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Mrs . H.


Coronavirus Pandemic in Morocco :

As soon as the first case was detected in Casablanca, in March 2020, the authorities took strict
measures to face the pandemic.

On March 16th, schools and universities suspended lessons. Distance education programs have
been created for students. Radio, television and distance education have continued to play a role in
providing education out of school. Teachers proved to be ready to teach despite all the difficulties.
Let’s not forget the important role that doctors, nurses, policemen, cleaning men and women played
and still play. They work day and night to exercise their duties properly.

Mosques, cafes, restaurant, cinemas, clubs, gymnasiums closed. In addition to this, all cultural and
sports events were cancelled. Besides, the borders were closed. The closure of air space was approved
as we avoided the worst.

Other protective measures were taken prematurely. The obligation to introduce confinement
measures to limit contamination. Thanks to his Majesty the King Mohamed VI, a special solidarity fund
to cover the damages caused by coronavirus was created. The majority of Moroccan people proved to
be conscious enough and respected the strict measures taken by the authorities.

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