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Roman Catholic Agents of Globalization

Vitoria and Grotius pointed out that religious were the reason for economic globalization.
Spanish government used this to declare imperialism. Employed Catholic traditions and natural law
theology is the key why core liberal values of communication, sociability, freedom of travel,
cosmopolitan openness and such should be values for us and others. Vitoria stated that Spaniards have
natural rights to travel without restrictions, trade and import and export goods. Gentili’s view is about
how we should rely on legal, historical and philosophical law than theological ones.

Economic globalization paved the way for countries to socialize. It will be profitable for each
country to trade since it is natural and no written law can stop it. Religion in globalization will connect
nations through trade, financial support and economic relations. It is also highly influential in culture and
lifestyle of different country’s well-being. The church’s goal is to make interconnectedness among
people on different countries all over the world. It helps the government promote peace and give equal
human rights towards it people. Religion is indeed a key to globalization. As countries continue to
socialize and build international influence, churches help them connect ties better since they will be
more passionate and peaceful. Fairness will also be observed to avoid economic abuse which will
strengthen the bond of two or more countries. In another way of thinking, for example a country is
merciful of his neighboring country which is in war. They sent food and other simple help especially
prayers which help them not lose hope. In the future, the country that they helped will return the favor
even if they are not asked to return it. Soon it will turn to friendship and partnership which will improve
both their country.

Both legal and biblical practice helped economic globalization. Just imagine how religion
influenced the laws implemented in the country. How will the president settle disputes if he is not
passionate to his own people? Laws seem cold but when it is concerned with people’s well-being then it
will be more meaningful. It is the same with making friends with other countries. Christianity is fair to all
race, nationality, gender and status in life which make is easier to connect people and countries
together. Globalization keeps on progressing, religion doesn’t. It stays the same. If ever a country got
confused and needs an anchor, faith got its back.

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