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Anthology of Advocacy Speeches

It is hard to choose the best speaker because there are different aspects that need to be
considered. In terms of my preference, I choose Katrina Ann C. Poon’s Environmental Preservation
Speech. I like the way on how she shows persuasive emotion and compassion towards her main topic
which is the environment. She speaks fluently and takes her time to pronounce which gave it dramatic
effect and making it more meaningful. I noticed that she paused to highlight certain words which gave it
more impact. After introducing herself she stated her objective right away. That way, the audience will
know what her motive is in making that speech. Her voice is soothing that suits her topic well.

In terms of content, I like Nicole Lee’s speech most. She presented her topic well by providing
information to support her objective. Wordy presentation will bore the audience and it is a relief that
she doesn’t use those. Instead, she used images and explained it well. Phrases and quotations made her
speech catchy and not easy to forget.

Delivery of speech is the most important part of speech. No matter how good your script is but
if you failed to deliver it, the whole speech will go wrong. I like Ms. Poon’s way of delivering her speech.
The volume of her voice is enough to be heard, not too loud and too soft. She doesn’t speak like
someone is running after hear. Her pacing is smooth and it suits her well. It made her speech easy to

I saw different ways on how to deliver a speech but Ms. Sophia Ann Bandejas’ speech is the
most creative for me. It looks like a documentary. She showed pictures and videos to prove her point
and serve as a visual of what she is taking about. The way she change angles when the camera is facing
is her makes it more interesting.

Making a speech is difficult and delivering it is the hardest part. The anthology of advocacy
speeches gave me different ideas on how to do mine. Hand gestures are helpful but too much use of it
can be distracting. Our voice shouldn’t be neutral, expressing emotion will be a great help to achieve our
objective. I can introduce myself before or after the speech in a very creative way. A PowerPoint
presentation will be a great help for the audience to follow the speech. Organization of information or
facts should be precise to make an impact. I may not be good in public speaking but the anthology is a
great help in giving me ideas. I will surely use them on my own speech.

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