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Breathing is the form in which organisms share gasses with their surroundings.
Aerobic respiration, which is referred to as an aerobic metabolism, happens as oxygen is
transferred to the body and delivered into all the cells of the system (White and Campo
2004). Each organism has different respiratory conditions; lungs, gills, tracheae and
integument are all separate structures designed to allow respiratory. The ectotherms are
animals who rely on their surroundings for body temperature. Endotherms are warm blooded
species, which, despite their environment, control their body temperatures internally. A wide
range of forms are available for all marine ectotherms.

In all organisms, especially in particular ectothermia the environmental temperature is

critical as it interacts directly with their metabolic rate and ultimately with growth and fitness.
Animals will also use behavioural thermoregulation in a thermally heterogeneous
surroundings, in other terms they may switch to thermally favourable habitat areas and thus
controls their temperature. Fish is an ideal example for experimental thermal control, since
the aquatic natural environment also displays a simple and fairly stable 3D thermal
variability, where it can be replicated in the laboratory to include the basis for the analysis of
experimental movements.

Dependent upon the metabolic levels and activity of the poikilotherms in their normal
temperature range, chemical reactions escalate as temperature increases. As a quantitating
coefficient of temperature, the influence of temperature on biological functions is typically
represented as a Q10. For a 10oC temperature increase, most biological processes are

In this experiment, we will use two fishes, black tilapia (Oreochromis placidus) and
put them in three different water temperature which are at room temperature, 20 oC and 30oC.
So, we will take the reading of the opercular movement at that temperature. The opercular
motion gives visual signs of the changes that are related to the level of oxygen demand in
metabolic activities. The Q10 will be determined between 20 ° C and 30 ° C for the rate of
opercular activity throughout this experiment.

1. To identify the effects of different water temperature on tilapia fish.

2. To observe the signs of changes in oxygen demand through opercular motion.
3. To know how to calculate the Q10 coefficient of temperature range.

Goyer K., Bertolo A., Pépino M., & Magnan P. (2014, March 24). Effects of lake warming
on behavioural thermoregulatory tactics in a cold-water stenothermic fish. Retrieved

Neill, William. (1976). Mechanisms of behavioral thermoregulation in fishes. Electric Power

Research Institute Special Report. 38. 156-169.

Patra, Ronald & Chapman, John & Lim, Richard & Gehrke, Peter & Sunderam, Ramasamy.
(2009). Effects of temperature on ventilatory behavior of fish exposed to sublethal
concentrations of endosulfan and chlorpyrifos. Environmental toxicology and chemistry
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Weiss, Bernard & Laties, Victor. (1961). Behavioral Thermoregulation. Science (New York,
N.Y.). 133. 1338-44. 10.1126/science.133.3464.1588.

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