad gave an ad- waa cjptured by Marshal Ramsey on'
tearheT ir. «he-borough public school.|dress | and a few remarks «•«.< rivrn Main street, which ir was alleged had; —Tbere'a not a dull, nor an nn- —Ton can make It pay you to re*C , Manager Bill Carrlf-an of tbe Red
2 " bbeen ddesignated
to teach music
by Board of,i, v William B. Inline,
in all;councilor.
paai Mtt*n aeveral other dogs This wai" j important
Prof. Harry < White, of a large yellow animal, and it led the, There's not one taat mar safely be
ad In todaT'a paper, the. atorn ads in today'* paper—-sake'Sox will rnnrc-nt to no trade that lt»-
tt pay rota in actual savings on pur-1 volves Harold'Janrrta. -»Hl
•trade*. 1 Bound Brook. entcrtaineU-'lhe niem- marshal quite a chase "before he «HC- I OTerlookatf by any frvat number of ehaaet 70a ne«d%© make. Try tfcjjaavrla will show regular big
There will be a special meetingjm-rs with recitations, stories. «tc. ceeded in getting near enough, to I l i e «zp«rlin«tat. ' . {staff next s«aaon. _ _
I '••


Hainfield Daily Presss

There's no mlttaklng the
things up.
o stir
Wh« the Jeff er«,n Democratic • Rutgers Star, Who Played
club holds iu banquet next month) Basketball Against Y. M.
I they will not have to feast on crow.' ^ ^ ^ ^ j^SUIg.

And tomorrow they wl«. Start

No news bas yet been recedred ln
making laws at Trenton for
regard to the whereabouts ci Howard
o> kind marts to unmake.
or by tt*U N o «mtr» rh&nr P Tallman, the Rutgers football star
lor | » | « f i m&n«d t o points i n tba U . • and All-American guard, although
aod Canada.
j B7ay aubacrtlMr
WO" raUlne t o raeoiv* a atnfl- Bryan says he likes • i>ill>" Sun- vigorous attempts have been made to
•Hi oonfrr a favor by ooUfjrln* llocat? him. Several of hl» friends
day. / He also has a fondness for j tried yesterday to locate Miss Doro-
rataa mailed oa appllaaUm. Graplejuice Sundae. thy Berton. the New Y:>rk society
. „ for .caaago of A«J»€Ttla»ni«it» e-
•ataar* etkaiigr for aacna 4ar aioat It. belle, to whom Tallman is rumored
What do yon think of that Satur- to be engaged, but all attempts prov?
unsuccessful. 'The only further de-
} JAM AKV I»IH IV HI* TORY. day real estate page?
velopment in the case Is the fact that
3 59» The Marquis de la Koche M s i a classmate, Harry Rockafell r. a
| rsmmlculoac-d by Henry IV. o. member of the same fraternity as

Frame to conquer Canada.
18SJ-—The flrst regularly elected as-
semb<y ot Pennsylvania, conyen
iLIFE'S PHILOSOPHY Tallman. found a note in his room
yesterday from Tallman. relating
' to the disposition of some of his per-

ed at Philadelphia. -
1 7 6 1 - Ferdfnaad IV., whom Napo-
leon drove- from the throne of
A PASTOR'S SUBJECT ! conal eff cts, which be did not have
j time to take away with him. The
I note directed that his trunk and oth-
I„ Naples, bofn. Dl"d Jan. 4. 1 S2.'. ' er belongings be sent to hi3 home In <
1814—Wllllas A. Gorman, Mexican
and civil war commander au_
Rev. Dr. C. E. Herring i Spring Valley, N. Y
Tallman's brother, who Is a student
I governor pf Minnesota Terrl- Instructive Talk at First in the Reformed Theological Semi- |
I torj-^ born In FlemlngHburg. K>
nary, gtlll refuses to believe that his
Died in St. Paul. May 20, 1876 Presbyterian Church.
1828^—Boundarj- line between th«
United States and Mexico settled
brother left college to marry, al-
though he is'completely mystified as
You Can Make Your'Kitchen Work a Pleasure!
At the First Prc3byterian cnurch to Howard's reasons for leaving. He "HOW IN THE WORLD A MrDOCGALI. CABINET C.%* HAVE SO MANY HOl'RH OF WORK AND THOISANDS OK HTEPH"—the aver-
toy treaty. list night, Kev. Dr. C. E. Herring vse woman simply can't understand until she s> es it with her own eyes.
1842—Sir Charles Baeot aftHiimed q( preached on ' Some -Modern I'niloso- declares that he is positive that How-
ard would have given him some Idea Then she can realize why every McDougall owner is so enthusiastic over her cabinet.
flee as Governor of Canada. ,».HC3 o( Lite and Jesus Curiit." He Everything used in preparing a meal has a place ln this wonderful labor Baver. right at your fingers ends. Wasted energy Is conserved by
1861.—Culled States senate voted U .eiitrcd his thought on the pailosoph;. of his purpose if he had really in- concentrating your work to one spot, avoiding d -zens of "hurry up" trips around the kitchen ea.h meal.
[jibro"sa(o the reciprocity treat of Rudopih Eucken. and showed how tended to be married. You'll find a McDougall helpful in thousands of ways—three times a day—year In an i year out. Put it in your kitchen and you'll
"with Canada. It was impossible to find out yes
Lne trend of nioJera was terdav whether anv marriage license have two to four hours more time each day to devote to pleasanter things than hard kitchen work.
1908.—-American battleship fleet wcl asainst materialism, and ' how that
had been Issued In New York to Tal
coined at Bio de Janeiro. Jiinker pointed to the Christian re- man. but It Is generally believed thai
gion us tne real satisfaction for the he went there first, though whether
Join Our McDougall Club and Enjoy a McD0UG4LL KITCHEN CABINET
X. 1., .January 12, I OH. We're organizing a McDougall Club of progressive housewives who will be supplied with l.icDougall Cabinets on payment of $1.00 down
world's need and unrest. "With a l l j h e r e m a l n e d l n - t h a t r l t v , or went tnd the balance J1.00 weekly Club terms.
of Ms learning thai tainker has noi s o m e w h e r e else Is still an open ques- This is the easiest, most sensible way to b::y—our Club terms enable you to pay for your McDojgall and never miss its cost and you get
"THE THREE R'8." -jlven us anything more tlian Cnil.-> tlon. a special bargain price besides. The McDougnll is recognized as the leading kitchen cabinet and iu buying it you have the satisfaction of
given I'S, but he does empnast/t Mips Berton Is an artist and the knowing that money could not possibly buy a hotter one.
In an Interview published In the .ae unfathomable depth and immea*- jd a , , g h t e r o f a ROi>en, France, auto You've long wanted a good, convenient kit ,en cabinet—now here's your chance to get I1. This design has all the latest labor-saving
New York Times,- Max Slllig, head arable hope uhkh are contained in features and Is a marvel of convenience—the b i ^ e s t bargain ever offered for the money. It is jubt the cabinet you need to promote good
mobile manufacturer and Importer. health, good cbe«r and happy living in your home.
of the celebrated school at Vevey, ae Cliriotlan faith." Tp'lman Is a strapping btc fellow
Here are foinc of the grea A
; points out a fault of our American thoughts ln his philosophy. "Man be- !<tand1n£ six feet, three inches an
200 pounds, although onl-
schools that Is patent to most of UB .ongK to tile visible wond but iaward-
nineteen years old.
1. Is that not enough empaasis l» . l.e is uiive to ilie r^^sence of a
placed on the elements that are the .»eper reality." He is not so much
. basis of nil study The cause for thl- oncerned with the material univeio«
t e MJdie ot iile is not to be sol'
j failure of thoroughness in teaching .•J tliat way. T;ie real solution o
'he element* he holds to be the cus-the Kiddle of Life »iil on I., be soi\i News Films of the
Itom of rushing the pupils ahead be " h e n * * discover that which wil
I, ,. . -. ,
|fore they get an understanding of.
.. , nake this a b e t t c world and man ;
e f m a n T ; c g. e q U . s l ^ ^ |n(h
he fundamental things. I vorld is not something that is mate- KVANGELISTIC SERVICES.
Dr. Sillig* declares that American rial but the "I'niversal Spiritu::. i A man seven feet one inch t«ll mar- Week of prayer service* will be I'lliK NORWEGIAN COI> UVEK
ftboys of fourteen come to his school '..Ife," and the purpose of man should ried a woman of four feet eleveu lucbes continued this week as evangelistic
tl ' to (omc in to.ich with this life.
.Jin Switzerland who have not mas- "Relipjon," he says, "is not a com-
In Texas. meetings in the First Baptist, First PERSONAL. OIL, .-.Oc Jint.
M. E., First Presbyterian acd Trinity
/tcred the multlp'icatlon table. Some •nunication of overworld secrets, but The mother of girl triplets at Wil- Reformed churches, beginning to-
Cod Liver Oil, Urgr
( i f them have studied trignometry, • -ie inauguration of an overworli' mington. Del- has named them Jessie. morrow night and continuing until The fourth quarterly conference Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Brown, bottle 75,
life.' In other words, it is the rea Margaret and Eleanor, after the presl- Friday night.
but really do not understand frac- i atlon of the prayer "Thy klngdor deut's daughters. of the First M. K. church will be held of Lebanon, Pa., are spending a few
tions. Is this not so? Are not ome, Thy will be done on earth as in Ylja.-ent (jhapel tonight, in charge days here with r e v i v e s . ..Mr. Mrpwn.
FTXERAL OF MRS. TAYLOR. oi Hev. Dr. D B. F. Randolph, dls- who is engaged in Y. AI. C. A. work, Old Fashion KmuNlon of Pure
pupils rushed into the higher grades in heaven." That which hinders mai. A difference of 1 c^nt in the books of
mho cannot spell correctly, cannot J f r o n i realizing this overworld life IF Tarrytoun. N. V.. the village The funeral of Mrs. Thomas House trlct superin ten dent. formerly lived here. He is a brother Cod Liver Oil. large bottle. . 50c
write as they should be able to and sin. "The root of evil." he says, "i clerk and village treasurer to go over Taylor, whose death accurred in The Ladies' Aid Society of the of Tax Collector Georni- F. Brown, of
Trenton, last week, will be held at 3 p j r s t j E. __ _ will give one of the borough: Warrm Brown and Mrs.
_ chucrh
have not got tke necessary arithme- not In the nature of the world, b'i! tux collections amounting to $111,000.
In moral wrong,—in a desertion from j o'clock this aft moon at the chapel U b g e r i , , s o f s u ; ) p p r g i n Vincent chap- J. S. Pray, of this city.
tic ? And is it not a fact that when
Clod." Christianity demands that w- j . A newly elected Justice of the peace in Greenwood cemetery. Brooklyn. el t o m o r r o w nisht at 6:30 o'clock,
ti.ey finally finish, their course of -should break with the world. This ' of Fayette City. Pa., offered a new and the burial will take place in that A b l l B i n e s 8 m e e t i n K will precede the avenue, who is convalescing from an
Mrs. J. S. Schoonmakor, of Park SCHREINER BROS.
Prescription Druggists
stud)' they are sent out into the is what he calleds in his philosonh' j ntove, a five dollar bill and the cere- cemetery. supper at G o'clock. op'ration for appendicitis at Muhl-
world handicapped because they "tho Negative .Movement.' Thl* ; uiony free to the first couple applying enberg Hospital, expects to return PARK AV*E., COR. SECOND ST.
PARENT-TEACHKR MEETING. , M i s s Elizabeth St. Ives soprano home within a short time.
have not learned the. fundamentals. means a battle with everything that j to him for marriage. The Parent-Teacher Association of «> »* lo of the
^irst Baptist church,
hinders his striiRirie for the Ideal j Franklin-Stillman-Whlttier Schools. v h o n a 8 b w n detained at home by Alexander Gilbert, of West Ki^i.'h
Then comes the next step which he | Offlcials'of the University of Mieh- will be held at the Franklin School. i l i n e 8 8 ' h a a recovered and she sang street, who has been <1 tamed at his
Undoubtedly VanHorwerden and -alls a "New Immediacy" of experi- i igan and of the other colleges of the at 8 o'clock this evening. In addi- a t b o t h s e r v i c e 8 yesterday, home by illness, is improving.
Martin did not express public senti- ence. He moans by this that the ' rtnte- urge a circular "dry zone" sur- tlon to an address by William D. The January meeting of the Wo- Karl Ball, formerly .if this <ity. HeadquArten for
'Tnlversal Spiritual Life" takes firs: roumlJiifr each college, no saloon being Murray, there will be vocal and in- men's Foreign Missionary Society of but now of Winnipeg, has liwn vis-
n*eut on the question when they cast
•'lace In his thonphi and the world of J |X»rniittt*U nearer than five uiiies. the Crescent Avenue church will be iting friends in Plainfield It r a short

their votes In the Common Council •»on«f» and the world of society takes strumental music.
. . htld in the parlors of the church to- time.
against the resolution which provid- second place.. As the culmination of a courtship of Miss Josle Brown, of Jers y City,
GAMES WANTED. morrow afternoon at 3:30 o'clock
ed that there should be no more re- The question arises how can a man I fifty yearn ago. William Knox and who has been visiting fritnds here,
touch this spiritual life. Euck«n an- Mrs Klizalieth Tunnell were married The Pastime A. C a junior bas- and will be iu charge of Mrs. Duncan
tall licenses. But it is only fair to will be has returned home.
swers. "By irvinK into the experience recently at Cbincuteague. Va. The ketball team of North
say that they, were hrr-est ln their of others who have llv»d long aso.' | wedding Is the fourth venture ot each. vould like to arrange games on op-|'£iam and Lais" and an address will
Plaiuneld. W • Taylor. The subject
Mrs. A J. Branson, of Greonlirook RYE
resents' courts with teams averag- be given by Mrs. L. Duncan Bulkley. road, who hats been spending th • past
convictions. They are the heroes of the past. At two weeks ;u May's Laudii.t:. has re-
he studies their lives, he becomes Aroused by a fire 'alarm at Water- '.::g from 14 to 16 years of age. For of New York, who will give her im- turned ho:j i
aware of the depths In his own soul Inirv. Conn., a retired lire liorse kk-l»e«l iddress Vincent LaPorte, manager, I presslons of a recent visit to Slam.
Gail McLaury. of Nn.v York, has
Commission appointed by the I' H«. not only studies and contemplates ! down the'door of its stall, dashed 109 Jackson avenue. I Three new members were received
been visiting Mr. and Mr«. Arthur
. courts to examine Harry K. Thaw their heroism, but he practices it j out of the barn and meed across the )on confession and three by letter at Van Cleef. of Grant averme 115 EaM Front Street
-»as made a report that he Is suffer-! The philosophy of Kucken i« r.iil.»'' Ht.v to his old fire station, where it DR. ZWEMER TO SPEAK. 'the communion service at f / Miss,..Minnie Smith. -f f'hiladel-
lr« from no mental disorder. It Is "'Actlviem "A man knows not because whinnied for admittance. Under the aiiBptces of the t-'xiera- 'chapel last night. 1
pha. has returned borne afier visltiug
1 he has centred his Intellect upon some
t« ^ % % «« ^ *« rffe « « ^ «B ^m « l l* I 1 «« A .A 1 ' *fe rfH 4 • • * ^ rife H«
f a n o f Women's Missionary Societies; P r o f . Hendrick Zich. >l DeWitt friends hero for several days.
• * r^ *^fe _ *

'not to be wondered at that the gen-treat Ideal of life, but becaupe he hap U/CCTOIU U/ll I 11/AI v n i n Kev. Dr. Samuel M Zwemer of;c,lmo|1 „, „ S c h o o , N V, york . Mr. and Mrs. Robert \V. Barn -a. here has bad an opportunity of meet*
eral public places little value ln ex- -lit the ideal into ac-ion Do-ibt , s i » " I U N WILL WALK OLD Cairo. Egypt, will speak at the First , d u a t e o f HeiUelberg Unlvcirity. of the borough, ar«» »p»-nltnK the
Ing a number of h.-r friends.
pert testimony. not cured bv meditation but bv a c-1 MEN IN SIX DAY MATCH. Laptlst church. Thursday night on .„, lecture a , H o chapel F r l d a y
'he subject of "Mohammedlsm."' - -
winter in Florida. They v. ill return Harry Foulks. of Cranford. has
tlon." This is In accord with the Mas- | mpht on "Old Heidelberg and Stu-In the KDrint;. J b en visiting friends In Plainfleld.
ter's word, "If anv man wills to do \ The public is invited. dent Life." < Frederick W. Thorap*>,i. formerly He is a grandson or H. 3. Sanderson,
Trenton is ail »rought up as a re- •-H* will, he shall know of His teach- T o p i t T " m Against Young.r Oppo-
A series of tifteen-m:nute prayer- of Plainfield. out now <.f Hartford. of Proctor & Sanderson.
rult ot a controversy as to who was Ing." nents to Settle Question of Prowess. REV. MR. NICHOLS TO PREACH.
strvices for men were inaugurated Conn., has been visiting fi i ndi here.
the founder of that burg. Seme say This Is what Eucfcen «avg of Chrts- Rev. Thomas McBride Nichols^ of ,v e s t e r d a y m o r n i n g a t Hope chapel as Mas Lela Wh rry. of the borough,
Hanltv, "It Is a sure pathwav to truth. the West End Collegiate c.Wch. N e w - r e g u l , J o f l h e w e e k o f .er meel. TEN NIK TITLE DECIDED.
Stacy and some say Trent. But'Jon awaVener of immediate and intl Edward I'ayson \Ve>ton. seventy- went to Port Jtrvis today to attend illy T.-lejtraph to The- Dally I T » » )
\ork. will preach morning and eve-. T h 8ervkeg w l l ,b e conUll. the funeral services fo:- ar aunt,
1 flve-year-old wurld fatuous pedestrian.
what's the difference? Adopt our|n, s t < , iifP. a vIvM re^reaen'-iMon an next Sunday at Trinity Re- ; o n g u n m o r n l n g indefinitely, who died in that place several days Manila. Jan. 12.—The lawn teunto
slogan—live in the present and doi'eili'atlon of an Eternal Order wM,1! formed church in the absence of T h eY o u n B women's Missionary ago. doubles championship of the Orient
j was won here today by William if.
all the chances of time cannot pos-
H tor your city: who insist age brings with it a ne\. J. ' Broek. /Society of the First- Baptist church Miss Dorothy Wells, a n: mber of iJohnston and E. Fotfrell, both of C»t-
sess or destroy." I will hold an allday sewing meeting the faculty of Smith Coilege. has ifornia, who beat the Japanese play-
geueral in.iliility to, i>erform. even aft- IIIRTHDAV C
er n fanbiun. those feafs of au athletic I en Wednesday at the home of Mrs. been the guest of Mr and Mrs. Hen-
I It may be, aa <• sews Item states, AN INFORM \ I . The women of Trinity and Nether- j| John G. MacLaughlin, 10b8 Arllng- ry C. Wells, of Washington avenue, ers, Kumagae and Nomura, by thre*
that Jaiuea E. MartUte h* • v ora out
nature which a few years back were wood Reformed churches hive been straight sets. The score was six t»
The P'jnlls of Mis« Mvrtle M. Kin- easy of accomplishm.'ut. avenue. the borough, and durin : her stay two. six to four aiid slsc to two.
bis seat iu the Cnited Staves Senate, i«ev, of JccVson aveni>e. met at the I n v i t e d t o a t t e n d t h eb f r t h iav< c]»'ir., '
The general pro|H>« is a test be-
but it is quite certain that he bas V r i T n * " r M " "r"f"s farson, of twt>en yotith and old ape in a "go-as-
tion of the Woman's Board of For-J
V.»*t Fn1. Pamrlav afte-noon. nn' y a please" contest on a measured rign Missions to be held in the Mar-
not worj out bis usefulness. o
tie Collegiate church. Fifth avenue
sn informal New "ienr recital , r a ( k . u i s s t u t e j t l i ; l t t u e
land 29th street. New York, Tu:s .
i refcls against plans ot ear were given and the *en ral plan lleve tUat a m a n „, f o r t y v e a r s ta ,0 I day afternoon, January 20. at 2:30 '
I o'clock. A social hour will follow, i
"Bis FtR»r "-^newspaper headline. J of work for
Not surprising; he always was his-utllaei.
c o s i n e v e a r wa«
A feature was the pres-
man of .sixty five years as fifteen years
i to nine years in walking capacity. WILL HOLD THIMBI.K PARTY. !
The Growth of This Bank
own boas and means to serve the »r,re of irmnv nsrent. of the chll- w.-sto u u :.hout institute a con- The Pastor's Society, of the First I has been very satisfactory during the past year and it is with
i\-tn. After a niesp'iiT program re- test wbere. on the same track, a team |j Presbyterian church will hold a' confidence that we look forward to even greater increase dur-
freshments were served. of mec at or beyond the sixty-five-
thimble party ln the churrh parlors' ing the coming year.
r President can't dodge lucky ••13" NVtV PET'T JI'"Y.
year ace will I* pitted njrain«t a
similar number of men none of whom tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. I
- e fel.ojrinc Pblnfieider, were l s l ) V t . r , , „ , , „ v e v e : i r s o f ufle_ w i t n .
We thank our depositors and friends for their liberal patron-
combination—newspaper neadline. age.
»wa on l h e r O T n t v Conrt nanel of handUmpplng system l-ased <m the al-j
amdwing $\\ what it her meant potit.
Jurors to serve In the court u,wan<e of walking tiuie on the track. I The fifth annual banquet of the > New Accounts are cordially invited.
hint, mhj sftould he want to? which opens next Monday In Ellra- The test i* to cover a period of six Dutch Arms, men's association of »% Interest on Checking Account* ot $500.00 and Above.
beth for two weeks: Lorvnto D. Trinity Reformed church, will be!
Crown Prince of Germany ha held Thursday night, February 19. • 4% Interest on Savings Accounts of S10.0O and Above.
ktarned eabinetniaking—m » 5 item. ! Dlxon. U. B. Crane. Howard B. Man-to gain their total mileage, white the j .
Well.-tt-"s 'about time h» began to ^ B ", older proup will have an allowance of I Poor Papa.
"aaw wood and say nothing."
, *»-T—^——«
\ Keeley William F. Meyer*, of Fan- nfteen hour* during each twenty-four ' "Karl, let's play papa and
in which to endeavor to equal or beat r*ll be mamma.*'
jwood, Is also in<- iided In tbe panel. the efforN of their youthful opt>otients- ! "Oh. no. Toure mnrh too stupid for THE CITY NATIONAL BANK
No issue of a New Vork morning, Flve tbousaiul dollars will be dls- that. Tou be papa._Fllegende Blatter.
newspaper would b* complete with-!
tribtttt-d among tbe i«everal contestants i — _ _ ^ ^ _ PLAFNFIELD. N . J .
WbUe I A Coming Man. CAPITAL, 9150.OOO.OO
for tbe j Gr1sr*-Then you don't look upon
commissioner. * pro|»»ed it has tentatively %harp* aa a coininc man? Itrtess^—No. STRPLCS AXD PROFITS (ALL EARNED) MOO.OOO.oo
ilna* Plan* for ann'ial I t»ut I would If I wan in rhanre of the
' The new president of the
of Commarea, Nawtpa B JI •enitentiary -Bo»ion Tran».Tipt.
—Adv-rtl»« t n The Dall» Presn

•iitsf IQtmft. *4 fr>.m oaa* I *
. Formerly 3*^ Broadway and ~1
The Great and Onl "I am oppoa-d to every form of
the saloon. Tou-K-anoot make Utla
• vice respectable. CaU it by whatever
A. T. Stewart ft Co.

| name yon £hoo««. it in the same, old
' evil, crushing the life blood out of
< m»n and women, destroying hornet
• and ruining" soaU.
! "Abraham Lincoln said .'reasonable

Ding- : men of the world hare long since

j agreed that drnnkenneaa i* one of
{the greatest, if not the R.-atest of
| all evils among manklnU.'
i "Robert Ralker, the founder or
! the modern Sunday-school, was in
{ favor of a total prohibition of maV
Silk Packet Sale
A-Ling i ing malt spirits which »s wasting
' corn to make poison.' This state-
ment practically coincides with the
' bill in Congress to prohlbi' the man-
I ufarture of liquor.
| "Reason, science and experience
• say the saloon must go. I cannot
Commences Tomorrow', Tuesday\ at 8'30 O'clock
More Than 19,000 Open Silk Packets in Lengths
Varying from Small Pieces for Trimmings up to

I say one good word about the saloon.
' It Is not a legitimate business. Us
I history is written In tears, blood and Patterns for Waists, Dresses and Opera Wraps
I disgrace. It is the breeding place of
falsehood, dishonesty and deceit. Its 115 kinds of silk in almost lull assortment of colors.
products are drunkards, imbeciles,
paupers, criminals, prostitute men In addition nearly all the one-of-a-kind remnants scissored

Biggest Show On Earth

j and women. There is no such Insti-
! tut ion as a respectable raloon. oil in our very busy Silk Rotundas during' the last six months.
"For every saloon licensed in a Phis Semi-Annual Silk Packet Sale is our Clearing House for
j town, you must increase ycur police
I budget an equivalent arrount or all remnants.
| stand*for a cesspoll of vice and in- This year the Silk T'acket Sale also includes small lots and
Now Exhibiting in this Town by j iqulty and hell itself let Icose. Rail-
roads do not employ men who use incomplete assortments, from fifty >ilk manufacturers and im-
porters whose silks are regularly represented in this store.
Special Invitation of intoxicants. I have yet to see a eon-
i tractor, seeking intemperate men.
| who are one day at work and the Every silk packet .*• backed by our usual silk guarantee.
i next day unable to work. It is for

The Plainfield Daily Press j the best interests of the <ltj to have
i sober men and the less saloons the
I better the moral condition of any
i place. A man who is uot right on
One Thousand Waist Lengths at the Rate of 68c to $1.95 Yard.
Regularly $3 to $6.50
this saloon question nowadays causes Thirteen Thousand Dress Lengths at the Rate of 50c to $7.50
suspicion of his own Hfe.
The greatest novelty of its kind. Made of | "No drunkard can inherit the Yard, Regularly $1 to $25
, Kingdom of God. The taloon de-
cloth that is everlasting. Painted by the ! stroys a man for time and eternity.
i How does a person become a drunk-
All the silks are classified as far as possible. Black silks on
best circus artists, fevery animal litho- | ard? I'sually by moderate drinking
one table, plaid silks on another, brocades on another, velvets
; or by taking a social glass with his on another, silk suiting's on another, and so on.
graphed in life-like colors. 17 fascinating ! companions. Such a person boasts
that he is strong enough to stand.
features on The Natural History of all the Animals. but finds that his strength is only Every Silk in Tliis Sale is Lower in Price
; " him that thinketh he stand-
Than Ever Before Offered
Circus Parade 3O ft. Long ' .th. take heed lest he fall." The
only safe way is to stay away from
! the saloon as far as wou possibly W.iUT sjiut-proof foulard*. rc^uLirh $1 and SI.25. now 58c yard
with animals 1 foot apart. j can. Victory may be temporarily de-
layed, but the forces of righteousness I
Crinkled crepe. 40 inche* wide, regularly S2.50, now $1.50 yard
«. anton crepe, \3«> inches wide, regularly $2.50, now $1.25 yard
ORIGINAL LIFE-LIKE | will ultimately conquer."
t.rinklc crepe, regularly §1.85. now $1.10 yard
Oiitton velvet. 40 inche* wide, regularly $0, now $2.85 yard
GENUINE ENTERTAINING PRAISE THEIR CHIEF Silk duvetyne, regularly S.X.50, now $2.85 yard
DURABLE INSTRUCTIVE (Continued from rt"Be l->
Brocaded velvet, regular $10 to SIS. now $6.50 yard
Tin-el *ilks. regularly SI'2 to S25. now $7.50 yard
'him t o » ; d one soal—efficiency. Our ',
Black charmeuse, 40 inche* wide, regularly So. now $1.50 yard
Here's How It's Done ! s e r v i l e *• good, perhaps not so con-
| sldered >\ every one. for that
somel' iK we do not expect. To please ]
is ! Black satin de chine. 40 inclic- wide, regularly S2.5O. now $1.25 yard
P.inck foulard. 40 inchc* wide, regularly SI .50. now 75c yard
Dingaling Circus comes to you which show with a • clearness the all we ...d be impossible. It is true j
•that we all make our mistakes, but , Brivalled crepe -atm. 42 inchc* wide, regularly Sf>.50. now $1.95 yard.
on a big sheet of linen, 2 feet wide tiniest tot can understand just I no man is perfect. There has been ' Main floor nnd Sut.wa> floor, old lluiliiin: and Subway Kntrancc New tluildiriK
and 3 feet long, lithographed in how, by an easy yet extremely in- 1
many jjreat changes since we have j
many colors. If this Circus were teresting process, the children can . been together. Tbe business ha* ]
reproduced on paper it would soon make each and every animal and , grown from what » e may call a small j
! country office to one of a first class |
5,000 Samples from Manufacturers
wear out. That's why it's on every part of the Dingaling Circus
cloth. This is a permanent Cir- in permanent form, so that each
city. The receipts and work has '
steadily increased and in lookinK uver ' 25c,, 38c, 50c, 85c a Piece ^
those here tonight. 1 set' many who ,
cus. Complete and explicit direc- feature of the Circus will stand up have been appointed to handle this j Made to Sell at $2 to $12 Yard
tions come with Dingaling Circus securely all by itself. extra amount of business r.lnct; I have [
taken office. In 1 •">!•>>. we only had ' Three-eight* to five-eights ot a yard in a -ample. Plenty of the beautiful brocades and
, four i lerks and eleven carriers, now | other one silk* of thi* season. Knough for f a t w work or for trimmings in a piece.
we have fifteen clerks, t u t n t y six <[ty j l^.w.r Silk Hc.turuia. Old Building, only.
I carriers aivd three rural carriers \

Get that "1 have thoroughly enjoyed

experience among you, and I hope j
'that when I relinquish the reins of
, t h e office 1 now hold, that I will con- I
my J
Partly because of general condition*, this^l-'iftli Silk Packet Sale i* composed of silks
lower in price and higher in value than we ever have been able to offer heretofore.
N O T E : Some few of these patterns show marks of handling; in such cases they are
dearly marked imperfect, and the price is low enough to make them interesting.

' tinne to retain your friendship and i P r a c t i c a l l y e v e r y *ilk f a s h i o n a b l e t h i s s e a s o n i* r e p r e s e n t e d in t h i * *ale.
that « , . will meet on main occasions i
to exchange courtesies.' \
I The noxt speaker was Inspti-ir.r j .
| WiMiara I>. Lara bee, who has been in

Ticket ] the service since a boy." He eautiou-

| ed postal employes never to do a dis-
honest act in the performance of duty
and he praised Postmaster Bird, s a \ -
Washington Provpactor Finds Way to
Avoid High Freight Charges.
A new u*w> has been found for the
IMainfteld, N. J.. Jan. 2nd. 1014.
Arrival aa
At Wai—t*q
or Malt.

TORK. U A I L B . Arrtn—6:S0, g:0«.

ing he had always found him honest.
! courteous and truly gentlemanly. Al- parcel po«t that Ls liable to make it The annual meeting of the 11:40. 11 45 a. m.. 1:10. t:M. 6:00. &:S0,
shareholders of this Company for S.30 p. m.. 12 nldnlKbt. Close—1! M.
! fred E. I.aPorte. a mail clerk, who iifCPttiar.r lor Uncle Sam to put on «:»0. 9:00. 10 45 a. m.. 12 noon. 2 09.
performed his first duties in the d<>- large drayage wajroim with which to the election of Directors and fo: J:50, 5:50. 7;41. »:')0 1. m.
make deliveries if it is takeu up by the transaction of such other SOMERV1LI-E AND KA3TON. Arrive—
i pariment eighteen years ago, spoke s 4u. luuu a. m.. i : »0. 3:16 ami 7:M
many persons. John B. Donahue, a business as ma* be brought n. •J. m. Clowe—6:10. »:00 •, m.. 1:M. 4:W
i reminisc cntly. and William Demarest,
I'iiwiieetor. who i« working a sold fore it will be held at its back-
j when called upon for an address.said, c-MILjLDEI.PHIA—Direct. Arrive—B:»».
clidiu in tho Olympics, In Washington. ing house. 202 Park Avenue.
Look In This Paper , "Take a look at t h e oldest carrier in is the discoverer. Donahue is working
j tht» city." and sat down a clnini about thirteen- miles north-
Others who spoke were John Mc- west of Lake Cushman. lleiK>rtx on
January 13th, 1914,
N. J , on Tuesday.
at' fin-
1:00. 1:40. 11.4S a. in.. 11.J0. 2:10, T:M
P m. Cloee—»:JO. ll:»o a. m.. l;»0, 7:00.
o'clock P. M P e l l s will be or.en '•;.«..- IS noon. *:00. XM. 6:S0 p. m.
Cormack. secretary of the local his ore hail shown that It rims from $4 • m w . T TMKOLUH FAST MAIL FOB
and You Will Find It branch; D. T. flawson. J. F. Mono- to &; H ton. but be tras not satisfied
han. Thomas Meaney, Oeorge Archi- nnd wanted t" send out enough for a
one hour.

WKST. Close—«J0. 11 :M a. m.. 1:M
1 ") A:i<\ 9:00 p. HI.
4-S'i i ra., 1:10. 7:00 and S 00 p. m.
bald Bailey, .lames 1.. Lambert. Hoy mill text run. l i e took it up with the • S.s :<-•»¥ I.V/.N1A. West of E&iton.
i Hann. J. B Conkling. H Frank I "nivcTsity of WjuliiiiKton and wns 1 2-11" Sec !
,i.^^_« p. m . . l : jo. 5:80. T:00 p. m.
Istodd, James Bailey and Howard Mil- told that In' would have to send .nut .t.J/.A 1 :KTH -Direct. Arrtvr—6:30. 8:«
» .r . I So. 2:0>J. S:S0 p. m. Close—g:0«.
iler. WKI pounds.

Little Boy!
i -i « in.. 1. noon. 1:04. 6:60. S:00 p. ra.
I James Bailey waj chairman of th..- •• i-'-v *I»K —Direct. Arrlr*—S:I0. 8:45 s.
Alter xettiUK his ore to Lake (Bush-
I reception committee and others who man he found that to freight It from J. HIMMELFARB m 1 J» 2 10. 5:*0 p. m. Close—«:30.
t "0 t CO a. m.. It n o w , 1:00. *;M, C:M.
. assisted in making the event a suc- tliero to Hoodspoit would t-ost Sil.'iO Ladies' Tailor. l>re»s

] cess include Aha Dunham. Charles \ t llootlsjtort there would be a wh:irf- v»—1:00. « : « p.
:«o A. m..
Schlief and George Apgar maker and Furrier. «> p. m.

Little Girl!
•iKf c'liar^e <»f *» cents, while drayiise . - | r , ^ _ » 0 0 a. in., AJ-rlT«—1:00 p.
Among those present were: Post- from the water front to the U n i v v |N<»S. : l w - m XKW ST.. BKTWKKX -I'NDAT MAJt^B. OOc* =p«B) from ( : «
master E H. Bird, Inspector C. A »ky of Washington would take . i j ,^H1> A M * 4TH STS.. TKL. OtM-W. 10 1«:»« a. IP.
! Larabee. J. W. A. Bau<-rsachs. E. J. other *.". j at «:li p. m.
I Pnrtic ular paina exercised in the • . 3 . BOLD.P. If.
! VanWinkle, "j B. Conkling. Charles The totnl cost of delivery from L ' niakini; ot a garment, the fitting of
I\V. Harrell, Howaid Frederick Miller I'ushuiui!. $10.S<i. made Donahue th
Arthur S Joy, Herbert F. OlaenUer.
Own Your Own Circus twlcf. He had heard of tbe new | .1 " li:tl<» •!•-'..-lln thHT mean so much

Frank M. Lesse. Gtorge Ambitious" • •el jK«t. »>nt had u»»ver used It. Think- j:i. 'h^ fl;iis^eti carHH»nt- -- ?b IAS satis-
i Bailey. LeRoy S. Hann. B Frank ins it might help him. he inquired. I" • 1 (actions fol'iows
Istodd. Oliver R Poarson. f M. Har- iva.* informed that he could send I KTi>crt \»i>rkm*nshii> and IVrfert Fit
old. D J . f h e a . William H. Thorn. R iiouuds from Lake Cushnuin to tin- Guorautml.
!H Loughlln. A. E. LaPorte. C. V. university tor $1.24. The parcel i~wt I will aprreciate a call and will be
Rittpnhouse. C. F Monahan. E. K sot ni.< V>n pound* of freieht. The to- pleased *- show ''vies and »3:.Tr
jSquier. D. T. Clawson. George Wilson,
Rudcif Heinold O. DodKe. William
tal government cfamiiw were M.9H of work
Ormahiie naved
Price* Reasonable. and
I Demarest. Frank W. Bailey, Philip NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PART-
It's no wonder thai
Giese. George W. Keen. Frank Kel-
!ler. Brlf.on H. Shepherd, William F.
Summers. Thomu -I Meanev, J Les-
Cam* M«ar It.
A New England farmer was once de-
scribing in tbe urtMDtt of a very ti'-rship
Noti*-*' :* h^r^bv K:\-fn- th^t th«» tKir:- t
latrly suhsixtini; between AL-
23G Park Avenue
Charlotte Russe XKW TORK HERALD
is such a papular dessert. Pure
fruit flavors. Try it We alto
lie Lambert. C. J Sohleif. George Ap-
Bar. James Bailey. Alva Dnnham and
John Mc-Cormack.
iuznaoe person tbe great ace and d«- SrHMAIJC. of th^ City otf Hohok«-n Coo 11-
'^' of Hudson. And StAtf '»f N^w J*rr»»*y.
bi.'ity of • bone tbat be formerly own- ur.d«-r th" firm r.nme of "STEKUNO
ed 'ind naed. "Ton ought to tiara kili- STOCK AND DAIHY FARM." *a.« <1U- orroan
Frcth Twice Daily TKI.KKRAM. AMERICAN,
have the Best In Groceries, •d nlm." tnterropted tbe huniaoe per- soiveti on tliin ihird day of Januaxy. nln#*
teen hundred and fourteen, by mutual
BROOKLYN F4GLE. GVOBB aou Iud!jraanti7. "Well." drawled th» oori#«-rit.
All d**bt« owfnir to th»- saitl jwrt- BANK ELECTION
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. ' YK8TERI>A\"S I/M'AL WK.4THKR. f«rmer. "we did—almost." nermhip nrr to b<* received br tli" Mild
Prompt Deliveries.

W. W. Dunn
' 8 a m. temperature
s p. m. temperature
' Maximum temperature
A m—n Diff-
K-lwurd A. Schmals. and all ilrraancj-i on I CITY NATIONAL BANK, PLAIN-
said partnership an- to be i»rt»*»»nt^d to
him for payment.
Paled January 2r.l 1SH
The annual meetin* of the utorkhold-
Between Madison and THK PARK GROCKR Minimum temperature
MrrJe—Look wbat a lor«l.r diamood
. 2 1 engagement ring Georse has given am.
ALBERT HA8SEI.MA.V •rs r>f this bank, for th« election of the
L»lr«-ct<irs tor th* enaulns ye«r. will be
Central Aves.-
tn-w-f tf
PLAINFIELD DAILY PKESS l>uer Street and Ltaeoln Place. Mean temp?ratnre
1 Xormai temt>erature
Esteile— Tea: ft"» lore!». It nearly
broke toy benrt when I sent it back
1-; : > 1; H held at the banklnc house. \K E&At Front
Str»-»rt. Plalnfleld.'ST. J.. on Tnewlay. Jan-
uary n t h . 1S14 rrom 1 to i o'rhxk p. m.
—Daily Proe« ada. biiac r*- SIKTIM WILLIAM y. AKXOLD. Cashier.
Dated Dec. 12. U1J.
—Adv«rtUe in ifae Daily Press. —AdvertlM U U« umuj R I M , 1 •ulto. 1 12-1S 20 24 27 1-19 U


COFFEE HISTORIC FAIRFAX Classified Advertisements—Copy Received Until 1:30 P. M. Daily
One cent a word for first insertion, one-half a cent a word for each subsequent insertion of the same advertise-
OF QUALITY OF FLAVOR ment for less than one month, fifty cents a line for one month. Double Charge for Capitals. No adver-
* Virginia to Fight to Regain' tisement received for less than 10 cents. No Display or black face type used in this column.
The Plainfield Daily Press cannot give information regarding advertisements for which answers are to be sent
You will alwaytt find .Htreugtli and flavor in our Martfti Washington WilL care of the Press. Persons replying to office addresses must mail or leave written answers as stated in ad-
CoflW ami it is fret- from bitterness. Th<* demand in- vertisement. •
hi reply and wjlely on account of pure quality. INSISTS MORGAN 6IVE IT UP
Shall *•«>
you a pound to t r y !

Testament Cut From th« Rseords of

Fairfax County During Civil War and

NEUMAN BROS. Discovered In Father's Library Six

Year* Ago le Prized Beyond Price In
the Old Dominion.
We carry the largest and finest
FLAT vo let. five rooms, all Im-
provements. 538 West Fifth street,
GROCERS The stage is being «et for a bitter stock of plants and cut flowers in the or enquire 4 32 Watchung avenue.
Watchuntf Ave. and Fifth St. Telephone 760 battle between the state of Virginia city. Floral design work by expert 11 11 tt
Efficient and Rapid Delivery Service to All Parti of the City and J. I'ierpoot Morgan in Virginia's designers. Plant or flowers delivered
avowed Intention of recovering "at all | to any city of the United States 4 AND f» room apartment to lee
costs" the will of Martha Washington, Store, 159 East Front street; Tel oc Webster place, near Seventh
which was stolen from the records of »28; greenhouses. 1126 South ave- street, with Improvements. CaJl 778
Fairfax county. Va_, during the civil nue. 40,000 feet of glass. Woodlan,! avenno. Tel. 1687-W.
war. This historical document is In CopyrUht. 1»1S. The Int. Syndicate. Baltimore. 10 28 tf
tbe possession, of the New York finan- STANLEY FIVE-ROOM apartment, all mod- it

Mono Storage render It

cier, who has declined to accede to ,

Representative Charles C. Carlln.

••»__ * a *
the request of the state that he RUr- ! 159 « • *T0Ht S t .
Woodhull * Martin Building}
Greenhouses, Scnth Ave.,
Tel. 928.
Tel. 831-J.
No. 49.
era improvements; central loratlom. J
Inquire P. C. Thomsen. 306 Ban' •
Front street. 11 »i tl !
•I WAREHOUSE who represents the Fairfax district,
ban come forward to aid tbe state and
yon say you can't writ* an ad.? Well,
a great many are Inclined to throw a lot
FOR RENT—8ix roonj house u d
tjath. Inquire 147 East Fifth street.
North Avenue county officials to recover tbe will.
'The people of Virginia are aroused
over this matter." said the congress-
of myHtirinm around the task of writing
an ad. Bat they are the one* who are wrong- If
T: 7
TO LET—Four rooms. East Sev-
11 28 U
Office 114 Pu-k Avenue. Tel. M4-W.
• OPP. FREIGHT HOUSE man recently. "The will is ours, and Ras. 417 W Id St.. T«L M4-W. Offloa
a customer comes In for a pair of gloves, you talk enth street, near Derckman stjeet.
we are going to hare it restored to n w i day and nisbt. N. T. offlc* 10 Kloven to him; yon don't talk about the weather or Inquire 306 East Front street.
Mladic. Tti. m*-Qnmmcv.
— 125 East Front Street where It belongs."
"Virginia will recover the will of
yonr family history- So, when you writ* an ad., go
Btralght to the point, and if you write a glove ad.
11 22 U
FOR RBNT—No. 4 5 Prospect
Martha Washington at all costs." A. M. it UNtfON & BOH, don't say anything about your ability to make
place, near Washington avenue, o
declared CrauJall Mackey, common LNDUKLAKERS breeches."
wealth attorney Jor Alexandria county rooms, reception hall and bath; all
411 Park Avenue. Telephone No. 4*. C. Dobbs.
Office open Oaj ur.d night. improvements. Apply to J. V. E. Vaa-
HAND'S EXPRESS CO. •Tntil Mr. Morgan persisted in hl> Office of Hillside Cemetery.
refusal to return tbe will to tbe or Naw York <iffle»_60 Great JonM 8t
hives from which it was purloined ! New Tork Tel. cull S34&-Spring.
Einb.Ttmt.-ni License— -123* Ad.
A great many people shy at writing an adver-
tisement—*ven a little three or four-line Want
They can write a Rood letter or an interesting
derhoef. at Woodhull & Martin Co.
12 1 tl
OLD »»T.TA«T.« the fight was one between him aud > TO LET—House, six rooms and
New Yor1' Reftintered Licensed story or a well-expresed essay—oh. my. yes; that's
the people of Fairfax county, to whom j

l:r.aarti»k«-r « ; . . » easy-—but when It comes to writing something in bath. 409 Liberty street, Tel. 450-W.
the document belongs, but now it has I the nature of a business announcement, they are 13 8 tt
ecouie a state wide question." I surtdrnly afflicted with mental chills.
Will Lost For Fifty Years. j •IAS. J. CHA8. A E to let, i i Manning avenue,
And why? Simply because of the erroneous first house from Watchung avenue:
All Rooms Separate, Light and Dry The will of Martha Washington, i
wife of the first president of tbe Unit- ', J.J. &C.A.HIGGINS lmpr.-Hsion that there Is some magic about adver- $16 per month. Apply to George J.
tising—some black art, some deep-hidden formula
Furniture Packed and Shipped ed States, was cut from the records of . H.VEKAL PAKU1IW thai, to the initialed, makes the problem of suc- Finger. 120 West Front street.
Fairfax couuty while the war between j IOO W. Fourth St. Tel. 1753-J. cessful advertising an open book. 12 30 tl
Office 69 Somerset St. 'Phone 541 the states wax raging In that part of | "A Modern
Virginia. Virginians believe that one )
Our Bo..Uet Entitled
Mortuary Establishment'
Soot Uooo ~

Rot! Writing a good ad. means simply put-

TO LET—An up to date apart-
ment of six rooms, opposite Proctor's.
of General McDowell's soldiers car- ting on paper. In the clearest possible manner, Apply to r . LJnke, 227 Went Front
what you have or what you want. Want to sell
ried off the Martha Washington will
along with other records, but how It L.
that old square piano? Then don't go to the dic-
tionary on a hunt for words that will look nice
street. 12 5 tf V

MURRAY'S STORAGE WAREROOMS got Into Mr. Morgan's possession no

one seems to be able to guess. STEAM GRANITE WORKS in print. Just say that you have an old piano for
sale; say a word or two as to its make; its con-
TO LET—Rooms or part of house
to colored select; improvements. An-
1 -orner Central Av* aaf Was* Front swer House, care Press. 1 8«
THE OLDEST IN THE CITY. For more than fifty y<>;irs the peot>!e • KMxmlt* dition: the price you want for it. Put these facts
of Fairfax county have ^e:tnhed for together briefly and you'll have a good add.
AT 326 TO 332 WEST FRONT ST. the Martha Washington will, which DIED.
DUNELLEN—To let—Six room
Or do you want a cook? Well, don't try to house, five mlnut«s train or trolley.
Near Grove St.; all the rooms are separate, airy and they prized very highly us a relic.
tell your family history when you go about adver- $14. Apply John Fedderman.
.Vot long ago some one who saw the MEEKER At her residence. 34 Ran-
dry; large and Email, at very moderate prices. Many years' will among Mr. Morgan's collection dolph road, on Sunday. Januarv tising for one. Say you want a cook—that's the 1 12 tf
experience in buyingt selling, handling, packing and ap- notified a friend In Fairfax, aud an 11, 1914, Elizabeth, wife of C Mil- Alpha and Omega of your want, isn't it?—Bay you
want an i>xperS« pc*-il one; say whether yours is a TO LET—New four room apart-
praising goods. effort- was made to have the document ton Meeker, in her :!9th year sn'all or larK'- fam'!y. so that the reader of your ments: improvements: l::39 and 13.M
returned to where Virginians say It Funeral private. ad iiiay get snmo U\"a of your requirements; gay
Auction Rooms at 326 West Front Street. rightfully and legally belongs. what the va.^iv, will be. And you can say all this
fc'outh S«-oiid St.; JIO.T.O per month.
John Herrmann, 369 Somerset street;
R. Murray, Auctioneer, 326 West Front St. Phone 666 Mrs. John S. Barbour. regent of the HKI••» \» ».\TKI» KKMAI.K. in throe or foi:r lim-<. >vhich. inserted in the Clas- Phone 2512-W. 12 17 lmo
t-'alls Church (Va.) chapter of tbe j MAID for geqerai sified columns of the newspaper you are reading,
housework, will carry your want straight to the attention of
Daughters of the American Hevolu 'white girl; Scandinavian preferred TO LET—Seven room house, part
hundreds. improvements; 1T> Stone street; key
tion. acting for her organization, wrote | wanted for general housework h
AtTCTlONKRKia and asked Mr. Morgan to return the [fully equipped modem house. 97. next loor. Ir><v:r<, 40 Manning ave-
Magic? Mystery?? Science??? Bosh' Ad- nue i 7 tf
will, which, she said, had been "taken ;Cedarbrook road, between Wauhuu
*f -
M Tne Leading T. A. MOORE from the records of Fairfax county. i and Prospect avenues. i s tl
vertising—first, last and all the tlme^—is COMMON
SKNSE. FOR RENT—Four room fiat, cen-
Auctioneers 612 E Sixth St. An unfavorable reply was received
from Mr. Morgan's librarian.
j WANTED—Cnpi-j,
1 workers, waitresses and chamber-
general house- tre of city, all outside windows;
water, toilet, bath, gas; | 1 5 month.
John H. Doane. 14ft North avenue

T«I. 741-R
Also Dealers in Second Hand
Futil* Appeals to Elder Morgan.
The report that the Washington wil,
was in the Morgan ••ollextion nr»t was • WANTKD Cook
'maids. Call Mrs. Keller s agency. 22
j Somerset place; Phone 172 4. 1 s c
FOl'R nice rooms ui let. Apply
1 10 3

East Front
furoture- Bought and Sold. heard six years ago. Several letters;street.
WHEN THE EARTH QUAKES. were sent to the elder Morgan, hut he j 1 10 3 651 Libert;* Etreet. 17 5
120 Madison Av.,Jackson Big never replied to any of them, RO it l« j WANTED—Salesladies, over i s (All rights reserved. 1913. by Jerome P. Fleishman, FOUR-RQOM flat to let. part i
Teleohooe 1707-W. Strsssaa and Strains to Which Our provements, $10. 203 Grant aven
said. | ayears of age. Apply Woelworth s
Globe Is Subjected. nd 11 21 tt
After his death the Fairfax people | 10 «-'*nt store. 110 6
When tbe stairs creak and the fnrnl-
became interested in tbe will ngmu FOR RENT—Store, centre of. towt.
til re give* out mysterious crackling maid for
The Daughters of the American Revo- f FOK BALE. <iOO*18 A>'O BOARD. rent reasonable; also two large,
HENRY J. SIEBERT & CO sound* at night we sometimes sit up in imion and tbe Falls Church chapter l ^
bed and wonder if there I M burglar Joined forces in an effort to recover
r e n c e „.„,„,„,;
no washing; ref-
Apply 976 Konsing- FOR SALE—Set second hand dou- 1 >. 1. b"' -Attractive rooms, with
Ight lofts. Apply Elston M. French,
1 8 tl ble^harntss. Apply 162 East Second • ••rd. 171 North avenue. 11 < tl
1147 East Jersey St., about, lint It doesn't occur to i»» that the testament. When gentler means n u e Mrs. L. R. WUUams, 13:
what « e bear is really an earthquake failed it was decided to enlist tbe aid WHITE laundress wanted t«v> days street. 1 12 3 Crescent avenn*. j 24 V TO LKT—ISt Madison avenoe,
ELIZABETH, N. J. en a small scale. The night air ban •f tbe state. a week. Apply, with references, 9 4 i large sr-;t, light and airy; steam
FOR SALE—All kinds fine gloves PLEASANT rooms with board, heat. Inquire Fred Kndress or Jani-
(Gpp. Proctor's Theatre). caused toe wood to i"ontrnct with a Tbe suit planned to recover the will Cedarbrook road. l lft 2
for ladles, men and boys, at w h o l e - | firs!
class neighborhood Miss Kline, tor. » a* tt
soup, thus accounting for tbe alarming is unique in that tbe state of Virginia 1
sues nn individual before the supreme WANTED—Girl for general house sale and retail: large variety of d e e r ' - -Sandford aveaue. 10 16 t«
sounds. This is just exuctly what the HOUSES $12 to ISO;flats,$1*
We spocialize: ourt of the United States. It is one work; German preferred. 9 2 8 Union skin gloves tor auto, driving
j eartb Is doing periodically. To a ml- of the few instances where a state street. 1 12 2 e o d working; best canvas, inc. per dozen.
and -rcT'i'v^—«-•".»." v.—Z
T ° »'E1 - W : t h board, one suite to $30; stotes $7 upwards. 0. Me-
| crobe. reposing on the polished sur has sued a citizen in tbe supreme $1.00: kid gloves, slightly damaged, i f n d two single rooms occupants go- Inness. West Third street, Tel l i t *
AWNINGS I face of tbe table, this disturbance If ourt: WANTED—Giri for general house
half price. H. Texier. 58 Somenei l n g B ° " t h 2 0 9E a s t
S"""* s l ^ t .
probably as violent as an earthquake work. 1 5 Sandford avenue. 1 1 2 2street. 12 31 t tf
Ferdinand D. Richardson, father of TO LET—Flat, all improvements,
WINDOW SHADES is to a humun being. the present clerk of Fairfax county, COOKS, w a i t r e s s and general FOR RENT—Two comfortable
An earthquake is a terrible thing. It was clerk of the county when the will houses orkers wanted at Northeu't KKAL. AUKNTS. Janitor's eerrlee, corner Front ftresl
CURTAIN MATERIALS comes without warning It Is over be- was tajten. rooms with excellent home table. and Madison avenue. Inquire Ft**
Employmtui Office, 21 s East Fron' REAL ESTATE for sale, rent au Mrs. Herrien. 6H2 Madison avenue. Endreas or Janitor. k SI tl
fore one knows wuich way tofly.and Mrs. Washington'* estate at the time -treet: Tel. 63 0-J. i .s « exchange. Insurance in strong com
BRASS GOODS, etc. Its fury cau be abated by no man.
the will was made was one of the panles at lowest rales; money loan MOVING PICTURE OR STKBsV
Yet to the geologist earthquakes art- largest in tbe south. ed on real estate. Thlckstun » Ku SINGLE or connecting rooms with OPTICON SHBBT FOR RENT: Ms
Large assortment. only symptoms They are not causes rnnn*. 1 B? timrth i m n > board: home privileges, piano, tele- enough for the lmtmmt h*iL AppU
so much as results—results of great FOR SALE—Good house for co phone, reference exchanged with
Low prices. stresses and strains within tlie,enrtb REDFIELD ON PROSPERITY. ored people; 6 room hou;e, part lin SITUATIONS WANTKD—HALK. persons desi<-ir>^ permanent home. Daily Prwa «S«sj. v
J that cause slipping and slidlngn rroro provements; right in town. See M 41S-J; 2 Washington avenue.
• time to time. If tbe rocks on the shell Secretary of Commerce Make* Bright Vanderhoef. at Woodhu'l & Xtarti' BOY SCOTT, highly rated. I."., AOKHCII
'Phone Elizabeth 852. l - j 10 12
of tbe eartb slip and grate against Forecast For Year. leaving school, wants work, prefers MURRAY'S Employment Registry
Co. 6 26 t learning trade; will take anything
each other so much as an inch nlong a In an article in the Chicago Tribune A Kb >fflce, reliable help only; all national-
I fissure ten miles In length a shiver 1M Secretary of Commerce Kedfleld fore- FOR SALE—To close French Es where willingness and energy count ties, faithful service commands good
i felt. A slip of fifteen feet along a casts prosperity for 1914 and scoffs tate." Somerset street carriage tac for future advancement. Call Com- LOST—Pearl uud diamond stick- Ituatlons and our fees are very rea-
{course of 'JtlO miles sufficed to bring at pessimistic predictions. He says in !tory. stores, and tenement houses anc missioner 1116-J, or write 634 East pin, between Fairview. Somerset. sonable; courteous treatment,to aQ.
about tbe terrible San Francisco earth part: stable in rear; lot 100x200 ft.; alle> Second street. 1 9 tf Park place. Grove to Craig place. Lib-
326 West Front street, near Grove;
ORGANIZED 1864 quake and Ore. The fact* are such as should fill us all at I side and in rear; bargain, terrut eral reward. 2r. Fairview avenue. Phon« «6«. 11 26 tf
These strains and stresses accumulate with hope. There i* little in them to jus- YOI'XO man wishes position as
tify either doubt for the present or arranged. Apply. Elston M. French houseman and take care of car. Ad- 1 12 3
steadily within the eartb The point for the future. executor, 171 North avenue. Plain dress N. T., 60 Elm place. EMPLOYMENT Agency. C. North-
at which they have ouce found relief is The crop of winter wheat already plant- field, N. J. 1 1 0 3 LOST—Saturday evening, black en. 21S E«st Frrnt street; Phons
• 2 19 t!
THE ' weaker to rwist the nest xtrain. It ed to mature next summer is not only In leather driving glove
HOUSEWORK, 25c an hour, want- Reward if returned to 70S Watchung 630-J.
deft hand). 12 29 ! « •
slips again presently By successive nner condition than a year ago. but Ui of MISCELLANEOUS ed by handy colored man. 317 Liber-
much larger extent, promlims well for avenue.
movements lu« sides become more and he future if weather conditions prove fa-
FIRST more displaced. Itock layers, mineral vorable and certainly Justifying no pres-
veins, coal neuron that cross tbe line of- ent anxiety
TAXIDERMIST—Birds and anl
malt stuffed and mounted. T. W Sit
irr*»t in j s |f EMPLOTMKNT A«escy,
•r, 22 Somerset p!«ce. tbe oldest
—Gold watch fob. with ini- and most reliant i«U uUonalltlss).

NATIONAL displacement, .ire Jogged out of tbeir Referring, to American industries, he jty. Wayside Park; 'Phone 1J99-J
course So arv rtmris. fence lines and *ays. "One does not need to be wor-jDunellen. y. J. u i« MONfcY TO LOAN oond an<*
tials. Reward If left at this office.
1 12 3
Thone 17J4. 7 1 tl
bnx-k* that run across it on tbe SOT- ried by this cry of wolf, for the cry mortgage. J. T. Vail. I 10 U
BANK fa«*«' In th« San Krnncisco quake one •us t>een made before, and tbe wolf
mnn's front ynrtf w«« nioved twenty .1id not come."
I FOUND-Friday morning, on Park
TO IX)AN on bond andjav«>nue. between Fifth and Sixth
WANTED — Apprentice boys »
O F PLAINFIELD. feet to <»oc *'u\t* i»f his hou*«». and in CO. J. T VAIL. 9 2 tf mortgage. M^lford. opposite depot [Streets, bunch of^keys. Owner cau iearn plumbing trade. C. W. Krauase.
another place the slip line came so 11 18 ti i have same by identifying property 83 Vine street- 1 11 J
Asks Divert* BacauM Ha's Bald. EMBROIDERY. INITIALS. ETC — and paying for this adv. Cail at Dailv
A COMMERCIAL close to n ra.m- hum that some piles Because he is bald and his wife sent i Orders taken for all kinds of em- MONEY to loan on first mortgage. Press office.
of *tr«n. thrown out from the win-him a comb and brush as a Christmas 1 9 3
BANK WITH Lewis A. Clement, lawyer. Babcock WAJCTED TO RE5T.
dow*, were i-arri.ti n*«y. tn Japan a present. Jeremiah Scblesteoberg «f broidery and Initials; .first daaa building. i ii |
SAVINGS and ' ellff twelve fe«-t hl^h interrupted a road Midway. l*a.. began an action for dl- work: prices reasonable. Sirs C. S. srrvAinoNs WANTED—FRMALK. WANTED—By April first, all of a
SAFEDEPOSn w»y. mid- rhoosniid* of similar cc*e» »-orc*> on the grounds of cruel and bar- Groot. 7CS WoodlaD'' avenue, near MON*BT on n<t and
small two-family house or large boute
COLORED laundress wishes work: suitable for two families. 47 CrsiS
micht be cited These we«v primary Putnam avenue; telephone 1687-M. mortar**.
DEPARTMENTS. barous treatment. "I cant grow hair V i s i n g . 182 N.-:h are good relerence. 52 5 South Second St. Place.
novemrnts uh>uc tbe line of tbe dto • I 15 lrr.D
oa my bead and I can't stand b«* lf» 1 , t« 1 10 3
tnrbance that mused tbe earthquake*
_ WHITE woman wishes position as
INTEREST PAID ON — — — — '• --CojipetitloB between the stores'
v u j n i r u u u s u r m e c n i a estores i WANTED—For $500.
n A . \ 1 t l > — r or J J O U 1913
l s l i or FOR SALE. EXCHANGE OR Toi'dyr, 00k:
T"" 0 8 t o R ot o
country. Ad- FOR SALE OR TO LET—Two n««
unusual for the tablt j ! D Talue-glring grows keener all 100! 1S14 five passenger auto high grade LET—Xo 1220 Park avenue. !„• 1 *«" Cook, care Dail* Press. •even room houses; all lmprovs-
SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. is a!»a>« a welcome treat »~ the time—an<j makes the store ads of In-1 type; must look tike new and be a 60x200; 10-room noose, in first clam ' • « ! • : garage, sleeping porch; dee*"
bom, fo!V«. The ad-readlns women j creasing purs^lnterest to you all I he 1 bargain. Address Cash car* Dally condlt'on: all Improvement*. Bn-i washing S woman wishes to go outrated to suit tenant or buyer. »»•
does not And tbe problem hard. I time. I Press. 1 12 * and ironing. 856 Leland Osborne avenue, Netkerwood. tele-
outre S. a*h»uer A Co. 12 28 t/'avenue. 1 » 3 v 12 t« I S M
t , ..
Of Interest to Women and the Home Just What tha H M M -
TenEyck & Harij|
wtf* Will Lika.
DMlan la f!~

Practical •ea Rowley's Uroc "u>r*. I I * | » .

Proat at l i t aOkl-J-1. 3.--
Fashion Hints
wmy Qfendslr Kindling tad Grate Wooi,.
Prompt deliveries. Orders receiT«C*«t

\\ inUT Wanning*. and the ironing while the wool is

The wint'-r washings ar«. much still damp helps to keep the fibres P. O. BoxSaO. Telephone-toil ft
niorf troublesome than thot,t of turn- from matting together.
mer For even If the winter wash There are boards tha: come to
day* »re clear they ar? usually frosty stretch stockings and various under-
ajid rlotbeH_t>at freeze faster than garments on while they are drying,
FenEyck & KeHcqr
they dry art- troublesome to manage. and these are well worth buying for
)t would be a pleasant tLlng if all expensive woolens.
households wire so arranged that The best way to waah woolen
A Smart Collar and Cuff Set for theedge should be slightly padded and
worked in button-hole stitch, and If 41 Sonfe
• asb day could be delayed until goods of any kind is to use warm .Winter l>mt* or Coat.
a less elaborate design l« de«ire'i.»onie
ftlr ami mild weather pr-.-vblled.BiUI water and soap shavings dissolved Often a dress or coat is mo.e be-of the dots may be omitted. While
tM» if. of course, impossible. in a little hot water. No board should if it has a bit of white near the or colored mercerized <otlon may bt MEYERS & SONS
.Since such an arrangement Is im-be used, but the woolen should b> face, and a dainty hand-embroidered used for developing this net.
possible, indoor drying ib to some moved constantly about in the water
sit nt necensary In cold weather. ' ind rubbed and snn<-e'ed between tho
collar is Jus»>he thins. They may bc This collar comes in medium size
worn not only to lighten, but to give only, but the neck-ouliinc can easib
COA L t 5

Fine lingerie tnut>t be dried out-of- hands. Then it should b : wrung out. l fresh touch to the parment. If onebe made larger by cutting inside of COKE AND WOO|C
Oca Ml. USS-w U l .
"Vdoors ou a windy day that is cold rinsed thoroughly in clear, warm has a variety of styles of neckwe;ir. th«> dotted line or smaller by cutting
.enough to freeze. The combination water, wrung dry again and hung up. the appearance of the sown will be outside of- it. Tard tal. l i l l - w
of freezing an.1 b attng prove too Pure good soap should be used. -hanged Kreatly. making it seem like This collar is particularly suitable 4ia aau Washington Bu
much for the clothes. Tliey freeze Stockings. a number of dresses. This smart col- for tbe sctaool, college br business . v-.
•till, are beaten against one another Woolen stockings, like any others, lar and cuff set may be mafle of white Klrl. UOTKIA,
sod the line, and literally br^ak. should be hung by the legs, not by linen and embroidered in heavily Pattern number 14409 will br
Such rhinen must be dried in the the toes, as hanging by the toes in- padded solid work and eyelets. The supplied to readers for 15 cents.
nou»«', and if a clean attic or empty creases the size of the holes. They
room ran be used for a drying room, should be ironed on th? wrong side,
tbf task is much simplified. Thj so that they will be in the right po- UEXRT WIXDHAM, Prop.
windows should ho opened and thesition for mending. EAST FRONT STREET.
beat should be turned on, so that the The r e should be on hand b v Gottfried Krueger'a Extra Bear • •
air will be- fre-sh and dry. the side of the laundry door a long-
Woolens, too, should bf dried in sleeved, thick sw-ater, that buttons
.th« houa - on very cold days. The snugly about the throat and a woolen
secret of drying woolen so that it cap to pull over the head. Good
does not shrink lies in drying quick- rubbers should also be there. There OOBK BAO OF Bt.UK USMK.
THE CIRCUS IS HERE! ranght. Imported Wlnea, Uqaora
iod Cigars. Hotel accommodation*,
ad private biotas

ly. If it freezes In the process of should be a pair of thick cotton wash
'.n!m! it <U>*B not rtrv qnicklv. ]t gloves, loose enough to pull on easily The draped dress is undeniably the

It Hhould never be dri d so rapidly possible in using; the hands. These or eveninc. The folds of material er idea of an ingenious housekeeper
cling to the figure and bring out all
Corks are oDe of tbe little things on*
can never find when there Is use for
•aould bo hung in a warm, dry room. and to prove of as little trouble as most graceful model for the afternoon them. This little cork bag Is the clev- 6ET YOUR TICKETS N'ewly Painted and Papered througlta
out Table Board ana room* . ~
by Day or We«ik.
that you ran see pteam rising from things would make colds among Eight hundred PlainfleM girls took advantage of the offer made Plel Broa. and Kragerra* Baev o »
its best lines. who believes In "a place for every- a few months ago by the PlainAeld Daily Fr^ss through which they
it as this very rapid drying shrinks laundresses far fewer than they are.1 draught. .
•it.- _ :
: " The laundr S8, overheated from the Any of the soft materials are suit- thing and everything In Its place." secured the "Mother's darting and Nurse Marie" paper dolls. The Fresn
able: clwrmcuse. crepe de Chine, the Tbe bag Is built of blue linen, with was complimented on all sides fur furnishing that delightful family, W. G. FEASTER, rVprfetor
It is a pood idea to dry sll woolen steaming atmosphere of the laundry, new silk crepes: there are qualities of a band of cretonne as a decoration. and because of the great Interest, the publishers have been seeking i»7 Somerwt Street. Tel. 901.
things before they are quite dry. too often steps unprotected out Into cashmere that are quite ideal for these To tbe end of the bag ks attached, a Home other equally attractive cut-out for tbe young people. We have,
Shrinking Is caused by the intertwin- the cold—and catcl.os cold. found it in .,«iwai^fMif'rj
ing of the wool fibres, which .are Jag- (Copyright. 1914. McClure Newspa-
ged so that they catch on each other. per Svndlcate.t
No. "S05 is a design showing the
dro[>-shoii:der. a waist with the yoke Homamad* Flowerpot.

Some Cookery Suggestions

cut in one with the upper prft of the Flowerpots or any size or design
sleeve, a surplice vest and a three may be made of plaster of parts In tbe
piece skirt, draped slightly at the side following way: First secure a mold of
front and side brick the desired size. It must be smooth
the most original and attractive article of the kind that has ever
Stock qaoUtlon*
An excellent suggestion for this upon tbe outside and the top a little been put on the market. Up to the Minute.
dress Is currant red silk crepe with the larger than the bottom. Grease the DINC.-A-LIXG ( l i t e r s comes on a big sheet of linen, and contains
STEAMED FRUIT PUDDINGS. of nu'lnsscM and sour unit;, if too sun folded vest of chiffon in a soft wis- mold and cover it with paper. Mix ALL OF THE WELL KNOWN' ANIMALS found In the menagerie of T»HO?TF 1RS7.
add a few teaspooiifuls of water. If teria color It would also be attractive plaster of parts one part, water two the big circus, ready to cut out and paste «o that they will practically
fresh fruit, like chopped apples, is put in a dull blue wool crepe with the and one-half parts, and into this solu- be indestructible. Then there is a CIRCUS CAGE, drawn by two
THKNER MENU in the puddings the additional liquid vest of white and would perhaps be a tion dip inch wide strips of muslin. horses. TWO CLOWNS, and last but not least. TWO DOLLS, m boy and I 1ST RECEIVED 8.OOO ROI.I^ O l
Chicken Broth \V4tli liica. a girl, which can be cut out, sewed together, and tlten stuffed, so that |
ilaked Puffed KowL Is unnecessary. A cupful of mixed bit more practical as it conld be worn Invert the mold and cover the bot- they will stand up and riew the animals which will make a THIS YEAR'S
raisins, currants and citron may without one becoming tired tom with a square of muslin that has
Creamed Onions.
used in tbe pudding. of the shade.
Tbis design may N» made in size Z>>
been dipped in tbe plaster mixture. WALL PAPER
Watercress. Individual Puddings. 1 Then, upon the same plan that a sur- vt special prices, selling at 8 and tO
Steammi Banana Puddlnir. Orange Pudding. -Orate finely u cu^ with B 1 yards of 3<; inch material geon employs to adjust a plaster cast
ful of stale l>n-nd iiiifl soak in half a i The pattern Is cut in 5 sizes: 34 to 42. enta prr roll. This is an opportunity
begin to wind diagonally, around and
eupfql of i-ream until soft. When thu I This Is a Perfect Pattern. around, working from bottom to top ;-o secure up-to-date wallpaper at a
rnniXGS In which cereals are creafti is almurlied beat lltfbUy and add-I Be sure to state right Rlzo measuring and then ba^k again, smoothing out
P UMH\ are better for tx-liiK steam- the grated yellow riud and the juice
ed. A hotnemudi* steamer ciay "f one ornnjie. Sweeten to tu^te and
| over tbe fullest part of tbe bust for the creases and keeping the strip*
even. When tbe last layer Is In place
If they are spaced a foot apart. There are admission tickets, a bis ••la; saving.
banner with the name of the circuit, and natural history lectures telling
all about everyone of the animal* in the circus,
WooUton &Buckle
"* • - . - - - -,.

be improvised by |>!:i< Inc a plate up- n<ld a i>ln<b of salt and half a cupful i dimensions add a generous coating of the plaster,
side down Inside of n saucepan. [H)ur- of milk. Blend the ingredients thor- j It may l>e <>htain«-d by (illinir out therubbing It level by the hand. Set In :i Palaters aad Doeoratow.
lug w:iicr about the plnte and then, oughly, fold in the stiffly beaten w'uitu { conpon and enclosing 15 cents In stamps strong current of air, and In a short
after i-uvering the top of the pudding of one e<r>: and pmir into buttered or coin to the Pattern Department of time the mold can be removed.
witli n round of oile<l pa|»er, placing cups. The cups should not l>e filled i this paper.
the lid lightly ou the ouueepun. too full. Set them In a pan of hot wa-
The, strips of muslin should be about
ten inches long to manage easily, and
Cut out the admission ticket which will be found in today's Plain-

Now is the Time

UeciiM>s for some nice steamed pud- ter and bake for al>out twenty miu C O U P O N field Daily Press, and bring it with only 4 8 cents, the actual cost of
the size of tbe pot will govern the
dingH are given Here: utes in a moderate oven. Name number used, as a large one will re- handling and distribution, to the Daily Press office, and get the two io paint your house—in tbe cool o t
Dainty Dessert*. Fruit Pudding.—Take two and one- quire more In order to produce a heav- dolls, the parade wagon, all the animals, printed in life-like colon on the year, when tbe palat dries slow-
Btreet and No. everlasting cloth, all the admission tickets, lectures, and other things ly, and consequently lasta longest
Banana Pudding.—Take five bananas, half eupfuls of flour and mix with ier article.
two tiibleKpoonfiila of wupur, two eg;rs, them a teaspoonful of noda. half a tea- City and State which go to make this the most remarkable offer ever made to the No hot sun to cause MUt«."«.' Ant
Tbe last coating can be stamped young folks by a Plainfleld newspaper. the house painted now is preserved
well beaten, and three-quarters of a spoonful of salt and a teaspoonful and Pattern No. with any ornamental Impression OT
piot of ImlliuK milk. Peel and mash, a half of cinnamon and nutmeg mixed. against the ravages of winter storms.
8izea beautifully marbled by dusting a lit- Distributor of John W. Maaury A
the hananus In a dish, stir in the su^ar, Into this rub a cupful of finely chop- tle powdered lye upon it before finish-
add the ••ups and mix well. Stir in the ped suet and a cupful of chopped rais- ing. •ion's pure colors, ready mixed paint,
A. E. Forco & Co.}, "The A'httt •rnlshea. glass, etc.
milk, pour into a pudding di*b. ttuko ins. Stir all well and pour i|» a cupful Store," carry all patterns in stock an.;
UBtll the nudalinff Is set and serve hut. of milk mixed with a cupful of m<> tbe Daily Press recommends that It* Hav* You a Sautoiraf
This puddiiiK is nice if left to set cold lasses:. Butter a pudding dish and | readers procure them there. The> They formerly were known as lor- yyyyyyyy^y^y^yTy^^ fAMES C. HANSEN
ami then R^Vved. but It should _be eaten pemr the twitter in it. Steam three will be furnished by this paper whei. gnette ribbons, but now they are com-
the game tiny It Is made. hours and 'serve with whipped cream. ] monly called sautolres— the quarter
w "SI. S4«.
the orders come direct to us. through
Apple Pudding.—Sift together one What Is left of this pudding may be #. E. Force & Co. , inch wide bands in black grosgraln
plut of whole wheat flour or white sliced, rolled in pondered sugar and
flour, one-half teaspoonful of soda, one- fried for a second A that comes In yard lengths and are
joined under book equipped slides
half teaspoonful of e>nlt, from one- THE SERVANT'S ROOM. matching other slides of slightly lar- TRAINS LEAVE PLAINFIEUO.
quartcr to otie-hnlf teaspoonful of mix- ger size. Tbe smart sautolre Is fitted Fr>r NVw Y o r k - ; . 10. 3.41. S.O*. i.««. i.S2.
$1 gplit>. Mix ounce of melt-
?fl shortening nml <me-h:i!f cupful ca h
Maid's Quarttr* Should Be Comfortable with slides of bar, circle, diamond or
and Cheerful. crescent shape in solid silver or gold
Before the :n'« iI•:•:«1 arrives see that set with brilliants or pearls and Is de-
•:. «..'.;.. :.::. 7•:<>.;.4i. -.a. 7 i 5 , T.M.
12. H.Ju. 8.16. 0.42. H 19. 9 : » . » i i . 10.W,
1.27. 11 i » a. m . . 12 34. 11.6*. 1 4 4 . X2S.
.39. Z';••,. 3 12. >«< 4.12. *3*. a.S». C.2S.
*'. 7.41. S •:: »•;-.. 9 "(i I . i . u . J0.3«. U . 4 »
her room is ^-v»uit'oriable aud cheerful si pried to match a tiny watch or • • m. KunJay—:'10 3 41. 549. U B . 1M.
Bear in mind that you inve a whole vanity pendant, if lorgnettes are not
Daddy'sBedtime house to livn in. but her room is tbe used.
only place to which she tan retire For elderly women
when she is exhausted from her day's thing in sautolres Is Qtted with a slide
the smartest
DONT BE LATEt 5:. JM. S.4«. j a c : 1L»» a.rti..U . » .
'.5S. 128. "05. I 22. !.15. 3.17. *.i9. h.U.
37. 7.W. 4.13. h.J7. » i i . 9J7. JO.-M. 1«.2«
• m.
For Newark—5 OS « 17. <T0^ throufh

work. See that tbe furnlshinirs are In cut jet. some of them in butterfly rain to Atwarkl. 7.41. t.K. ft3». JO.ftl.
Spud Coon's bright aud pretty aud. above ull. see shape, and to suspend
j that the mattress is Boft and easy. circles In Jets concealing a base ot sil-
from these arc Present Above Ticket and 48c (!:.&£) 1.2" a. m . ir 34. 1.44. 2.S9. i.a.
13. 4 3« 5 39. 6 25. « 47 7.41 « 27 • ! »

Or. Red FoX was

Story New Yeafji The maid nee«l« a soft mattress mure ver containing a vanity mirror.
I than any member of the family, fir Even more novel Is tbe silk cord of
Resolution. j her labor is harder and she cannot yard length and of a brilliant shade
') 38 p m furmay- 7 Z3. %bz. ».»4. 1W«
. m . 12 39 i : S<t 1.2s. 'I 09. ;.5o J.17r-*.»».
34. 7 14. S 13. »35. S27. 10.JJ p. m.
For Ea.«t.>n. B-thl«-hem. A;ientown
Reading a Book.
I work .well if her rest has b<t?n broken of green, blue or red. supposed by the The Plainfield <Daily,Press3 l.iu.h fhunk—518. '».(>«. 9.44. 1 1 . 2 * .
1 . : Ou. b .'4. (I 44 Allentown and Mauch

I MCST tell you. «;«id •IH<1I1\ in J«i'*k and lively n. "about Spud O»>n s J and disturbed Initiated to match tbe wearer's hosiery. hunk 1. IK i s to E**U>M) p. in. Suflaay
-i l». W B a. m ; I.•»>•. (5.4* Ailrntown
Now War's resolution* Spud <"oon had been a very naughty rac<O'Hi | Any conveniences fur the work which Perhaps It does, but in any event U nd Mauch Chunk). 7 0S p. in. *
durini; the I'liri^tnins holidays He had l>eou stealing a great inauy ot j you can afford buy f<>r tlie «irl. Itest gives a fetching dash of color to tbe And own th« DING-A-LING Circus Pur WUkeabarra iu>d 4%-rafliMI—•It.
44 a. m . 6.44 p. m. Sunday—S.l», l » . »
Kuriuei Wells' i-tiirkens He had civou a number >>r i-liicken feasts nun assured it will be appreciated and thecostume, and it serves to exhibit one
'.. m . i 44 p. m
nU» »nii«' in mnli.v daiires. Hi> Had always come home \«-ry much <'\ j money will lie well spent, for she will of tbe new pear shaped pendants Liona, Tigers, Elephants, Zebras, For It«-0 BaiiK. uoag nranrti and A»-
17 a Fuar .ury Park, etc.—1 v». S i r 11 f! a. •»..
and -stayed In l*'il Inn* every morning five cheerful ami wiiliu- service If which come in pearls, amber, jet or Bears, Monties, Gorillas, Moose, Clowns ::4. m i s Red Bank only). (J.1Z Red
""Of euurKe too many dunces. :«<> uinuy chicken feasts and >uib mte horns she knows that her comfort Is just brilliants—whichever one can afford. Lectures Alligators, Leopards, Rhinoceros, and lank onivi. « IS. «..t,. fc.i,. U** O. m.
tutsan U. make Spud «"o»jn f w l wret.lietl U e yot vltreinely worried utHi\ii as Important t<« her mistress as the t-iitl. BOI -umt.iyr-J.4I « s i a. m.. «.0» K ^ M k
HiBiself. sud »,ue ev.-nluit— it w a s New Yeur'x eve. by the w a y - S p u d t;oon ill- comfort of the members of the family. Valus of Naatnass In Business World.
oaNatmral Ylzli, Kangaroo, Buffalo, Camel, 'nlyi. :.17. K 3S p. m (d.
I Hia*o*T» • Hyena, etc. and Beuy. For Atlantic <;ity—1.41. 9 » a. •>..
<."tded tl^ woulil go to see Dr. K«-»l Fox. Sime women are very neglectful of H 24 Saturdajrri only). 2.12. Bunoaf—
The business girl who knows the '.40 m. m.. \.» p. m. y-
"Now. Dr ll<-d t'ox had IMVII very naucbty wheu he was a little fox. but their servants' comfort. They keep up value of little things In a presentable Ki>r l'l:tladWphia—<5.3*. IJkxT*!- W**-
•C* hsd piTfii him a treat d«-:il of <-oiutu<>u w w . aud he wu> as rlever a * a a constant stream of new maids and and attractive apeparance never ap- H i t a m 12.42 l.i«. 4QR VlS. «.««.
v47. » 4«. 10 4S p m . 1 y> a- m Sun-
tat can be. which is jin'tty <li-v<s. you kuow. wonder why uone of them remains, pears at the office with shabby, unpol- lay—s.45. 9 39. 9 57. 10W. ]» 41 11.41 a.
"Spud Cfxm found him all aloue in hi> ">fiic»". whic-li was alKint n mile wheu no care is taken of the servants' ished boots or with carelessly mani- n 12.42. 1 44. 2 45 3.42. € Z9k *.**. * » . « . » ,
-i.44. S.47. 9 4«. 10.55 11 54 p. m . 1.20 a. ,M>
i the woods fmui wber«- Simd «"o»m lived. Ui Ued I'oi w a s Kt-Hfed ou a quarters whatever. One woman told cured hands. The concentrated gas* For Baltimore nr.d \Vaanlng-Um. Mflv
i stump reading an enormously big book, and he looked very wise with a friend an incident that uapjtened in of the man who U dictating Is very -S 45. 10 41 a. m.. l l . C . 2.44. 8.44 o. «a.
•Rxc«pt Maucb CburJl. 12 n U
his spmtxrles on his n o w her own home—told it as a Joke on Ukely to fti Itself on his stenogra- r
" "How do you do. Spud l"oon? said Dr. Fox as he looked up from his book
.„, ""Oh. v«-rr poorly' I am afraid I a m goitiK to die." rfpllod Spud OIOD
herself. She has a palatial country pher's band, poised over her notebook,
home in a fashionable re<>ort and sheor bis lowered, absorbed gase to tocos
Attend) [the Remarkable
""Why. what's tlie troubleV , keeps a dozeu servants sh>' said that Itself on her feet.
" OU, doctur. I've very^Kid l'aius In OiV hei»«> and inv l»-^« :ich»- and I In July the waitress tol \ her that her
don't know what is the tUMUer with tn«!'

•Ufted heavily.
He may or may not notice that the
room would have to be done over band Is exquisitely white and dainty,
T>r. Kax t.M»k his sp<-.l»il«-s uff his nos<* *aH icaoine (mck ou tbe stump, She could uot sleep In it any longer. md the little boot irreproachably neat
The employer said. "Nonsense. Mary: with no button missing. Bat let the
Elastic Hosiery, flwpporton, Bra«aa,
•""Well. I know what the trouble Is, Spud Coou; you ve been eanng too you have slept In it since June, and | band show rough and ragged nails, or
many chickens, and too much of anything is bad for you Then you've stolen It would inconvenience me ereatly to ' the boot show shabby and buttonleas
them. »nd your ••onscirnco is tntublins you. for you really are a Rood conn at have It done over now." S« the maid j features. In nlr.e cases out of tea bin
t ^ r t . «nd late hours- thoy are awful for You <.hould c^t up early, go let It go a few days and then came ' gaze Is nrrested and a mental note
William M. Wafth
buntinr f-ir your food in tb«» risht way. and thpn you'll fo,.j well Bnt if you •fain with the same complaint and i against that »ror'oyee Is registered In
North and Vaccinias Avenues.
k**p nn like this." and Dr Fox looknd very jmive. -you'll IH» all doubled up ««ld she would have to leave !f theI bis mind Neatness should be til* Plainnrld. N. J. *Pliuu«> tfth.
with rheumatism so that your folnts will (jet stiff aud you will uot be abl* to | room werv not done over. The mis fetish of the eir! worker, then econo- o t f . DfrroT. T . /T , '•*'•
walk wirhont limping: nnd u<> one will care for you." tw*s became ancry acd told the maid my, then wisdom In buying and flnalry
""Spud Coon fell for s few moments that he c*»nM never ;:ive up dancmt and to leave th«n. She sent t>> town 1m all the attractlreDe«s she can compass.
chicken tessts. so accustomed to them bad he bMomr. and he had gnsatlr e n
Joyed tin lory and cay life But be realized how dreadful it would be to gruw
mediately for another eirl urns fiumst
°ld and inBnn before bi< time, s o he bravely decided that his New Year's reso- \ —Some store may be placing oa T. H. 0. A. BTJTLDIHQ.
lutions would be to d o a s Dr. B e d Fox had said s o he could one* more be a - It If wiser to know what a tain* j'rpeclal aale" juat now tbm article ML POTIS OFFICE BCTLDUO
/' OVGHT TO COST before buying it;hou hava not fott Uk» payins **r«c«-
• U ad-r«ad«r« usually do know this. jlar" price* for.





N. P. H.S. PLAYERS Queries* Comment and Answers LEAGUE RECORDS
Coffman, J. C
Koops. Ry
Roniary. P a l
EppeJ. H b k n
1 "> 170.11
C 17rt.::
2."» 1SS.11
. . . 3 . : 16s. I
HAD CLOSE CALL Sporting Editor: been running a certain number of STILL SHIFTING
Pringle. X. Y
McCartney. Ry
Curtis, Pat
2 7 167.26
;so 167. IS
17 166.7
Query — What, in your opinion, is poles each day and want to find out
the best means of bettering onc'bjhqw far I travel?—C. J. A.
Keaster, Or . . . - ; -' Thirty Columbus Club Piu-
Oetzel. Or. . . . "2
New Brunswick Five Threw a "wind?"—H. K. C. I Anuwe:—They average lt»O Elks' Organization Supplying Cooper, Or. . . 2:1 1 G 1 . 1 9 L'2 2
216 !
Hope Chapel Played Circles
Answer—The beet results will be but this distance varies. Why not 01 Or is
ners Form a League with
Big Scare into Boro Camp obtained, by taking early morning pace the distance »nd you cantell Some Interesting Pinning • "f^" ^ 10 itii..; Scrappy Titles. Around the Y. M. C. A. in
' Saturday Afternoon. runs, beginning with a short trot approximately how far you run. Ke r v Y 4 104.1
around the block and lengthening in All Quarters. ' »»'«' 16
2«> J
: Deciding Game.
Finnerman, O r "Players from way ba< k" have
the run until you can do five miles Sporting Editor: Haines. Or 21 1 6 2.1 ."•
"*•? I been indue d to take the alleys u n r e l a . , n _ n n u • • > • # « V » ^ M I M I W C
PLAYING WAS LOOSE with ease, lengthen by degrees,
however, and don't try to run three
Query—What Is sleep?—K. A. Z.
Answer—Sleep is the rest of the
or four miles the first morning. If nervous system and brain. Try to
Worth, Ry
Maxson. Hbkii
:1O 16 2 14
.:!<) i t . 2 . 1 . :
11 -"
H*l again in vast numbers as the result VIfiTORY W A S DECISIVE
of a league that has just been O r - | f l U I U I 1 1 « t U UL.UIWlfl>
ytju do not relish the idea of getting get along without it for a couple of LariKlon* Ry. . . 127 1'10.22 ganized among the members-, of the;
Final Score Showed a Difference of up early these cold mornings, al- nights and you will be able to appre- RiK-e For fhnmi>i»nshi|i llum.-i-s Hi- fioeckle,* O, 11 1.'.,«. ?, Columbus Club, of this city. and*H ,,,„,„., ,,, , f h p (JrwrtfM
Keren Points—Karly I.<-ml K«-j»( tlie though It is the best time for run-ciate its value. Ing Hotly Contested HeUvcen Sev- P.aldwin. R; some rfd hot battles are anticipated; ,. <lI1M . ) ( , , t a s k < . t J > a l , K x l i i l > i l « l By a
Home Five In tile Running—I>»ve ning try the following exercise regu- eral Rival Factions and the Title I>i!ff. Rv 7.11
I iby those at the helm during the com-j , ,„.„, Vllill ,,. t ,„ V r a l > mi(l Su
Hitfh Man In tile Scoring Work. larly each morning before breakfast: Sporting Editor: \ o t Vet a Certainty. Bissett, Pat 1 8S ing days of sleet and snow. Wood-1 „„„,„ ,!rtllI1Ill AH , ,„
proved almost Lie flat on the floor and raise the Query—To whom should 1 appi;. 'Tee!. Plfd I 4 s. '-• splitters who got their first tryout in {
Lack of practice for the rental of the Knights of Co- Elks' League bowling records to 10.'.
grandfather's woodshed ,;»r<j t h e pol-1 Jack Martin's i i e w of HUH* I'.UJ • I
fatal to the North Plainflcld High right foot until it is at right angles lumbus Hall-<pr a dance and recep- date s u o v that an interesting race is Palmer, Or II ."i . 2 lli^
ished pinners of the Knirl.ts of Co-!! ; : r ; ; s : i o c t e i ' . s i"i;i:, l e t e l y r . t i l i t c .it ti
School basketball team last Satuday wiih the body, then lower it until it Kearnt> O r 14 1 . ) it;:
tion?—\V. P. R. being run and that the dinner of the >. lumbus I >ague will t h e i r ^ h e Y. M (." A. t• . ::i f r o m ! i c l>a;
afternoon when the team from New is within two inches of the floor and championship for the season of 1913-j ! - a n R - O r prowess on the Columbus C u b a l - | kctliall m•^^ S a t u r d : i > n t c ' . t i n t i n
Brunswick High School came within while holding your right leg this far Answer—You can make arrange- njfi 1 li
from the floor raise your left leg to a ments with Paul H. Greenwood nt his 1914 cannot be named at t h e present!i K u n' z . O r leys, fighting for one or ar.othor of Hope syni. ; ,1 l;\ v i r t nt" o f their
seven points of winning, the final , . , store on East Front street. writing. The Jersey City team is the half dozen guirf»ts win the his- j o v t i » ue'mlng decision of l» to - 0 Hi.-
r ignt »"•
wore being 30 to 23. The visitors} . angle posnlon. Hrst, with a rscord of twenty two vic- .torical bamllt-s. I Chapt lites arc now "ntitS'J In thf
started the scoring and took the lead nu*n\ times as you can and you will tories and eleven defeats, the New- T h e " v e t s " of B r a n d y .vine. B u n k - 1 ( -'"it - v C
c ilv
Championship antl ever, thins

utes of play. After five minutes had wind better and strengthen
R. A. We have both copies of
other j your query on file and will answer it
arks being just one gan">e behind
their Hudson county rivals . The
| e r H i l l . L e x i n g t o n . Y o r k t . , n. f l c t - j t h i
" K'J«' «'I'h it. O u t ; r o n e r a l i i i g anti

elapsed. Dunning was replaced by muscles of the body as well. j when we get to It. It is impossible New Brunswick ar • one game behind nnroinruT | mt yastbcuhr g .t h eainr d heevaevni n g fiwraiiiiuwn « i l l • o u t si oriq.u t h e A s s o c i a t i o n
a b i l i t y o n t h e | t r ° m t h , . first '-rack o f t h e w h i s t l o
pia; er

Conroy, Love going to center. North Sporting Editor: to answer all or trie queries on tlie! j the Newarks. The sama conditions
Plalnfleld finished the half with the day they are received an:i we jexist all the way down to sixth place, rntolUtnl , club be
alleys and somg ar? known tol1'1** Chapelites always held the Tipper
better handler* of it.e wooJen !["and and despite the best efforts of
better end of a 24 to 12 (-core. New Q u e r y - - I s there any heat in ice give out the information In the order the New Yorks. who are (n that po-
.lack Martin, the local ball player. • s p h e r e , , ) a n m u . s k e t bear-r^ . <••* visiting K«ard= the forwards on
Brunswick was erratic in the initial — C. SI. G. received.—Sporting Edito". sition, being only five games behind received official notification from' Hostilities will open Friday night | ' h e church oo>s ang.*K..tiou scored
period and missed many chances to Answer—Yes, bnt it is latent and th leaders. The Elizabeths, who are David L. Fultz. president of th • , v o ( . n t n , . Hunker Hill and Lexfng- i irjm the field at regula- ntervals.
•core. not perceptible to our senses. Sporting Editor: seventh, have the distinction of hold- Baseball Players" Fraternit/ yester- !) o n t p a m s a r e s c n e d u l ( > l l l o a p p e a r T h e
Query—What ie the richest c o u o ; ing high average honors, their mark _. iranie filled *!th thrills
In the second half the local boys day, that he may now s l g j contract o n t h e b a t t , , f r o n t a n d n s f > a i ,
Hemml dead and the visitors passed Sporting Editor: try in the world? —-L. M. H. pf 913-7 being one pin better thanjw ith the "
the Hoston Natio.ial League w o o d e n images at the end of
the | s"!.[.lied r.Jrjost €esilusiveiy by tfte
all around them and gradually drew Query—How far upart are the tele- Answer—The I'nited States ;<a*la the mark to th^ credit of the JeTsey (.' the) home pl;:yers, th their shooting belnR
lub as soon as it is sent to him by , , . 1
Vcloser <o their opponent's score. The phone poles on our streets? 1 have ;ill othe:s by a comfortable margin.
c h u t c A ! o l d t h i n y n 1 n n e T s w i l ! :ort of phenomenal and divld-
City bowlers, who have an averag the Hub luuager. Thi> unthod is
Canadians had shots galore directly] of SI 3-6. Newark is third. with i> ci-ssary for 'n a preMuub agree- pet into the alley sport <!tiring the rrt it; n n o : i i ' ihi- e n t i r e s q u a d . The
under the basket but could not make tion. ' Biddle opines that "it would 908-28. The Elizabeths, v 1th 1.0'. ment the player» agreed to pay no winter months and the lei.gue will C A i i i i i i n r t . o n t h e o t h e r haad
them count. Their first score did IN A ROW AT THE he a hardship if he should not be ai- have also high score hon JTH to their attention to orders published iu the supply r-Teation for tlie <iitire mem-
! l>ershii) of the club, eith ^r as> sJVecta-
,ii-. re;i ( o (:<• Inst o u t h e Chaiiel
" t n a n ' r - f . - m b l e d ;•• c r e w of spec-
not come until after the flm half of lowed to box again." credit. newspapers Had Presidfiit l>ultz
tne period when Conroy dropped one
in from the side. New I:runswlck
EXPENSE OF HANDVILLES Iteicbanty. of Jers y t'fty is hold- given out an announcement in the I The teams will be ma'le up of the
• in^ on to first individual average newspapers. \i.Ttin nnd 111 — other ] following.
, t o r 8 or players.
t o r s In I, • - k n H . . i | | r e g a l i a .
e s s i v t . » 2 j t i , . w i n n e r s ' at lack a»4 ,
f o a?-

came within six points of tying the

•core but then Love caged a basket In a game of basketball which re- PLAINS SECOND TEAM 1 honors, with a mark of 192-1 forplayers therefore woui.t no: have re- 1 Yorktown H. Shannon. \V
I eighteen games. Of thos-,* \<"ho have* warded it as official. vi r - v l : i e t h . ' r j l i o o t i n s i.iat t l C *

J Forristel J. Cuileu. J. K'tiney. J. out in 'lie !^ii,j after the irU' niiE-
L I L n U
{ rolled throughout the season Henry Followinc a -tatemen riad • yes- j Coffey. utet> cf p!a>.
" " " l l f i l L 1 c i a u s s . of Klizabth i.s the leader. ii-rday by the president, Lid-'
home team Love was high point
man with twelve points •-Itl; Conroy
t h e
third tim, this .11 T f ?, his average being 189-1." for thirty K-tc. of Fan wood, who J-l.iys with J. Kyle. J. King. J. Gn-er.-?.
L x i n g t o n - E. Taylor. I: Brady.; | j , s , , i r . i l r ; . t t , ; , a i t h e s i o r , - was
overv.-heli.ii.,.;!-. ,"„ .'.-,,or of t.-.e other
i season, on Friday evening bj a score ! s without their leader I.•,- games. The team and individual 'he It-jlcigh leam of the C a r o l i n a ; "B u—n•k-e-r- Hill—C.Shannt-.i. ••••• «-• J.J Car- i.le t :e V. .V \.
aecond with eight. Dienz r and Pol-of 4 9 to (the first time this season, the Scoti-It records to date, compiled f^om theLeaRue. will submit hi^ :.nj>llcatlon ty, E. F i . r i n g , U. McAfee. J. Wilson. : •? u c ; i l i ;n he'.r jioor s'no-lng
tttaky did ~the bulk of the visitor's! Howell h-ung up twen'y- points' Plains Parish House se^onrt team tri- offlcial scores, follow:
scoring while Manley played well at ! for the winners, while ' Pl at o n c e for m j m b e r s h i p tn t h e f ra-' G e t t y s b u r g — G . T a y l o - . .1. f a h i l l . ' h e ojlijbitlrjn of ail
umphed over the Watchung A. C . o'i lernity J'xillz announced today ' H. J. P a s c h . J. McCarty. F Donnelly, around baske'ball put ;ip bj
guard. ) Heat tie tied for the visitors with on the Parish Hoas- court ?:uurda.. KI.Ky l.K.UiVK ST.\M>1 V«. tbe
that only players empioyeo. in o r - | G e r m a n t o w n — G . Howe. F. Hill- o i h e r sid^ and ihat
Tbe score: I basket apiece. night. They also squared ac.onnt^i ••, . x - u f
N. P. H. S. W. I.. Ave H . S e a n i i e d baseball could b e c o m e mem- man. M. Wilson. I) Mack. J o e Mc- enouc 1 ! fo:- takinc; n drn!>;.lnK.
The score: for their defeat earlier in the season] .
Jf rsf>v bers of t h e fraternity and said that Carty.
c. F. p S. P. P. H. Jl'.MORS. at the hands of the Watc-hun^.s Thr;'.. T. ' ,.
] 1
ther was noJhins in t h e c o n s t i t u t i o n Brandywlne — F Mclnerr.ey.
Fniil s h o o t i n a . I>ois ::nd Monlton
Van Mater, f . 3 0 6 f \2 ! ' t i s . ; s i •-• I !'!;•.» ir.^ t ho role or t;*., •••. . .onk a
G. F. r "rubber" game will be pliiyc.l 'J that would d ' player of his Sirapp-. J Kyle. W S u l l i \ a n . T.
Dunning, c
Coikroy, f
. i
. \
i 12 Howell. t
2 Venirio, f
* ! Dimon. c
some time in the near future
The game i:iarked t'le advent
another of the Saunders brotheis.
t Paterson . . . . IS I
Nev Bi iinsu r k . . 2.1 l:: s 9 :* - s
I { >T::.G
71 * 1' I
good standing If he played with an | Carty.
outla-v team. Tho fraterri'ty's
tude toward t h e Federal League i s '
,Moinincni 'O-:; nn in 'It- mitt ,'35?
..IU) !>oiR"s i. fliiv-to /i<i'l r.:r n n eirb
i:i the ganu- put t h e Y.M.C.A team'i
Burner, g (Capt. )
Abrains. g
Newkirk. g
. 0
. n

. 0
2) Carrona, g
0 Johnston, g
Southard, g
. 1
16 I who did excellent v. ork'at guard. X
2 Saunders hel|>ed tl^c hon:e fiv>' . o
0* victory with thirteen points while
I N e v Yor'.. . . . . . IT 1 ti * S li. I
j Elizal>e;h . . . . . I , 1 •".
jPlainfleM is
o n e i.f u b s o l u t e n u t r a l i t y i
i M. c. K. mm mn eo
ia'ular '.iriit i
brother? a n d ^nyde
on < .-.• !>L. !f. . ' r . - T i i - i i f f p e < -
i i r o w t . Ii'- i . ' p Herov
t>i:p •!•• ii.'4 ..•::'.<»i-
j Kuhway . in 20 s i : s
. f! j Marsion did some 'Jassy foul
Orange 6 : fcLK PINNERS WILL TO KtlRNEY V I I VJTO BUS tainnior.t nf the thrilling varletr for
a I T O » J ,ha! t-acite'I the iiotie i(i'.!e^
N. B. H. S.IS
7 49 i iug as usual. Bod in jchalkeo i:p eight j
'field goals for \Vat< rfun*. f FJks' ImNridual ' r» i t s t; • I I K I S I < j» ,< ' •
F. P
3 13 Simon. 1 . 15.
K. p I Tho score:
->' l J
H. S COMPETE IN BI6 TOURNEY I Members ot the Y M<" A. basket-
I ball team will go to K» a -riy to play
The >* o re:
HOl'K c.'i.WKI.
f (Capt.) 2 0 6
,' Carmichael. 1 F>r'pltan:>. J. i" I !»!'. ! ; . ; i the Alumni of Kearny Hinl. School
1 1 I O K
Infling. c 1 0
i Kramer, c . <r o! F Saunders. f Clanss. Rliz . 1 S S. K> Klks", League bowlers will be well! in the Lincoln symnasiu..! of that] ll.-run. f.
Maaley. K V 0
(• 1
', Flosbach. g 0 o K Saunders. f. . . . c C o r y d o n . J <". . i s : !i represented in the National Howling! place. The trip will l>,.. ma.i;- via auto T Heron. 0
RaaUH. a- o 0 0 T a y l o r V:r Association Tournament which will bus and a number of tl. team's
{ Beattie. g . 1 o Marston. c . . i
Coyne. .N. 1!. .
1 ^ 7 !»
open in Atlantic City Murcu 9, con- friends will accompany the players Snyder. g.
r. . . 1.'
Anson, g
10 3 23 O. Suunders. g. . .. 0 Starr, V. Y. . tinuing for a period of three w,*ks. on the trip
Summary. Tim** of halves, 20 Greeni«#14. X. B,. Among the entries are included a A new lineup win do b3Uk> In t h e !
Score by halv-u
tain : referee, Coltler; umpire, Beck- Russell. •'. C. • • number of ant Wed pinner? who have game tonight. Dunning nnd Hetfield
er; timer. French: scorer.*, Beckman' iS. P. P. H Junioi-s 2J—49 11
made for "themj lvet> during being substituted for for Ga Gave
1 t 1-
-WATCHt:\C A <"". Clark. New being substituted . e'• and l i e - !
sibd. Keitor. ; | Handville T this and other years in the "Hello N'ame • who will h- tina>ilc tr part'c- I
Referee. Batterson. t;
Bock. Elir
r p Nolle. KlU. is.' : i
" Score by halve*."' t iBodln. f i *_•.!.. .•; i Bill" league acd iticij.i" Connie in the content I
6 -30 Erler. New is;.". 22* Leick, hends ihe league.
ll. f. . 1
N! B . H . S. . . . ; . . . .12 11- 21 7 Al.-x. P. Hintou, Wallac.» H Clark. .. I (Jarett.
FITZ ASKS fffJUNCnOtt I>emera, t. . .
Armst-ong, g.
flathman. Eliz
Steinbruck, libkn . 24 1M 17 230 William F. Koch, Fred W Krhlich. the store ads In today's pa,-*
W. W. Taylor, Ed. Oppei. Williatc it p a y x o u in actual «avit(g.=
Von can :r..,ke it I'A V ;. u,
(I Wllliamj". New. . .
.33 1S1.15
Wright. J C
Weinsarth. N"e».
Welngarth and Charles L. Koops
1 SO Jll you ne?d
to uiaki-.
Tr' the
Bob Fiiiainiuions has applied fo:

Burton. N 15 . .
Earle. Hbkn . mo
in fh<>
S c o r e \>y j
j H o p e nj.Mjw?| "I
10 20

I S — 40
[an injunction against the State Atii- Miller. N Y
-*9ound Brook sportsmen have or-.letic Commi.'-uicr! to i"strain that Score by halves: 1 73.1 i & . j Y. M. C A T 13—2"
Eneleking. N. Y ITS 2i 217 umpire. Rlm-
KUtfed a gnn clttb with tJUe follow- boJy from cufotcia,: its rulin* thai ! " n 8 ! | " ° U S * T ° o u d IT - : Blarx. Plfd ITS. 21 3:sr. A TIRF. THAT XKF.1>S NO | Referee, Lidgate.
i n s officers: President. Dr. C. R. P. forbUs his' appearing in the rini j l n B
RE-T1RIXG. j mar; timers. Blnieen»an and
Dallas, Snii:b 1T« 19 2 1 . . scorer. Ber»e
P1ah«r: firs vicetpreaident. George a p i i o because of advaaett age. Ihej (Hlnton. NVw. . ITS 1J or frequent repientshmeui Is the
R. Balmer: «#«)nd vic^-praaident.| papers -aere sorv«-d last ni«ht t.n Harklns. \ . H 177 ;i one to buy - t h e only kind yon
L*On W. DuFour; third \ice-pre*i- !ch;Urui*n Frank S. O'Nril of ihc LO;U- KI.KS IX THK R l . V M M i . will t'.ud in this shop: i e.. t l v TK.4M ORDERS SWK.4TKW.
177 ! 1
dent, Claud* R. Fisher! s-crvtar.vtBiis.ajoj, a n d *,rob:iLij will be served Among the score set-up during the Was***rniau. J..(
b«i! we can find in m m ; market/ The much delayed choice of sweat-
Stnier. Hbkn . 177.« 210
F j B Jaekson: treasurvT. £>r J. R . ' o n t'ommUsioners I)ison .-nd Price •ight-bour endurance bowling con- 1 7fi.2 .">
F o ' sood Urea and hh-ytk- M»n- ers wag completed Saturday afw-
Paxdue; Held captain, Raymond C. .to.lav. The *olons are to appear he- test held by the Elks' o( Newark O'tJorman. Pat rtrie- ar.d equipments general'y noou at a meeting of the commltt?*
Campbell. Plfd 1T"*.H 21'. no b-:ter p'.are t o buy than r'r
Stryker: »hooUng comm'tlee. L * » i s ( f o r e J.isii. e Guy in the Cotm:y Cour: yesterday were thos* of Fred Clark. * UVstphal X 17:. 1 I appointed by the Holy Crow foot**11
Dirk Krier. ,Connf<> Leick and H o w - LKO XKIMKL'N. standard sfom ,'c:•'
B o w l b y : Claude R- Fiaher. and F. R , Houtw. W t r York, at K»:::i» WVJn«:-s- Plfd. ".. 171 7 21:; biryrie outfitting ttiitij and the firm of DeMeta *
J a e k s o n ; grounds c o m m u e * . Charles da;- m o m l a s . ard WtilianM. all meniber* of t h e . . , , _ Illinm. of this city, was given the
K nar E ! I 1 7:: 2 1
Byer. Th«odore HuUizer a n d James* Alone with a i s apptuatloa^ Kit*.. E f t s - t ? i :m In t h e Antlered L e a g u e . ' * * * ! order for tv/enty maroon. jmir
TajCROTt. . [ f i e d Affidavits of Mik« Uooovaii. b o x - . au.l Krier breeaed ii,to third
173.13 231 LEO ZEISEL | sweaters to b» furniEBcd at once.
.*« Bicycle". Snndrlen. Musical in-
T h e «lub h a s decided t o purchase i n s instructor of t h e X e w York Atfc-1 p*c* bat
* L * . : c k f*1'^ i ° finish i n | D u f f ^ H b Each member of the team U •*
a W«>stern-SIcCr«» autoriatic bird let ic Club, ar.d A. J b r e x e l Biddle. i 1 * * p r l t e U s t "
.16 struments and Spurting Good* given one of the sweaters.
Roth. Pat. .54 ; \ 532 Temporary at 3 2 8 W. Frost St.
trap and "S.000 tarseU. Th«* organi- ((of Phtlide.phia. declaring thai In
zation will mlt> build a clot hou«*jj their opinion the veteran should be N y . 6 1< rmnaarnt Headqurter* after
Mittl««dorf. Hbkn .IT THK DAILY K^KSS IN «OO.*»O »ROOK
suitable to ita ireds. in th« n«ar fu- jj allowed to box arc In Donovan sayss j *<>
xMl eAnan iirtrr 4 »*br Ernest.-Pat ! A|»rU » « . 222 W. Front nt.. Xrxt •rtU be fmiad on aa,« or d«Iiver«! to
216 Dcwr tn Prnrtor's.
ture. - . 1 ,i - r i t i i* in hysical condi -1£
ana Stout, Plfd 1TO.'O HZ addrw* . -.-*ry r.r
oon Hj
ntt%7. .i»«r» Stand-

* ..
., I'lni i
Why Not
Hahne & Cos Greal January Sales
Natioual league •>ntJW«l«rr. has itn
mifiiviMWe reoml fur misfortune. i
Itt-fore reporting t<» lbt> VuakeTK
l:i»t MprliiK ht« troubles I *•*:•. u
with au attack <if mnrli* ( n «
ft 17c-a-Day
jack O'Brien Returns to Ring Jiurine :in oxblliltimi
t'liitkert tun] «-arv«-l,j got Sl»
»p<*>U before Ue tvns fori<"«i to
to Meet White Hopes.


<|illt the jrnllle stj^siiti with loin
lisM-.uents in his :mklo. TJils
lufd him up fur t w o w<<-k*
T l i e ll»tl<- BHK<T <>r l i i s ' r l c l i t
! uul w a s broken somt sifter iii»
r e t n m t o tb»' f n n i c . nn<l w h e n lie
The January Sale of Linens The beauty of The Ollrcr
T>p«wTlt«r 17-Cent s-a-Day Plan
Is that it works out satisfactorily
lor everybody concerned.
This plan ties up a very large
sum of the company's money in

h«*t» Team Willing to Give "Flock"

of Players For Cuban Star—Tipton
to Train Biilings' Horses—Cubs *nd
• *
Imil riiut r<'i'nlrc<l rhf Itftlo flu-
ger of 10* left luu:<t w:is iU»W>-

Just I n j u r e tu«" CIHI <>f t h e sea-

Continues With Excellent Values typewriters sold on time.
But we fear* an abundaace of
capital. We are glad to use oar
resources to bring this great bus-
iness aid within easy reach, of all
Philadelphia Americans to Play
! 4> «*>n lie w i l f e r n l i'li injury to li.» Our linen >*tdHcs are now at their be.f. ami prices are unquestionably as low and possibly lower than thos*> of most who have use for typewriters.
Spring Series. After riMii.iiiiin^ over in I'lilhi-
--tores. Quality is always foremost at.Haune's—for we're hnil<lii\g busine»s, not destroying U. Better eccme early for
<l«li>tuu I" U- attended. I'axkeit
Philadelphia .tin k O'Brivu. \xh» wiw
tiimlly Htartiil for tlitr middle
:, p e s t tighter *e\«r:il y<Nii« :IK«I. '.»
"••10V t" try '•'* haml :it tli«- iriitu«- \v<xt lli ui> uulumoUile. anil Table Cloths at $2.59 to $3.96. Tray Cloths at 13c.
while in <Mevol.-iii<I :t boy was Table Cloths and Napkins to match, made of all pure liuvn; our Made of mercerised Damaak in a variety of new patterns: sale
be. wade out <>/ills i: u s !uitU<"<. run tiver I'j Ii!s nuK'hlne- own direct Importation or new patterns from Scotland cannot be had price, each 13c
Pucker! Is s^me-thiuK-of :i I'hi- elsewhere in Newark.
losii|ilM»r. l i e MIIVK: •'Next wo- Size 8x4 Table Cloths, at «2-B» S1.39 Damask at $1.19.
Size 8x10 Table Cloths, at M * AH linen Irish Damask, 72 inches wide: our own importation of
*on "UKht to be the bost I fver
3ixe 8x12 Table Cloths, at *S.9O rev designs; cannot be bad elsewhere in Newark: regularly $1.S9:
had. Tlii-n- IK no ni»ie luird Itii-fc *a!e price, the yard $1.10
Size 22-inch Napkin,, per dozen . $8.23
in tb.' «nrltl left for me." Stee 24-iach Napkin*, per dozen •S.JHl
39c Turkish Towels at 32c.
Large size, heavy quality: good absorbent Terry cloth: sate price, Thousands tell us th«y boafbt
Table Cloths at $1.98 to $3.85. at 32£c their Oliver Type«rU«iB without
Table Cloths and Napkins to match, made of all pure linen; our noticing the outlay.
M'LAUGHUN WILL own importation from Belfast. Ireland, car.not be had eUcwbere in
Size 8x4 Table Cloths, at *1.»8
90cs Huckaback Towels at 39c.
Hemstitched Huckaback Towels, all pure linen: crest and Oamask
borders: regularly T><)c; sale price . 3»c
Here's the way the Plaa works:
You make a small first payfltont
and get the machine at o*ce.

FORM COUNTY TEAM Size 8x10 Table Clothi. at

Size 8x12 Table Cloths, at
Sire 8x14 Table Cloths, at
Towels at 25c to 59c.
Hockaoack Towels, all pure linen: large and medium sizes: sale
Then save 17 Cents a Day sad
pay monthly, exactly th* same a*
Size 22-inch Napkins, at 92.40 price S.V-. 2»r. :Wr. .%»r When you complete the pay-
Local Veteran Pitcher Asfto- $2.50 Napkins at $1.98. Dish Toweling at 12c. ments, the typewriter i*
forever. And you
A1U linen Crash Dish Toweling, 17 inches wide; red and white
All linen Irish Damask Napkins, size 22x22 inches; heavy quality; regular list price.
ciated with Elizabethean usually $2.60: special at %\M&
borders: heavy quality: sale price, tbe yard I2r

in New Movement. S5c Linen at 69c.

Hemmed Table Napkins at $1.19. S»0-inch pure linc-n. full bleach, soft finish; direct importation from
Belfast and Ireland: ro^urarly 85c yard: sale price ODc-
Extra heavy quality mercerized Damask, large size: the doz.9l.10
Warry McLaughlia. tae veteran
baseball pitcher of PlaiuLtld. bas
been mentioned as an associate to
Lunch Cloths at $1.69.
All linen hemstitched Lunch Cloth, szie 58x58: extra heavy grade;
Pillow (Jases at 18c.
Hemmed Pillow Cases, .uade of fullbleached. soft flniHhed mus-
lin: size 45x36: sale price, each iHe
Prank Burke, of Eliiabetli, in bis sale price, each 91.90
plan to I'nion county base- Pillow Oases at 22c.
$1.10 Table Damask at 85c. Hemmed Pillow Cases, size 50x36 inches: made of heavy quality The Standard Visible Writer
ball magnates ! n 4he organUation of
70-inch Table Damask, all pure Irish linen; large assortment of white muslin: sale price; each , . . . . " . . . Yt- is a salary-raiser. an income-pro-
a County All-Star team for Sunday
games during the corning season and
I'l-vv designs: our own direct importation from Belfast. Ireland; cannot
'be had elsewhere in Newark; reg. $ l . l u . sale price, the yard 85c
Muslin Sheets at 52c to 62c. ducer, au aid to personal effi-
Photo by American Presa Association. it seems probable that th'U city will Hemmed Sbects, made of good quality, soft finish, full bleached ciency.
muslin: , Oliver Typewriters are earning
JAJTK o'lllllKS. be well represented In th • lineup $1.25 Table Damask at 98c 63x90, sale price t 52c millions of dollars for their op«r-
li«it *mne of tbo pr«-n"iit clay " w h i t e when it is anqouoced. 72-inch Table Damask, all pure Irish linen; extra heavy quality; 72x90. sale price ."J7c storg and owners.
l,.i|«>s." hi- IIIIS s t i n t e d Ir.lining :n 1'liil .WLaughlin is without a doubt our own direct importation from Belfast, Irelaatl; cannot bo had else- They are helping hosts of am-
81x90, sale price oat-
jilflliliid for tin- |inri'i»«. of Lelliu^ tbe best versed baseball l.iugnate in where in Newark, regularly $1.25; sale price, the yard 08c Main Fluor. bitious young people to achieve
liark i n t o ::<MH1 f o r m IIL'.-IMI. this vicinity, having conic in touch successful business careen.
.lack s u i s lie will -"sln>w ui>" s >iue ut j at one tini • or another v«ith all of! They are helping the small bac-
ilit* new w h i t e hopes. ' tbe Central New Jersey diamond
performers and it would be an easy
Itawlnill circle.* h a v e pas.-wl tlK" rn I matter for him to single out a star
Hahne &. Co. Newark ineas to grow • big and the bis
business to grow bigger.
They .are trade-builders as well
aa revenue-producers and effl-,
mor that Clmrle* W . Murphy, prewi) set to assist in tbe plan to popularize
lient of til*- I'tlic.'ISIO «'tll».. tclM <ifl'cl"ll and reviv • the Sunday pastime. It The newest and best model
.1 flock of his p l a y e r s fur Mnr>;ins. thi'j is proposed to obtain t h j old I'nion Oliver Typewriter is sold on this
t'ubjui oultic'.rtcT <>f tile riiu-iuiiati League grounds, in South Broad SHERIFF'S SALK-ln »'liane*ry of New S I I 1 : K I F K S SAI.K--I11 Cli:inr.-r>- ..f N.-K popular plan. There is no extra
li-nm. Tilt- m i n o r st:it«*> tli:il I'li'-i- Vtreet, Elizabeth, which are situated J«-rs*y. Ilrtwceu W.ilii-r S. llaseltoii. J . r s i y . Hctwi-i-n l.izzii- S. S.i:uiford. t"
i-omt'lalnant. and F. I., i" Martin Auto- ul . rxtr^« nt Wm. M Sandfiird. •l»<«-.u'>-d. chaj-Ke for the tamous PRINTPYE
• lent Merriniuiii s:iys t h e r e is no ••IIIIIIO* on the Trenton fast line trolley road. mubll* Company, i-t »1.. <lpfendiint.i. Fi C(»mplaifKinIH. :ind Ctwislanc*- ii. SfiiH-n-1^. OLIVER the only typewriter
for the deal proposed l>y Mnrph". t o JM In arranging the schedul • Mr. Burke i.\. tot sale of niiirisun-d prembws. t ul.. defendants. Fi fit. for H lie of iii.irt - that print* print. PrlntyT»o is
By virtue of Iht* abo\-»»-slated writ of raped premise*. conceded to be the preatest type-
ihroujil:. proposes to book a big league attrac- fieri facias to mv dlre.--.etl 1 shuil ^xpost-
Tlie report further s t a t e s tlia t Mur- tion for every third or fourth Sunday The Store is opened daily at 9 A. M. UT nulf by public vnuiu.-. at th«- itht-ri/T*
•>fflc« in the Courlhoum in thi < ity of
By vlruie of thi nb-.v-statr.-l urti nf
fl*-ri facias to rn»- directt-d I shnlt t XIM.S. writer improvement of the cen-
l>!iy would like t o tritde Ilivsiialmn. afternoon and out of town games will fi>l- by publir >endue, at the nh'-rlff'.' tury.
Klizabrih. N. J.. «m ofllti- in the CourthouMe. in the f-ity i.,f
:md SoUulto t o t h e U .-'Is tur be played on Saturdays. WEPNliSliAY. THE r'Ol'UTKt.NTli Kliz:ilH-t!i. N. J on More than l-'.OOO I<ocal Agents
mi nnil JiJiimy K a t e s . T h e rmuof DAY "V JANVARY. A. I). 1SU. WEllNKSLlAY. T11K TWRNTY-KllJMTU in the Unitf-d States and Canada
Those associated with McLaughliu a I two o'riiick In ihe afK-rixion "f Ral.l DAY <">F JANl'AitY A l> I»I4. arc making money Boiling Oliver
iilioi 11.-i- it Iliii't Murphy h a s sl.-irtcil .i 'iay. all that certain tniri or parci-l oi it 1 wo !• '-look in the .ifierniHin nt s;iM
and Burke in the movement are Dav- Typewriters This is proof posi-
liiK xtuiWeiip ill tlie Cul> Utwii mid IIUH
|ikl''ftl H e i n e ZiiniiK'-J'maii. Ito^er H i e s
Italian. Frank S c b u l t e :i:id l.a-cml.-f
on the market.
id McCartney, of Rah way. and!
Charles H. Dejinaii, of Westfleld.
Burke successfully managed the Eliz-
!. Attmatt $c larnj and prfmi«es, h**M iti ift»-r p.irin-ular-
ly d«iorl»>*d. nituatr lyln? and ix-iug In
th< city nt IMainti.lil in ih.- . oumy (.r
i I'nion and Stat* of NVw Jersey.
and and Premises, henlnaftc r;l< >.i-
arl> '1* s< r i b e d . sittlat*-. lytriK :m«J l>*i::w-
:i t h e ••ity o f P l a l n t l e l i l . In t i n - r > u . l ! \ '•'.
| n«-Binnins ut th>- nort;i*u»t corner of rri^-iti a : i d S t a l e »»f N t - w Jers«-y
tive of Oliver merit and Oliver
Write for particulars of tbe 17-
abeth Stars several seasons ago and ; l-^verirre^n and EctK**woou av.-na«*»; then*-*? r . - v i m i l l i K a l a r . i . i i t In t h e n .it'., - . I S , . - I - Cents-n-Day I'l:u>. Ask tor Spe-
Tinning In an easterly illrei-tton ;il<'-.^ ,y s i d e I I ' 1 ' o f Ji)hnstr>n a v t n i i i - , ilisfHiit cimen of I»ri:i"!y;,i:.
Edwiml A. Tlpl«n of New York ami h^ will be a strong leader for th* nerw Ev^ntrctn avenue s e v e n i y - t w o anu ihir- >ii n so-jTheriMterly i-oun**- n i n e t y - n i n e : i n d
president »f the Kentucky, Horse combination if it materializes. Unusual Values*will be offered to-morrow ly-tyto hundrrdthn <> ft-et ti. one *lxty-< l;:til <irit;-nu:iilr« *il!is
' ^'rtwi»» line: thf.TW" rtjnrrn-; In :i northerly :ro:n t n . !nl--r: c • ton o f lh«* .*-o.ith»*aHT'r-
«9I*.Cxi ft-e,
The Oliver Tj|ie\vrllcr ('onifiany
Breeder*' uss»«iation has been chosen (Tuesday) in new models of - uir«H*Uqn nl*»ng Crone's lln*- o:i-- hundred y -i.J. l i n e o f K m t F n . m m r i ' - t a n d I!K
to mamice the trotting: horne breeding
rarm of t\ K. ii. Hillings at Column, SILENT FIVE SWAMPED
nlnriy-three antl llfly-niiu liun- m»rtli»-i<terl> si«lo l i n . o i J o h : i s l « , n a\»--
>ln-<lt1l« <193.S»( feet lo :i p«l»t 'n tlie nlii-. I h e r . c ^ i-unrilni; iri :: n o . ' l i - u w t . r i 1 '
rear U M of low facl:ig <>:i Prn*p*^ t a n - dlr>-.-ti.>:i. Di-oUKli i o i f ...-?.- i t i a m i l » . "
pack Homer
Hvnrleo couut.v, Va.. suwwuinj: l>r. Women's Corsets nue; TlMmct- running In T west*rl> dir<•<-- <-> in M o ' ' k o n e i l l <>fi mat* o f i»roi>*r::>
lion ^Uotif the rear line of Intx ;aciiiK o n K i n g I " Mnr> ru.iitd. 1'Uiniield. N
I .oral A sent.
Plainftel.l. V J.
Charles Tanner, who for almost fifteen
ears Ims been ill chiirRe of tbe Bli- PARISH HOUSE JUNIORS l'nmpeot avenue M«?V»-!H>-twn and ihlrl:-- J . . or;.- h"inrlre-l :i'nl !*ixt>-'.six <ri»"-!lliri -
urn hundrvdthn «7J 2"' t>--i to Kugewo-ul i l r e d l h - 1 !«fl.r,4i f . e t l o t h e . - a i d l i n e lot
ss horses. I»r. Tanner v>a» forced designed especially to conform to the dominant ivi-OUf. (hfrnci- alnn^ Ylflgt--ATKMI avi-uw in 1. I h r e . < 3 , In r»ald I, !•>.-!». Ill.-rn ••• rliri-
a noulherlv direeiLm on<- hundrej uuil IK (ti -i s iiithe.'LHi.Tiy '".tirs*-. -tl'mg i h r
resign nn tbe advice of his pbysj In an uninteresting Jjanit of bas- ninety-three and Ufty-nir.e hundrr^lths «»!.! l i n e o f l o t t h r e t ( 3 1 a n d In I >t N o
fashions in dress. M91.f>9> feet to Kveiirroen -ivt-nuc to tin- f o u r i 4 ) f o r t y t 4 0 ) fi-et 10 a p o i n t , then<-<-
The tender atld acceptance of tin
ketball on the Scotch 1'lains Parish
House court Saturday aft-rroon. the
[Mjint and plac^ <jf behfnntns.
Wll-i.lAM H \ \ i : : < > n r . Sh. riff.
• u r n l n i ; in H s o u - h w e s t e r l y <v>urH<- tliroi.^rTi
>t N o . f o u r <4l o n . ln:rirlr<d a n d » : x t V M \
.»n*f-ln:ndl t-UUtx tl'Jfi.'.ri) f e e t , m o r e ui 1.-.-i
Inquiry Coupon
ISAAC 1". U1'N"Y«.>.*«. Scl'i.
resiituatiou was of niiittial rejrret ami junior team of that place was taken Corsets in two models, for slender and t o t h e n o r t h e a s t e r l y Hide l i n o o f Jo',tv-tr>: The Oliver Tvi>cuTtter Cain|MR>
under circumstances ngniiist wbicli into camp for tbe first lime this sea-
'ivemi*- t h e n e e r u n n i n g Alr.nK i h , - nMr-ih- J U Ii. HOKNKK. local Agent,
beth figures at $\3l 'V ^ r A I . K — i . . C'.»ftncery o i Ne% ».-ast* rl;. « i d e l i n e o f J'>h!mt-,:i : i \ - - n i u - l:i I'Ulflld. v j .
son by the Silent Five, of Plainfleld. Jemer B e t w e e i i "\>'alter 8 . liax«-lton i n o r t h w i « ! i - r l y r o u r s e f o r i y M " i fe> t i<-
I h e point a n d p l a c e of beajlnnin;; H'-itiK
Lauder led for the winners, with i - o m p l a f n a n t . an<t f • L, «" M a r t i n A u t o - t h i r t y f i e t nf t h e r e . n l'»ts o n e ; i .-ii-,,]
Gentlemen: Without any v>bli-
The chit-ago Nationals will play six m o b i l e C o m p a n y . «*t al.. defend.uii.-*. Ki. ! * o (I 1 ) a n d l . - n f e e l o n t h e itnrlhwof*lt ri\ patlon whalsocvcr, please send
Clime* with the Ptlihidcipuia Ainerl
nine n Id goals, while Jetperson tried Custom=made Corsets (from B. Altman & Co's. fa. for s a l e of m.irts:»K»d p r e m i s e s . s i d e o f l o i f o u r In s-iirt b l o c k o n e o n r a i . l
B y v i r t u e of t h e above-M;:t*-u v. .-it of m a p ; a n d b e i n g iKtrl o f t h e s a m e p r t - m - Oliver Typewriter Catalog, with
to hold up the losers' end with thir-
cuns «ttiriuj; the spring tminiiic i:i teen points. own workrooms): neri f a c i a s t o me d i r e c t e d I s h a i i .-xpoiw ' « e » c o n v e > \ d t o S a r a h A. M t - N ' . h b Uy specimen of Printyping and par-
for nale by p u b l i c v e n d u e , a t Ihe -sheriff"* •eeil o f L - t n u e l B. V . ' o . l s t o n a n d w l i » \
Klorlda, it w a s announced by Presi- office In Hie C o u r t h o u . i e . hi t h e c f t y ol w h l r h d e e , l Is r.'ciin!i'(l in t h - n e m - t ' h ticulars of your 17-Centa-a-Da)-
The score:
dent Murpuy of the CULIH. E l i z a b e t h . N J.. ..;i offioe o f I ' n i o n p n u n t i . in Brjok M.' P U K C IMan. litB
SILENT FIVE. for slender and medium figures, at $3,85 iWEDNESDAV. TUB FOl'K 11ZKSTH J:H. e t c .
The flrnt three .will be March 12, l.S G. F. IV DAY OF JANTAIiV. A l>. 1S1I. T o K e t h e i w i l l i t h e l a n d in f r o m of sai*'
and \i at the Cubs' training grounJK iit Meinger. f -it two o'clock In uie artern^on of »aid Name
( r
> o 1o n>is h e r . In d<si-rit^-.J t o t h < - m : Idle or
Tampa. The others will be playetl Connover. f 2 o 4 > for iarge figures at S.00 Jay. all that pertain tra<-U or i>arc<?l* 01 J o h n s t o n a v e n u e t o 1M- u<*e-l n s ., p u l i i k -
land am! premises, lion ;nuflet pjriicular- s t n > e i .
March Id, IT nnd 1« at Jacksonville, l>- described. »ituate. i>lnw una btuiK in Address
where the world's champions trniu.
Louder, c
Dunn, g
. . !»
o 18
') 2 •f ' I the city of Plalnfltld. hi county of
Lnlon and State of New Jersey.
f"OI>lN>;T<lN * III.ATZ. S-lr-
i r, 4-m EI>JAKI>I' F.-.-S. *i: .;>!
Tbe I'nivertlty of Georgia's football
ochedule for 1914 has been announce*!
Maswell. K
Albright, g
o 12
A Special Sale of Women's, Misses 1 and HeKlnnlng for the same at the corner
formed by the Inti-reei-Iion of the north S H E R I F F ' S SALE—In C t i a i m r y of N..-w
side of Martina arenu« with Ihe west side Jersey ll.-tw.-< n \V.ui-r a. i i a o d t o : :
Worster. K 1 0 2 of Kenaington avenue, and running thence eomplalnan*.. aii't 1* I.. (' Martin An'"-
an follows: Oct. 3, Citadel: 10. Sewa-
"••*; 17. l.'nlversity of North Oirullnu: I — — — Children's MusHn Underwear will be westerly binding <>n the north hide of mohile Company, et ii ilrf.-nilanls. Fi.
Mirtlne avenue, one hundred and leu fa. for nnl- of n>*>nfaffed premltt^t.
25 0 SO <ll«) feet: thence northerly at rlsiit aiyclf* i:y vir'J'- of tlie aS.ive-Kta^d Aril i.f
-•». t'nivprsitr of VlrKinia: 31, open:
^' o v . 7. Clemstn; If, Georgia Tech; 21. PARISH HOISE JIWIORS. continued to-morrow (Tuesday). to StartIne avenue, one hundred and a«rl f a r i i s i.» m - dir.-.-ted I shall ••x|«>.^ ]
ninety (1»<>> feet: thrnue easterly parallel for sal** hy public v.-:idue. at th*- ^herifT'y Your Appearance Counts
Atiburu. C. F. P. with Martini' avenue, one hundteu and office In t h e i ourtli'jiiF'. l a t i n r u y . f ' Have you ever realized how wtll yoa
Howell, f 2 6 10 ten fllO1 reet to the west side of Kenslns- KllialK-th. X J on i
are received when your appearance (•
IVndinj; the outenme of plaus for ton avenue: t h w i c noutherly binding on \VEr>XK9F.»Ar. TIIK FOi "KTCKXTH--* favorable? Men. send your Suit and
Johnston, f 5 0 6 the went side or Kensington avenue, one
• n*w sUdlum at Athens, Ga.. tlu-
'ltieii in whidi the various p i m e s will.
Jesp 'rson. c ". 3 13 ?ffih Anoint. 34tfa «& 35^ Strata, Htm for*. or pliius of heginnins.
D A Y Or" J A N I ' A R Y . A. I) ! i t t .
hundred .1411! ninety <!»<)> feet to the po'.nl a t t w o o'-'lock ir) H i e H f t e r n o o n o f s . - . . i | your
d a y . a i l T^.al c e r t a i n I r a c t c-.~ j«ii<-.-: . i f '
rav« it cleaned ana pressed. Ladle*,
tea gowns, woolen dresses, opera
Carrono. g 0 o^ 0 Being lota numl>er one hundred anil fur- land and preinl«<e». her-lnafter pirtli uiar- I deed cloaks, plain or fancy waists, and In-
I* played will not lie decided UJHJII. It
ty-elght (1*«> and om- hundred and forty- ly dr-'-ribed. situate. l> mt; and h< inr in anything worth cleaning.
Venizio. g :*. •• 6 I guarantee my work and luiire you
* hoped if tbese plans materialize to nine (149). as shown on "Pe.rfected Map the i i'.y of Plnlnfleld. in the co.uiry ol , that my method will tend to r«n«w the
a num\>er~of the more iiujiortaut
Southard, R 0 0 0 of Central Park. City ot Flalnfir-ld. N. J V'nion and State of :•.'«•» Jersey
October, Wi*. by H. if. VanEmburKh. <: He^tnnlne for the u:.i<> «.:i the nor' h 1 fabric, brighten the colors ana raise
at Athens.
13 9 35 E . " which map l.x flle« In the o.tice of the side of Evergrt*.-n avenue M a ooiai dj*- : ment to trie freshness of new the
the. nap. tnereby restoring gar-
Reslster of Deed* for *al.1 Cnlon county. Utnt two hundred andf nln^ a: d i»'-i:l>-|
Score by halve- WII.UAM H. WK'IHT, Sheriff. eight one-hundredihs \l *t 2Si fe**t easter-
The I'niversity of WashUiston navy A. ROTGUN
h«s ..ordered two sixty-two foot .eight S. P. P. H Jrs
tared raciiu; shells for the use of the Silent Five
Referee. Batterson.
2ft 15 — 31
!2 18 —r.O A Cabinet Filled With KEEN ISAAC P. Rt'NTON. SoJ'r.


ly fn>m a ci>rn«r formed hy the tnu-rw'.-- i
tlon of the nurtb aide of Evergreen avi- | 432 Watching Ave.
nue and tlie cast aid" of BdReWood ave-
and running thence easterly binding!
on the north side of Evergre.-u avenue i
'Phon* W7t>W.
Nun- >eui> with «J. O. lieller.
19U varsity crew.
The shells, which will be ready In
March, are to be built for a crew aver-
*Ctnc 170 pounds, and the builders pre-
one hundred and twenty-eight'• 12$) ftct;!
PROPOfALS FOR BIOS OR ESTIMATES them-e north at right angl«f( to fcvencrton |
FOIlTuRNITURE AND F I X 1 U R U avenue or\f hundred and ninety-three and
ftfty-r.ine ore-hundredlhs (193,",!)i feel.j
is a present any man or boy will be proud of. then<-* westerly parallel with Kverirreea J
lict that one of the two will finish tirst i avenue one hundred and tW";niv-eit;Vit,
Englishman Want Chance to Av«ng« Sealed propoaaU will l>c received by tbe If US) fee«: and th«ru?<. southerly at rijfli* !
I* the intercollegiate regatta on the Commute* on BoMing* of th« Ooard of anifteff to Evrrgreen avenue o w hundred !
Defeat In Golf.
Hudsbn next June. The funds for the
If Fraucis Onlmet. oi>en chnuipiun of
Gentlemen, if you havn't someone to give you a set, buy Education City of PlalnfW'ld. N J.. a! tutd ninety-three and, Cfry-niue one-bio- ,
*b«lls -were provided by the Seattle Un Board room m the Ht«.i fickooi BU1M- dr<«Jib» U93.5J) foot to t i e point or pi-ice 1 BeflsdslMd.
the polf links of the Tnlted States, <:ir one yourself; it will be a treat. Ing corner oi \Ve»t Ninth Street and Ar- of befrlnning i
Commercial club.
rk-s out his aiiuouii.ed iutentiuu or
lington Avenue, at 8. o'flwk p. in . on
Monday. January 12. I U I *»c furniture Beinir lots seventy-sis (TS) •»v.--!i:y-; S. E. WARD & CO.
crossluK the Atlantic n«xt spring to They are always useful in making repairs around the lighting nzture*. machineiy. taoia .ind seA-ao <T7). and a portion nt lot nunlxr t 4 U'«4>*4ar PIc~». PUinflerfd. M.
ua uuiversity athletic committee *nulAineiit. for tbe addition to the Hltfn seventy-five (?S> of "Perfected M»p of
lias ordered all men who intend to be
compete for the amateur championship house, and when a Tool is wanted the Cabinet is the place School, now being erected, according to Central Park. CJty of Plainfleld. N. J
«cliedu> of reoulreaenta sivl conditions O-tober. 1904. by H. C. Van Ereniirgh. C
of the Britisil isles be «ill be neleouit;
aadid:it«* for the football eleven in which will be found on file at th» Board E . Plalafleld X J.." and filed la :be offloe
to go.
191* to enroll in |he wrestling daises
*ulcu will s,urt this term.'
for two reasons.
Ow tbe si-ore of courtesy, nduiimtion
Why buy odd jobs tools when you can purchase a Cabi-
room, or copy will be sent to tho»e app*T- of the Register of Dre-Jji for ftaki L'ri«>^i
ing for same. county.
•vTtUI.IAM H. WRIGHT. Sheriff
and curiosity to se* the J'lvenile wou- ' • r 1* '*'•- P. RCNYON. Rolr.
new idea in the training ot i CLABK Clork of the Doord. Sanitary PluBibiag. Gas r;ttln8
i candidates.
der that beat t w o of Britain': net with a complete set of the most useful tools, and then « - i > .1 xa ji l - i s 12
EI»J*PDP Fe..-*. *!•«.»* i
exponent* of tbe S L Andrews Steam and Hot Water Heating.
the American buy wi!i be welcomed. have u place for each one* ESTATE OF V.XJtT J ThlCKSTUN. De-
ceaj*e<J. Pui^uant to the nntt r of
All Around Title In September.
RITZ »*. GEOItGE T. PARBOT. Suironate oi Ul* for Sewer Connectl-jns

F. A. Kirch & Co.

Britalr.'s amateur talent is sau-
onion wil!, liesinning the tlrst of havlnc n sporrsmanllke rw- deceased. roMtx 1" hereby s;iv«n to the
in next September, bold an annual all tcugf for the ^1lmillation young Otil-
BA3COCK BUILDING creditors <.( sutd' d«cea*«] to exhibit tc
the subneritx-r urvier oath or amnnatior
around athletic championship ctct put t-;>«n U:-tXisli solf last Septeiu-
ber at Brookllu*. Masa.
their cla.bni ami demand* acatns*. :he es-
tate of asikl deceased irithln nine montin- Lei and Manning
-Tbe merataant who. in his advei-
empbasises ten valu«~gtvlni 20S Park Ave. T y LOT4CH from the acrventh ,day of Sorember. 1»1J
or they win be t p i e v r fcarred from i>ra«^- AXU rilLUKB.
— i t M wiser to Know unat « tcutinar ot- r^coveHns the B a 4 acaln«t t**' Estimatee
i to hU competitor's one. use* tht isubscTiber
t--»-• •ort ol ••ttt»tcRy" in IB tts» Phone 578. ongbt to cxr»t before nayipc it WI1.I.IAM THICK mris
*•'- buainestk i •d-readerm sMtally d* k«sw UUe. 'UUlm




Flat Work Y O U N G M E N I N B U S I N E S S

KumemUtr. Administrator ANEW YEAR Send us your Bed aad to jo4» lwn«» with thi.i jronng man's hank.

A new r«-r »••» J"»« ***»» • » d w l t h Table Linen. No wor- Th* Ofllrerw of thi» Institution will weleonw an opportunit; to a<lri»<>
portunitie*. K W p U u for the future. It m»y be. howrer. that the with and aw>ii>t th<* yuuny man launching his own business.
carrying out of these plans may be taken oat of your hands. Who.
then, will iMiune the reopouflibiUty o f protecting those who are de^ ry about the weather U> know we ran be helpful to him .VOW. and that as his Imtimxu <le-
velopn, he ra nbe helpful to •*.
prndent upon you and who may not have had mifllcieat boaine** ezper-
ienre to look after their own interest*? nor disappointment Call aad allow u« to dlaruss the matter with 70a.
You are now In a position, mentally and phyttlcally. to awtwer thia
attention by makin« a will and appointing The I>lainftHd Trust Com- by the washwoman.
pany «> V(lVR KXECITOR. Thin Company'* broad experience and
Mronx oncani»tl«B qualify it to met and it* fee* are the u m so h
35 cents a dosen.
Ctautitflan. Trustee
allowed an individual. Iiet n» Bend yon furUwr particular*. At the sign of the clock. M l Park Are.


Watchung and Fourth.
Senled proposal* for the construction
of the New Jersey State Hulldlng io ix*
erecred on the Mile selected on the
10 27 tt PROCTOR'S Swain's A r t Store 317 W. FronlS t

' ;crr>unds of the Pflnanui-I'sclftc Interna-
tional Exposition at San Fralicl.*™. Cali- EDUCATION All. VAUDEVILLE FROXT STREET. Carbons, im-lutling pictures by Corot. Arrhil«ctaral
fornia, from the plans and specifications Contlnnona 2 to 5—7 to 11 P. M. Views, etc.. formerly #.Y.">4» to 4>I2.OO. at »4^Vi ami
prepared by the Department of Charities Wallace Nutlinj: anil Thoui|>^on'N Colonial and landscape plr-
Saturdays All Day.
and Corrections. Mr. Hugh KoberL*. Con-
xultlng Arc%iftect. will IK- received al the
office of the HIate Tnasurer. In tin- Slate
House, at Trenton. New Jersey, at 2
Heir's School tnres, regular price 82..VI: sp«><-ial at
Dainty French Mirror*. »IO value, at
Framed PrintN in color, formerly 92 to $»-Vl. M|>erUl at. $1.73
AM This Week Feature Photo o'clock In the afternoon on the 3oth day
of January. I»I4. when they mill be pub-1
licly opened and read Proposals mui.
be submitted f*e.-tled in opauue i-nwlop*1'*
Flainfleld Business College
and School of English.
.MO.V, Tl'ES.. WED. These Kood» are from regular «tork, NOT made op for a aale.
Tbe prieex quoted cannot be dupliraled.
Plays and Comedy Pictures addressed to the New Jersey Cnitimtaloi
position, curt- (tf the State Treasurer, ant
marked "Prnpnuals for th<- New J< rse-
A Business Education wi]'
=olve the problem of "What to Australian Whip Crackers
llulldlnn." Each proposal must he .V- dot"
TODAY—The Adventures of Kathlyn. \ coinpanled by cash or a certified check AND A BIO SHOW
l I X
TUE8DAY—The Woman.
Three Parts.
• i '.."
drawn to the order m the State Tr<^jun?
for ten per rent, of (he amount thereoi
An a guarantee that the bidder wHI int.
mio a contract for the performance u
Call, phone or write for fnl'
PLAY EVKRY DAY. TheF Kitchen Treasure
thV wopk. should his proposal be accept b) universal consent Is >
ed. Nflthln a reasonable time thereafte; Day and Night Sessions good reliable range. Tbe
Two Parts. j JCach ialdfler must !>•• prepared to furnis
an acceptable Surety llond for one-ha! Woodhull & Martin Building Afternoon*—lOc. 18c. tonditlotiH are partirularl)
WEDNESDAY—An Unseen Terror. tin.-' alnohnt of the contract The > i>c>'
to reject any or al) bt'ls Is reserved FMaii m-w-f.
BVE.MXG8—10c, 18c. S S c pronounced features of the
and specinr^iluiis may be obtained by iii> lint' of Cooking Range*
Kalem, Two Parts. plication to tfK- C'onimissUnier of Cluiilti. which we offer you.
and CorrecllnnK, M«ute House. Trenrni.
THURSDAY—Exoneration. New Jersey THK ST.ATK TRVST COMPANY. ThHr construction ^m-
Two Parts. (Signedi
Printer* Fees.
I ]0
Lyric Theatre bo<ll*»H every modern Im-
provement and their dur-
ability anil economical use
FRIDAY—The Awakening at Snakeville. SO2 WrXT FROXT STREET. of fuel arc prr-dominant
Three Parta. (Joints, while their appear-
SATURDAY—Heart of Kathleen.
L. lvioraHer Monday, January 12 ance uadd to their many mer-
itx a. well an a kitchen or-
*ATCHMAKKIW aad IM.MKL I'KOHMAX l>r<-^nt« nament.
Three Parts. Ask to eee Ivy Canopy
Don't miss the Keystone Comedies, Pathe Weekly and
WATCHES, The annual meeting of the
ntockholders of The 8tate Trust
JAMK8 ONKII.I. Io line of ranges before In-
Company will be held at the <*om- stalling a new range In
Mutual Weekly. CLOCKS ind pany» offloe. No. 201 Park Ave-
nue. FUiiifleld. N. J.. on Tues-
your bome.
MATINEES 2 TO 5; EVENING 7 TO 11 P. M. JEWELRY day. January Jiih. 1914. ftt :
o'clock, for the election of IHrect-
<>r« and for the transaction of such
In Four K<-H«.
Mat., .V; Kvcning, lOr.
Prices 5 and 10 cents to* Watch and Clock Repairing
other bumnesa as may be brought
before it. I'olls will remain open
fronr Z to 3 o'clock. A. M. GRIFFEN CO.
n* Park i * « PUinfltld. M. J n-M^): II. ('. NASH. Hec'r. TIME TABLE 119-121-123 E. Front St, PlainHeld N. J.
Plainfleld Transit Cc. Two 'Phonea 6—214
B. KIVATINOS • LOHRMAN'S Hoagland's Express HORSES CLIPPED Xuto Bus Service Between Plainfield and
South Plainfield. Plainfield and Stirl-
(Successor to Klvatlnos A Jelling) Chocolate Shop rtsa FIICJITUBK Uj Charles C Brm^i,
ing, Plainfield. Warrrnviile and
Mount Bethel.
Fancy Frait*. Choice Confection- 101 KAST FKONT 8TKKKT. Valtlns room at KenmiiKton Hole'. I*laln-

of Olive OU.
High Orad« Chocolate*. Candle*. le»
ery, NuU, CiK«ra, « c . We make a Craam ana 8oda». Mottoca, Favo,» ana
let Cream Forma for all oocaaton*. Or-
ISO-134 E. Stxon« St. 'LAINFIELD and aOUTH PLAINFIELD Stop a Minute and Read This
Oflicr. l i a West (fecund Sr Th"ne lo
W KHOMT * i T T > 1 HWUW ttrt taKan for Fraun Pwajavnga. 'Maoa*
~ -ii •• • • » * 11 6 ImiM n ' E E K DAYS
L e a v e P l a i t i f l i ' ' - 7 . 4 S . s 00. 11.4i a. m Many people spend a Rood part of their life time to accumulate
• f>0. 4 . 0 0 . o . i f ' l . ( . • • >. 3 »i>. ] ( > ; 0 X I I . 1 0 p . i l l .
L e a v e S o u t h l'lntnli^Id —s uo [ i l u a m
money, and then when it romes to investing it, they are nometimea
: . 0 O , 1 . 3 0 . 4 . 3 t i . 5 . 2 ? . ; . 3 0 . 9 3 0 . ](> 4 i . \ 1 1 ^IP guided by offers in highly speculative schemes of doubtful value.
•». m . Prudent is the man or woman who ivoiiis these great ridks and In-
xSaturdnys only.

Jhis January Clearance Sale

vests his or her funds safely.
. SUN'LIAXB. An account with us assures Security and a fair rate of interest.
tjfuv PlalnfleUI—9 »<>. 12 «0 a m TOO
I 00. j.dO. 9 HO p m.
I^e.i\e S c u i l h P l n i n f i e U — i n CO ,T rn 4 PER CENT. INTEREST PAID.
:.1S. ;:3<h 4..10. j 3». S J O p. m


of Coats, Suits, Furs, Dresses, VILLE A N D MT. B E T H E L .

W E E K tVVYS A N D S l ' N D A Y S .
Leave Plalnfteld—«.3U a. m.. 3.0u 6 2i>
11.00 p. m.
Leave Watchun^—€.45 a. m . 3.15, S.40
11.15 p. m.

Skirts and Children's Wear Leave Warrenvllle—^.55 a. m.. 3.ZQ 6 5"

11.30 p. m.
Arrive Mt. Retht 1—T.liV a. m.. 7.15 p. m
Leave Mt. Bethel—7.10 &, m . 7.1J p. m
Leave Warrenvllle—7.20 a. m.. J.30. 7.30
11.30 p. m.
Has without doubt been one of the most successful ever launched in the history of our business. I ^ a v e Walchung—7.30 a. m.. i 45, 7.4C
1145 p. m.
WM. F. ARNOLD President
A. C. STEBBIN'S Vice President
And the reason is simple: Arrive Plainfield—7.50 a. m. 4.«0, 7.55
\2 00 p. m. JAMES C POPE Secretary and Treasurer
We are offering this public the greatest bargains in these garments ever ventured in Plainfield. iS.iturfl.'.vs onlv H. A. POPE Assistant Secretary and Treasurer
Sunday? an«1 t.i»iid:iys the bus wiU leXv*- H. B. Mac DONALD Second Assistant Secretary and Treasurer
ir Watchuiig. Warrenvlll* and Mt. Bethyi
The important question that confronts you is t 9.00 a m. Insteml .-,( s 3n a. m. Other Money deposited by the 10th of January will draw interest
rips will be t^e - E T C a s week djy<». from the first.
If not you have no one else to blame but yourself. L*av#> Plalnfleld—s 4.". a m . t i n p. m
Leave W'atrhitnp — 9 ort a. m.. 4.45 p. m
Leyvp Stlrllne—» y< a m 5 15 p m
S 45 a. m. bus connects with 9 'it a. m
"urn »t Sterllnc. <•>* .NVwr^rk.
COATS at sm»li prices as CHILDREN'S COATS for c^iris from fiVears to
A New Coffee Percolator
4.3u p m bus rimniTS .vlth 5 IS p. n.
* i rain at Sterling, from Newark.
years; a lot of nearly 200; ail «?oing at
$3.50, 5.00, 7.50 and 10.00 An enclosed electric-llghtert and lioatc 1
•us may be pr.icured for an afternoo:
>r evenlnx. from The ^lalnflelrt Tranwl of t|ic \vHI-!<iio\vn Rochester ruake
-if $1. $2 and up to $5 'o.. to c.i;ry from l i t" , i paSKeniiers t.
ny point within a radius -tt 2i> mili>
rom F'ialnfieid
^. W. CAMPBELL. Mgr., 310 Park Ave
"-"hone 130. Plalnfleld. Ma«l«' of hut tw o\i>arts, solid copper, niokl** plated.
Suitsat $5.00,10.00 and 15.00 CHILDREN'S DRESSES from
\ o vnl\»'> t'» Lrt-t oiK of or<l«*r or small parts to lose.
Ka>\ to fl^uii. easy to o]>f>rate.
Originally sol«I at $]o, $18, $20, $25 and £W), and as
high as $65. .49c to 2.00 DULL HEADACHES ECONOMY
•robably come from oreratralned KxtriK-ts nil tin- dcJirious Aroma from the Coffee bean.
•y«-«ight. Nlce-tentha of th« h«*d R«"iuirin<r l«-s> Coff.-e tlianNiny other process.
icbes are tbe direct reault of eye
rouble. Bring tho«e trouble* to 0# (Pulverize! Coffee rioKrefjuired)
A lot of ONE HUNDRED COATS; some as high as
SKIRTS—sold :.t $Ji»S and $5.(X); now going at $15; go now at md let u» pr*«crib« for you. At a prie,. within the reach of everybody.
iJl work FOR SALE BY
$1.50 to 2.90 $1, $2, $3, $4 and $5
Gayle Hardware Co.
'Phone 3 9 8 Frort Street and Park Avenue


Philadelphia Eye Specialists An ojtablished rvputaiion iu business may b* defined as a reputa-
107 EAST FRONT ST. tion so long and in;imatL-!y associated with honorable methods and fair
dealing, that men may approach the Owner of such a reputation with-
Free Consultation. out either U>Kal or divine protection.
Hours 10 to 4:30. And that is the reputation of this Company among those who
In Plalnfleld Every Thanday. know it best


915-917 South Avenue.
Tarbon r e m o t e oy Oxygen method
—13 for 4 cylinder. H tor t cylinder
Sole agenu for Simplex G u Sav-
f»—positively give* more power
»pe«d and uses 25 to b>i%

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