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June 11, 2020

Ştefan Diana

Topic of Presentation: horror movies

Even if I don’t enjoy as much as others this topic , her presentation made me give horror movies
another chance. Diana was very confident and relaxed while she was talking and I like how she
maintained the eye-contact throughout the whole presentation.

Bledea Amalia

Topic of Presentation:

Please mention one aspect/element (of content or delivery) that you liked regarding this
presentation (for instance, attention-grabbing introduction, clear and logical structure, engaging
style, in-depth knowledge of the topic, good use of language, use of relevant examples; engaging
delivery [body language, eye contact, smiles, gestures, enthusiasm, etc.]) and explain in what
ways this aspect/element has helped you (as a listener) to follow or to understand the
presentation better.

Varga Dalia

Topic of Presentation: H.P. LOVECRAFT

Maybe I got a little bit influenced because we are very good friends but I know how
passionate she is about this topic. A very well structured presentation with a lot of fun fact
and lovely details.

Georgescu Eduard

Topic of Presentation: Parasite

A really good movie and a really nice presentation . You could easily see that Edi was very well
informed about this topic.

Truşcă Adrian
Topic of Presentation: How video games affect the brain

I really liked this topic also. I usually like to spend my time playing video games on the PS.
He was very well informed and had a nice structured speech. He was a little bit nervous but
it didn’t bother me.

Vasile Ana-Maria:

Topic of Presentation: Black cats

I am a cat person and this subject was really on my taste. A very nice structured presentation full
of myths and beliefs. She was a bit nervous at the beginning but I felt that she relaxed while she
continued her presentation.

Gulea Alexandra

Topic of Presentation: Friendship

A very cute presentation with very important ideas. She remained us about the connection
between us and I felt that she believed every word she said.

Roxana Elena

Topic of Presentation: Racism

A very bold topic that touched us all a little bit. It is sometimes unbelievable that we still
have to fight for our rights to be treated as every other human on this planet. She was very
confident and serious about this topic as we all should be.

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