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I Worksheet 1

Listening Cl
A. Listen to this story about how Solomon, the wise king solved a problem.

B. Now, choose the correct option.

1. The phrase that means the same as generous.
a. large-hearted b. open-hearted c. tight-fisted
2. The word that means that same as fragrance.
a. feeling ,,¥aroma c. odor
C. Complete these sentences using the options given
1. The old woman bought _____~ from the bal<er.
a. fresh bread -.g/cal<e c. nothing
2. The problem was with the _ _ __
¥ stealing of bread b. buying of bread c. smelling of bread
D. In less 60 words, describe what l<ing Solomon known for? Does this story
prove the opinion right or wrong?

- Grammar and Words

• direct obJect: receives the action of the verb and answers the questton what? or whom?
about the verb
• indirect obJect comes after the verb; answers the question to whom? or for whom?

E. Identify whether these sentences have only direct objects (DO) or both
direct objects and indirect objects (DO+ 100). Then circle the direct objects
and underline the indirect objects.
1. I sent a ~ to my friend in Mumbai. DO + IDO
2. Maya sang(§j}favourite ~on~s. _po fl Qc)
3. My sister told@ an interesting ggzy. .12_Q ±1 Do
4. Nina bought@ tickets for the play. Cb I: I JJO
5. I need more9to finish this WQJ:k. Qf)_j-JJ]Q
~;t£:.;.:~~~;t,i ♦- $: ~: . . . ,. ,. :~~~~~- .... ,... :~~~~~~~~~~~~~

8 lb t ~--'--- for my youn r

F. Reorde r the second half of those sentences to malcc compl t scmso.

Then tick(✓) the direct obJect ond underlin e the indirect obj ct in them.
Some sentences mily not have both.

l H s nt h r a postcard . (a / her / postcurd / s nt / h )
2 She sho\l d [1 (some / m I photograph /
3 V1dya played ~ 't \,_,I I) . (the/ well/ piano/ very)

4 My neighbo ur watered t ( n (the / m / the I

flowers / garden)
5. The carpenter fiMed J-n e dODY for: u ►,.. • (door I for I the I us)
6 She offere d~ o., o.O of teo . (a I us I of /tea I cup)
7. I gave ber my .t,elePhor)e numbe f(my I number I her I telephone)
8. Vinay bought _green bicyc..le . (bicycle / a/ green)

look at the new words that are formed by adding suffixes to some words.
• mv1te -tion - mv1tat1on
• recite -al recital

G. Read these sentences. Form words using the clues in A, the root words in B
and the suffixes in C. Then comple te the sentences with the correct words.
Check the spellings.

1. houses in the surroundings ·. -sion

2 lhe act of not accepting somethm

3 a group of obJect5 of one type
4. go ahead
s. result of hardwork -ment

1 Nathan iel has a very valuable stamp (.aJ.J.fd'_io.11 . He has been

collecttng stamps since he was ten years old.
2 Both SuraJ and I live m the same
to go on th school tnp
3 My parents have gtven me t
4. It is a big a r }. ,
,- + for him to have won three match s 1n a row

to be the team captam shocked everyone.

5 His ~ , r -5:i.

lelcl these words aloud
•never•od •me • pu , h • a in •
• kl • caM • bn • alon • stro er • d

Not1ce that the sound occurs at the beginning middle or the end of a word nd the n
sound occur5 only m the middle or at the end of a word

H. Now, listen and repeat these phrases. Say the n and ng sounds correctly. Cl
a strong animal a thin ring a nice song
the ki ng's nose a young man the north wi ng

I. Manas is ill. He goes to the doctor. The doctor asks Manas what is wrong
and Manas describes to her how he is feeling. Work in pairs and role-play
the situation.
Use the words and phrases given for help.
feel unwell/ awful/ dizzy/ feverish / tired too sick to ...
too weak/painful to... a runny nose
a sore throat high / slight fever
bitter taste; not feeling hungry very thirsty

When did ...? should/shouldn't...
What did ... ? don't...
Did you ...? ask for ...
How many times... ? take care of...
Do you feel..? You should ...
Let's wait...

l. Read these sentences. Correct them using suitable capital letters, commas
and full stops.
1. ranJJt learned the rhyme went bacl< to h1s teacher and recited 1t
2. jane•s favourite sports are hockey football and cricket She plays football
very well
3. the himalayas are a range of mountains in asia
4. meera said goodbye to her brother put on her coat piclced up her bag and
wall<ed to the parking lot
S. dheeraj draws paints and does embroidery in his
spare time ..
6. inger my pet cat has soft brown fur it loves
cuddling chasing butterflies and sleeping
7. 1es ~eepak,I have returned the books
to the library.
8. after a long vacation shilpa felt lazy to go bacl< to school.

• vwriting.
A paragraph 1s group of sentences that talks about a common idea. A paragraph is made
up of a topic sentence, supporting details and a concluding sentence. The topic sentence
1s a general statement about the main idea of a paragraph. The other sentences give us
details that support the topic sentence.

K. Write a paragraph using these points. Your writing will be more interesting
with some humour in it.

Lunch box Thoughts

111 your lunchtime rounne
* the usual food that you have for lunch
* your favourite food for lunch - give reasons
* any other favourite - just one or two
your feelings before lunch time starts

~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~•~~~~~ Is
L 11ft:
,ntllll..... y
t want to buy somt oranps
with 1uftlbll form•

Nari: Whit does Ben want to buy?

Ben wtn1S to bu SOffll OrlrtlfS,

Father has ~Jtldll'\I the ttt~

U$ullly ht .,.tor I walk after he
tie newsplplt. byaterdly, he---M~~~c
laefow he - tht newspaper.

r..., e, f ,to tne lt""' yesterday,
1he lil:if'MY Yt*

Aqa. Aadya, is your mother a dactorf

She is a veterinarian. Every Sunday, Mt
a, check on the animals.
• ,.., .....oworJcwtthher,.SteEP th the-sh~ter
oo-.r~ 111er C:QYe the animals and
,,_._.. lllldldnes.

~~si1'll welt Do you learn music?

- " just to~ tfme.better.
.1fii1.m•~Lhow~ Sill¥
But yes, I want

·When ls fhe show tt1rdnr,

lttlis ~ to hlV• ll11£N""1M,a
lO minutes qo.
lat looks Uke ft is 1oing t ~f lr,ny time now.
~ Csa llka llle . . . . . a• 11 rd•••••..,..
a,: ud t H.U ..1 11
.., .... . •sn rt tdlas I F
11,1 raf11t1tra:5Rplete . . . N1 tL• ca. Y•
. . . . frru .. ... ... ... ... . ,,., ,... ,

L I hwi t met Alvind only once tw c·ftft'lj•c
2. MIii said tha t she would ..!;:-'~,____-=-----
to see me
the hos pla i
J. h Cftirw ...-. .:.a- ..... ..~~ - with a tfflific aasl'L
4. Th@ book was so old that ,t Ju st- ~- ~., __
_ n my hands Whl l~
I pid led it up
S. Rad hib IS I very unag1natJVe person She always
new idN s.

G. Q 1a1 llle mr 1ec t•e 1n inp oft he. .... ....

,. . . illllt1••••••111ra
§11:me,.,:.•n • I
n..,. J
l •-- --r ae E'I &
~-•-!J............~ - - - - - - - - - < I It.. ~ .., 9
1111111::GI ■I

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