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José Rojas 8-913-2318

Oral Report Miriam Aguilar 2-736-2182

María Aguilar 2-737-186

An oral report also has the same three basic parts as a written report.
The introduction should "hook" your audience. Catch their interest with a question, a dramatic tale or
a personal experience that relates to your topic. The body is the main part of your report, and will use
most of your time. The conclusion is the time to summarize and get across your most important point.
What do you want the audience to remember? It's important to really know your subject and be well
organized. If you know your material well, you will be confident and able to answer questions. If your
report is well organized, the audience will find it informative and easy to follow. Think about your
audience. If you were listening to a report on your subject, what would you want to know? Too much
information can seem overwhelming, and too little can be confusing. Organize your outline around
your key points, and focus on getting them across.
Importance of oral report are: Save time and energy, to assess/evaluate experienced, knowledge,
skill etc. of a learner, also learner can request opinions, suggestions from the audience for effective
feedback from facilitators, and a better relationship between learner and facilitator to improvement for
future oral report.

Basic principles of Oral Reporting

 Structure And Organization
-Structure of the presentation
-Open the presentation and capture the audience’s attention.
-Introduce and situate the topic of the presentation.
-Make sure the presentation is logically organized and easily followed by the audience.

 Verbal Communication
-During your presentation, pay attention to your pace, volume, articulation and intonation. Avoid  using
verbal fillers and ensure appropriate language use voice
-Speak in a relaxed manner with a varied pace.
--Speak in a clear, audible voice with appropriate volume.
-Take care of your language and ensure it is appropriate to the topic and the audience.

 Non-Verbal Communication
-Try to make effective use of the space.
-Physical gestures, stance and facial expressions must support the message.
-Deliver a dynamic presentation and show enthusiasm.
-Slides should be functional and enhance the presentation. Images and visuals should be relevant to
your presentation.
-Rehearse your presentation in order to make sure it fits within the given time frame.

 Tips on Organizing Oral Report

-Make an outline for the requirements
-The requirements should be compared to the interests of the audience
-Identify the penchants, characteristics, and knowledge of the audience
-From the introduction, lay down your studies and always let the audience know where you are going
-Proceed with your arguments, make it memorable or try to be witty in order to make the topic
-Only narrow to a few points or main ideas
-The presentation of the oral report should be practice and rehearse.

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