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Thesis working title


B. Research background

According to the 2006 English Curriculum and in addition, the importance of the curriculum is that
students can communicate in English by mastering all skills. However, it is not easy to master all skills.
There are so many difficulties in every skill. And English as a foreign language, the most difficult thing for
students to develop is speaking. Talking about activities used by someone to communicate with others.

Helping one of the main goals of language learning is therefore to transfer some ideas to others clearly
and correctly. In other words, in other words he can communicate his ideas well to others. The problem
arises in students' requests in English. It's better not to have it. If they talk by the teacher to talk, they
just stay quiet.

From the information found through observation, interviews, and questioners, there are methods that
are most widely used by students and are often applied by teachers. This is a group discussion. Group
discussion is one of the best methods for learning to speak in a foreign language. It helps students to
improve their speaking skills. In groups, students will participate in the opportunity to use English among
themselves and practice each other with their friends. Practicing talking with their friends will increase
their confidence in a few words without worrying they say a few wrong words or not. In addition,
studying in groups will increase their mastery of vocabulary.

C. Research questions

 Can group discussion improve the speaking skills of 8th grade students of SMP N 6 MAJENE ?
 How does group discussion improve the speaking skills of 8th grade students of SMP NEGRI 6

D. Research methodlogy

The method used in this research is classroom action research. Gregory, Kemmis and McTaggart (in
Richard, 2000: 12) said that research conducted to test the class conducted by teachers that enhance
teacher understanding of learning and classroom learning, and to bring about changes in classroom
practice. While Bogdan and Biklen (in Burns, 1999: 30)

There are two types of data collected by researchers. The first is quantitative data, and the second is
qualitative data. Quantitative data is interesting in students' conversation scores that they take in both
the pre-test and post-test. Qualitative data about each incident and change that occurs during class
activities. Student behavior, class processes, class activity processes are examples of qualitative data.
E. List of reference

Burns, A. (1999). Colaborative action research for English language teacher. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.

Bygate, M. (1997). Speaking. New York : Oxford University Press Clark, H. & Clark, V. E. (1997).
Psychology and Language. Hartcourt: Hartcourt Bracec Jovanich, Inc.

Kidsvatter, R. (1996). Dynamics of effective teaching. London: Longman Published Ltd. Lewis, M & Hill, J.
(1993). English Language Teaching. London : Heineman. Ornstein, A. C & Lasley, T. J. (2000). Strategies
for Effective Teaching. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Richards, J. C. & Rodgers, T. S. (2001). Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.

Thornbury, S. (2005). How to Teach Speaking. New York: Pearson Education Inc. Ur, P. (1994). Discussion
that work-task-centered fluency practice. London : Cambridge University Press

A. Thesis working title


B. Research background

Listening is a basic skill for different learning processes. This is an active behavior that contrasts with
reading which only accepts sound waves. listening provides the basis for learning in an English course.
This is also different from reading because the activities carried out by students in reading only read and
understand the text. Meanwhile, listening only receives sound. There are three basic steps to listening,
including: listening, understanding and judging. First, the listener hears sound waves. Then they
understand the text and interpret what they have heard.

According to Alice, research shows that listeners receive harsh words and hold them in short-term
memory. Then they try to arrange the picture into its constituents, identifying the content and function
of their goals. Listeners try to remember the idea first to understand listening activities. Then, they
identify the contents of the text and try to write down the answers for the notes.

On the other hands, there are two important processes involved the top-down and bottom-up procces.
Both of them have difference in processing information when the listeners hear the sound. The top-
down means using our prior knowledge and experiences; the listeners know certain things about certain
topics and situations and use that information to understand. Bottom-up processing means using the
information we have about sounds, word meanings, and discourse markers like first, then and after that
to assemble our understanding of what we read or hear one step at a time.

C. Research question

 How is the implementation of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) in teaching

listening to the 8th grade of SMP N 6 Majene?
 . What are the problems and teacher’s efforts to overcome the problems in the using of
Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) in the 8th grade of SMP N 6 Majene?

D. Research methodology

There are three types of research designs such as qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods.
In this research, the writer applied qualitative descriptive as a research design. The writer explored the
phenomena more by describing it.

Qualititive is process of research to discover the facts about the something that has happened.
Qualitative research is also natural approach to interpret something. It means that qualitative research
discussed something that consist of phenomena, making something can be understood, and interpreting
in last process of research. Indeed, qualitative research is research that used collecting data from
sources such as people’s experiences and individual’s life.

E. List of Reference
Febriyanti, H. Rina (2017), “Penggunaan Metode Communicative Language Teaching Dalam
Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris pada Guru Tutor di Bimbingan Belajar”. Faktor Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan Vol.
4 No. 3, Hal 319-328
Chen, W. (2015). A case study of action research on communicative language teaching. Journal of
Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 18(6), 705-717.
Jeyasala, V. R. (2014). A prelude to practice: Interactive activities for effective communication in English.
Alternative pedagogies in the English language & communication classroom, 164-170.
Setyawan, E. (2017). Using Realia In Speaking Class. Karya Ilmiah Mahasiswa Progdi Pendidikan Bahasa
Inggris FKIP, 3(1).
Moleong, L. J. (2017). Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif (Edisi Revisi). In PT. Remaja Rosda Karya.

Sukardi. Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan. Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara. 2017.

A. Thesis working title



B. Research background
English is the language most widely used in many countries. So, it has become an international language that
is accepted in many fields. That is why people learn English and try to keep up with global developments in
science and technology. In facing global developments, Indonesians need to learn English, especially for
students in schools who have English learning assignments so they are ready to face the challenges of the
times. Schools as formal educators produce students who can speak English well.

In the Indonesian language curriculum there are four main skills that must be learned in the teaching and
learning process of English. Some listened, spoke, read and wrote. However, in this research, the focus is on
discussions about speaking skills as activities to improve speaking skills, or activities for reporting actions, or
activities with the right words or ability to communicate or change the order of ideas quickly.

Based on what is happening, it also applies to students with disabilities, those who have physical, mental,
intellectual or sensory limitations for a long time related to the environment and the motivation of their
community can use the protection needed to fully and effectively support it. based on the same rights,
according to Law Number 19 of 2011 concerning Ratification of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Therefore, in general, everyone can feel the same weirdness of talking to someone or talking to them.

C. Research Question

 What issues have been raised by previous studies of factors that influence the
improvement of speaking English with students with disabilities?
 How is the effectiveness of these factors in influencing students' speaking skills?

D. Research methodology

This study used a qualitative design. Qualitative design itself has an understanding from
various viewpoints of experts, including according to (Moleong, 2005) , a qualitative research
method is a research that intends to understand the phenomena experienced by research
subjects. For example behavior, perception, motivation, action, etc., holistically, and by way of
description in the form of words and language, in a special natural context and by utilizing
various natural methods.
Meanwhile, according to (Sugiyono, 2009) , qualitative research methods are research
used to investigate, discover, describe, and explain the quality or features of social influence
that cannot be explained, measured or illustrated through a quantitative approach.
Based on the research objective, which is to analyze what factors influence the
improvement in speaking English of students with disabilities, therefore we use a qualitative
design according to the characteristics of this design itself that is only doing a text description
to get a research result.
E. List of Reference
Abd El Fattah Torky, S. (2006). The Effectiveness of a Task- Based Instruction Program in
Developing the English Language Speaking Skills of Secondary Stage Students. Ph.D.
Dissertation. Curricula and Methods of Teaching Department, Women’s College, Ain Shams

Asher, J. J. (2003). Learning Another Language through Actions (6th edition). Los Gatos, CA: Sky
Oaks Productions, Inc.

Bachman, L., & Palmer, A. S. (1996). Language Testing in Practice. Oxford: Oxford University

Baker, J., & Westrup, H. (2003). Essential Speaking Skills: A Handbook for English Language
Teachers. London: Continuum.

Bashir, M., Azeem, M., & Dogar, A. H. (2011). Factor Effecting Students’ English Speaking Skills.
British Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 2(1), 34-50.

Boonkit, K. (2010). Enhancing the Development of Speaking Skills for Non-Native Speakers of
English. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2(2010), 1305–1309.

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