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\ \"orksheet. I: t.e;u-ning Outcon1es


,------ ---------~-----------
A. Read this passage.
After the death of baby Tarzan's parents Tublat, Kala's husband, was very angry
in an African jungle, Kala, an ape, finds "He'll never be a great ape, he said. · ·
him. She gives him a name and decides "You'll always have to carry him
to raise him as her own child. and protect him. He'll only be a
Kala, an ape, had found the strange little
fellow almost a year ago; but he still "Never!" replied Kala. If I must carry
could not walk alone or climb trees like him forever so be it.
her own little apes. Sometimes,
Kala loved the human baby like her own
she talked with the other apes about her
child. Tarzan the bab' also gave all hi
young adopted son. But none of them
affection to Kala as if she were his own
could understand why the child was
human mother.
so slow in learning to care for himself.
He could not e en search for food alone!

ape: a type of a large monkey without a tail, found in parts of Asia and Africa raise: to ta ecare
of someone, until they are completely grown adopted: brought someone else's c ild ·nto herfa i~
and looked after him as her own child burden: to trouble someone else or oneself with problems
affection: love

B. Complete these sentences.

1. Kala was
2. Tublat was - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3. Tarzan w a s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
C. Answer these questions.
1. What happened a year ago?

2. What made Tublat angry?

3. How was Kala's adopted son different from her other little ones?

4. If I must carry him forever, so be it. What does this line tell you about Kala?

s Find the word in the passage which means the same as 'trying to find' .

Grammar and Words

Common nouns-
* are names of places, people, animals or things. * can be singular or plural.
• o n - to ns • nend - friends • tiger - t1gt:rs • pen - pens

Proper nouns-
* are special names of people, places, animals or things. * always begin with a capital letter.
• Rahu • Assam • Tubby • RaJdh ani Express

D. Colour the boxes to match the common nouns with the corred proper nouns.
Use five different colours for the five pairs.
city M iss Shenoy Mount Road country
park The Tale of Peter Rabbit story Orang National Park
Japan road Ranchi teacher

Abstract nouns-
* are names we give to qualities, feelings or ideas. * do not have a plural form.
• honesty • fear • wisdom

E. Underline the abstract nouns in these sentences.

1. It was a pleasure to meet you, Roy ma'am.

2. The wrestlers showed their strength in the match.

3. Their friendship began at school.

4. The tiger growled loudly in anger.

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s. Seeing the wolf, they cried out in fear.

6. Believe me, I have told you the truth .

Collective nouns are names we give to-

* a group of people. * a group of animals. * things of the same kind.
• a team of players • a pride of lions • a bunch of grapes

F. Complete these sentences with the correct collective nouns from the box.

I swarm school crowd troop flock bundle

1. There wa s a swarm of ants near the park gate.

2. Fro m the boat, we saw a _ _ _ _ _ _ offish

moving in one direction.

3. Please bring me a stick from that _ _ _ _ __

of sticks kept on the table.

4. The of soldiers f inally returned

home after six months.

5. There w as a huge of people near

t he cinema hal l as a new film had released .

6. A _ _ _ _ __ of birds fluttered around the fo unt ain.

Ci. Circle the word in each row that does not form a compound word with
the word in colour.

1. key hole board light

2. book shop write r shelf


3. fire bi rd f ighter fly

4. water melon lily house

5. butter milk bag fly

6. rain burrow coat bow

Functions Cl
When we meet someone for the first time. e greet them and introduce ourselves to them.
We also introduce others who are th re with us.
* It 1s more polite to say 'Hello' or 'Good morning/afternoon/evening' to elders, teachers
and principals.
* When we spea to our siblings. friends. cousins or someone who 1s of the same age as us,
we can say 'Hi' or 'Hello'.

Here are some ways in which you could gr et someone, introduce yourself and respond when
someone introduces himself/herself to you.
* Avanti: Good morning. sir. I'm Avant1. I've just joined Central Modern School. I'm in Class 3
Pradhan Sir: Hello, Avant1. Nice to meet you. I'm sure you will like your new school.
* Karun: Hi. My name is Karun I'm Mrs Nair's son. Are you Schan?
Sohan: H1, Ka run. Yes, my name is Sohan Glad to meet you.

Here are some ways in which you could introduce someone else.
* H1, e eryone. This is my sister, Shanta. She's in Class 1.
* Good morning, teacher. This is my father. Mr Raj iv Das. He's a police-officer.
* Hello. Grandma. These are my frlends-Navya, Rah ii and Sal ma. We go to the same school.

H. Introduce yourself I someone else or respond as required. Role-play these

situations with your friend. You may use words from your home language.
1. You meet your new neighbours outside your hou se.

2. You are with your friend at the bus-stop. You meet your
aunt there.

3. You are with your mother at the supermarket. You meet

your friend and his/ her father there.

Past tense verbs are usually formed by-
* adding -d or -ed to the verbs.
• dance - danced

* changmgy to and addtng-ed to the verbs ending with y.

• try- red

* doubling the consonant and adding -ed to some verbs ending with a consonant.
• hug- hugged

I. Write the past tense spellings of these words.

1. close 2. chop

3. bury 4. fry

5. plan 6. tremble

7. cry 8. carry

J. Read this paragraph.

Skun ks are med ium-sized an imals. They are of different kinds, but all skunks have clear,
blac k-and-w hite stripes. Skunks have bushy tails, four short legs with clawed feet and
long snouts.
Skunks usua lly nest in burrows built by other animals, but they also live in hollow logs and
empty bu ildings. They are most active at night. Skunks eat insects. reptiles, worms, eggs.
fish, fruits and plants . When other bigger animals attack them, th ey spray a smelly liquid at
th em.
Now, use the points in the box and write a paragraph about gorillas-

large - different kinds - grey, brown, black- no

tails -thick hair- long face - live -forests, swamps
- make nests to sleep at night- eat leaves, shoots,
stems, fruits - stay in groups- strong but gentle-
warn group and family- big animals
or humans attack

, ,------------------ ---------
------------ -- ---
: Reading Subskills

* 1
./locate details given in the new paper article
: ./ read real newspapers and identify int re ting n \\ - i

, ,------ ---------------- --- --- ----------------- -------

Grammar and Words
./ identify and use articles-a, an and the-in pe h and writing
./ learn the difference between countable and uncountabl n un
./ use determiners like some, little, much and man with
./ solve a crossword puzzle using oppo ite like tall/ h rt and m id
untnbl nn
, , ------ ---- --- -- ---------------------- -----------
• Speech Practice

* I

./ understand how the letter v and w are aid al ud in diffi rent "(.
• ./ say words with v and 'v\ correctl

, , -------------- - --- - --- - --~ - ----------------- ------- ' \

• Punctuation 1

1 ./ use capital letters correctly

./ identify the words in a passage which hould begin with a

, ,------ --- ------------------------- ----------- -------,

pital I tt 'f
: Writing

* I

',, ./ describe a scene using the picture and the hint

------------ -- - - - - - -~--

,, ------- -- ------- -- ------------------------- --------

• Project-

' \

: ./collect facts and important infonnation about lndia' fir t newspaper.
•, ./ participate in a pair activity *
Worksheet 2
Reading Subskills
A. Read this newspaper article and find out the names of three trains from
the article.


Thursday, 9 January 2020

Three New Trains

to be launched
in February
. Desai

The Uttar Express

NEW DELHI: Three new trains will Junction four times a week. It will stop
be launched next month for three only at one station-Ambala.
different routes in the country. AU the
The]ammunai Express will travel
three new trains have been introduced
from Tiruppur Junction to Nagpur
to give better services to passengers.
Junction twice a week without
The Ananta Express will travel stopping anywhere.
from Guwahati Junction to Sealdah
All the three trains will have pantries
Junction thrice a week. The train will
that will be used to serve and sell
stop only at two stations-Rampurhat
hot/cold meals and drinks to the
and Burdwan.
passengers. Special services will also
The Uttar Express will travel from be available for children and elderly
Kathgodam Junction to Chandigarh people.

launched: started pantries: rooms in trains, used for storing food and drinks for passengers

complete these sentences.
B. Tick ( ,/} the correct answers to .

The name of the newspaper is
. [
·1 Mail.
b TheDa1y
C c. The Morning Da11v

a. The Evening Daily. _. ·

2. The news pa per article i~ a~o~~ll be launched in the year.

a. all the new trains w ic h d in the month of February.
. h' h will be launc e
b. th ree new t rains w ic d · the present month.
. ·11 b launche in
c. t hree new trains wh ich WI e
3. The Uttar Express will travel from. h J nction and stop at one station
a. Kathgodam Junction to Chand igar . u d stop at two stations .
b Guwahati Junction to Sea ldah Junction an . h . ~
· . ction without stopping anyw ere.
c. Tiruppur Junction to Nagpur Jun "'---.J

4. The train which will not stop at any station is

a. The Ananta Express. 0
b. The Uttar Express. 0
c. The Jammuna i Express. 0
5. The three trains will have
a. hot / cold meals and drinks for children. . D
b. pantry services and other special services for children
and elderly peop le.
c. special services for elderly people. D
Grammar and Words
We always use a before-
* a consonant sound. * singular nouns.
• a tortoise • a cycle

We always use an before-

* a vowel sound. * singular nouns.
• an onion • an igloo

We use the before-

* consonant and vowel sounds. * names of things we know.
• Tne film is very interesting. • The earth moves around t e sun.

C. Complete this paragraph with a, an orthe.
Once upon a time, there was 1·_a_ group of girls and boys in 2 •_ _ _ __

small town. They played in a music band. People always invited them to play
at birthdays or important events in 3. town. There was only one
problem, and that was Kevin. Kevin was 4. important member
of · band, but he was always late! Once, 6· boys and
girls were invited to play at 1. exhibition. It was 8·_ _ _ __

very big event and they did not want to be late. So, they reached Kevin's house
·_ _ _ _ _ hour before 10 •_ _ _ _ _ exhibition began.

Things that-
* ca n be counted -1 countable * cannot be co unted -1 uncountable

We use-
* many, some, any before countable nouns.
• I have many crayons. • I have some crayons. • I don't have any crayons.
* much, some, any, a little before uncountable nouns.
• W e don't have much time. • We have some time. • We don't have any time.
• We have a little time.

D. Circle the countable nouns and underline the uncountable nouns in this box.

~ coffee kitten banana love hill

music oil polish bangle snow table

E. Complete these sentences with some, many, much, a little or any.

1. The cake need s just bit of sugar. Then, it will be perfect.

2. Would you like to listen to music?

3. There isn't _ _ _ _ _ food left. Should we order _ _ _ _ _ ?

4. There are so _ _ _ _ _ books on the shelf. You can take _ _ _ __

of them.
F. Complete the sentences with the opposites of the words in colour.
Then complete the crossword with the opposites.

1. The medicine shop remains open during the day, but it is closed at - - - ·
s. I have kept the boxes outside the room. Do you want to keep them - - -?
7. Don't close the windows, them and let the fresh air come in.
9. There is a tall sal tree and a rose bush in the park.
10. Bertie was very strong. But he has become---- now as he wa s sick.
12. The cup was full sometime back, but now it is _ _ __

2. The fat little mouse ate the _ _ _ _ _ mouse's food.
3. We saw the castle above the hill. We could not see the park it.
4. Mother's bed is too hard for me. So I sleep on a bed.
6. My younger brother knows how to add two numbers. But, he doesn't know how
to small numbers from large numbers.
8. It is very _ _ _ _ _ outside, but the room is nice and cool.
11. The cat is jumping over t he table. The kitten is sitting _ _ _ __ it.

1. 2.


4 5. 6.



9. 10.



Speech Practice CB
G. Listen and repeat.
vet-wet vest-west veil-wail viper-wiper verse -wo rse

H. Listen and repeat.

1. a woollen vest 2. lovely weather
3. a white veil 4. waves and wolves
5. She is very worried. 6. When is the festival?
7. I meet him every week. 8. I'll see you on Wednesday evening.

We always use capital letters-
* to begin a sentence. * to begin a proper noun. * when we mention I in a sentence.
• They are going to the zoo • Sona I and I play badminton every day.

I. Underline the words that should begin with capital letters.

one afternoon, in march 1987, i went to the semli river. near the river, i found
three tiger cubs resting under some bushes. it was a very hot afternoon . their
mother, a tigress named sheba, was not there. the cubs just lay there lazily
for an hour.

J. Look at this picture of a railway station. Describe the scene in a paragraph.
I :_\ ...

Try and answer these questions when you write-
* What place is this? * Who are the people in the picture?
* Why are they here? * What are they doing?

K. Newspapers have a very long history in India. Work in pairs and find out some
interesting fads about India's first newspaper. Work together and find out-
* the name of India's first newspaper.
* the year it was first published.
* the name of the person who published it.
* the price it was sold at.
* for how long was it published.

Take help from your teacher or the elders at home. You may also refer
to websites on the Internet.

·_A:.:~' A.:~~

. .. . . . .... . ................................................................................................. .

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I ,----~---~------~-----------

: Listening

* 1
./ listen to a text about trying and being successful at something
. / identify the order of events in the text

Grammar and Words
./ learn how to use connectors-and, but, so and or correctly in speech and writing
: ./ identify and use possessive pronouns like mine, yours, his and hers correctly
: ./ learn and find synonyms like fast - quick, help - assist
, ,--------~----~ ----------- --------
: Reading Aloud

* ': ./ read out a short play with proper pronunciation

: ./ participate in a group activity

,---- ------------------------------------------------,
: Dictation
'.' ./ take dictation of chunk of words--description of a classroom
,. ---------------- ------- -------------


: ../ draw a scene from a story I have read and write about it
: ../ write sentences about the story I have read and speak about my drawing work in class

• Life Skills-
1 ./ understand that every person is different and special in their own way
• ../ understand that we should not be mean or unkind to others
Worksheet 3
Listening CB
A. Listen to a story and then say if these sentences are true (T) or not true (NT).
1. Jolly's mother said she would teach him a new game.

2. Jolly's mother showed him how to fly higher and he easily flew after her

3. Jolly's father showed him how to find worms in the grass.

4. Jolly's father shouted, "A fox" and flew away with Jolly.

5. Jolly was so afraid that he flew right up into the tree after his father.

6. Jolly's father played a trick on him so that he could learn to fly quickly.

Grammar and Words

We use-
* and to add an idea to a sentence.
• Sa Iii swims and rides his bicycle on Fridays.

* or and but to show a change in what is bei ng said.

• Do you like fruits or vegetables?
• Sham mi is smart but lazy.

* so to tell the result of something.

• The shop was closed, so Ra nu came back home.

B. Complete these sentences with and, or, so or but.

1. We can visit our grandparents~ meet our cousins this weeken d.

2. Did they really build the house _ _ _ paint it all by themselves ?

3. He has to return the books, he is going to the library.

4. She must hurry _ _ _ she will miss the train.

5. Aziz wanted to play in the rain his mother did not let him.

6. Why don't you go home take rest?

Possessive pronouns-
* are words that show that something belongs to someone.
* answer the question, 'Whose?'
• mine, theirs, hers, his, ours and yours are possessive pronouns.

C. Tick (y/) the correct possessive pronouns to complete these sentences.

1. I have got my racquet. Have you got (yours I ours)?

2. This is my bag. That bag is (mine/ theirs) too.

3. These are not my shoes. Sheena, are they {hers I yours)?

4. Nira and Nitin 's clothes are similar- {theirs I hers) is blue
and {his I theirs) is green.

5. Our neighbour's garden is bigger than our garden, but {its I theirs)
does not have as many plants as {mine I ours).

D. Make six pairs of synonyms from the words in the box and write them
in the petals.

little excellent help collect good hide

gather quick small fast cover assist

Reading Aloud Cl
E. Listen to this conversation from a play.
Work in groups of six and take turns to read this conversation in class.
Five of you will play the charaders. One of you will be the narrator.
(Amjad, Paras, Jack and Harmeet werefisher f?lk They were foolish and lazy. They ~ad alot
of money, so they paid other people to go fish mg for them. One day those people did not corn
to work. The four friends wondered what to do.) e
Paras: Who will bring us fish to sell in the markets now?
Harmeet: Let's go fishing ourselves! Let's show them that we can manage without
their help.

(Soon they returned from theirfishing trip.)

Amjad: I think one of us is missing! Please stand in a line. I'll count to make sure.

(The four friends stood in a line while Amjad counted.)

Amjad: I was right. There are only three of us here. Where is the fourth man?
Jack: All of us are here. All of you stand in front of me and I will count thistime.

(As Jack was counting, Mrs Pestonji, a neighbour, walked by. She stopped to see what was
happening and burst out laughing.)
Mrs Pestonj1: Oh, you foolish men! You are all here! You just forgot to count yourselves!

(The four friends were so amused to hear this that they gave all theirfish to Mrs Pestonji!)

Dictation Cl
F. Complete this description of a classroom as you listen.
My classroom is on the first floor of the 1· in our school.
It is next to the 2. room. My classroom is large;
it has two doors and 3· It has thirty-five chairs

4- for the students. Every desk has a space where

the students can keep their 5·_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
There is a blackboard on the wall, behind the teacher's desk and chair.
There are soft boards on the other walls where we put up charts and
6· . There is a cupboard near the teacher's desk where

the chalks, the duster, the board pins and our notebooks are kept. We also have
two 1. at the corner of our classroom. We keep our
classroom very s._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Ci. Draw.a picture _of a scene from your favourite story. Give your drawing a title.
Descr.1be ~hat 1s happening in the picture in a paragraph. Then speak about your
drawmg m class.
Life Skills
Look at this picture. Here, the children are laughing at the girl for some rea son.
Are the children doing the right thing by laughing at her?

It is a cowardly act to tease/make fun of a person who is physically weaker than us

or is trying their best to be better at something. We should always respect people
and never be mean or unkind to them.

H. Read these situations.

a. Peter makes fun of his friend, Preeti, because she wears spectacles. He takes
her spectacles away sometimes and teases her.

b. Ravish plays football very well. He does not help Akash who has just joined
the team and teases him when he tries to practice alone.

c. Urja laughs at Manika who reads words in English with a little difficulty.
What will you tell Peter, Ravish and Urja?

. . . . . .. . . ................................................................................. . .

. .......................................................................
v\1orkshect 4: LcarninffD..................... Outcon1cs
..................... ....... .

,----------------------------------------------------,, I
: Reading Subskills

* 1' read a po ter


•' ./see and identify important details in the poster

,------------- ------- ------ --- -----------------------,

•' Grammar and Words

./learn and identify different kinds of adjectives
./ learn the difference between comparative and superlative adjectives and use them
correctly in sentence
' ./ find and u e words related to Mathematics like add, remove, replace

,------------ -- ---- --
' Functions
---- -- - - ---- - -----------------~,

* : ./ expres my like and dislike using simple sentences in English and my home
./ talk about my like and dislikes with friends using imple sentences and responses

,--------- --------------------------- ---- --- ---- ---- -,

: Spelling


: ./ identify silent letters in different words

\ ./ learn how to say and write words with silent letters

~----------------------- - -- -- - --~---- ------------- ... \

• Writing

* ./write definitions of objects with the help of the ample and the pictures that are given
Worksheet 4
Reading Subskills .. ,
A. Look at this poster. What is the topic
• of th e drawing competition.



DATE: 15 APRIL 2020


TIME: n a.m. to 1 p.m.

PRIZE DISTRIBUTION: 2 p.m. to 2.30 p.m.



B. Answer these questions with the help of the poster.
1. What is being organised for World Art Day, 2020?

2. When is the competition going to take place?

3. How long will the competition be?

4. In which town is the competition going to be held?

5. Can children of all ages take part in it? Why?

6. What can we do to get more information about the competition?

Grammar and Words

* talk about the size, shape, colour and quality of a noun or a pronoun.
• tall woman • round box
• green dress • pretty flower

* are used before the noun and sometimes after the verb in a sentence.
• snowy mountain peak
• The mountain peak is snowy.

* that are used before a noun to show that something belongs

to someone are called possessive adjedives.
• her sweater • their bags

C. Circle all the adjectives in this paragraph.

Once there was a Q neem tree in a th ic~ for~st. The long
branches of the tree spread out in every direction. At the
foot of the tree grew a tiny plant. The plant would sway
and bend whenever there was a cool breeze.
One quiet evening, there was a mighty storm. It pulled the
great neem tree out of the moist soil. When the powerful
storm had passed, the big tree lay broken and crushed.
The little plant had bent and its leaves had curled because
of the storm. But soon the plant stood up and its leaves
became straight again.

We use-
* a comparative adjedive (-er)+ than when we compare two things, persons, animals
and places.
• Hyderabad is hotter than Kolkata. • Raja is taller than Harjot.

* a superlative adjedive (-est) when we compare more than two things, persons, animals
or places.
• Ena is the youngest student in the class. • This is the funniest story in the book.

D. Look at the pictures and complete the table with the correct
degrees of adjectives.

brighter brightest









E. Find six words related to Maths from this word grid. The words can be found
from top to bottom or from left to right.

A u I A M y v R c
D x R E M 0 v E K
D Q u L R D F p J

s M u L T I p L y
p G M H G v w A K
M s u B T R A c T
I A D L K c w E I

E Q u A L z E p 0

We often talk about things we like and do not like with our family and friends.
* I really like reading books. * I love spending time with my frien ds.
* I dislike drinking cold milk. * 1don't like exercising.

Here are some other ways in which you can express your likes and dislikes-

likes dislikes

I really love... I really like... I don't like... I dislike...

My favourite ... I'm very fond of... I don't enjoy... I'm not fond of...

I'm a huge fan of... I'm not very keen on ...


F. Look at the names of a few activities in the box.

Use the phrases in the table above to say if you like or dislike them. Then ask
your friend if he/she likes these activities. You may use words from your home
reading skipping playing outdoor eating home-cooked listening
games food to music
doing art and watch ing cartoons eating food shopping spending time
craft activities and fil ms on TV from outside with parents with cousins

G. Underline the silent letters in these words. Then write the words in the correct

1. knot 2. wrist 3. plumber 4. sword 5. comb 6. knuckles

7. wrong 8. doubt 9. knob 10. climb 11. answer 12. knee

silent b silent k silent w

H. Read this definition of an electric iron.
An electric iron is made of metal and plastic. It has an electric cord and a plug.
It 1s used for ironing clothes.

Now look at the pictures of these objects and write their definitions in your own





Grammar Revision Worksheet 1
A. Read these paragraphs and look at the underlined nouns.
Identify the different kinds of nouns and write them under the correct colurnn.
Long ago in Cuttack, there lived a strange man called Ti nu Dayal. Ti nu was know
for his laziness. He always thought that there was some ~roblem with his healthn
He was sure that he was suffering from some kind of an illness. ~·

One day, he called a team of doctors to his house on Na~dan Road. B.ut they could
not understand what was wrong with him. Every day, his grou.p of friends carne
to visit him with bouquet of flowers and bunch of fruits. But Tinu never thanked
his friends and always complained about the doctors who cou ld not ease his~·

common noun proper noun abstrad noun colledive noun

B. Complete these sentences with a, an or the.

1. There is _ _ _ _ tree in my garden. There are no leaves on tree.

2. This is old photograph. Sneha found it in alb um.

_ _ _ _ album was in box.

3. Mr Sen won _ _ __ award. He received _ _ __ award from Mr Basu.

4 . Is that _ __ _ tiger? The children haven't seen tiger before!

C. Co~plete this list by adding s to the nouns if they can be counted. Put a cross (X)
beside the others.
1. oil- 2. house - _ _ __
3. ship- 4. milk-
5. tea- 6. friend-
7. energy- 8. jacket-

D. Complete these conversations with some, any, a few, many or much.

1. Are there ice-cubes left?
There aren't left, just
2. There is too dust in this room!
Do you want to go outside for t ime?
3. Is Nakul feeling better?
Yes, he's is feeling better now, thank you.
4. May I please have ice-cream, Mother?
Sorry! You cannot have more ice-ere am.

E. Combine each pair of sentences into one using and, but, or or so.
1. It is raining. We cannot go out to play.

2. Let's go to the beach. Let's also go to the zoo.

3. Did you come by bus? Did you come by train?

4. The boy was sad, hurt and scared. He did not cry.
F. Complete these sentences with his, hers, ours, theirs, yours or mine.
1. Aisha's shoes and her father's shoes are not the same size-- - - - -
is size 3 and is size 10.

2. I love reading and all these books are _ _ _ _ __

3. You love listening to music. Are all these CDs _ _ _ _ _ _ ?

4. My grandparents' home is different from our home- - - - - - -

is a house with a garden but is a flat.

G. Underline the adjectives in these sentences.

1. The thick book had colourful pictures in it.

2. Jit wants to finish his homework before the show starts.

3. Pratik is carrying a heavy bag. My bag is heavy too.

4. I have kept the large, brown teddy bear on top of my cupboard.

5. Sama will bring the shuttlecock. Can you bring your raquet ?

6. The little girl gives her mother fresh flowers every day.

H. Complete this table with the adjectives and their comparative

and superlative forms.

positive comparative superlative

1. near nearest

2. higher

3. busiest

4. careful more careful

5. most interesting

6. good better

. .... ... W~> 1:k~I~~~t5: i~ .~~:~~i~~g Q~~(~~;r~~~·~ . . .
. . ..... .. ·················································································································································

t , ----------------------------~ ------------ - -- ------- .....

1 Reading

* 1 ./
./ read and enjoy tales from ' The Panchatantra'
understand the main idea of the text

' ;- ---- ----------------------------------------------- ... '

: Grammar and Words
./ identify phra es and use them to form complete sentences
./ use prepositions of place and time correctly in sentences
./ form prepo itional phra e to complete sentences
, ./ identify time phrase like JUst then and soon in sentences and understand their meaning
, ./ form collocation like take a photograph and make a mistake
,------------ --- -------- --- --------- ----- ---- -- --- ---,
' Speech Practice

* ./ understand how to say words that sound similar, like fast and first
, ./ say different words aloud with correct pronunciation

----------------------- ----- ------------------------, '


: Punctuation '

: ./ use question marks and full stops correctly in sentences


,' ------------------- ------- --------------------------, '

: Writing

• ~---~

./ describe an activity I took part in using the hints that are given to me
: ./ describe a personal experience using proper sentences

.. -- --- -- -------------------------------- ----- -- ------,
: Life Skills-

: ./ understand that it is important to tell the truth always

' -~~--- ......
-----~~~--~~~--------~-:-~~---. *
A. Read this passage.
Long ago in a forest, there lived a kingdom in the world."
magical bird named Sindhuka, who laid His minister replied, "But your Majesty
golden eggs. One day, a hunter, captured how can a bird lay golden eggs? I don't'
Sindhuka. think it is possible."
The hunter thought, 'I'll sell the golden The king trusted his wisdom and set
eggs and become wealthy!' But then he the bird free.
became worried. 'What if people think
that I'm stealing money and report to the Sindhuka thought, 'The hunter knew
king?' So, he decided to give Sindhuka I was a magical bird but he was afraid.
to the king. The king wanted my golden eggs, but
he believed the minister's words. He did
The king was delighted to receive the not try to find out if I really laid golden
bird. He told his minister, "Look after eggs. And so, I'm free now.'
this bird. It will make us the richest

captured: caught report: complain minister: a person who helps the king and gives him advice
possible: able to be done or achieved trusted: believed

B. Answer these questions.

1. Who was Sindhuka?

2. Why did the hunter get worried?

3. What did the king tell his minister?

4. How did Sindhuka become free?

5. Write the meanings of these words as used in the passage-

a. delighted:-------------------~
b. magical : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

C. Answer these questions in your own words.

Do you think Sindhuka was happy to be free again? How do you know?

Grammar and Words

A phrase-
* is a group of words that has meaning. * does not have a verb.
* does not begin with a capital letter or end with a full stop.
* cannot stand albne and can only be a part of a sentence.
• oo afte1 • very quickly

D. Match the words in A with the phrases in Bto make complete sentences.
1. The children were shouting a. a big mistake.
2. The soldiers are b. the comic book?
3. Joe and Jane lived c. in a loud voice.
4. A few years later, she became d. full of courage.
5. Did you enjoy reading e. beside the lake.
6. I think they have made f. very famous.

1. The children were shouting in a loud voice.

* link a noun or a pronoun with the rest of the sentence.
• The butterfly is sitting on the flower. • The duck is swimming in the lake.

Prepositions of place-
* show where something is or where something happens.
• The vase is kept v 1 the window sill. • I left the umbrella under the table.
Prepositions of time-
* tell us when something takes place.
• We will meet at 5 o'clock.
• Tulika 1s going to Puri on Monday

E. Match the words in A and cwith the correct prepositions in B to make

complete sentences.
A B c
1. The kitten rubbed its head between a. myfoot.

2. Please put the books on b. our school.

3. The show begins c. the table.

4. We had to squeeze d. 7 o'clock sharp.

5. There is a bank e. two parked cars to reach the gate.

1. The kitten rubbed its head against my foot.

Prepositional phrases-
* are groups of words that tell us more about a person or an action.
* start with a preposition (in, on, under, behind, at, to, from, t hrough, across and so on).
* end with a noun or a pronoun.
* answer the questions which, when, where and how.
• The shop at the corner sells chocolates. • The sun rose over the mounta in.

F. Look at these pictures. Then complete these sentences with the correct phrases.
Look at the words in brackets for help.

1. The man is striking at the tree (the tree)

_ _ _ _ _ _ (an axe).

2. There are many things _ _ _ _ _ _ (the table).

Cut the paper (a pair of scissors)
and stick the pieces of paper (the tin)
_ _ _ _ _ (the glue).
3. These two people are _ _ _ _ _ _ (a forest). The boy
is hid ing (a tree). He is looking _ _ _ __ _
(a woman). She is picking flowers (a plant).
She is putting them (a basket).

G. Read these sente nces. Underline the phrases that tell us about time and replace
them with the phrases in the box. Write the phrases in the blanks given.
Just then With time Soon From that time onwards After some time

1. As time passed, her behaviour changed.

2. After a while, you will get bored of this too.

3. Sometime later, the man came back.

4. At that moment, something moved in the branch.

5. From then on, the children became very careful.

H. Complete these sentences with the words in the box. Look at the w ords
in brackets for help.

I have do make get take \

1. Will you please ta ke a photograph of this flower? (click)

2. Don't worry if you _ _ _ _ _ a mistake. (go wrong)

3. They always dinner at seven in the evening.


4. Why don't you _ _ _ _ _ your homework now? (finish)

5. Don't forget to _ _ _ _ _ the tickets tomorrow! (bring)

6. They a bus to school. (travel by)

Speech Practice
I. Listen and repeat.
card - curd bath - birth hard- herd fast-first
barn - burn pass - purse far-fur carve - curve
star- stir farm -firm heart- hurt

J. Listen and repeat.

1. scarf and skirt 2. bark and chirp
3. dirt on the cart 4. I can't find my shirt!
5. I saw many birds in the park. 6. We learnt about sharks today.


* We put a-
* full stop ()at the end of a sentence. * question mark (t) at the end of a question.
• Mary Korn is a world-famous boxer. • How is your grandmother?

K. Place full stops (.) or question marks (?) at the end of these sentences.
1. May I help you, sir

2. Can you help me lift this box

3. Aditi did not come to the art class today

4. Mira left the office building at 5 o'clock

5. Do they still live in Vikasnagar

6. I would like to visit Assam someday Have you been


7. I am going to the book fair tomorrow Will you come

with me

L. Describ~ ~n interesting activity that you did during your summer vacations.
The activity can b~ a physical exercise, knowing about or going to an interesting
new place, watchmg entertaining films/videos reading new books or doing
anything creative. '
Write about the activity and share your experience in a paragraph.

Try and answer these questions when you write-

* What was the activity about? * What did you do?
* Did you enjoy doing it? * How was your overall experience?

Life Skills
Sometimes w e tell a lie so that we do not get into trouble. Sometimes we are afraid
to stand up in front of others and tell the truth, and sometimes we think it does not
matter anyway. It is very important for us to tell the truth always, no matter what
the situation is.

M. Was there a time when you found it difficult to tell the truth? What made
it difficult?

Ifound it difficult to tell the truth when ... It was difficult because...



.. . .
. . . .. W
. .. .
G: L~arning Otitc~>~~~~~
... . ········- ..:

~------ - ~-- --------- - ----

----- - - - - ---- - - - - - - - - ---

: Listening

• ../ listen to a part of a famous classic text
: ../ understand the main idea and the order of events in the text
' .. ..;;::'!"!'."'J~~~~~~~~~~~~~-=--~

,,----- ----- ---- ----- --------------------- --------- --- ' ,

: Grammar and Words

../ identify adjective phrases and use them in speech and writing
../ identify noun phrases in sentences
: ../ fom1 word pairs using synonyms like wrong - incorrect, answer - reply
\ ../find and use words related to Environmental Studies (EVS) like rainwater, nature
' --~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~'---
,--------- ------- ----- ------------- --- ------ ------ ---
: Reading Aloud

* I

\ ../ recite poems with the correct pronunciation and pauses in the correct places
._ -
,---- ---- ------------------------ ---- -- ---- --------- -
: Dictation

\ ..v' take dictation of words and phrases related to weather

' ,- - --- --- ---~ --------------- -- - - - - - - ---- ---- ------- -'\

: Writing

I •

1 v' wnte a 'thank you' letter
•\ ./ write informal letters on my own
. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---~~~----:- ~
,----- - ------------------------------ ------- ---------
' 'I
1 ../
learn new ways to reuse things which I would have thrown away otherwise
\ v' understand the need to protect the environment by planting trees
, ...,..liiilllillll~~~~~~~--:---:---~~~~~--..,..,-- ......_______......... ~
Worksheet 6
Listening Cl
A. Listen to a story. Then, tick (,I) the correct answers to complete these sentences.
1. Uncle Henry screamed because
a. the sky was dark. D
b. he saw that a cyclone was coming towards them. D
c. the winds from the north and the south were very strong. D
2. Aunt Em asked Dorothy to run to the
a. garden. D b. backyard. D c. cellar. D
3. Dorothy slipped and fell when she was halfway across the room because
a. the strong winds shook the house. D
b. there was water in the middle of the room. D
c. she tripped on a bucket that was in the middle of the room. D
4. After some time, a very strange thing happened. The house
a. started shaking violently because of the strong winds. D
b. turned around very fast a few times and rose through the air. D
c. went up in the air because of the strong winds. D
5. It was very dark and the wind howled, but Dorothy
a. waited calmly to see what would happen next. D
b. saw that her uncle and aunt were safe. D
c. knew she would return home very soon. D
Grammar and Words
Adjective phrases-
* are groups of words that tell us more about noun s.
* are where the adjective is the main word in the group of words.
• Pranav is extreme.1 naughty. • The car was covered in mud.
d. fve phrases from the box.
B. Complete these sentences with the correct a Jee 1
washed but not ironed
not really good

. le hant is the largest of all.

1. Elephants are large animals, but the African e p

2. Saira is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ about herst·ster as she is unwell.

3. Don't wear that shirt-it's _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

4. Drinking coffee i s - - - - - - - - -
for your heath.

5. The room has not been used in a while and all the
furniture in it is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

6. Kunal is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ afterthe longjourney.

Noun phrases-
* are groups of words consisting of nouns.
* can be the subject or the object of the sentences .
• The big red ball was lost yesterday. • R1.k.1wen t ·ins1·de the dark and damp room.

C. Underline the noun phrases in these sentences.

1. I saw a spotted deer at a zoo.

2. The red house is for sale.

3. Father baked delicious chocolate cookies for us.

4. The glimmering snow covered the field.

5. Jenny is thinking about her friends back home.

6. The quick, white goat jumped across the strea m.

D. Look at these jumbled words. Rearrange the letters to find out words related to
EVS. Then take the letters in the circled boxes and complete the final message.





Writ e the final message here:

E. Match the words in the clouds with their synonyms in the raindrops.

3. incorrect

4. certain 5. heal 6. reply

Dictation ..,,.
.. r
F. Complete this weather report of Kasol in Himachal Pradesh, as you isten.
-~- ~-
Cb 'T.'I"'
,/"\... ~
, I' t....J·, •

Monday ,._ _ _ _ _ __ _ . Temperature like ly to stay between 23oc -2soc.

Tuesday 25°C.
Clear sky. Temperature likely 2 ··- -------

Wednesday Mostly sunny with cloudy periods 3· · - - - - - - - - · Light rains

expected in the evening.
Thursday Mainlycloudy 4··_ _ _ __ _ _ _ in the morning and the afternoon.

Friday 5· with light rains in the evening.

Saturday Mostly cloudy with heavy showers all through the day.

Sunday Cloudy6·_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Temperature can hit as low as 7°C

in the evening.

G. Read this letter.

38/ 429 Ashok Nagar

Ujj ain 456010 writer's address

12 September 2020 date

Dear Uncle Dhruv,

l hope you and Aunt Suchitra are doing well. I really want to thank you
for the wonderfu I birthday gift you sent me.
You wi ll be happy to know that the gift arrived on the correct date. I had just of the letter
returned home from school when Mother showed me the book on nature
you sent me. I've already started reading the book and I love it. The pictures are
colourful and the details are very interesting.
1 hope youand Aunt Suchitra can visit us soon. I will show you my favourite
t he ending
pages from the book.

Yours lovingly,
Ra ks ha

Now, write a letter thank" • • ••
• h" /h h d • mg your cousm for mv1tmg you to spend a few days
m is er ouse urmg the summer holidays.
Use the same format as given on the prev1ous
• page.

Yours lovingly,
Reading Aloud Cl
H. Listen to this poem and recite it in class.
The Wind and the Leaves
George Cooper
"Come, little leaves," said the wind one day,
"Come over the meadows with me and play:
Put on your dresses of red and gold,
For summer rs gone, and the days grow cold."
Soon as the leaves heard the wind's loud call,
Down they came fluttering, one and all;
Over the brown fields they danced and flew.
Singing the soft little songs they knew.
Dancing and whirling, the little leaves went,
Winter had called them, and they were content;
Soon, fast asleep in their earthy beds.
The snow laid a coverlet over their heads.

Recycling means making waste materials usable again by reusing them
in a lot of different ways.

I. Follow these steps to use plastic bottles as pots for plants.

Step 1: Take two plastic bottles (one or two litre bottles).
Use a felt pen and mark the section you will
need to use as a pot.
Step 2: Use a felt pen and draw a tiny circle at the bottom
end of the bottle.
Step 3: Use a cutter or a scissor to remove the top portion
of the bottle and cut the tiny circle at the bottom end .
Take the help of an adult for this step.
Step 4: Clean the bottle properly and fill it with soil.
Choose any small plant that can grow easily
inside a bottle. Put it in the soil.
Step 5: Water the seeds regularly and make sure they
get enough sunlight.
Use more such bottles and containers to plant seeds
and make your own mini-garden.

.....................................······ ......... ····· ................~ ......... ······ ............................................................
. .. \i\1 <>rksheet 7: Learninff Outc<>n1es
. ............................................................. ....................... ~..... :.................................................... .
I ;---------------------------------------------------- .....


* ;
1 ../
./ read and enjoy a text about an adventure
identify the important details and the order of events in the text

----------------- -----------------------------------, '

.' Grammar and Words

: ./ understand the difference between the simple past and the simple present tenses
1 ./understand how to use the simple present tense and the present progressive tense
: in speech and writing
•I ./ form complete sentences with homonyms by bringing out their meanings
, in the sentences

,---------------------------------------------- ------ .....
: Functions

* 1 ../
1 ./
./ use polite words to ask questions to friends, teachers and elders

' ...
ask suitable questions in a conversation
participate in activities like role-play

;---------------------------------------------------- ..... ,
: Spelling
· ~--
' ... _, ____
: ./ learn bow and where to use ie and ei in different words

* I
: Writing

* I

: ../make different lists-list of things for a class picnic, list of school stationery

: Life Skills-


: ./ understand that other people and their families are different from ours in many ways
: ./ accept that people around me are different
A. Read this passage.
I et sail on a ship bound to the East. before I could get on it, the whale flipped
After a long time of travelling on the sea, ·ts tail and dived underwater. As a result
we came upon an island. We decided ~was flung off the whale's back. I alrnos~
to get off the ship and explore the land. flew into the air and then landed in the
water with a splash. Thankfully, I found
As we moved around, a tremor shook a piece of wood and held onto it.
the island. Suddenly, the island began
Meanwhile, the ship moved away.
to move! We then realised that we were
not on an island, but on the back of a I waved my hands and shouted for help
sleeping whale that had now woken up! but no one could see or hear me. I was '
tossed about by the waves for a long
My friends jumped back into the ship time, before I finally reached the shores
with the help of the other sailors. But of an unknown island.
bound to: supposed or planned to go to explore: travel around a new place to learn about it
tremor: a tremble or a shake flipped: moved around suddenly flung off: thrown off a place
suddenly and forcefully tossed about: flung from one side to another

B. Answer these questions.

1. When did the travellers decide to get off the ship?

2. How did the travellers realise that they were not on an island?

3. What could the speaker not do? Why?

4. How did the speaker reach the unknown island?

5. Find the word in the passage which means the same as 'strange' or 'unfamiliar'.

c. Answer this question in your own words.
Why do think that the people on the ship could not hear the speaker when
he shouted for help?

Grammar and Words

The simple present tense is used-
* to show actions that are true for all time.
* to show habits or what people do every day.
• The sun sets in the west.
• Miss Kiran teaches us Science.

D. Tick ( v"') the correct words in the brackets to complete these sentences.
The sentences must be in the simple present tense form.
1. Liam (liked I likes) all animals that are small and furry.
2. The girl with the curly hair (is/ be) my sister.

3. She often (forgot I forgets) to bring her notebook to school.

4. His father always (went I goes) for a walk in the morning.

5. These (are I were) the two newspapers I read every morning.

6. All insects (had I have) six legs.

The present progressive tense is used-

* to talk about things happening at the time of speaking. • We are waiting for the bus.
* when something is happening for a short period of time. • I am staying here for two days
* to talk about changes that are happening. • Traffic is increasing in cities.

E. Complete this telephone conversation with the present progressive tense

forms of the verbs in brackets.
Arnab: Hello, Joy! Where are you? I am shopping at New Market.
lam looking for a jacket and a pullover. (shop, look)
Joy: ··------:- around
Hello, Arnab! I 1
at the view.
~3~d 2._ _ _ _ _fu-n. (walk, look, have)
Arn ab: Hello Rohan! What 4 _ _ _ __
you 5._'_ _ _ _ _ ?(be, do)

Rohan : inside a cafe. I 1· - - - -- - tea

Hi, Arnab! 16··----a-bo-o--:--k.
and 8·_ _ _ _ __ (sit, have, read)

The simple past tense is-

* used to talk about things that have already happened.
* formed by adding -d or -ed to the verb.
• The kangaroo jumped very high.

Irregular past tense verbs-

* are formed when the verbs are irregular. * do not end in -ed.
* are entirely different from the base verb.
• eat - ate • buy- bought • see-saw

F. Complete this paragraph with the simple past tense forms of the words
in brackets.
Long ago, there 1·lived (live) a brave soldier. He always 2· - - - -- (show)
great bravery in the battles he 3· (fight). He 4 (is)
very noble too. He always 5· (help) the poor and the needy.
He also · (protect) the weak. So, people 1· (love)
and 8 · (respect) him.

Homonyms are words that sound the same and have the same spelling but have different

G. Look at these pairs of homonyms with their meanings in brackets.

Use these words in sentences of your own. Bring out their separate meanings
in your sentences. You may change the forms of the words.
1. a. close (shut down)

""': ···~··~'-1<:.g,:~;bf;i,:~;i,:~;hf ""'~;t;:;t,;;t,;~~~ '9J+i1>++;1;:~

""""----.,.-· --~-~.- '"" - - ~ -· · ?,,~·,,..·;v-:· -,_.-,,,.. ~· .;,~ "':<t;;/i;li~'~
~~~- -·- • .,,,,-~-·-~· -,,.-..~
eJL• " " ' " "

b. close (nearby)

2. a. left (opposite of right)

b. left (to leave from a place)

3. a. letter (unit of the alphabet)

b. letter (written message sent by post)

Functions Cl
When we ask questions. we usually get answers in yes/no. We also ask questions to get
information about something.
We can make questions sound more polite by adding words like excuse me, may I, could you
p ease. ou d you kno • can you please and so on.

Here are some ways in which you could ask questions politely-

Excuse me, when does the train leave? May I use your computer for a few minutes?

May I please know your name? Do you think she will be able to join us
atthe party?

Could you please tell me where the nearest Could you tell me when can you return
stationery shop is? my book?

Would you let me borrow your ruler for Would you mind if I switch on the fan?
the day?

. in these situations?
H. How would you ask polite questions
Role-play them with your friend. . a rly.
leave a l1tt 1e e
1. Ask your dance teacher to let you ·t
ce the way to the ex1 .
2. Ask a stranger atthe marketpla h mobile phone to make a call
3. Ask your classmate's mother t o e er
to your parents.

d 1· together, we--
When we spell words with the letters e an hen sounding like eiy or a1y
* put 1before e * put 1before e except after c or w
, . , d not follow this rule.
Some words like 'science,' 'foreign' and quiet 0

I. Complete these words with ie or ei. ~

~ ~ u.
~ ~--g
n== cO rec __ 4. ve

~ [6 ;: ldJGw:;~ g~ 8. (--ling

ceJ ~· s;: n§ [ 9 ;:

Lists are sets of names written one after the other for a particular purpose. We prepare lists to
help ourselves or others organise something and remember things.

J. Read these situations and prepare lists for them-

1. Your school has organised a picnic for your class. Make a list of all the items
that you and your classmates will have to bring on the day of the picnic.

2. Your younger sister has just joined school and needs new statio nery and other
such items. Make a list of all the items your sister would need in school.
'd )
items for class picni c
item s for school








Life Skills
People around us are not always the same as we are. They often like and do different things.
We need to understand them and learn to live with them.

K. Think of the last time you went to another city or town, or stayed over at
someone else's house at night. Read about some children telling us how
they learned to fit in and not make a fuss. What would you do?
"They eat very spicy food in my uncle's house. I served
myself some extra curd and drank lots of water! After
that I enjoyed the food ."

* What would you do?

"They sleep early in my friend's house. We sleep really late at my

house. When I first went to my friend's house, I read a book so
that I would not disturb the others."

* What would you do?

............................................................................. ......................................................................... ;~

Worksheet 8: Learning Ou~~-~?.~:!~.~...................... ../1

··········· ········ ·············· ······ ················ ·············································· ······

,------------~--------------~--------------------- -- -,

* ./ read and enjoy a famous poem

./ identify the main idea of the poem and notice the rhyming words used

: Grammar and Words

1 ./ understand the difference between main verbs and auxiliary verbs

: ./ learn different phrasal verbs with up and use them in speech and writing

,----~---------~------------------------------------- ,

' Speech Practice

* ./ understand in which words we say the letter r aloud and in which words we do not
, ./ read aloud different words correctly

,- ---------------- ---- ---- ------- --- --- ----- ---------, \

./ use commas in the correct places in sentences
• ./ learn where to place the comma and where to use and
' ./ write sentences with correct punctuation

,-~-----------------------------------~------------ --

: Writing

./ understand the rules of games and activities
./ identify the sequence of details of an event/activity
:, ./ use linkers to connect the given sentences and write them as a paragraph
A. Read this poem.
The moon has a face like the clock in the hall·
She shines on thieves on the garden wall ' harbour quays: platforms
On streets and fields and harbour quays' on the sea coast where
And birdies asleep in the forks of the tre~s. ships stop
forks of the trees:
The squalling cat and the squeaking mouse
The howling dog by the door of the house '
The bat that lies in bed at noon '
All love to be out by the light of the moon.
squalling: crying
But all of the things that belong to the day cuddle: sleep tightly while
Cuddle to sleep to be out of her way; holding something or
someone in your arms
And flowers and children close their eyes
Till up in the morning the sun shall arise.

B. Answer these questions.

1. According to the speaker, what does the moon look like?

2. What are the things on which the moon shines?

3. Who love to be 'out by the light of the moon'?

4. What are some of the things that 'belong to the day' and go to sleep at night?

5. Find a word from the poem that rhymes with 'moon'. Write three more words
that rhyme with 'moon'.

C. Answer these questions in your own words.
1. Why do you think the four creatures want to be outside by the light
of the moon?

2. According to the speaker, what are the sounds you hear at night?
Can you think of some more?

Grammar and Words

Main verbs-
* describe an action or a feeling.
• Bhima is wa1t1ng for Bh utu at t he station.
Auxiliary verbs-
* are helping verbs. *
are added to the main verb t o show t ime or to form the tense.
• Bhima 1s waiting for Bhutu at the station.

D. Underline the helping verbs and circle the main verbs.

Not all the sentences will have both kinds of verbs.
1. Rabia is~a book.
2. Namit is playing a video-game.
3. Divya visited us last week.
4. Preet is riding his bicycle in the park.
5. The rat is sleeping on the chair.
6. Manav plays the drums in the morning.

E. Complete these sentences with am, is or are and the correct forms
of the verbs in brackets.
1. Abhay 1c; learning Marathi every day. (learn)
2. They sweets from the shop. (buy)

~+~~·~··· ·+•+~~~++~~+++~+~~~~+~~~~+~~~~~~~~~~~:
............................................ ........................................ . . ........... ..... .
.,,. -. ~
3. Sarita _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a hat with feathers. (wear)

4. 1- - - - - - an e-mail.(write)

5. The bear on two legs! (stand)

6. The lion cubs with the lioness. (play)

f. Complete this ph~asal verbs pyramid with the correct words from the box.
Look at the meanmgs in colour for help.

make cheer sit look take


1. up:
to stop feeling sad and be happy
2. up:
to stay awake very late
3. up:
spend time doing something new
4. (somethi ng) up:
to search for meanin /information in a book
5. up:
to sa or write somethin that ou have thou ht of ourself

We use-
* comma (,) to separate items in a list or series.
* and before the last item.
• Aunt Raya gave me a pencil box, a bag, a water bottle and a lunch box for my birthday.
* and to separate items when th ere are only two of t hem in a list.
• Father likes drinking tea and coffee.

G. Rewrite these sentences by putting commas and adding and in the correct places.
1. I keep my books toys stationery in t he blue cupboa rd.
2. Raja keeps the newspapers the diaries the magazines on the bottom shelf

3. There are tomatoes potatoes brinjals pumpkins carrots in the trolley.

4. Meet my friends-Bitti Bunty Pihu Sunny.

5. Spiders scorpions crabs have eight legs!

6. Kufri Almora Auli Peermade are some of the most famous hill-stations in

Speech Practice Cl
In some words. we do not pronounce the letter r. We do pronounce the letter r in most
other words.

H. Listen and repeat.

Note: we do not pronounce the r in these words.
1. other other ways 2. clear clear blue sky
3. early woke up early 4. water buckets of water
5. better much better 6. first the first time
7. harm might harm them 8. herd a herd of elephants

I. Listen and repeat.

Note: we pronounce the r in these words.
1. trunk 2. frightened 3. afraid 4. branches 5. forest

'' re some rules of relay race. Read the sentences and n b th .
ttere a um er em m the
J. red order·
cor ---~-----------------
The fi rst runner will have a newspaper in her hands.
The run ners in each team will stand 5 metres apart from each other.
The th ird runner will run toward.s.the fourth runner, give her
c. the newspaper and take her pos1t1on.

The fou rth runner will run towards the finish line.
At the blow of the whistle, the first runner will run towards
e. the second runner, give her the newspaper and take her position.

f. The team t hat will complete all the passes successfully and
cross the finish line first, will win the relay race.

g. The second runner will run towards the third runner, give her
the newspaper and take her position.
h. Today, we will play relay race with six teams. Every team will have four runners.
K. Now join these sentences and write them as a paragraph. Use linking words
wherever necessary. You may use the words in the box.

I first then next afterthat finally I

Today, we will play relay race with six teams. Every team will have four runners.

First, the runners ... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Grammar Revision Worksheet 2
A. Match the words in A with the words in B to make complete sentences.

1. The gul mohar tree has

2. Slowly and silently.


a. near the beach

b. is a dense JUngle.

3. They built their house c. bright orange flowers

4. The mil man brings us milk d. so beautiful.

5. Across the nver. e. at six in the morning.

6 That painting on your wall is f. the moon went behind the cloud s

B. Complete these sentences with the correct prepositions from the box.

I in on at t ill under over beh ind

1. A bird has built a nest top of the cupboard _ _ _ _ my room.

2. Rajan looked for his cat the table and the curtains,
but he couldn't find her anywhere.

3. Preeta waited _ _ _ _ the bus-stop for you _ _ _ _ five o'clock!

4. The dog was chasing the mosquito that was flying _ _ _ _ and around
·ts head!

C. Complete each sentence with a preposition and the words in brackets.

I in at on for

1. The show b e g i n s - - - - - - - - - - - - (four o'clock).

2. Are all the books (your room)?

3. There .s a surprise party _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (the t eachers)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (Friday).

ti. I leave my s h o e s - - - - - - - - - - - - (the doorstep); I don't wear
them inside the house.
s. The bottle broke and there was water _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
{the floor).

o. Rearrange the words in colour in these sentences to make adjective phrases.

1. Navya was excited I very about the trip.

2. The neighbours are upset/ quite about the theft at their house.

3. Aren't these shoes big/ too for you?

4. December is coldest/ the/ not month of the year.

5. Why is Hafiz worried/ so about the result?

E. Underline the noun phrases in these sentences.

1. We clicked pictures beside a tall fir tree.
2. Those computers are very expensive.

3. Many buildings were destroyed in the earthquake.

4. Some of my friends play football.
5. Both these suitcases are mine.

6. Should we buy the brown cupboard?

"th the simple present or the present progressive
F. Complete these sentences w1
tense forms of the verbs in brackets.
1. Ashok (b ) a photographer and he (tra
a lot these days.
2. Tanya (enjoy) baking, and she _ _ _ _ __ (learn)
to make biscuits now.
3. 1usually _ _ _ _ _ _ (. 01 ) my clothes at night. I forgot to iron my clothes
yesterday, so now 1_ _ _ _ _ _ (we 3r) clothes that are not ironed

4. All the children _ _ _ _ _ (11~ e) making things with paper - they

_ _ _ _ _ _ (male) paper-animals now.

Ci. Complete these sentences with the simple past tense forms of the words
in brackets.
1. ljaz was hanging the clothes to dry when it (r' gin ) to rain
2. Riddhi and I (watch) a fi lm on television yesterday.

3. The children (laugh) loudly after listening to the

funny story.

4. The boy (eaL) all the sweets while his parents were talking
to the guests.
5. Charu and Shalu _ _ _ _ _ _ (clean) their room but then the dog
- - - - - - (wa l ) in with dirty paws!

H. Underline the helping verbs and circle the main verbs. Not all sentences will have
both kinds of verbs.
1. He told his mother about his dream.

2. I am watching my favourite film.

3. They eat only fruits and vegetables for dinner.

4. She is learning a few new songs.

5. It ·s raining heavily now.

6. The children are playing in the rain.

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.........................................:~. ~ }.~e ~u n1ng Outco1nes
• '.•'• • ~· ..... · ..·~, •. ..,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . •O I lo•••••••- •• '•• •••••••••••••

~- -- - - -- ---------- -- ----- ------------ ---- --- ------ -- ,

(Reading Subskills
: ./ read a pamphlet
: ,./ identify important details in the pamphlet

, ---- --- ----- ------ --------- --- ------ -- ------ -------,

,' Grammar and Words

! .,(
under tand the difference between statements and questions
; ,/ write uitable que tions u ing the correct question words
: ./identify 'feeling word ' from pictures and use them in speech and writing

; ,/ identify ' ound words' and use them in speech and writing
\ .. ..._,,..__.
, ,-------- ------ ---- ---- -------- --------------------- -,
; Reading Aloud

: ./ learn and practise words used in the telephone conversation
../ participate in activities like role-play and skits

,--- -------------- -------- -- ---- ------------------ --- ,

:' Dictation
; .,/ take dictation of words and phrases- steps of a recipe
: ./ follow the steps and write words and phrases to complete the sentences *
, ,--------- --- --- --- ----- -- -- -------------- -----------
: Writing

./ learn how to use linkers in sentences
: ./ learn how to write about a process-making a pouch envelope
: ../ write a paragraph using the hints that are given to me

------- ---------- ----- ------------------------------,
: life Skills-
: ./ under tand the importance of keeping our surroundings clean
• ./ under tand the need to conserve things to protect our environment

Reading Subskills
A. Read this pamphlet and find out the name of the third highest mountain
in the world.


Welcome to the
Queen of Hills!

Come to the best tourist destination

of Eastern India and enjoy-

* its natural beauty and lovely mountain


* the best views of Kanchenjunga-the

third highest mountain in the world.

* sunrise views from Tiger Hill.

* rides on the Darjeeling Himalayan

Railway-Toy Train.

* the best of Darjeeling teas (black, white,

oolong and green teas) at the
world-famous tea gardens.

* delicious Thukpa and Alu Mimi.

tourist destination: a place which people visit to spend their vacations natural beauty: a place
v. r en s beaut1fu the way it is with its mountains and trees
Readthesesentencesand thent· k(~}
IJ. •c the correct column.
1· Darjeeling is known as the Ou f .
- een o Hills.
2· Darj eeling is known for snowy roa d sand lakes.
3. Kanchenj.
unga is the third highe t . .
s mountain in the world.
4. Tiger Hill only offers great views of the Ka h .
. . nc enJunga.
5. one can ride Toy Trains in Darjeeling.
6. Darjeeling is only famous for its black tea.
7. The tea gardens in Darjeeling are famous all over the world.
8 One can enjoy delicious Aalu Bukhara. D . .
· in arJee 11ng.

Grammar and Words

statements are made when-
We have some information · * we are sure about what we are sayrng.
* • The Darjeeli ng Mail leaves at lO'o clock every day.
• Miss Gupta will take our Science class on Friday.
Questions are asked when-
* we want to know something. * we need some information.
• When are you leaving? • Where have you kept the newspaper?

c. Add question marks (?) orfull stops (.) at the end of these sentences.
Then, write S for statement or Q for question beside them.
1. Who is t he class monitor of 3 A? Q
2. There w as heavy traffic on the roads

3. How much sugar is left

4. I am going t o ask Ra nu to buy some toys for the children

5. Where is the children's amusement park

6. I have ten nature badges with me Do you want any

.t Then write short questions
D. Read these phrases and look at the pie ures.
or answers for them.
* long, beautiful, multi-coloured ta il
* short, du ll brown-grey feathers

* * spreads it ta il
spreads its tail like a large fan
small feathers on top of its head
* small feathers on t op of its head
called crest
called crest

1. Do both the peacock and the peahen have tails?

Yes, both the peacock and the peahen have tails.

2. Does the peahen have a long and multi-coloured tail?


Yes, the peacock and the peahen both spread their tail f eathers.

4. Do the peacock and the peahen have crest feat hers on their head?

E. Write questions beginning with where, how, why and who for these answers.
1. Where did you go? I went to the park.

I went there to play.


My friend went with me.


We went to the park by riding on our bicycles.

r ~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~ff~~~*~~~~~~ffe~~~~~~~~*~~~~*.~~~~~
tie words which tell us how a person/ . .
ieeling words. animal is feeling at a particular time are called

f. Look at these pictures and then co1our the correct feeling words for them.

[ shy afraid angry J


[ angry shy hungry


happy surprised angry


irritated sad hungry


shy cheerful sleepy


surprised irritated nervous

I te the sentences with the correct
G. Look at these sound words in the box. Comp e of some words.
sound words. You may have to change the form
bang rumble
l click gurgle tick splash

1. PooJa closed the door with a loud - - - - - -

2. Riki the button on the remote but it
did not work.
3. We could hear the _ _ _ _ _ _ of thunder at a distance.

4. Kabir jumped into the swimming pool with a - - - - - -

5. The baby smiled and when we showed her a doll.
6. I tried to solve the puzzle quickly as the clock _ _ __ _ _ on.

Reading Aloud Cl
H. Role-play this telephone conversation with your friend.

Rajat: Hello! May I speak to Ramin?

Ramin: This is Ramin. Is that you, Raj at?
Rajat: Yes, Ramin. How are you feeling? I didn't see you in
school today. So I just called to check if you were all right.
Ramin : I' m fine, Rajat. Thank you for calling. My aunt arrived from
Shillong this morning. I wanted to spend some time with her.
So I didn't go to school.
RaJat: That's nice! Will I see you in school tomorrow?
Ramin: Yes, I' ll be coming tomorrow. See you then .
RaJat: Okay, bye!
Ramin : Bye, Rajat!

Dictation Cl
I. Complete these steps of making a fruit salad as you listen.
Step 1: Take different kinds of fruits like mango, apple, pineapple, 1•_ _ _ __
Step 2: Wa sh the fruits and place them on a chopping board.
Step 3: 2
• the fruits with th e help of
a peeler and a knife.
Step 4: Put the cut fruits 3._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

step 5: 4- and two tablespoons of lemon juice over the fruits.
step 6: Mix everything with s._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
step 7: Sprinkle . on it for taste.
step 8: Serve t he fruit salad in small bowls.

Look at these phrases. These phrases describe how to make a simple pouch
J. envelope. Write them as sentences in a paragraph to complete the process.
use words like first, then, next, and, after that, finally in your paragraph
to join the sentences.

1. large piece of paper 2. fold in shape of a rectangle

3. fold paper lengthwise 4. use tape or glue
s. stick open left and right sides 6. fold down the top for the flap
7. insert letter I card 8. glue the flap

First, take a large piece of paper and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Life Skills
It is very important for us to keep our homes, neighbourhoods and cities clean.
We should always try and look after the environment around us.

K. Tick {"") the things we should do in order to keep our environment clean
and conserve things. Put a (x) beside the ones we should never do.
1. Throw plastic bags, wrappers, paper on the road or pavement. 0
2. Use both sides of a page for printing and writing. 0
3. Dump garbage in ponds, lakes and rivers. 0
4. Reuse plastic/tin bottles and containers. 0
5. Keep electrical appliances switched on when not in use. 0
6. Use paper and cloth bags instead of plastic bags. 0
7. Make sure water does not drip from taps when not in use.
Turn the taps on only when required. 0



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\ 'V orksheet l 0: Learning Outco111~s


. ····································································································

• • ---------------·--~"-------~------
: L1sten1ng

* ./ listen to and enjoy a folktale

./ identify the order of events in the text

, ----------------------------------------------------, '
,' Grammar and Words


1 ./ id ntify and use ad\ erb. of manner, place and time correctly in sentences
' ./identify \\Ord that take the prefixes un- and dts-

,-- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - -- - -- - -~ -- - - ---

: Functions

* 1 ./
make polite requc ts and respond to them
participat in activities like role-play and skits

,- -- -------------------------------------------------,,
:' Spelling

I ./ understand the rules when writmg words with ch and tch
./' spell "ords \\ ith " and tch correctl)

, ----------------------------------------~--- - ---~~--,,

: Writing

* 1 ./' "rite a paragraph describing a personal experience using the hints

that are gi' en to me
Worksheet 10
Listening CB
A. Read these sentences. Then, listen to a story. As you listen, number these
sentences in the correct order.
a. Hodja saw his friend, Rashid running for shelter from the rain.
b. A few days later, Rashid saw Hodja running fo r shelt er from the rain.

c. Nasreddin Hodja was sitting inside his house on a rainy day.

d. Hodja told him not run away from the rain as it was God's gift
to all living things.
e. When Rashid asked Hodja why he was running away fro m t he rain,
Hodja replied that he did not want to st ep on God's gift. D
f. Rashid felt Hodja was right and went home sadly. c
Grammar and Words
Adverbs of manner-
* tell us more about verbs and describe how actions ta ke place.
* answer the question, 'how?' about an action. * are formed by adding -ly to the verb.
• The horse ran quickly. • The tortoise moves slowly.

B. Form adverbs of manner by adding -ly to the words in the box.

Then, use them to complete these sentences.

cheerful neat patient polite correct careful

1. Kavin always writes very neatly.

2. Ta run waited _ _ _ _ _ _ for his friends to come.

3. Mingma stood at the gate and greeted the guests _ _ _ _ __

4. Yashvi solved the Math problem _ _ _ _ _ _ before everyone else.

5. Tashi rides his bicycle _ _ _ _ __

6. The coach spoke very _ _ _ _ _ _ about the upcoming match.

~dverbs of time -
* tell us when an action happens.
* answer the question 'when?' about an action.
• Is the shop closed today?
• Raja is sleeping now.

c. underline the adverbs of time in these sent ences.

1. The newspaper arrives every da_y.
2. Weren't you supposed to go to Jalandh ar yest erday("
3. Are you coming to art class tomorrow?
4. Don't worry. We will complete the work soon.
5. Preet and Raj aIways reach early.
6. I will watch the movie later because I want read a book now.

Adverbs of place -
* tell us where an action happens.
* answer t he question 'where?' about an action.
• It is very dark outside.
• They are all downstairs.

D. Choose the correct adverbs of place to complete these sentences.

1. I like playing (outdoors I around) during winter.

2. Hurry up or else you will fall (above I behind) the others.

3. Is there an ATM (everywhere I nearby)?

4. Vedika looked (downward I everywhere) for her lost
hair clip.
5. Mickey stood on the bridge and looked at the pretty flowers (below I down).
6. After a long day at school, we headed (forward I towards) home.

* . . d b .&
Sometimes we add words like un- or 1s- eiore w
ords to make new words.
. dd d
These new words are generally opposites of the words to which they are a e ·
• even x uneven • honest x dishonest

E. Draw arrows to match these words on the bread slices to the corred prefix
in the basket.

1. usual 2. appoint 3. tidy

4. appear 5. lucky 6. agree

7. healthy 8. happy 9. obey


When we request someone for help, we must ask them politely. When we cannot help
someone, we usually tell them why, politely.

are some ways you could requ t f h
t1ere es or elp and respond to requests for help-
ways to request
can help cannot help
could you please ... ? Sure ...
I'm sorry...
can you please... ? Yes, of course ... I'm afraid ...
If you don't mind ... I'd love to ... I'll not be able to because ...

Read these situations. Use the words from the table and say how you would
f. request for hel~ an~ respond to the requests.
Role-play the situations with your friend. You may use words from your home
1. You want to borrow your friend's textbook. Your friend gives you her textbook.
2. Your friend wants to decorate the classroom for the class party. You cannot
help her because you have to go for football practice.
3. Your bag is very heavy. Your friend helps you to carry it.

When we spell words with ch and tch, they often sound similar.

we use ch-
* when the final ch sound comes after a consonant or a vowel. • branch • much
* when the final ch sound comes after two vowels. • beach

* when the final tch sound comes after a vowel. • watch
Some words like 'attach' and 'detach' do not follow this rule.

G. Complete these words with ch or tch.

1. ca 2. tou 3. ki en

4. sandwi 5. ske 6. ostri

7. swi 8. spee 9. ke up

10. rea 12. sear 11. st re

W i 1ng
H Writ paragraph about how you enjoy your favourite season of the year
with your friends and family.

Try and answer these questions when you writ-

* What is your favourite season of the year?
* What are some of the things that you like about the season?
* What are lhe things that you do this time of the year?
* Do your friends and family members like the season just as you do?

···································· .... ·················································

'!\!orksheet 11 : Learning Outc<?.~.1.~~. ~...................... .

··················································································;.................. .

~ ~ -~------- - ------------------------------------ ---- - --- ...


: .."read and enjoy a text about a real person

: .." understand the difficulties she faced and respect her achievement

---- ----------------------------------------------- .... '

,' ~ram mar and Words

: ./ identify the subject and the predicate in a sentence
: ./understand subject-verb agreement in sentences
: ./write words with the suffixes -ful and -less
· ~---~-=~~~=-::::::~=::;:::-:-~-:-:--:::;:::--:~
, - - --- -- - ---- ... ,
~--------------------------- -- - - -
:' Speech Practice l

* : .." identify the words that have ch and j sounds

: .." say words with ch and j correctly
-------- ---- ----------------- ------ --- --- ------ --- .... '
.'I Punctuation
: .." use exclamation marks correctly in writing
, ---- - --~ - - - --- - -~- -- - ----- - ~- - - --- - ----- - --- ------ .... \
I • •
: Wntmg

* : .." reply to an informal letter using the hints that are given to me
.." write letters on my own
Worksheet 11
A. Read this passage.
Junko Tabei was born in Fukushima in In 1975, she became the first woman to
Japan. When Junko was a young girl, reach the top of Mount Everest-
everyone said she was too delicate and the highest mountain in the world. After
we.ak. But that did not stop her from that, she climbed many other mountains
doing the things that she loved. around the world.

When ~unko was ten-years-old, she went As a result of her achievements, she
on a tnp to Mount Nasu. That was became very famous. But she did not
the first time she climbed a mountain. like the fame and attention and only
After that, she decided to be a mountain wanted to do her work. Junko was
climber. When Junko grew up, she one of the most well-known and
formed a mountain climbing club respected mountaineers in the world.
for women.
deli_cate: someone who is not very strong or healthy and can become ill easily attention: special
notice taken of someone who is important and interesting-the person is in news all the t ime and
people always talk about him/her respected: loved and admired

B. Answer these questions.

1. What did everyone tell Junko when she was a young girl?

2. What did Junko do at the age of ten?

3. When did Junko reach the top of Mount Everest?

4. How did Junko become very famous?

5. Find the word in the passage which means the same as 'well-known'.

,, f>.oswer these questions in your own words.
1. Why do you think Junko formed a mountain climbing club for women?

2 But, she did n~t l~ke the fame and attention and only wanted to do her work.
What does this line tell you about Junko?

Grarnmar and Words

In a simple sentence-
• the person or thing we talk about -7 subject. * the rest of the sentence ~ predicate.
• A little bo 1s playing in the garden. • The children are waiting for the bus.
predicate subject predicate

D. Rearrange these words to form complete and meaningful sentences.

Circle the subjed and underline the predicate in each sentence.
1. its / piece I beak I a I a I in I crow I cheese/ had I of

~had a piece of cheese in its beak.

2. was / fox I a I it I watching

3. mouth/ its I opened I crow I the

4. the/ fell/ the/ ground I on I cheese

5. fox/ immediately/ grabbed /the I it

In a sentence-
* subjects can be singular or plural.
* verbs should always match the subjeds.
• lam • she 1s • he loves • they love
• you are

E. Match the words in A with the words in B to make complete sentences.


1. The students a. are ripe and sweet.

2. b. were on time.
3. Dhyan Chand c. are rehearsing for the school play.
4. These mangoes d. is a student of Central School.
5. Prakash e. am keen to learn Spanish.
6. Yesterday, all the trains f. was a great hockey player.

1. The students are rehearsing for the school play.

F. Add -ful or -less to the words in the first column to make new words.
Write the new words in the correct columns.
Note: Not all words ending in -ful have a positive meaning.
word positive negative
1. thought
2. use
3. help
4. hope
5. colour
6. pain

Speech Practice Cl
G. Listen and repeat.
chill-Jill cheap-jeep choose-juice
chain - Jane batch - badge choke-joke

fl· likeJ !he letters which sound like ch as in chew. Circle the letters that sound
as mJam.
Rernernber that some words have the letter g but are pronounced j.
1. each · age 3. germ 4. jungle
5. danger 6
· chat 7. large 8. beach
9. chase 10. child

.. put exclamation marks (I)-
• atthe end of sentences that show feelings like
surprise, anger, happiness and excitement.
• No! I don't want to get wet.
* after interjections (sometimes) like wow, yay, oh • Oh! That is a beautiful ribbon.

1. Put exclamation marks in the correct places.

1. Hello! How are you?

2. Hurrah Our team won the dance competition.

3. I am very excited about today's hockey match

4. Congratulations You have done very well in your exams.

s. What a beautiful bouquet of flowers

6. Stop Don't go near the wired fence.

J. Read this letter.

lA Sagolband Road
phal 795004

6 February 2020

~you and your family are doing well. I am fine. I am sorry I couldn't write earlier because
s a little busy.

t I also like my new flat. It is on the sec
I miss my old home and all of our friends there. Bhu my room with my little sister. We h0 nd
floor and I love to run up and down the stairs. 1s a~e chose light blue for the walls. e1Ped
Aunt Pemu and Mother paint our room yesterday.. k r parents will let you come d .
I wish you could come and visit me soon. D 0 You t hin you unng
th<; summer holidays?
I want to hear all the news! Write back soon.


Now write a reply to the letter above. use these phrases and sentences_for help.
* * Your new flat seems lovely.
We are fi ne.
* Nipa and Ila fought in school.
Yaim a has a new goldfish.
summer holidays with grandparents
* will go in September

Dear Anem,

M arjing

·· 1 t·11t ~:..ti..:~~~~~~:..ti..:~~~~~:..ti..:~~:..ti..:~:..n..:~·:..n..::.tlf.::W,::.Ji..::.Ji.::~·.v:.llf.::..ti..::M~~~~~~~
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()utco!.1. ~~· ~······ ..-..-........... .

1 7
\ \ orkshect 12: Learning

:' Reading


' ./ read and enjoy a folktale

', ./ a k questions about the text I have read

:'Grammar and Words

: ./ u e the word "ill to how that something is planned
: ./ u e \\ill to make a promise, in speech and writing
./ identify homophone and understand the difference in the meaning of words that
: ound imilar

,,---------------------------------------------------- '
I Reading Aloud

* I
: ./ participate in acth ities like role-play and skits
./ read aloud a conYersation from a play with the correct pronunciation

,----------------------------------------------------, '
; Dictation
: ./ take dictation of entences--conversation from a play

write a conversation between two characters using simple sentences and correct


1 ./ connect the task with the Reading Aloud and Dictation tasks that
I have already completed

: Project


' ./ perform a play or a story using puppets

' ./ participate in activities like role-play and skits
Worksheet 12
A. Read this passage.
?nc~ a large group of owls came to live One day, some woodcutters came to the
in a Jungle. While the young owls chose jungle in search of wood. They looked
the strong trees for themselves an old owl at the strong trees and chopped them
in their group chose an old and crooked down with their axes. The young owls
tree for himself. screamed and cried, but they could not
do anything to stop the woodcutters.
The young owls were happy with their
trees. But, they teased the poor old When the woodcutters looked at the old
owl, "Oh! Look at his dry and and crooked tree, they said, "This dry
half-dead tree." The old owl however tree is of no use to us. Let us not waste
was wise. He silently listened' to ' our time cutting it." So, they left the old
what the young owls said. tree untouched. The old owl's home was
the only tree which was spared.
teased: laughed, joked and said unkind things untouched: without touching it
spared: not destroyed

B. Read these answers from the passage. Write suitable questions for them.
1. ?
The young owls chose the strong trees for themselves. The old owl in their
group chose an old and crooked tree.

2. ?
The old owl never said anything. He was very wise and silently listened to what
the young owls said.

3. ?
The young owls screamed and cried because a few woodcutters came into the
jungle and cut down the trees in which they lived. When the wood cutters saw
the strong trees, they chopped them down with their axes and the young owls
could not do anything to stop them .

4. ?
The old owl's home was spared because the tree where it lived was old and
crooked. The woodcutters said that the old and dry tree would be of no use to
them and so they did not cut it.
5. The word in the passa h. ?
ge w ich means the same as 'twisted' is 'crooked'.
C Answer these questions in
· your own Words.
1. Why do you think the old owls· .
teased him? ilently listened when the young owls

2 According to you what 1

· ' esson do we get from this story?

Grammar and Words

We use will to-
* show that something is planned.
• Mother \i\t1ll bake a cake for my birthday.
* make a promise.
• I will take you to the fair tomorrow.

o. Say how will is used in each of these sentences-to show that something is
planned for the future or to say that someone has promised to do something.
1. My brother will leave for Kolkata tomorrow. planned for the future
2. I will check the meaning of the word and tell you.

3. I will speak for only fifteen minutes.

4. The students will assemble in the playground for the drill.

s. I will come as soon as I am well.

6. She will go to school from Monday.

red words from the box.
E. Complete these sentences with will and the cor
arrive visit
plan take care
send be crowded

1. We will plan to be there next month.

2. They _ _ _ _ _ _ you back home if you are late again.

3. I _ _ _ _ _ _ Tina tomorrow.

4. The train - - -- - - - in an hour.

5. Don't worry, I _ _ _ _ _ _ of everything.

6. The fair this weekend.

Homophones are words that sound the same but have d ·a rent meanings and spellings
,, ,e ·

F. Read the meanings of some words in A. Then, colou~ the correct words in B.
The meaning in A should be of the word you colour m B.


1. a story

0 G
2. a period of seven days

8 8
3. an animal that looks like a rabbit but has longer ears and legs

4. a powder made from wheat or rice or other grain, used for

making breads and cakes

5. a particular way between two places

G 8
6. a device for slowing down a moving vehicle
G 8
8 8
Jleading Aloud Cl
c;. Read this conversation from the play, The Happy Man's Shirt. Form groups of five
and take turns to role-play this conversation.

chief C~uncillor (shaking ~is head sadly) : Our King is so unhappy and ill though he has
everything a person can wish for.
First Councillor: He has the finest horses and carriages.
second Councillor: He has gorgeous palaces with beautiful furniture.
First Councillor: His Majesty has so many doctors. Can't they cure him? What are they doing?
Third Councillor: Let us go and request them to do something about this.

Scene 2
(The councillors Join the King's doctors. The chief councillor addresses the senior doctor.)
, Chief Councillor: Doctor, His Majesty has now been in bed for six months, with no signs of
recovery. This cannot go on. You must cure him fast.
Senior Doctor: What can we do, sir? We have tried every pill, powder, bitter herb and oil.
But nothing works. His Majesty continues to lie in bed and complains that he feels unhappy
and ill.
Chief Councillor: But what is the cause of his illness?

1 Sen·or Doctor (sadly): lfwe could know the cause, we could find the cure. But there seems to
be no cause that we can find.

Dictation CD
H. Now, listen to another part of the play, The Happy Man's Shirt and complete
the sentences as you listen.
K·ng: Who are you all out there?
(They all enter.)
Chief Councillor: Your Majesty, 1•_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

K:ng: Then do something about it! So many of you and yet you can do nothing
for me!
Chief Councillor: 2 ·,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?

K"ng: Sometimes, I have headache, sometimes stomach ache and sometimes


I cannot sleep comfortably at night. I ca nnot get up in the morning. And yet the,
doctors cannot find out wh at is w rong with me.
All t he Doctors: 4- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __
But we cannot find t he ca use of the trouble.


Dialogues are conversations between two or more people as a part of a pl ay or a story.

1• Read this short summary of the next part of the play, The Happy Man's Shirt
and complete the conversation by writing dialogues of your own.

The King's courtier informs the King that an old man has come to.the palace.
The old man says that he has a cure for the King's problem. The King becomes
very pleased and asks his courtier to bring him in.
When the old man comes in, the King starts telling him about his problems.
The man refuses to listen to him. This makes the King very angry and he asks
the man what the cure is. The old man replies that if the King sleeps in the
shirt of a happy man for just one night, he will be free from all his problems.
The King is shocked on hearing that he will have to sleep in someon e else's
shirt. But, he agrees to do it.

Courtier: Your Majesty, 1•_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __

King (pleased): 2 •_ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ __ __ __ __

(An old man enters the room.)

King: You say you can cure me. I will tell you all about my problem s. Somet imes,
I have 3·_ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __

Old Man: I don't 4-_ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __

Kin g (angrily) : s._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ _

old Man: 6.

King: What? · - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - -

J. Work in groups of four and perform the story of The Wise Old Owl with finger

Step 1: Draw one old owl and three young owls

on a sheet of paper.

Step 2: Take four strips of cloth.

Step 3: Paste the pictures of the birds on each

of these four strips.

Step 4: Tie the two ends of the cloth strips.

Step 5: Put the strips on your fingers.

Step 6: Your finger puppets are now ready.

One student will play the role of the old owl while the remaining three will play
the characters of the young owls. Enact the story in class with the finger puppets.
Add dialogues of your own.

Grammar Revision Worksheet 3
• rk O try to say if it can be
A· Mark S for sentence and Qfor question. If you ma ~
answered with a simple 'yes' or 'no'.
1. Bittu and Bunty practice playing the piano every day. -----

2. Pratham makes delicious palak paneer.

3. Have you seen the Red Fort?

4 . Prakash knows how to play tennis.

5. Did the school football team play well ·in yes t er d ay's match '·?
6. Aunt Ratna goes to her office by bus.

7 . Can you please hold my umbrella for a moment?

8. How do you know my friend, Nitya?

9. Do you like eating samosas?

10. Neeti spends a lot of time working on the computer.

11. Did Arjun win the first prize in the drawing competition?

12. My grandfather picks me up from school every day.

B. Write the correct questions for these answers.

1. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Yes, the flower-shop nearby sells all kinds of flowers.

She is smil ing because she is going to meet a friend.

The nearest hospital is on the next street.

No. the players do not know about the storm.

5. 1visit my grandparents on Sat urdays.

6. All of them are at school no w.

c. Underline the adverbs in these sentences and •t h

are-manner, time or place. wr1 e w at type of adverbs they
1. Trisha came home early.

2. Anu is going to her friend's birthd

ay party tomorrow.
3. Shabana has kept the key somewh ere .1n th·1s room.

4. Oshin chopped the vegetables carefully with a knife.

5. Deep went forward to get a better view of the Taj Mahal.

6· This house was built by mY gran dparents many years ago.

D. Circle the subjects and underline the predicates in these sentences.

l. Ritu's pet dog sleeps in her room at night.

2. They are moving to Mumbai next month.

3. Karan and Varun are not brothers.

4. I don't like drinking milk!

5. Our neighbour's car is parked outside our house.

E. Complete these sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in the brackets.
1. Ali and Rubal (play) basketball every weekend.

2. Nick _ _ _ _ _ _ (be) the best bowler in the team.

3. Father _ _ _ _ _ _ (drive) very carefully.

4. Grandma _ _ _ _ _ _ (take) a nap after her afternoon meal.

5. Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars _ _ _ _ _ _ (be) planets.

6. A tiny caterpillar _ _ _ _ _ _ (grow) into a butterfly.

7. Jia and Joyee (clean) their room every day.

8. Ratan always (speak} in a calm voice.

. d th words in brackets in your replies

F. Write a reply to each question. Use will an e ·
.b ?
1. Have you returned the books tot he l 1 rary . (tomorrow)

Sorry, I haven't

2. Has the show begun? (a few minutes)

Not yet but _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

3. When will the train reach Bhopal? (5 o'clock on Saturday)

4. Are you going to invite Nitin? (this evening)

5. Please turn the television off. (after the news)


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