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Binged watching the Korean Netflix drama while shoushui. I shou shui until 4pm, ops,sorry my

Happy CNY day! Been stay at accommodation today, the food shop outside will be reopened
tomorrow. Wont be like the pity cat searching for food down on the road.

Listening to the song of Jamie Miler. Not Jamie Oliver, is Jamie Miler. Jamie walk one more mile lol.

His song beats is kinda nice,ohya forgot to mention , the song is called I lost Myself when loving you.

So, what I did today, only develop a database in excel form and pass to Adel. Still not sure yet
whether I want to include year and events or not.

Well, speaking of writing skill. I borrowed a book to hone writing skill. So, lets try it out!

Chapter 4 仿写

Having a baking shop is my childhood dream. The dream come closer to the reality with a mission.
This is a business to sell happiness.

And this dream still have its own vulnerability. I will have more resourceful way to do it. Learn from a
master chef is not easy as I do not have a culinary certification. This is the first difficult point.

But I think can learn myself and buy the cheap learning material from Taobao first.(disapproving


I did breakdown for multiple times in the past 2 days due to the issues in childhood. The verbal
abuse is still happening in my past visit in Johor’s house.

So, I did contact mother and sister, brought up these issues. Mother still naïve about this. Sister still
bochak about this.

I just have this kind of symptom after practising English speaking for about 30 mins. This really
trigger my uncomfortable area, which I haven’t tried it out.

And, eventually, I self-declared that I am a brave and independent girl but less confident when doing
something uncertain or facing something uncomfortable. And this year, I gave myself the
opportunity to transform my courage and wisdom into a specific plan.

And the plan isn’t easy for me to start this month. I just worked on the weakest part on it, which is
the verbal abuse from sister, which shakenning my confidence.

And thinking from another way, it can be settled easily, this is her problem, not my problem. My
problem now is solvable,which is hopeful.

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