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English Activity 2

Nidia María Martinez Garces

Jazmín Adriana Madrid Vergara
Sabina María Lozano Contreras
Liney del Carmen Polo Fabra
Wendy Iranís Villalba Ogaza.

Ivan Guerra Alvarez

Competencia lecto escritural del ingles


What does Sandra do? She´s a student and she has a part time job.
Where do you work? I work for American Airlines
How do you go to school? I go to school by motorcycle.
What does Paul do? He’s a guide. He takes people on tours
A Doctor Works in a Has an office Works long Cares for
hospital hours patiens
A sailor Works on a Has a cabin Works 12 Wacth the
board hours trajectory of
the board.
A bullfigther Works in a Has a closed Works for Deal with
bullring room seasons bulls
A wrestler Works in a Has a Works long Beat your
gym dressing hours rival
An Actor Works on Has a Works for Entertain
stage dressing contract people
A professor Works in a Has a Works part Teaches
school classroom time people
An enginner Works in a Has an office Works 10-12 Build building
construction hours
A waiter Works in a Has a office Works 12 Serves
restaurant hours people
A welder Works in a Has not office Complete day Join pieces


1-She is a sailor and works on a boat, she watches the trajectory of the boat for
12 hours and has her cabin.

2-He is a bullfighter, works in a bullring. He has a closed room, works 12 hours,

dealing with bulls.

3-She is a wrestler, she works in a gym. She has a dressing room, works long
hours, beating her rivals.

4-He is an actor, he works in a stage. He has a dressing room, works for

contract entertaining people.

5- She is a teacher, she works a school. She has an office. She works part
times teaching her students.

6- He is an engineer. He Works in a construction has an office, he Works 10-12

hours, day to day build building.
7-He is a waiter and works in a restaurant. He has an office 12 long hours every
day. He has not office, serving people.
8-He is a welder and works in the building, has not office works all day joining

1. Here are four short paragraphs from newspapers. They are about:

-A new book - a volleyball match - a new computer - a picnic - a record

1. - The day was beautiful hot,

and we decides on a spot just by the river. We took all the food and drink from
the hampers and set it down on the grass where Joan.

El día estaba lindo y caluroso y escogimos un lugar junto al rio. Tomamos toda
la comida y bebida de las cestas y nos sentamos en el césped donde Joan.


2. - … and of course Von Karajan’s control of the string section is, as ever,
masterly. The orchestra always seems relaxed, and the sounds produced are
near perfection. The only doubt.

The recording______

Translation: Y por supuesto el control de Von Karajan tiene sobre la sección de

cuerdas es un maestro. La orquesta siempre parece relajada y los sonidos
producidos por esta son casi perfectos. La única duda es:

La grabación______

3. - think the new arrangements will please users of IBM hardware, but this is
not the only reason why Apple has decided to integrate.

A new computer_________

Translation: Cree que los nuevos arreglos complacerán a los usuarios de IBM,
hardware, pero esta no es la única razón que Apple decidió integrarse.

Un nuevo computador_________

4. - The illustrations are uniformly good, and my children, at least, were

laughing out loud when I read them the stories in bed. All the stories are written
by well-known authors and it’s clear from.

A new book______
Translation: Las ilustraciones son uniformemente buenas y mis hijos al menos
se reían a carcajadas cuando les leía cuentos en la cama. Todas las historias
están escritas por autores conocidos. Esto es claro en

En un nuevo libro_______

Write five sentences using adverbs (English and Spanish).
1- Maria almost always comes to work early
María siempre llega temprano al trabajo.

2- The house dog ever goes for walk without its owner in the evenings.
El perro de la casa nunca sale de paseo sin su dueño en la tarde.

3- The English teacher hardly never leaves class without checking homework.
El profesor de inglés casi nunca sale de clases sin revisar la tarea.

4- On a birthday the cake usually distributed with soda.

En un cumpleaños usualmente se reparte el pastel con gaseosa.

5- Horror movies are always the best.

Las películas de terror son las mejores.
7. Complete the sentences with: always, usually, often, sometimes
occasionally, hardly ever, rarely, never

 . a-John always gets good grades because he always studies before an


John siempre saca buenas notas, porque él siempre estudia antes del examen.

 b.. Charlie never wakes up early in the morning. He is always late to

work and his boss is frequently upset with him.

Charlie nunca se despierta temprano en la mañana. Siempre llega tarde al

trabajo y su jefe con frecuencia se enoja con él.
 c. Professor Mitchell's class is seldom boring. He generally finds ways to
keep the students interested in the day's lessons.
La clase del profesor Mitchell rara vez es aburrida. Generalmente encuentra
formas de mantener a los estudiantes interesados en las lecciones del día.

 d. They don’t like meat. They are vegetarians. They never eat meat.

Ellos no les gusta la carne. Ellos son vegetarianos. Ellos nunca comen carne.

 e. Every morning she drinks coffee. She always drinks coffee in the
Tods las mañanas ella bebe café.Ella siempre toma café.

 f. He doesn’t usually drink wine, but at Christmas he has a glass of wine

with dinner He occasionally drinks wine.

Usualmente el no bebe vino, pero en navidad el bebe una copa de vino con la
 g. They go to bed at 11 o’clock from Sunday to Friday. They almost
always go to bed at eleven o’clock

Ellos van a la cama a las 11 en punto de lunes a viernes. Ellos casi empre van
a la cama a las once en punto.

6. Answer these questions.

Look at this: once a day – twice a week – three times a month - never

1. How often do you wash your clothes?

I wash a clothes twice a week.

1-¿Con que frecuencia lavas tu ropa?

Yo lavo mi ropa dos veces a la semana.

2. How often do you send a message?

I send message twice day.

2-¿Con que frecuencia envías mensajes?

Yo envió mensajes dos veces al día.

3. How often do you dry your hair?

I dry my hair three times a day.

¿Con que frecuencia te secas el pelo?

Yo seco mi cabello tres veces a la semana.

4. How often do you chat?

I chat once a day

¿Con que frecuencia chateas?

Yo chateo una vez al día.
5. How often do you study English?
I study english twice week
¿Con que frecuencia estudias inglés?
Yo estudio inglés dos veces por semana.

-Match the dark Word in each sentence with one of the three pictures; a,b,or c.
Use the rest of the sentence to help you.

1-He’s pulling his suitcase.

a b c

2-The businessman is helping him lift the box

a b c
Choose the correct word in each sentence.
1-She (is-are) pushing (her-his) bicycle up the hill.

2- He (is- are) digging in (his-her) garden with a shovel

3- The crane (are-is) is lifting something heavy.

4-Ana (is-are) in the park with (his-her) dog

5- This is a gold ring. It (are-is) mine.

Was a Mexican screen

writer,actor,comedian,film director,television
director,play wright,song writer,and author.
He is widely regarded as the most important
latin and Spanish language humorist of all time.
He was internationally knew or writng,directing,and starning in the Chespirito
(1968), El Chavo (1971) and El Chapulin Colorado (1972) show series.

Journalist: Hello
J Hope: Hi
Journalist: What’s your name?
J Hope: My name is Jung Heosok
Journalist: What’s your nationality?
J Hope: I’m Japanese.
Journalist: Where are you from?
J Hope: I’m from Japan.
Journalist: How old are you?
J Hope: I’m twenty six years old.
Journalist: What your address?
J Hope: I live in Tokyo city
Journalist: What’s your telephone number?
J Hope: My telephone number is 574-822-333.I’m a member of the BTS group.

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