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A beginner’s guide to archery

Whether you’re inspired by childhood games or Game of Thrones, archery is worth a shot.

Source: (adapted from) The Guardian. Saturday 13 September 2014

The centre of the target is exactly the same size as a man’s head, Marcus Allen tells me. One of the
teachers for my four-session basic training course, Marcus is a mild-mannered university lecturer
during the week but, at the weekends, he likes to play at being a potentially lethal marksman. I
wouldn’t like to cross him.

Marcus is one of a small, dedicated archery group called The Plumpton Bowmen, who meet at least
once a week throughout the year. The sport itself, while not being the most athletic, has a charm and
an exquisite ritual all of itself.

After a few rounds, I begin to settle into a calm, almost meditative process of self-awareness to check
that my body is in position for the shot. I stand sideways to the target, relax my shoulders, fit the
arrow on to the bow and then raise it.

What I feel, in those moments of lining up a shot, is an absolute focus on the here and now. It’s a
complete release from the rest of the world. And when everything is together, I let go, my hand pulling
back to rest on my shoulder after the shot. The satisfying thud of the arrow as it lands on target – on
the bullseye even – is like nothing else.

Focus on vocabulary

worth a shot If something is worth a shot, it is worth trying as there is some chance of
mild-mannered gentle and kind
marksman a person skilled in shooting, especially with a pistol or rifle.
to cross (someone) go against someone, insult someone
throughout the during all of a period of time or an event
round a game or a series of games in a competition or a drink for each of the people in
a group.
check to make certain that something or someone is correct, safe, or suitable by
examining it or them quickly.
sideways with one side facing forward
thud a low sound made by something heavy falling or hitting something
bullseye the center of a target in sports such as archery, shooting, and darts.


1. How big is the bullseye?

2. How many times do the archery group meet a year?
3. What is the writer’s sensation when practicing archery?

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