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Class 12 Computer Science (Python)

Creating a Django based Basic Web Application
Revision Notes

Some important points to remember are as follows:

A web framework is a software tool that provides a way to build and run dynamic
websites and web-enabled applications.
An HTTP Get Request refers to a way of retrieving information from the given server
using a given URL over web.
An HTTP POST request is a way to send data to the server, (e.g., data filled in an
online form such as student information, file upload, etc.) using HTML forms over
DJANGO is a Python based free and open source web application framework.
Virtualenv is a useful tool which creates isolated Python environments that take care
of interdependencies and let us develop different applications in isolation. Each
isolated environment has different set of libraries unlike a common global set of
A Django project refers to an entire application and an app is a submodule of the
project caters to one specific functionality.
You can create a Django project by issuing django-admin start <projectname>
There are two directories/folders created with the project name and one is a subfolder
of the other.
The outer project name folder is the base directory of the project and holds all other
app folder and setting modules of the project.
The inner project folder is the project web-application folder and holds all the setting
modules for the project.
Command python startapp <appname> creates an app within a Django
Django project architecture is based on MTV (Model Template View) architecture.
Earlier it was also known as MVC (Model View Controller) architecture.
Model in Django project is the data management component(s).

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Template is responsible for presentation logic for a Django project.
View is the handling logic or business logic of a Django project that links the URLs and
templates through URL routing.
Logic tier provided by Django framework is the controller.
Steps to create a Django project are:
i. determine project and its apps
ii. determine for each app the http request type, model, template, view and url
iii. create model, template, views for the apps as per step
iv. and map urls to the templates through URL Configurations
v. run server and test your project.
The mapping between URL path to the views of Django Project are called URL
Confs (URL configurations). The views of Django project are python functions.
Django project views are Python functions that get HTTP request type in the form of
mandatory argument request (HTTP request type).
URL Routing is a process of resolving and mapping URLs through URL Confs in to actual templates which can be displayed in the web browser as a web page.

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