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Vision Board Project

Social Work


Vision Board

Every human being comes with a purpose. Our purpose is derived from our thrust to
success. For many people success is having huge money in pocket but for me success is
inner peace. Inner peace comes when people are happy with you. So my purpose and my
aim of life is to be a social worker, a volunteer and a helping hand for my community.

My vision board project is also themed on basis of my social work objective. Vision
board adds more energy in my thrust to success because visual impressions are catchier
and appeal to heart. I believe social work is not only limited to charity, it has a scope
beyond to this myth.
In section 01 of the project, I download pictures which are related to my area of interest.
These pictures are my energy to go beyond the materialistic approach in the society. I
sorted the more relevant pictures and make a collage for my vision board project which is
pasted at start.

Discussion of Project
Step 1)

Concept of social work came in my mind on earlier age when I saw a group of people
collecting donations and blood for needy patients of a nearby hospital. They were doing it
with too much dedication and it inspired me a lot. I started doing social work in my
capacity like helping old people in their groceries, sharing lunch boxes with poor people
and join a community welfare group.

During creation of this project, I come across the next level of doing social work by
looking at the activities of social workers and NGO’s. Social work is a helping calling
which on a very basic level and drastically plans to help the people, gatherings and
network to adapt to their complex financial mental issues through empowering
themselves with the goal that they can tackle their concern by helping themselves.

Ability and expert improvement takes on numerous structures. They can go from
homeroom based courses to charitable effort. It will be useful to take a gander at the
patterns in your social work claim to fame to get a feeling of what degrees and
confirmations are required for you to thrive. There are social workers who work with
general wellbeing offices who have thought that it was gainful to come back to class for a
general wellbeing degree. Other social workers who work in the not-for-profit field have
gotten accreditations in charitable administration. Social workers who work in
educational systems regularly come back to class to enter doctoral projects in instructive
approach. Inspiring thing which I learn from the activity is that social work is a selfless
job. Social workers get happy by helping others so their happiness is ultimately social
worker happiness.

Step 2)

Point I learn from studying some great social workers is that purpose of our life should be
far greater than serving our own souls. Great people have a cause in their lives that how
other people can get benefits from their expertise, education, health and mind. A big
difference between a human and animal is mind. Man achieves a lot by using his mind
which animals can’t achieve. My future direction is clearer now, I will follow the
footsteps of some great social workers whose social work give impact on other lives. I
plan to expand community service by setting up a digital record of needy people, their
sort of need and list of donors who will help us to run the community services.

Vision board activity is a helpful and motivating tool to pursue my future goal. It is an
excellent tool which gives me focus on my aim. Series of photos click on my mind every
time and give me passion to achieve my goal. I discuss it with other community members
so that they also use this tool to keep themselves motivated for community welfare.
Social work is a lifelong process which means that we cannot say that our goal is
achieved. However more we do more we are satisfied with ourselves. By using vision
board tool, I plan things with diversification and do not limit myself just for collecting
donations. I plan to expand the activity, for this I contact with other communities in the
town so that collectively we can help more people.

Step 3)

When I start the activity, I take it as a routine project. Surprisingly after completion it
boosts my energy. I was surprised during the project to see the diversification in social
work. Great leaders make great speeches on effectiveness of social work. It emphasis is
on the collective responsibility of the society to take care of people with less fortune. This
activity taught me that governments let alone cannot do the job unless people join them in
social cause.

Each person accompanies a reason. Our motivation is gotten from our push to progress.
For some individuals achievement is having tremendous cash in pocket yet for me
achievement is inward harmony. Internal harmony comes when individuals are content
with you. So my motivation and my point of life is to be a social worker, a volunteer and
some assistance for my locale. My vision board task is additionally themed on premise
of my social work objective. Vision board includes more vitality in my push to progress
in light of the fact that visual impressions are catchier and request to heart. I accept social
work isn't just restricted to philanthropy, it has a degree past to this legend.

It is really enjoyable experience of doing a project which is related to your area of

passion. I did this project whole heartedly and with full dedication. Making vision board
by collecting suitable items is great idea to achieve our goals. It make my direction
focused and to the point that how to pursue for my dream. With help of this activity, I did
a SWOT analysis of myself. It will definitely help to overcome weakness or lost
opportunities which will result in professional way of doing my tasks in future.

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