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Dear Diary, 22nd May 2015

This morning I have been teaching in the school, suddenly, my boss came into my class and
said to me that I had worked hard and I deserved to rest an hour.

When I went out I saw my favourite sportive man world, Nadal. If someone had told me that
five minutes before I wouldn’t believed it. What are you doing here? I said. I felt frozen and
nervous. I didn’t want to cry because It would have been embarrassing. I would have liked to
be with him all day.

We have talked for two hours. He told me that this surprise had been planned by my friends
and he gave me his latest award. I must have been very excited and I said stupids things like I
have been watching Tv to him since 2005 and that I wanted to be his friend.

This meeting has made me remember when I was a teenager and all wishes which I believed
and I wanted in my future. Currently, I see everything so differently to what I> had imagined
about Nadal. Therefore, to be with Nada made me think in the present and enjoy my life just
it is .

Write soon.

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