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ISE I- Factual writing ( word length range 110-130

Write an article for a travel magazine with the title “ The
top three tourist attractions in my area”. Describe three
places in your area that tourists must visit and give rasons
for your choices. Say how long they need to spend in each

DISCOVER AND ENJOY The Arab Baths you can visit them
with a tourist guide and you will
JAEN ! need a day if you buy the tickets
on time. Moreover, this place is near
Do you want to spend your the Cathedral and you can walk
holidays in one of the finest places around both.
in the world?. Come to jaen !

Cazorla, it is an awesome national

I recommend three places that you park to visit with your friends. You
should visit. The first place is The can hire a rural house or a
Castle on the top of Jaen, the comfortable hotel. You will need at
second place is The Arab Baths least five
and the third place is Cazorla. days .

The Castle is a beautiful place to

spending a romantic weekend.

Name: Maria del mar

Moreno Fernández

Words : 128

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