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Aaron Celcis

This isn’t a new years resolution type of goal, when you just stop doing it like a month into your

goal. This is my active 3 goals for this year/ semester One of my goals is to maintain a 3.0 gpa

for my classes this semester. I use to have this goal in highschool too, but I could never do it to

the fullest I always would get a 2.8 or 2.9 but now I have to put my all in it and get this 3.0. My

second goal is to attend all my classes this semester and do all the work for each class as well.

In high school, this was never a problem for me. I never was really late for class and at home I

always did my work because I knew if I did it; I could have some more room on the test or quiz

to mess up. My last goal is to get some playing time on the basketball team this upcoming

season. For this goal I just have to work hard and be determined and this goal is very

completable. To accomplish my goals,I need to recognize my strengths and weaknesses in

school. Not just recognized them but work on my weakness but strive at what I do best. For my

first goal I need to get better at my time management skills and better my study skills to

accomplish this goal. I also need to establish a good sleeping time and carve out some good

study times and homework times to stay on top of my work. This isn’t too challenging right now

because practice isn’t 3 hours everyday and I tried to start off by setting good times early on in

the year. I started off my planning my days out and having a written agenda and everytimeI do

something on it, I check it off to know I did that and not to worry about it anymore. Things that

are on my agenda are things such as my homework assignments, what time practice is, and

what time I should start and finish homework and study to go to bed at a decent time. This rarely

ever happens perfectly but I am trying my best to follow my agenda. This is helping a lot to stay

organized and I don't have to try and remember my assignments and stuff I have to do, I just

write it down and now I just have to remember to look at the paper. Instead of trying to
remember more stuff then I have too. My second goal is to attend all my classes and do all the

work for my classes as well. This ties in with my first goal well too. I just have to add a note for

alarm times and I already have study times planned out. But other things I can do is set my

alarm to the highest volume, and also to have multiple alarms go off instead of just one. Also

can talk to my teachers and if I know I might not make a deadline ask for extensions for my work

as well. This is good to make a relationship with your teachers too because if you start to

struggle; it makes it easier to go talk to them as well. Better for things in the long run. My last

goal is getting some playing time on the basketball time. This goal is something that is important

to me. It is very achievable for me and I just have to stay focused, work hard, and stay

determined and I can do it. In practice, I just have to pay attention and be listening to coach. I

have to be a man of small details and doing anything coaches asks of me. I can’t be mad when

I don’t play in a game, I just got to keep my head up and push to a better day. In the past I used

to let my weakness be an excuse to why I didn’t get a good grade. I want my weakness to

become stronger and my strengths to become even stronger. There is always room for growth

and improvement in your life. I look back on my past experiences and I don't have to make the

same mistakes as I did when I was in high school. I want to grow and make my parents proud

and the people I love proud. That I got to keep growing and getting better because I am scared

to fail. That I can’t fail, so I have to stay focus start and building a good base to stand on. It is

going to have its ups and downs but if I keep my mind on the right stuff I will push through and

be successful . I am looking forward to seeing what the rest of the year has instore for me.

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