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1. Alt +f File menu in current program

2. Alt +e Edit option in current program
3. F1 Universal help in almost every window
4. Ctr +A Select all text
5. Ctrl +x Cut
6. Shift +del Cut selected item
7. Ctrl +c Copy selected item
8. Ctrl+ ins Copy selected item
9. Ctrl +v Paste selected item
10. Shift +ins Paste selected item
11. Home Go to the beginning of each line
12. End document
13. Ctrl +end Going to the end of the current line or document
14. Shift +home Highlight from a current position to the end of line
15. Ctrl + left arrow Move one word to the left at time
16. Ctrl +right arrow Moves one word to the right at time
17. Ctrl +B Bold highlighted selection
18. Ctrl +P Open the print window
19. Ctrl +F Open find box
20. Ctrl +I Italicizes a highlighted selection
21. Ctrl +K Insert links
22. Ctrl +U Underlines highlighted selection
23. Ctrl +Y Redo the lost action performed
24. Ctrl +Z Undo the lost action
25. Ctrl +L Align the line or select text to the left of screen
26. Ctrl +E Align the line to the left of the screen
27. Ctrl +R Align the line to the right
28. Ctrl +M Indent the paragraph
29. Ctrl + shift +F Change the font
30. Ctrl + shift +> Increase the selected font from 1 point to 12 point
31. Ctrl +[ Decrease the selected font – 1 point
32. Ctrl+ shift +x View or hide your printing characters
33. Ctrl +< Move one word to the left
34. Ctrl + Move to the beginning of line or paragraph
35. Ctrl +del Delete a word to the right of the cursor
36. Ctrl +backspace Delete word to the left of the cursor
37. Ctrl +home Move the cursor to the beginning of the documents
38. Control+ space bar Resets highlighted text to the default font
39. Control +1 Single space line
40. Control +2 Double space line
41. Ctrl +5 5 line spacing
42. Ctrl +alt + 2 Changes the text to the heading 2
43. Alt + shift +D Inserting the current date
44. Alt + shift + T Inserting the current time
45. F1 Display help
46. F2 Rename the selected item
47. F5 Update the update window
48. F10 Activate the member in active program
49. F3 Search for file or folder
50. Window +D Displays desktop
51. Ctrl +shift +1 Changes the text to the heading 1
52. Window +M Minimize the window
53. Window +E Opening the computer
54. Window +F Search for file or folder
55. Window +L Lock the key board
56. Window + R Open the run dialog box
57. Window + U Open the utility manager
58. Window + M + shift Restore minimized window
59. Alt + enter View properties of selected item
60. Alt + space bar Open short cut menu for active window
61. Alt + O Display the favorite menu
62. Alt + V Display view menu
63. Alt +F Display the file menu
64. Alt + home Display the start menu
65. Alt + Delete Display the window menu
66. Page up key Move up one screen at time
67. Page down key Move to the beginning of the line
68. Shift + Delete Delete selected item permanently at time
69 Shift +F3 capilization

repared and organized by NSHIMIYE EMMY ASTON. LOVE U SO MUTCH

Keep it well.

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