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Output #7 – Values

A. Not very satisfied because of the online class as I was lazy back in elementary
I feel like I am much lazier. I rate it 6/10
B. Emotionally I am worried I might fail this year I rate it 4.5/10
C. Physically nothing changed 8/10
Because being online has distraction and I’m easily distracted So I wish for new
normal and go Face-to-face and try improving again.

2. I have getting friends with others I talk to them when we were grouped and
seems like we have same choice of things to watch and play

3. The significant experience I had is when my teacher made me a group leader

for the first time then I noticed that I got motivated for my groupmates and
cooperate with them I don’t want others to fail because of me.

4. I tried doing my best then suddenly I got fever and become crammed and I loss
my hope so now I’ll try starting fresh.

5. Leaders of groups making us work together and end up really well

6. I made a goal to start again and start small so I do what I can
7. I listen and pay as close as I can and tried remembering all of the lessons within
the quarter.

8. Reminding us and tried messaging our parents.

9. Recap on the other day after the day it is tasked for it to not be forgotten.
10. I look forward on myself getting worked up and getting better in academic

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